2023-10-15 21:56:06 +02:00
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/* Status text colors -- !important allows using them in links */
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font-weight: bold;
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.label.debug, .label.trace, .label.error, .label.keyword {
letter-spacing: 0;
.label.pass, .label.fail, .label.error, .label.skip, .label.warn {
font-weight: bold;
.label.pass {
background-color: #97bd61;
color: #000 !important;
.label.fail, .label.error {
background-color: #ce3e01;
color: #fff !important;
.label.skip, .label.warn {
background-color: #fed84f;
color: #000 !important;
/* Top right header */
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top: 0;
right: 0;
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width: 12em;
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background: #ddd;
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font-size: 0.9em;
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margin-top: 0.05em;
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margin-left: 0.2em;
/* Statistics graph */
.graph, .empty-graph {
border: 1px solid #ccc;
width: auto;
height: 7px;
padding: 0;
background: #aaa;
.empty-graph {
background: #eee;
.pass-bar, .fail-bar, .skip-bar {
float: left;
height: 100%;
.fail-bar {
background: #ce3e01;
.pass-bar {
background: #97bd61;
.skip-bar {
background: #fed84f;
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/* Icons are from Open Iconic < https: / / useiconic . com / open / > .
Licensed under the MIT License. */
/* Containers */
.suite, .test, #errors {
border: 1px solid #ccc;
padding: 0.3em 0.2em;
margin: 0.2em 0;
.test {
border-style: dashed;
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/* Messages and errors */
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font-family: monospace;
font-size: 1.1em;
#errors .message {
font-family: monospace;
font-size: 1.2em;
.message-row {
height: 20px;
.time {
width: 7.5em;
.error-time {
width: 11em;
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.level {
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.select-message:hover div {
background-color: #ccc;
cursor: pointer;
/* Message tables - these MUST NOT be combined together because otherwise
dynamically altering them based on visible log level is not possible. */
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display: table;
.debug-message {
display: table;
/* Metadata */
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var LEVELS = {TRACE: 0, DEBUG: 1, INFO: 2, WARN: 3, FAIL: 4, NONE: 5};
function toggleSuite(suiteId) {
toggleElement(suiteId, ['keyword', 'suite', 'test']);
function toggleTest(testId) {
toggleElement(testId, ['keyword']);
var test = window.testdata.findLoaded(testId);
if (test.status == "FAIL" || test.status == "SKIP")
function toggleKeyword(kwId) {
toggleElement(kwId, ['keyword']);
function toggleElement(elementId, childrenNames) {
var element = $('#' + elementId);
var children = element.children('.children');
children.toggle(100, '', function () {
populateChildren(elementId, children, childrenNames);
function populateChildren(elementId, childElement, childrenNames) {
if (!childElement.hasClass('populated')) {
var element = window.testdata.findLoaded(elementId);
var callback = drawCallback(element, childElement, childrenNames);
function drawCallback(element, childElement, childrenNames) {
return function () {
util.map(childrenNames, function (childName) {
var children = element[childName + 's']();
util.map(children, function (child) {
$.tmpl(child.template, child).appendTo(childElement);
function expandSuite(suite) {
if (suite.status == "FAIL")
function expandElement(item, retryCount) {
retryCount = typeof retryCount !== 'undefined' ? retryCount : 3;
var element = $('#' + item.id);
var children = element.children('.children');
// .css is faster than .show and .show w/ callback is terribly slow
children.css({'display': 'block'});
// in rare cases on large logs concurrent expanding fails => retry
if (children.css('display') != 'block' & & retryCount > 0) {
console.debug('expandElement '+item.id+' failed! planning retry...');
setTimeout(function() { expandElement(item, retryCount-1); }, 0);
populateChildren(item.id, children, item.childrenNames);
function expandElementWithId(elementid) {
function expandElementsWithIds(ids) {
util.map(ids, expandElementWithId);
function loadAndExpandElementIds(ids) {
for (var i in ids) {
window.testdata.ensureLoaded(ids[i], expandElementsWithIds);
function expandFailed(element) {
if (element.status == "FAIL" || (element.type == "test" & & element.status == "SKIP")) {
window.elementsToExpand = [element];
window.expandDecider = function (e) {
return e.status == "FAIL";
function expandAll(elementId) {
window.elementsToExpand = [window.testdata.findLoaded(elementId)];
window.expandDecider = function () { return true; };
function expandRecursively() {
if (!window.elementsToExpand.length)
var element = window.elementsToExpand.pop();
if (!element || elementHiddenByUser(element.id)) {
window.elementsToExpand = [];
element.callWhenChildrenReady(function () {
var children = element.children();
for (var i = children.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
var child = children[i];
if (child.type != 'message' & & window.expandDecider(child))
if (window.elementsToExpand.length)
setTimeout(expandRecursively, 0);
function elementHiddenByUser(id) {
var element = $('#' + id);
return !element.is(":visible");
function collapseAll(id) {
var element = $('#' + id);
element.find('.children').css({'display': 'none'});
function logLevelSelected(level) {
var anchors = getViewAnchorElements();
function getViewAnchorElements() {
var elem1 = $(document.elementFromPoint(100, 0));
var elem2 = $(document.elementFromPoint(100, 20));
return [elem1, elem2];
function scrollToShortestVisibleAnchorElement(anchors) {
anchors = util.map(anchors, closestVisibleParent);
var shortest = anchors[0];
for (var i = 1; i < anchors.length ; i + + )
if (shortest.height() > anchors[i].height())
shortest = anchors[i];
function setMessageVisibility(level) {
level = parseInt(level);
changeClassDisplay(".trace-message", level < = LEVELS.TRACE);
changeClassDisplay(".debug-message", level < = LEVELS.DEBUG);
changeClassDisplay(".info-message", level < = LEVELS.INFO);
function closestVisibleParent(elem) {
while (!elem.is(":visible"))
elem = elem.parent();
return elem;
function changeClassDisplay(clazz, visible) {
var styles = document.styleSheets;
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var rules = getRules(styles[i]);
if (rules === null)
for (var j = 0; j < rules.length ; j + + )
if (rules[j].selectorText === clazz)
rules[j].style.display = visible ? "table" : "none";
function getRules(style) {
// With Chrome external CSS files seem to have only null roles and with
// Firefox accessing rules can result to security error.
