
243 lines
9.6 KiB

provide-module yummy %{
# big flashy text with INSERT or NORMAL depending on the mode
declare-option -docstring "text to be displayd on the mode module when in insert mode"\
str yummy_insert_mode_text " INSERT "
declare-option -docstring "text to be displayed on the mode module when in normal mode"\
str yummy_normal_mode_text " NORMAL "
# faces for use when in insert/normal mode
face global yummy_normal_mode_face +rb@StatusLineInfo
face global yummy_insert_mode_face +rb@StatusLineMode
# the currently active face
face global yummy_mode_face yummy_normal_mode_face
# variable to keap track of the current mode
declare-option -hidden bool yummy_is_insert false
# change the variable and current face while in
# insert/normal mode
hook global InsertIdle .* %{
set window yummy_is_insert true
face window yummy_mode_face yummy_insert_mode_face
hook global NormalIdle .* %{
set window yummy_is_insert false
face window yummy_mode_face yummy_normal_mode_face
# There should be no reason to edit this as were alredy supplying
# options for the text displayd and the font used
declare-option -hidden str yummy_mode_format %{$([ "$kak_opt_yummy_is_insert" = "true" ] && printf "$kak_opt_yummy_insert_mode_text"; [ "$kak_opt_yummy_is_insert" = "false" ] && printf "$kak_opt_yummy_normal_mode_text")}
echo -debug "[yummy]: loaded yummy module mode"
# bufname
face global yummy_bufname_face +diu@StatusLine
declare-option -docstring "SH string used for bufname display"\
str yummy_bufname_format %{$kak_bufname}
echo -debug "[yummy]: loaded yummy module bufname"
# modified buffer icon
face global yummy_modified_face StatusLine
declare-option -docstring "text icon displayd while the buffer is modified and not writen"\
str yummy_modified_text " [+]"
declare-option -docstring "SH string for modified text icon display. You should not nead to change it"\
str yummy_modified_format %{$([ "$kak_modified" = "true" ] && printf "$kak_opt_yummy_modified_text")}
echo -debug "[yummy]: loaded yummy module modified"
# a clock
face global yummy_clock_face StatusLine
# the time format string is alredy exposed so this can be hidden
declare-option -hidden str yummy_clock_format %{$(date $kak_opt_yummy_clock_timefmt)}
declare-option -docstring "time format pased to the date command for the clock module"\
str yummy_clock_timefmt %{+%H:%M}
echo -debug "[yummy]: loaded yummy module clock"
# displays thing like client0@[server0]
declare-option -docstring "SH format string for the client_server module."\
str yummy_client_server_format "$kak_client@[$kak_session]"
face global yummy_client_server_face StatusLineValue
echo -debug "[yummy]: loaded yummy module client_server"
# selection count and position
declare-option -docstring "SH format string for the selection and position module."\
str yummy_selection_format "$kak_selection_count sel(s); $kak_cursor_line:$kak_cursor_column"
face global yummy_selection_face StatusLineInfo
echo -debug "[yummy]: loaded yummy module selection"
# git branch
declare-option -docstring "name of the git branch holding the current buffer" \
str yummy_git_branch
hook global WinCreate .* %{
hook window NormalIdle .* %{ evaluate-commands %sh{
branch=$(cd "$(dirname "${kak_buffile}")" && git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null)
printf 'set window yummy_git_branch %%{%s}' "${branch}"
} }
declare-option -docstring "SH string for git module rendering."\
str yummy_git_format %{$([ -n "$kak_opt_yummy_git_branch" ] && printf %s "  $kak_opt_yummy_git_branch")}
face global yummy_git_face StatusLine
# lsp_error
declare-option -docstring "SH string for lsp_error module"\
str yummy_lsp_error_format %{$([ "$kak_opt_lsp_diagnostic_error_count" != "0" ] && printf %s "  $kak_opt_lsp_diagnostic_error_count")}
face global yummy_lsp_error_face StatusLineValue
# lsp_warn
declare-option -docstring "SH string for lsp_warn module"\
str yummy_lsp_warn_format %{$([ "$kak_opt_lsp_diagnostic_warning_count" != "0" ] && printf %s "  $kak_opt_lsp_diagnostic_warning_count")}
face global yummy_lsp_warn_face StatusLineValue
# lsp_info
declare-option -docstring "SH string for lsp_info module"\
str yummy_lsp_info_format %{$([ "$kak_opt_lsp_diagnostic_info_count" != "0" ] && printf %s "  $kak_opt_lsp_diagnostic_info_count")}
face global yummy_lsp_info_face StatusLineValue
# lsp_hint
declare-option -docstring "SH string for lsp_hint module"\
str yummy_lsp_hint_format %{$([ "$kak_opt_lsp_diagnostic_hint_count" != "0" ] && printf %s "  $kak_opt_lsp_diagnostic_hint_count")}
face global yummy_lsp_hint_face StatusLineValue
## driver code ##
# Here we declare the two options exposed to the user
declare-option -docstring "yummy format string for the left side of the bar"\
str yummy_fmt_left ""
declare-option -docstring "yummy format string for the rigth side of the bar"\
str yummy_fmt_right ""
# Options declared here are used in the generation of
# the bar. Those do not have to be exposed to the user
# as they are auto generated from yummy_fmt_* declared
# above.
declare-option -hidden str yummy_shellfmt_left ""
declare-option -hidden str yummy_kakfmt_left ""
declare-option -hidden str yummy_shellfmt_right ""
declare-option -hidden str yummy_kakfmt_right ""
