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provide-module yummy_std_config %{
require-module yummy
# in each window we set up the faces so that
# yummy_client_server_face and yummy_mode_face
# are equal. This will create the chaning color
# efect as yummy_mode_face changes
hook global WinCreate .* %{
face window yummy_client_server_face yummy_mode_face
# format strings
set global yummy_fmt_left "$mode $bufname$modified "
set global yummy_fmt_right " $selection $clock $client_server"
# client_server string format. Just addes a
# space on each side, appart from that it's
# just like the standard
set global yummy_client_server_format " $kak_client@[$kak_session] "
# this is the config i'm using :)
provide-module yummy_devs_config %{
require-module yummy_std_config
# format strings
set global yummy_fmt_left "$mode $bufname$modified$git "
set global yummy_fmt_right "$lsp_error$lsp_warn$lsp_info$lsp_hint $selection $client_server"
set global yummy_client_server_format " $kak_client@$kak_session "
# get rid of the coloring on the seleetion module
face global yummy_selection_face StatusLine
# make the modified indicator stand out more using
# a odd color and a longer text then the standard
face global yummy_modified_face StatusLineValue
set global yummy_modified_text " [modif.]"
set global yummy_lsp_error_format %{$([ "$kak_opt_lsp_diagnostic_error_count" != "0" ] && printf %s " $kak_opt_lsp_diagnostic_error_count")}
set global yummy_lsp_warn_format %{$([ "$kak_opt_lsp_diagnostic_warning_count" != "0" ] && printf %s " $kak_opt_lsp_diagnostic_warning_count")}
set global yummy_lsp_info_format %{$([ "$kak_opt_lsp_diagnostic_info_count" != "0" ] && printf %s " $kak_opt_lsp_diagnostic_info_count")}
set global yummy_lsp_hint_format %{$([ "$kak_opt_lsp_diagnostic_hint_count" != "0" ] && printf %s " $kak_opt_lsp_diagnostic_hint_count")}
# this is gruvbox colors. Mabey i shouldn't put it here but whatever,
# this is my config. Or at least it's kind gruvbox. The real thing i3
# #282828 but i want it to look sligthly diffrent from the background
# so i use #303030
# it just makes the filler sligthly darker then the rest of the bar
face global yummy_bar_space_color default,rgb:303030
face global StatusLine default,rgb:3C3836
provide-module yummy_the_rigth_config %{
require-module yummy
# se std_config for this snippet
hook global WinCreate .* %{
face window yummy_client_server_face +ba@yummy_mode_face
# format string. We leve the left side blank, then it (and
# the central filler) won't be renderd
set global yummy_fmt_right " $selection in $bufname$modified $clock $client_server $mode"
# use a sligthly smaller and more stylish modification indicator
set global yummy_modified_text "+"
provide-module yummy_powerline_config %{
require-module yummy
# se std_config for this snippet
hook global WinCreate .* %{
face window yummy_client_server_face +ba@yummy_mode_face
# we also want the selection to change color with the rest
# of the bar
face window yummy_selection_face +ba@yummy_mode_face
# format string. Here you can se that we put free text
# (dividers) in the format string. They will use the
# StatusLine face.
set global yummy_fmt_right " $git$selection in $bufname$modified$lsp_error$lsp_warn$lsp_info$lsp_hint  $clock  $client_server$mode"
# client_server format. Notice the divider at the end.
# It is there so that it will be colord with the
# yummy_client_server_face and change color with the
# mode indicator.
set global yummy_client_server_format "$kak_client@[$kak_session] "
# small modification indicator
set global yummy_modified_text "+"
# don't underline the buffer name
face global yummy_bufname_face +id@StatusLine
# add arrow if the git symbol is displayd
set global yummy_git_format %{$([ -n "$kak_opt_yummy_git_branch" ] && printf %s " $kak_opt_yummy_git_branch  ")}
# this is the same thing as powerline_config but from
# left to rigth
provide-module yummy_powerline_left_config %{
require-module yummy_powerline_config
# clear the rigth side and setup the left side
# this is just the same thing as the powerline_config
set global yummy_fmt_right ""
set global yummy_fmt_left "$mode$client_server  $clock  $selection in $bufname$modified$lsp_error$lsp_warn$lsp_info$lsp_hint$git"
#more stuff that's wery much like the powerline_config
set global yummy_modified_text "+"
set global yummy_client_server_format " $kak_client@[$kak_session]"
set global yummy_git_format %{$([ -n "$kak_opt_yummy_git_branch" ] && printf %s "   $kak_opt_yummy_git_branch")}