// Neither of these are a problem on with generated logs.
try {
return style.cssRules || style.rules;
} catch (e) {
return null;
function selectMessage(parentId) {
var element = $('#' + parentId).find('.message').get(0);
function selectText(element) {
// Based on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/985272
var range, selection;
if (document.body.createTextRange) { // IE 8
range = document.body.createTextRange();
} else if (window.getSelection) { // Others
selection = window.getSelection();
range = document.createRange();
function LogLevelController(minLevel, defaultLevel) {
minLevel = LEVELS[minLevel];
defaultLevel = LEVELS[defaultLevel];
function showLogLevelSelector() {
return minLevel < LEVELS.INFO ;
function defaultLogLevel() {
if (minLevel > defaultLevel)
return minLevel;
return defaultLevel;
function showTrace() {
return minLevel == LEVELS.TRACE;
return {
showLogLevelSelector: showLogLevelSelector,
defaultLogLevel: defaultLogLevel,
showTrace: showTrace
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* http://jquery.org/license
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Copyright 2008-2013
Matthias Ehmann,
Michael Gerhaeuser,
Carsten Miller,
Bianca Valentin,
Alfred Wassermann,
Peter Wilfahrt
Dual licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0, or LGPL Version 3 licenses.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with JSXCompressor. If not, see < http: / / www . gnu . org / licenses / > .
You should have received a copy of the Apache License along with JSXCompressor.
If not, see < http: / / www . apache . org / licenses / > .
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window.fileLoading = (function () {
var fileLoadingCallbacks = {};
var timestamp = new Date().getTime();
function loadKeywordsFile(filename, callback) {
fileLoadingCallbacks[filename] = callback;
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
// timestamp as an argument to prevent browsers from caching scripts
// see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/866619/how-to-force-ie-to-reload-javascript
script.src = filename+'?time='+timestamp;
function getCallbackHandlerForKeywords(parent) {
var callableList = [];
return function (callable) {
if (!parent.isChildrenLoaded) {
if (callableList.length == 1) {
loadKeywordsFile(parent.childFileName, function () {
parent.isChildrenLoaded = true;
for (var i = 0; i < callableList.length ; i + + ) {
} else {
function notifyFileLoaded(filename) {
return {
getCallbackHandlerForKeywords: getCallbackHandlerForKeywords,
notify: notifyFileLoaded
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window.model = (function () {
function Suite(data) {
var suite = createModelObject(data);
suite.source = data.source;
suite.relativeSource = data.relativeSource;
suite.fullName = data.parent ? data.parent.fullName + '.' + data.name : data.name;
suite.type = 'suite';
suite.template = 'suiteTemplate';
setStats(suite, data.statistics);
suite.metadata = data.metadata;
suite.populateKeywords = createIterablePopulator('Keyword');
suite.populateTests = createIterablePopulator('Test');
suite.populateSuites = createIterablePopulator('Suite');
suite.childrenNames = ['keyword', 'suite', 'test'];
suite.callWhenChildrenReady = function (callable) { callable(); };
suite.message = data.message;
suite.children = function () {
return suite.keywords().concat(suite.tests()).concat(suite.suites());
suite.searchTests = function (predicate) {
var tests = [];
var suites = this.suites();
for (var i in suites)
tests = tests.concat(suites[i].searchTests(predicate));
return tests.concat(util.filter(this.tests(), predicate));
suite.searchTestsInSuite = function (pattern, matcher) {
if (!matcher)
matcher = util.Matcher(pattern);
if (matcher.matchesAny([suite.fullName, suite.name]))
return suite.allTests();
var tests = [];
var suites = this.suites();
for (var i in suites)
tests = tests.concat(suites[i].searchTestsInSuite(pattern, matcher));
return tests;
suite.searchTestsByTag = function (tag) {
return suite.searchTests(function (test) {
if (tag.combined)
return containsTagPattern(test.tags, tag.combined);
return containsTag(test.tags, tag.label);
suite.findSuiteByName = function (name) {
return findSuiteByName(suite, name);
suite.allTests = function () {
return suite.searchTests(function (test) {
return true;
return suite;
function containsTag(testTags, tagname) {
testTags = util.map(testTags, util.normalize);
return util.contains(testTags, util.normalize(tagname));
function containsTagPattern(testTags, pattern) {
var patterns;
if (pattern.indexOf('NOT') != -1) {
patterns = pattern.split('NOT');
if (!util.normalize(patterns[0]))
return util.all(util.map(patterns.slice(1), function (p) {
return !containsTagPattern(testTags, p);
return containsTagPattern(testTags, patterns[0]) & &
util.all(util.map(patterns.slice(1), function (p) {
return !containsTagPattern(testTags, p);
if (pattern.indexOf('OR') != -1) {
patterns = pattern.split('OR');
return util.any(util.map(patterns, function (p) {
return containsTagPattern(testTags, p);
if (pattern.indexOf('AND') != -1) {
patterns = pattern.split('AND');
return util.all(util.map(patterns, function (p) {
return containsTagPattern(testTags, p);
return util.Matcher(pattern).matchesAny(testTags);
function findSuiteByName(suite, name) {
if (suite.fullName == name)
return suite;
var subSuites = suite.suites();
for (var i in subSuites) {
var match = findSuiteByName(subSuites[i], name);
if (match)
return match;
return null;
function setStats(suite, stats) {
for (var name in stats) {
suite[name] = stats[name];
function createModelObject(data) {
return {
name: data.name,
doc: data.doc,
status: data.status,
times: data.times,
id: data.parent ? data.parent.id + '-' + data.id : data.id
function Test(data) {
var test = createModelObject(data);
test.type = 'test';
test.template = 'testTemplate';
test.fullName = data.parent.fullName + '.' + test.name;
test.formatParentName = function () { return util.formatParentName(test); };
test.timeout = data.timeout;
test.populateKeywords = createIterablePopulator('Keyword');
test.childrenNames = ['keyword'];
test.isChildrenLoaded = data.isChildrenLoaded;
test.callWhenChildrenReady = window.fileLoading.getCallbackHandlerForKeywords(test);
test.children = function () {
if (test.isChildrenLoaded)
return test.keywords();
test.tags = data.tags;
test.message = data.message;
test.matchesTagPattern = function (pattern) {
return containsTagPattern(test.tags, pattern);
test.matchesNamePattern = function (pattern) {
return util.Matcher(pattern).matchesAny([test.name, test.fullName]);
return test;
function Keyword(data) {