# face used for the central filler
face global yummy_bar_space_color StatusLine
# construct the bar. To be interacted with using yummy_enable
# and others
define-command -hidden yummy-start %{
# build the bar format strings
eval %sh{
# for kakoune to export any kak_ variabels to us we have
# to type out the name of the variable in the sh block.
# I'll do it here but this means that we can't have user
# defined modules as they have to be listed here. A potenstial
# fix would be to store this SH block in a variable and let the
# users append their modules to it
# kak_opt_yummy_clock_format
# kak_opt_yummy_mode_format
# kak_opt_yummy_bufname_format
# kak_opt_yummy_modified_format
# kak_opt_yummy_client_server_format
# kak_opt_yummy_selection_format
# kak_opt_yummy_git_format
# kak_opt_yummy_lsp_error_format
# kak_opt_yummy_lsp_warn_format
# kak_opt_yummy_lsp_info_format
# kak_opt_yummy_lsp_hint_format
# here we build the format strings for use in SH when
# doing the length claculations.
printf "%s\n" "set global yummy_shellfmt_left %{$(
eval printf %s "\"$(
printf "$kak_opt_yummy_fmt_left" |
sed 's/\$\(\w*\)/$kak_opt_yummy_\1_format/g'
printf "%s\n" "set global yummy_shellfmt_right %{$(
eval printf %s "\"$(
printf "$kak_opt_yummy_fmt_right" |
sed 's/\$\(\w*\)/$kak_opt_yummy_\1_format/g'
# this is the kakoune format string that's
# placed in modelinefmt
printf "%s\n" "set global yummy_kakfmt_left %{$(
eval printf %s "\"$(
printf "$kak_opt_yummy_fmt_left" |
sed 's/\$\(\w*\)/{yummy_\1_face}%sh{printf \\"$kak_opt_yummy_\1_format\\"}{StatusLine}/g'
printf "%s\n" "set global yummy_kakfmt_right %{$(
eval printf %s "\"$(
printf "$kak_opt_yummy_fmt_right" |
sed 's/\$\(\w*\)/{yummy_\1_face}%sh{printf \\"$kak_opt_yummy_\1_format\\"}{StatusLine}/g'
echo -debug [yummy]: modeline internals build
# here we set up the modelinefmt with all the values we colected
set global modelinefmt %sh{
# if there is nothing on the left side we can skip
# all of the steps with filling the background and
# displaying the left side. We could also have skiped
# the generation phase above but idk
if [ -n "$kak_opt_yummy_fmt_left" ]; then
# left side display
printf "%s" "$kak_opt_yummy_kakfmt_left"
# the empty space in the center. We use yummy_shellfmt_* to
# calculate the width of the difrent parts and subtract that
# from the width of the window.
# Sadly we also have to subtract one as the character on the
# wery left can't be filled by the modeline
printf "%s" "{yummy_bar_space_color}"
printf "%s" "%sh{
printf %\$((
- \$(printf \"$kak_opt_yummy_shellfmt_left\" | wc -m)
- \$(printf \"$kak_opt_yummy_shellfmt_right\" | wc -m)
- 1
printf "%s" "{StatusLine}"
# rigth side display
printf "%s" "$kak_opt_yummy_kakfmt_right"
echo -debug [yummy]: modelinefmt set
# options to know if yummy is enabled and what the previus modelinefmt
# was if yummy is to be disabeld. Set when yummy is enabled
declare-option -hidden bool yummy_bar_enabled false
declare-option -hidden str yummy_pre_modelinefmt ""
# commands to enable/disable/toggle yummy. This is the commands that
# are exposed to the user
define-command -docstring "enable the yummy bar" yummy-enable %{
eval %sh{
if [ "$kak_opt_yummy_bar_enabled" = "false" ]; then
printf "%s\n" "set global yummy_bar_enabled true"
printf "%s\n" "set global yummy_pre_modelinefmt %opt{modelinefmt}"
printf "%s\n" "yummy-start"
printf "%s\n" "echo -markup {Error}yummy is alredy enabled"
define-command -docstring "disable the yummy bar" yummy-disable %{
eval %sh{
if [ "$kak_opt_yummy_bar_enabled" = "true" ]; then
printf "%s\n" "set global yummy_bar_enabled false"
printf "%s\n" "set global modelinefmt %opt{yummy_pre_modelinefmt}"
printf "%s\n" "echo -markup {Error}yummy is alredy disabled"
define-command -docstring "toggle the yummy bar" yummy-toggle %{
eval %sh{
if [ "$kak_opt_yummy_bar_enabled" = "true" ]; then
printf "%s\n" "yummy-disable"
printf "%s\n" "yummy-enable"