28 lines
732 B
28 lines
732 B
*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
*** Variables ***
${browser} chrome
${url} https://demo.nopcommerce.com/
*** Test Cases ***
open browser ${url} ${browser}
maximize browser window
# komtrola viditelnosti titulku
title should be nopCommerce demo store
click link xpath://a[@class="ico-login"]
${"email_txt"} set variable id:Email
# zadaný email je vidět
element should be visible ${"email_txt"}
# email je povolený
element should be enabled ${"email_txt"}
# vyplníme proměnou email
input text ${"email_txt"} superborec@gmail.com
# počkáme 5 sekund
sleep 5
# vymažeme email
clear element text ${"email_txt"}
sleep 3
close browser
*** Keywords ***