var kw = createModelObject(data);
var flatTypes = ['RETURN', 'BREAK', 'CONTINUE'];
kw.libname = data.libname;
kw.fullName = (kw.libname ? kw.libname + '.' : '') + kw.name;
kw.type = data.type;
kw.template = 'keywordTemplate';
kw.arguments = data.args;
kw.assign = data.assign + (data.assign ? ' =' : '');
kw.tags = data.tags;
kw.timeout = data.timeout;
kw.populateKeywords = createIterablePopulator('Keyword');
kw.childrenNames = ['keyword'];
kw.isChildrenLoaded = data.isChildrenLoaded;
kw.callWhenChildrenReady = window.fileLoading.getCallbackHandlerForKeywords(kw);
kw.children = function () {
if (kw.isChildrenLoaded)
return kw.keywords();
return kw;
function Message(level, date, text, link) {
var message = {
type: 'message',
template: 'messageTemplate',
level: level,
time: util.timeFromDate(date),
date: util.dateFromDate(date),
text: text,
link: link
message.callWhenChildrenReady = function (callable) { callable(); };
return message;
function Times(timedata) {
var start = timedata[0];
var end = timedata[1];
var elapsed = timedata[2];
return {
elapsedMillis: elapsed,
elapsedTime: util.formatElapsed(elapsed),
startTime: util.dateTimeFromDate(start),
endTime: util.dateTimeFromDate(end)
function createIterablePopulator(name) {
return function (populator) {
populateIterable(this, name, populator);
function populateIterable(obj, name, populator) {
name = name.toLowerCase() + 's';
obj[name] = createGetAllFunction(populator.numberOfItems, populator.creator);
function createGetAllFunction(numberOfElements, creator) {
var cached = null;
return function () {
if (cached === null) {
cached = [];
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfElements ( ) ; i + + ) {
return cached;
return {
Suite: Suite,
Test: Test,
Keyword: Keyword,
Message: Message,
Times: Times,
containsTag: containsTag, // Exposed for tests
containsTagPattern: containsTagPattern // Exposed for tests
window.stats = (function () {
function Statistics(totalElems, tagElems, suiteElems) {
return {total: util.map(totalElems, totalStatElem),
tag: util.map(tagElems, tagStatElem),
suite: util.map(suiteElems, suiteStatElem)};
function statElem(stat) {
stat.total = stat.pass + stat.fail + stat.skip;
var percents = calculatePercents(stat.total, stat.pass, stat.fail, stat.skip);
stat.passPercent = percents[0];
stat.skipPercent = percents[1];
stat.failPercent = percents[2];
var widths = calculateWidths(stat.passPercent, stat.skipPercent, stat.failPercent);
stat.passWidth = widths[0];
stat.skipWidth = widths[1];
stat.failWidth = widths[2];
return stat;
function totalStatElem(data) {
var stat = statElem(data);
stat.type = 'all';
return stat;
function tagStatElem(data) {
var stat = statElem(data);
stat.links = parseLinks(stat.links);
return stat;
function suiteStatElem(data) {
var stat = statElem(data);
stat.fullName = stat.label;
stat.formatParentName = function () { return util.formatParentName(stat); };
return stat;
function parseLinks(linksData) {
if (!linksData)
return [];
return util.map(linksData.split(':::'), function (link) {
var index = link.indexOf(':');
return {title: link.slice(0, index), url: link.slice(index+1)};
function calculatePercents(total, passed, failed, skipped) {
if (total == 0) {
return [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
var pass = 100.0 * passed / total;
var skip = 100.0 * skipped / total;
var fail = 100.0 * failed / total;
if (pass > 0 & & pass < 0.1 )
pass = 0.1
if (fail > 0 & & fail < 0.1 )
fail = 0.1
if (skip > 0 & & skip < 0.1 )
skip = 0.1
if (pass > 99.95 & & pass < 100 )
pass = 99.9
if (fail > 99.95 & & fail < 100 )
fail = 99.9
if (skip > 99.95 & & skip < 100 )
skip = 99.9
return [Math.round(pass*10)/10, Math.round(skip*10)/10, Math.round(fail*10)/10];
function calculateWidths(num1, num2, num3) {
if (num1 + num2 + num3 === 0)
return [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
// Make small percentages better visible
if (num1 > 0 & & num1 < 1 )
num1 = 1
if (num2 > 0 & & num2 < 1 )
num2 = 1
if (num3 > 0 & & num3 < 1 )
num3 = 1
// Handle situation where some are rounded up
while (num1 + num2 + num3 > 100) {
if (num1 > num2 & & num1 > num3)
num1 -= 0.1;
else if (num2 > num1 & & num2 > num3)
num2 -= 0.1;
else if (num3 > num1 & & num3 > num2)
num3 -= 0.1;
else if (num1 > num3 & & num1 == num2) {
num1 -= 0.1;
num2 -= 0.1;
else if (num1 > num2 & & num1 == num3) {
num1 -= 0.1;
num3 -= 0.1;
else if (num2 > num1 & & num2 == num3) {
num2 -= 0.1;
num3 -= 0.1;
return [Math.ceil(num1*10)/10, Math.ceil(num2*10)/10, Math.ceil(num3*10)/10];
return {
Statistics: Statistics
< / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" >
window.util = function () {
function map(elems, func) {
var ret = [];
for (var i = 0, len = elems.length; i < len ; i + + ) {
ret[i] = func(elems[i]);
return ret;
function filter(elems, predicate) {
var ret = [];
for (var i = 0, len = elems.length; i < len ; i + + ) {
if (predicate(elems[i]))
return ret;
function all(elems) {
for (var i = 0, len = elems.length; i < len ; i + + ) {
if (!elems[i])
return false;
return true;
function any(elems) {
for (var i = 0, len = elems.length; i < len ; i + + ) {
if (elems[i])
return elems[i];
return false;
function contains(elems, e) {
for (var i = 0, len = elems.length; i < len ; i + + ) {
if (elems[i] == e)
return true;
return false;
function last(items) {
return items[items.length-1];
function unescape(string) {
return string.replace(/< /g, '< ').replace(/> /g, '>').replace(/& /g, '&');
function escape(string) {
return string.replace(/& /g, '& ').replace(/< /g, '< ').replace(/>/g, '> ');
function normalize(string) {
return string.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '').replace(/_/g, '');
function regexpEscape(string) {
return string.replace(/[-[\]{}()+?*.,\\^$|#]/g, "\\$&");
function Matcher(pattern) {
pattern = regexpEscape(normalize(pattern));
var rePattern = '^' + pattern.replace(/\\\?/g, '.').replace(/\\\*/g, '[\\s\\S]*') + '$';
var regexp = new RegExp(rePattern);
function matches(string) {
return regexp.test(normalize(string));
return {
matches: matches,
matchesAny: function (strings) {
for (var i = 0, len = strings.length; i < len ; i + + )
if (matches(strings[i]))
return true;
return false;
function formatParentName(item) {
var parentName = item.fullName.slice(0, item.fullName.length - item.name.length);
return parentName.replace(/\./g, ' . ');
function timeFromDate(date) {
if (!date)
return 'N/A';
return formatTime(date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(),
date.getSeconds(), date.getMilliseconds());
function dateFromDate(date) {
if (!date)
return 'N/A';
return padTo(date.getFullYear(), 4) +
padTo(date.getMonth() + 1, 2) +
