# Přidá řádkování add-highlighter global/ number-lines; # Zvýraznění závorek add-highlighter global/ show-matching # Comment lines -> Ctrl + k (c= kolize) map global normal ":comment-line" # colorscheme colorscheme gruvbox-dark # Autosave s upozorněním define-command save-buffer -docstring "save current buffer and show info" %{ write info "file saved at %sh{date}" } hook global ModeChange pop:insert:.* %{ save-buffer } # FZF na space + f a další map -docstring "open fzf" global user f ": fzf-mode" # Nastavení potvrzování TAB hook global InsertCompletionShow .* %{ map window insert map window insert } hook global InsertCompletionHide .* %{ unmap window insert unmap window insert } # Zalamování markdown hook global WinSetOption filetype=markdown %{ add-highlighter -override global/markdown-wrap wrap -word hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{ remove-highlighter global/markdown-wrap } } # Lepší lišta dole (autoload) require-module yummy_std_config yummy-enable # Změna nebo vypnutí clippyho -> clippy, dilbert, cat, a none. set-option global ui_options terminal_assistant=cat #ESLint setup lint (javascript) hook global WinSetOption filetype=javascript %{ set buffer lintcmd 'eslint --config .eslintrc.js --format=node_modules/eslint-formatter-kakoune' lint-enable lint } # HTML setup lint hook global WinSetOption filetype=html %{ set-option window lintcmd "tidy -e --gnu-emacs yes --quiet yes 2>&1" } # Mrkdown setup lint hook global WinSetOption filetype=markdown %{ set-option window lintcmd "proselint" } # CSS setup lint hook global WinSetOption filetype=css %{ set-option window lintcmd "npx stylelint --formatter unix --stdin-filename='%val{buffile}'" } eval %sh{kak-lsp --kakoune -s $kak_session} # Not needed if you load it with plug.kak. lsp-enable # Instalace pluginu source "%val{config}/plugins/plug.kak/rc/plug.kak" plug "andreyorst/plug.kak" noload plug "andreyorst/fzf.kak"config %{ require-module fzf require-module fzf-grep require-module fzf-file } defer fzf %{ set-option global fzf_highlight_command "lat -r {}" } defer fzf-file %{ set-option global fzf_file_command "fd . --no-ignore-vcs" } defer fzf-grep %{ set-option global fzf_grep_command "fd": } # plug "andreyorst/powerline.kak" defer kakoune-themes %{ # powerline-theme gruvbox-dark # } # defer powerline %{ # powerline-format global "git lsp bufname filetype mode_info lsp line_column position" # set-option global powerline_separator_thin "" # set-option global powerline_separator "" # } # config %{ # powerline-start # } # Automatické doplňění protější závorky plug "alexherbo2/auto-pairs.kak" config %{ enable-auto-pairs } #plug "kakoune-lsp/kakoune-lsp" do %{ # cargo install --locked --force --path . # optional: if you want to use specific language servers # mkdir -p ~/.config/kak-lsp # cp -n kak-lsp.toml ~/.config/kak-lsp/ # } plug "ul/kak-lsp" do %{ cargo install --locked --force --path . } config %{ hook global WinSetOption filetype=(jsx|tsx|typescript|javascript) %{ lsp-enable-window lsp-auto-hover-disable lsp-auto-signature-help-enable # I format directly with prettier, but you could also configure the # formatter option of your LSP and then call it with: # hook window BufWritePre .* lsp-formatting-sync set-option window formatcmd "prettier --stdin-filepath _.tsx" set-option window indentwidth 2 hook window BufWritePre .* format } } # Vybere pomocí x celý řádek jako v Helix-editor plug "evanrelf/byline.kak" config %{ require-module "byline" } # Dovolí instalovat pluginy v Lua plug "gustavo-hms/luar" %{ require-module luar } # Barevné závorky plug 'jjk96/kakoune-rainbow' plug "occivink/kakoune-snippets" # themes plug "secondary-smiles/kakoune-themes" theme config %{ colorscheme gruvbox-dark }