padTo(date.getDate(), 2);
function dateTimeFromDate(date) {
if (!date)
return 'N/A';
return dateFromDate(date) + ' ' + timeFromDate(date);
function formatTime(hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds) {
return padTo(hours, 2) + ':' +
padTo(minutes, 2) + ':' +
padTo(seconds, 2) + '.' +
padTo(milliseconds, 3);
function formatElapsed(elapsed) {
var millis = elapsed;
var hours = Math.floor(millis / (60 * 60 * 1000));
millis -= hours * 60 * 60 * 1000;
var minutes = Math.floor(millis / (60 * 1000));
millis -= minutes * 60 * 1000;
var seconds = Math.floor(millis / 1000);
millis -= seconds * 1000;
return formatTime(hours, minutes, seconds, millis);
function padTo(number, len) {
var numString = number + "";
while (numString.length < len ) numString = "0" + numString ;
return numString;
function timestamp(millis) {
// used also by tools that do not set window.output.baseMillis
var base = window.output ? window.output.baseMillis : 0;
return new Date(base + millis);
function createGeneratedString(timestamp) {
var date = new Date(timestamp);
var dt = dateTimeFromDate(date).slice(0, 17); // drop millis
var offset = date.getTimezoneOffset();
var sign = offset > 0 ? '-' : '+';
var hh = Math.floor(Math.abs(offset) / 60);
var mm = Math.abs(offset) % 60;
return dt + ' UTC' + sign + padTo(hh, 2) + ':' + padTo(mm, 2);
function createGeneratedAgoString(timestamp) {
function timeString(time, shortUnit) {
var unit = {y: 'year', d: 'day', h: 'hour', m: 'minute',
s: 'second'}[shortUnit];
var end = time == 1 ? ' ' : 's ';
return time + ' ' + unit + end;
function compensateLeapYears(days, years) {
// Not a perfect algorithm but ought to be enough
return days - Math.floor(years / 4);
var generated = Math.round(timestamp / 1000);
var current = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
var elapsed = current - generated;
var prefix = '';
if (elapsed < 0 ) {
prefix = '- ';
elapsed = Math.abs(elapsed);
var secs = elapsed % 60;
var mins = Math.floor(elapsed / 60) % 60;
var hours = Math.floor(elapsed / (60*60)) % 24;
var days = Math.floor(elapsed / (60*60*24)) % 365;
var years = Math.floor(elapsed / (60*60*24*365));
if (years) {
days = compensateLeapYears(days, years);
return prefix + timeString(years, 'y') + timeString(days, 'd');
} else if (days) {
return prefix + timeString(days, 'd') + timeString(hours, 'h');
} else if (hours) {
return prefix + timeString(hours, 'h') + timeString(mins, 'm');
} else if (mins) {
return prefix + timeString(mins, 'm') + timeString(secs, 's');
} else {
return prefix + timeString(secs, 's');
function parseQueryString(query) {
var result = {};
if (!query)
return result;
var params = query.split('&');
var parts;
function decode(item) {
return decodeURIComponent(item.replace('+', ' '));
for (var i = 0, len = params.length; i < len ; i + + ) {
parts = params[i].split('=');
result[decode(parts.shift())] = decode(parts.join('='));
return result;
return {
map: map,
filter: filter,
all: all,
any: any,
contains: contains,
last: last,
escape: escape,
unescape: unescape,
normalize: normalize,
regexpEscape: regexpEscape,
Matcher: Matcher,
formatParentName: formatParentName,
timeFromDate: timeFromDate,
dateFromDate: dateFromDate,
dateTimeFromDate: dateTimeFromDate,
formatElapsed: formatElapsed,
timestamp: timestamp,
createGeneratedString: createGeneratedString,
createGeneratedAgoString: createGeneratedAgoString,
parseQueryString: parseQueryString
< / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" >
window.testdata = function () {
var elementsById = {};
var idCounter = 0;
var _statistics = null;
function addElement(elem) {
if (!elem.id)
elem.id = uniqueId();
elementsById[elem.id] = elem;
return elem;
function uniqueId() {
return 'element-id-' + idCounter;
function times(stats) {
var startMillis = stats[1];
var elapsed = stats[2];
if (startMillis === null)
return [null, null, elapsed];
return [util.timestamp(startMillis),
util.timestamp(startMillis + elapsed),
function createMessage(element, strings) {
return model.Message(LEVELS[element[1]],
function parseStatus(stats) {
return STATUSES[stats[0]];
function childCreator(parent, childType) {
return function (elem, strings, index) {
return addElement(childType(parent, elem, strings, index));
function createBodyItem(parent, element, strings, index) {
if (element.length < 5 )
return createMessage(element, strings);
var messages = util.filter(parent.children(), function (child) {
return child.type == 'message';
return createKeyword(parent, element, strings, index - messages.length);
function createKeyword(parent, element, strings, index) {
var kw = model.Keyword({
parent: parent,
type: KEYWORD_TYPES[element[0]],
id: 'k' + (index + 1),
name: strings.get(element[1]),
libname: strings.get(element[2]),
timeout: strings.get(element[3]),
args: strings.get(element[5]),
assign: strings.get(element[6]),
tags: strings.get(element[7]),
doc: function () {
var doc = strings.get(element[4]);
this.doc = function () { return doc; };
return doc;
status: parseStatus(element[8], strings),
times: model.Times(times(element[8])),
isChildrenLoaded: typeof(element[9]) !== 'number'
lazyPopulateKeywordsFromFile(kw, element[9], strings);
return kw;
function lazyPopulateKeywordsFromFile(parent, modelOrIndex, strings) {
var model, index, populator;
var creator = childCreator(parent, createBodyItem);
if (parent.isChildrenLoaded) {
model = modelOrIndex;
populator = Populator(model, strings, creator);
} else {
index = modelOrIndex;
parent.childFileName = window.settings['splitLogBase'] + '-' + index + '.js';
populator = SplitLogPopulator(index, creator);
function tags(taglist, strings) {
return util.map(taglist, strings.get);
function createTest(parent, element, strings, index) {
var status = element[4];
var test = model.Test({
parent: parent,
id: 't' + (index + 1),
name: strings.get(element[0]),
doc: function () {
var doc = strings.get(element[2]);
this.doc = function () { return doc; };
return doc;
timeout: strings.get(element[1]),
status: parseStatus(status),
message: function () {
var msg = status.length == 4 ? strings.get(status[3]) : '';
this.message = function () { return msg; };
return msg;
times: model.Times(times(status)),
tags: tags(element[3], strings),
isChildrenLoaded: typeof(element[5]) !== 'number'
lazyPopulateKeywordsFromFile(test, element[5], strings);
return test;
function createSuite(parent, element, strings, index) {
var status = element[5];
var suite = model.Suite({
parent: parent,
id: 's' + ((index || 0) + 1),
name: strings.get(element[0]),
source: strings.get(element[1]),
relativeSource: strings.get(element[2]),
doc: function () {
var doc = strings.get(element[3]);
this.doc = function () { return doc; };
return doc;
status: parseStatus(status),
message: function () {
var msg = status.length == 4 ? strings.get(status[3]) : '';
this.message = function () { return msg; };
return msg;
times: model.Times(times(status)),
statistics: suiteStats(util.last(element)),
metadata: parseMetadata(element[4], strings)
suite.populateKeywords(Populator(element[8], strings, childCreator(suite, createKeyword)));
suite.populateTests(Populator(element[7], strings, childCreator(suite, createTest)));
suite.populateSuites(Populator(element[6], strings, childCreator(suite, createSuite)));
return suite;
function parseMetadata(data, strings) {
var metadata = [];
for (var i=0; i< data.length ; i + = 2 ) {
metadata.push([strings.get(data[i]), strings.get(data[i+1])]);
return metadata;
function suiteStats(stats) {
return {
total: stats[0],
pass: stats[1],
fail: stats[2],
skip: stats[3]
function Populator(items, strings, creator) {
return {
numberOfItems: function () {
return items.length;
creator: function (index) {
return creator(items[index], strings, index);
function SplitLogPopulator(structureIndex, creator) {
return {
numberOfItems: function () {
return window['keywords'+structureIndex].length;
creator: function (index) {
return creator(window['keywords'+structureIndex][index],
function suite() {
var elem = window.output.suite;
if (elementsById[elem.id])
return elem;
var root = addElement(createSuite(null, elem, StringStore(window.output.strings)));
window.output.suite = root;
return root;
function findLoaded(id) {
return elementsById[id];
function ensureLoaded(id, callback) {
var ids = id.split('-');
var root = suite();
loadItems(ids, root, [root.id], callback);
function loadItems(ids, current, result, callback) {
if (!ids.length) {
current.callWhenChildrenReady(function () {
var id = ids.shift();
var type = id[0];
var index = parseInt(id.substring(1)) - 1;
var item = selectFrom(current, type, index);
if (item)
else // Invalid id. Should this be reported somewhere?
ids = [];
loadItems(ids, item, result, callback);
function selectFrom(element, type, index) {
if (type === 'k') {
var keywords = util.filter(element.keywords(), function (kw) {
return kw.type != 'message';
return keywords[index];
} else if (type === 't') {
return element.tests()[index];
} else {
return element.suites()[index];
function errorIterator() {
return {
next: function () {
return addElement(createMessage(window.output.errors.shift(),
hasNext: function () {
return window.output.errors.length > 0;
function statistics() {
if (!_statistics) {
var statData = window.output.stats;
_statistics = stats.Statistics(statData[0], statData[1], statData[2]);
return _statistics;
function StringStore(strings) {
function getText(id) {
var text = strings[id];
if (!text)
return '';
if (text[0] == '*')
return text.substring(1);
var extracted = extract(text);
strings[id] = '*' + extracted;
return extracted;
function extract(text) {
var decoded = JXG.Util.Base64.decodeAsArray(text);
var extracted = (new JXG.Util.Unzip(decoded)).unzip()[0][0];
return JXG.Util.UTF8.decode(extracted);
function get(id) {
if (id === null) return null;
return getText(id);
return {get: get};
return {
suite: suite,
errorIterator: errorIterator,
findLoaded: findLoaded,
ensureLoaded: ensureLoaded,
statistics: statistics,
StringStore: StringStore, // exposed for tests
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< script type = "text/javascript" >
function removeJavaScriptDisabledWarning() {
// Not using jQuery here for maximum speed
document.getElementById('javascript-disabled').style.display = 'none';
function addJavaScriptDisabledWarning(error) {
if (window.console)
console.error('Opening failed: ' + error.name + ': ' + error.message);
document.getElementById('javascript-disabled').style.display = 'block';
function initLayout(suiteName, type) {
setTitle(suiteName, type);
function parseTemplates() {
$('script[type="text/x-jquery-tmpl"]').map(function (idx, elem) {
$.template(elem.id, elem.text);
function testOrTask(text) {
return text.replace(/{(.*)}/, function (match, group, offset, string) {
if (!window.settings.rpa)
return group;
return {'TEST': 'TASK', 'Test': 'Task', 'test': 'task'}[group];
function setTitle(suiteName, type) {
var givenTitle = window.settings.title;
var title = givenTitle ? givenTitle : suiteName + " " + type;
document.title = util.unescape(title);
function addHeader() {
var generated = util.timestamp(window.output.generated);
$.tmpl('< h1 > ${title}< / h1 > ' +
'< div id = "generated" > ' +
'< span > Generated< br > ${generated}< / span > < br > ' +
'< span id = "generated-ago" > ${ago} ago< / span > ' +
'< / div > ' +
'< div id = "top-right-header" > ' +
'< div id = "report-or-log-link" > < a href = "#" > < / a > < / div > ' +
'< / div > ', {
generated: util.createGeneratedString(generated),
ago: util.createGeneratedAgoString(generated),
title: document.title
function addReportOrLogLink(myType) {
var url;
var text;
var container = $('#report-or-log-link');
if (myType == 'Report') {
url = window.settings.logURL;
text = 'LOG';
} else {
url = window.settings.reportURL;
text = 'REPORT';
if (url) {
container.find('a').attr('href', url);
} else {
function addStatistics() {
var statHeaders =
'< th class = "stats-col-stat" > Total< / th > ' +
'< th class = "stats-col-stat" > Pass< / th > ' +
'< th class = "stats-col-stat" > Fail< / th > ' +
'< th class = "stats-col-stat" > Skip< / th > ' +
'< th class = "stats-col-elapsed" > Elapsed< / th > ' +
'< th class = "stats-col-graph" > Pass / Fail / Skip< / th > ';
var statTable =
'< h2 > {Test} Statistics< / h2 > ' +
'< table class = "statistics" id = "total-stats" > < thead > < tr > ' +
'< th class = "stats-col-name" > Total Statistics< / th > ' + statHeaders +
'< / tr > < / thead > < / table > ' +
'< table class = "statistics" id = "tag-stats" > < thead > < tr > ' +
'< th class = "stats-col-name" > Statistics by Tag< / th > ' + statHeaders +
'< / tr > < / thead > < / table > ' +
'< table class = "statistics" id = "suite-stats" > < thead > < tr > ' +
'< th class = "stats-col-name" > Statistics by Suite< / th > ' + statHeaders +
'< / tr > < / thead > < / table > ';
util.map(['total', 'tag', 'suite'], addStatTable);
function addTooltipsToElapsedTimes() {
testOrTask('Total execution time of these {test}s. ') +
'Excludes suite setups and teardowns.');
'Total execution time of this suite.');
function enableStatisticsSorter() {
id: 'statName',
type: 'numeric',
is: function(s) {
return false; // do not auto-detect
format: function(string, table, cell, cellIndex) {
// Rows have class in format 'row-< index > '.
var index = $(cell).parent().attr('class').substring(4);
return parseInt(index);
sortInitialOrder: 'desc',
headers: {0: {sorter: 'statName', sortInitialOrder: 'asc'},
6: {sorter: false}}
function addStatTable(tableName) {
var stats = window.testdata.statistics()[tableName];
if (tableName == 'tag' & & stats.length == 0) {
} else {
renderStatTable(tableName, stats);
function renderNoTagStatTable() {
$('< tbody > < tr class = "row-0" > ' +
'< td class = "stats-col-name" > No Tags< / td > ' +
'< td class = "stats-col-stat" > < / td > ' +
'< td class = "stats-col-stat" > < / td > ' +
'< td class = "stats-col-stat" > < / td > ' +
'< td class = "stats-col-stat" > < / td > ' +
'< td class = "stats-col-elapsed" > < / td > ' +
'< td class = "stats-col-graph" > ' +
'< div class = "empty-graph" > < / div > ' +
'< / td > ' +
'< / tr > < / tbody > ').appendTo('#tag-stats');
function renderStatTable(tableName, stats) {
var template = tableName + 'StatisticsRowTemplate';
var tbody = $('< tbody > < / tbody > ');
for (var i = 0, len = stats.length; i < len ; i + + ) {
$.tmpl(template, stats[i], {index: i}).appendTo(tbody);
tbody.appendTo('#' + tableName + '-stats');
'< td class = "stats-col-stat" > ${total}< / td > ' +
'< td class = "stats-col-stat" > ${pass}< / td > ' +
'< td class = "stats-col-stat" > ${fail}< / td > ' +
'< td class = "stats-col-stat" > ${skip}< / td > ' +
'< td class = "stats-col-elapsed" > ${elapsed}< / td > ' +
'< td class = "stats-col-graph" > ' +
'{{if total}}' +
'< div class = "graph" > ' +
'< div class = "pass-bar" style = "width: ${passWidth}%" title = "${passPercent}%" > < / div > ' +
'< div class = "fail-bar" style = "width: ${failWidth}%" title = "${failPercent}%" > < / div > ' +
'< div class = "skip-bar" style = "width: ${skipWidth}%" title = "${skipPercent}%" > < / div > ' +
'< / div > ' +
'{{else}}' +
'< div class = "empty-graph" > < / div > ' +
'{{/if}}' +
'< / td > '
'${total} {{= testOrTask("{test}")}}{{if total != 1}}s{{/if}} total, ' +
'${pass} passed, ${fail} failed, ${skip} skipped'
// For complete cross-browser experience..
// http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_order.html
function stopPropagation(event) {
var event = event || window.event;
event.cancelBubble = true;
if (event.stopPropagation)
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< script type = "text/javascript" >
2023-10-16 22:33:10 +02:00
window.output["suite"] = [1,2,3,4,[],[1,0,16546],[],[[5,0,6,[7],[1,285,16260],[[1,8,9,0,0,0,0,0,[1,286,5127],[[0,10,11,0,12,13,0,0,[1,286,5012],[[287,2,14]]],[0,15,11,0,16,0,0,0,[1,5298,115],[]]]],[0,17,18,0,0,0,0,0,[1,5414,3537],[[0,19,11,0,20,21,0,0,[1,5414,171],[[5417,2,22]]],[0,23,11,0,24,25,0,0,[1,5585,3333],[[5586,2,26],[8716,2,27],[8716,2,28]]],[0,29,11,0,30,31,0,0,[1,8918,33],[[8951,2,32]]]]],[0,33,18,0,0,0,0,0,[1,8951,5107],[[0,34,11,0,35,36,0,0,[1,8951,66],[[8953,2,37]]],[0,38,39,0,40,41,0,0,[1,9017,3001],[[12018,2,42]]],[0,34,11,0,35,43,0,0,[1,12018,2040],[[12020,2,44]]]]],[0,45,18,0,0,0,0,0,[1,14058,159],[[0,46,11,0,47,48,0,0,[1,14059,158],[[14217,2,49]]]]],[2,50,9,0,0,0,0,0,[1,14218,2327],[[0,51,11,0,52,0,0,0,[1,14218,2326],[]]]]]]],[],[1,1,0,0]];
2023-10-15 21:56:06 +02:00
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< script type = "text/javascript" >
2023-10-16 22:33:10 +02:00
window.output["strings"] = window.output["strings"].concat(["*","*BasicSearch2","*C:\\Users\\lukas\\Mega\\Data\\GitHub\\Robot_Framework\\RobotSelenium\\Mentor\\Tests\\eBay\\BasicSearch2.robot","*../Tests/eBay/BasicSearch2.robot","*< p > Basic Search Funcianality\x3c/p>","*Verify basic search functionality foe eBay","*< p > This test case verifins the basic search\x3c/p>","*Functional","*Start test","*CommonFunctionality","*Open Browser","*SeleniumLibrary","*< p > Opens a new browser instance to the optional < code > url\x3c/code>.\x3c/p>","*${url}, ${browser}","*Opening browser 'chrome' to base url '< a href = \"https://www.ebay.com/\" > https://www.ebay.com/\x3c/a>'.","*Maximize Browser Window","*< p > Maximizes current browser window.\x3c/p>","*Verify Search Results","*eBay_UserDefinedKeywords","*Input Text","*< p > Types the given < code > text\x3c/code> into the text field identified by < code > locator\x3c/code>.\x3c/p>","*//*[@id=\"gh-ac\"], mobile","*Typing text 'mobile' into text field '//*[@id=\"gh-ac\"]'.","*Press Keys","*< p > Simulates the user pressing key(s) to an element or on the active browser.\x3c/p>","*< a href = \"xpath://*[@id="gh-btn\" > xpath://*[@id=\"gh-btn\x3c/a>\"], RETURN","*Sending key(s) ('RETURN',) to < a href = \"xpath://*[@id="gh-btn\" > xpath://*[@id=\"gh-btn\x3c/a>\"] element.","*Pressing special key RETURN to element.","*Releasing special key RETURN.","*Page Should Contain","*< p > Verifies that current page contains < code > text\x3c/code>.\x3c/p>","*výsledků mobile","*Current page contains text 'výsledků mobile'.","*Filter results by condition","*Click Element","*< p > Click the element identified by < code > locator\x3c/code>.\x3c/p>","*//span[contains(text(),\"Stav\")]","*Clicking element '//span[contains(text(),\"Stav\")]'.","*Sleep","*BuiltIn","*< p > Pauses the test executed for the given time.\x3c/p>","*3s","*Slept 3 seconds","*//span[normalize-space()=\"Nový\"]","*Clicking element '//span[normalize-space()=\"Nový\"]'.","*Verify filter results","*Element Should Contain","*< p > Verifies that element < code > locator\x3c/code> contains text < code > expected\x3c/code>.\x3c/p>","*//li[@class=\"carousel__snap-point srp-carousel-list__item srp-multi-aspect__item--applied\"], Nový","*Element '//li[@class=\"carousel__snap-point srp-carousel-list__item srp-multi-aspect__item--applied\"]' contains text 'Nový'.","*Finnish TestCase","*Close Browser","*< p > Closes the current browser.\x3c/p>"]);
2023-10-15 21:56:06 +02:00
< / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" >
2023-10-16 22:33:10 +02:00
window.output["stats"] = [[{"elapsed":"00:00:16","fail":0,"label":"All Tests","pass":1,"skip":0}],[{"elapsed":"00:00:16","fail":0,"label":"Functional","pass":1,"skip":0}],[{"elapsed":"00:00:17","fail":0,"id":"s1","label":"BasicSearch2","name":"BasicSearch2","pass":1,"skip":0}]];
2023-10-15 21:56:06 +02:00
< / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" >
window.output["errors"] = [];
< / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" >
2023-10-16 22:33:10 +02:00
window.output["baseMillis"] = 1697487001214;
2023-10-15 21:56:06 +02:00
< / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" >
2023-10-16 22:33:10 +02:00
window.output["generated"] = 16553;
2023-10-15 21:56:06 +02:00
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window.output["expand_keywords"] = null;
< / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" >
window.settings = {"defaultLevel":"INFO","minLevel":"INFO","reportURL":"report.html","rpa":false,"splitLogBase":"log","title":""};
< / script >
< title > < / title >
< / head >
< body >
< div id = "javascript-disabled" >
< h1 > Opening Robot Framework log failed< / h1 >
< ul >
< li > Verify that you have < b > JavaScript enabled< / b > in your browser.< / li >
< li > Make sure you are using a < b > modern enough browser< / b > . If using Internet Explorer, version 11 is required.< / li >
< li > Check are there messages in your browser's < b > JavaScript error log< / b > . Please report the problem if you suspect you have encountered a bug.< / li >
< / ul >
< / div >
< script type = "text/javascript" > removeJavaScriptDisabledWarning ( ) ; < / script >
< div id = "header" > < / div >
< div id = "statistics-container" > < / div >
< script type = "text/javascript" >
$(document).ready(function() {
try {
var topsuite = window.testdata.suite();
} catch (error) {
initLayout(topsuite.name, 'Log');
addLogLevelSelector(window.settings['minLevel'], window.settings['defaultLevel']);
if (window.location.hash) {
} else {
setTimeout(function () { loadAndExpandElementIds(window.output['expand_keywords']); }, 100);
function addLogLevelSelector(minLevel, defaultLevel) {
var controller = LogLevelController(minLevel, defaultLevel);
if (controller.showLogLevelSelector()) {
var selector = $.tmpl('logLevelSelectorTemplate', controller);
$('#report-or-log-link').find('a').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '0'});
function addErrors() {
var errors = window.testdata.errorIterator();
if (errors.hasNext()) {
drawErrorsRecursively(errors, $('#errors'));
function drawErrorsRecursively(errors, target) {
var elements = popFromIterator(errors, 10);
$.tmpl('errorTemplate', elements).appendTo(target);
if (errors.hasNext())
setTimeout(function () { drawErrorsRecursively(errors, target); }, 0);
else {
// Errors may have moved scroll position. Resetting location re-scrolls.
if (window.location.hash)
function highlightLinkTarget() {
if (window.location.hash) {
var target = $(window.location.hash);
function highlight(element, color) {
if (color === undefined)
color = 242;
if (color < 255 ) {
element.css({'background-color': 'rgb('+color+','+color+','+color+')'});
setTimeout(function () { highlight(element, color+1); }, 300);
} else {
element.css({'background-color': ''});
function popFromIterator(iterator, upTo) {
var result = [];
while (iterator.hasNext() > 0 & & result.length < upTo )
return result;
function makeElementVisible(id) {
window.testdata.ensureLoaded(id, function (ids) {
util.map(ids, expandElementWithId);
if (ids.length) {
window.location.hash = id;
function addExecutionLog(main) {
$('body').append($(testOrTask('< h2 > {Test} Execution Log< / h2 > ')),
$.tmpl('suiteTemplate', main));
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< script type = "text/x-jquery-tmpl" id = "totalStatisticsRowTemplate" >
< tr class = "row-${$item.index}" >
< td class = "stats-col-name" >
< div class = "stat-name" >
< span > {{html label}}< / span >
< / div >
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{{tmpl($data) 'statColumnsTemplate'}}
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< td class = "stats-col-name" title = "{{html doc}}" >
< div class = "stat-name" >
< span > {{html label}}< / span >
{{if info}}(${info}){{/if}}
< / div >
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{{each links}}
< span > [< a href = "{{html $value.url}}" title = "{{html $value.url}}" > {{html $value.title}}< / a > ]< / span >
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< / td >
{{tmpl($data) 'statColumnsTemplate'}}
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< td class = "stats-col-name" title = "{{html label}}" >
< div class = "stat-name" >
< a href = "#${id}" > < span class = "parent-name" > {{html formatParentName}}< / span > {{html name}}< / a >
< / div >
< / td >
{{tmpl($data) 'statColumnsTemplate'}}
< / tr >
< / script >
< script type = "text/x-jquery-tmpl" id = "errorHeaderTemplate" >
< h2 > {{= testOrTask('{Test}')}} Execution Errors< / h2 >
< table id = "errors" > < / table >
< / script >
< script type = "text/x-jquery-tmpl" id = "errorTemplate" >
< tr id = "${id}" class = "message-row" >
< td class = "error-time" >
{{if link}}
< a onclick = "makeElementVisible('${link}')" href = "#${link}" title = "Link to details" > ${date} ${time}< / a >
${date} ${time}
< / td >
< td class = "${level.toLowerCase()} level" > < span class = "label ${level.toLowerCase()}" > ${level}< / span > < / td >
< td class = "message" > {{html text}}< / td >
< td class = "select-message" onclick = "javascript:selectMessage('${id}')" title = "Select message text" >
< div > < / div >
< / td >
< / tr >
< / script >
< script type = "text/x-jquery-tmpl" id = "suiteTemplate" >
< div id = "${id}" class = "suite" >
< div class = "element-header closed" onclick = "toggleSuite('${id}')" >
< div class = "element-header-left" title = "SUITE {{html name}} [${status}]" >
< span class = "elapsed" title = "Elapsed time" > ${times.elapsedTime}< / span >
< span class = "label ${status.toLowerCase()}" > SUITE< / span >
< span class = "name" > {{html name}}< / span >
< / div >
< div class = "element-header-right" onclick = "stopPropagation(event)" title = "" >
< a class = "expand" title = "Expand all" href = "javascript:expandAll('${id}')" > < / a >
< a class = "collapse" title = "Collapse all" href = "javascript:collapseAll('${id}')" > < / a >
< a class = "link" title = "Link to this suite" href = "#${id}" onclick = "makeElementVisible('${id}')" > < / a >
< / div >
< div class = "element-header-toggle" title = "Toggle visibility" > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "children" >
< table class = "metadata" >
< tr >
< th > Full Name:< / th >
< td > {{html fullName}}< / td >
< / tr >
{{if doc()}}
< tr >
< th > Documentation:< / th >
< td class = "doc" > {{html doc()}}< / td >
< / tr >
{{each metadata}}
< tr >
< th > {{html $value[0]}}:< / th >
< td class = "doc" > {{html $value[1]}}< / td >
< / tr >
{{if source}}
< tr >
< th > Source:< / th >
{{if relativeSource}}
< td > < a href = "${relativeSource}" > {{html source}}< / a > < / td >
< td > {{html source}}< / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< th > Start / End / Elapsed:< / th >
< td > ${times.startTime} / ${times.endTime} / ${times.elapsedTime}< / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< th > Status:< / th >
< td > {{tmpl($data) 'suiteStatusMessageTemplate'}}< / td >
< / tr >
{{if message()}}
< tr >
< th > Message:< / th >
< td class = "message" > {{html message()}}< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div >
< / div >
< / script >
< script type = "text/x-jquery-tmpl" id = "testTemplate" >
< div id = "${id}" class = "test" >
< div class = "element-header closed" onclick = "toggleTest('${id}')" >
< div class = "element-header-left" title = "{{= testOrTask('{TEST}')}} {{html name}} [${status}]" >
< span class = "elapsed" title = "Elapsed time" > ${times.elapsedTime}< / span >
< span class = "label ${status.toLowerCase()}" > {{= testOrTask('{TEST}')}}< / span >
< span class = "name" > {{html name}}< / span >
< / div >
< div class = "element-header-right" onclick = "stopPropagation(event)" title = "" >
< a class = "expand" title = "Expand all" href = "javascript:expandAll('${id}')" > < / a >
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< a class = "link" title = "Link to this {{= testOrTask('{test}')}}" href = "#${id}" onclick = "makeElementVisible('${id}')" > < / a >
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< div class = "element-header-toggle" title = "Toggle visibility" > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "children" >
< table class = "metadata" >
< tr >
< th > Full Name:< / th >
< td > {{html fullName}}< / td >
< / tr >
{{if doc()}}
< tr >
< th > Documentation:< / th >
< td class = "doc" > {{html doc()}}< / td >
< / tr >
{{if tags.length}}
< tr >
< th > Tags:< / th >
< td > {{html tags.join(', ')}}< / td >
< / tr >
{{if timeout}}
< tr >
< th > Timeout:< / th >
< td > {{html timeout}}< / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< th > Start / End / Elapsed:< / th >
< td > ${times.startTime} / ${times.endTime} / ${times.elapsedTime}< / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< th > Status:< / th >
< td > < span class = "label ${status.toLowerCase()}" > ${status}< / span > < / td >
< / tr >
{{if message()}}
< tr >
< th > Message:< / th >
< td class = "message" > {{html message()}}< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div >
< / div >
< / script >
< script type = "text/x-jquery-tmpl" id = "keywordTemplate" >
< div id = "${id}" class = "keyword" >
< div class = "element-header closed" onclick = "toggleKeyword('${id}')" >
< div class = "element-header-left" title = "${type} {{if name}}{{html fullName}} {{/if}}[${status}]" >
< span class = "elapsed" title = "Elapsed time" > ${times.elapsedTime}< / span >
< span class = "label ${status.toLowerCase()}" > ${type}< / span >
< span > {{html assign}}< / span >
< span class = "name" > < span class = "parent-name" > {{html libname}}{{if libname}} . {{/if}}< / span > {{html name}}< / span >
< span class = "arg" > {{html arguments}}< / span >
< / div >
< div class = "element-header-right" onclick = "stopPropagation(event)" >
< a class = "expand" title = "Expand all" href = "javascript:expandAll('${id}')" > < / a >
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< a class = "link" title = "Link to this item" href = "#${id}" onclick = "makeElementVisible('${id}')" > < / a >
< / div >
< div class = "element-header-toggle" title = "Toggle visibility" > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "children" >
< table class = "metadata keyword-metadata" >
{{if doc()}}
< tr >
< th > Documentation:< / th >
< td class = "doc" > {{html doc()}}< / td >
< / tr >
{{if tags}}
< tr >
< th > Tags:< / th >
< td > {{html tags}}< / td >
< / tr >
{{if timeout}}
< tr >
< th > Timeout:< / th >
< td > {{html timeout}}< / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< th > Start / End / Elapsed:< / th >
< td > ${times.startTime} / ${times.endTime} / ${times.elapsedTime}< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div >
< / div >
< / script >
< script type = "text/x-jquery-tmpl" id = "messageTemplate" >
< table id = "${id}" class = "messages ${level.toLowerCase()}-message" >
< tr class = "message-row" >
< td class = "time" > ${time}< / td >
< td class = "${level.toLowerCase()} level" > < span class = "label ${level.toLowerCase()}" > ${level}< / span > < / td >
< td class = "message" > {{html text}}< / td >
< td class = "select-message" onclick = "javascript:selectMessage('${id}')" title = "Select message text" >
< div > < / div >
< / td >
< / tr >
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Log level:
< select onchange = "logLevelSelected(this.options[selectedIndex].value)" >
< option value = "2" > INFO< / option >
< option value = "1" > DEBUG< / option >
{{if showTrace()}}< option value = "0" > TRACE< / option > {{/if}}
< / select >
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