Lukáš Kaňka ea3e372146 údržba
2023-08-15 18:35:50 +02:00

1393 lines
55 KiB

/// <reference types="cypress" />
import * as vue from 'vue';
import { ComponentInternalInstance, FunctionalComponent, ComponentOptions, Component, Directive, Plugin as Plugin$1, AppConfig, VNode, VNodeProps, ComponentPublicInstance, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions, CreateComponentPublicInstance, ComponentCustomProperties, App, ConcreteComponent, Prop, EmitsOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ExtractPropTypes, ExtractDefaultPropTypes, DefineComponent, ComponentOptionsWithoutProps, ComponentOptionsWithArrayProps, ComponentPropsOptions, ComponentOptionsWithObjectProps, AllowedComponentProps, ComponentCustomProps } from 'vue';
interface RefSelector {
ref: string;
interface NameSelector {
name: string;
length?: never;
type FindAllComponentsSelector = DefinedComponent | FunctionalComponent | ComponentOptions | NameSelector | string;
type FindComponentSelector = RefSelector | FindAllComponentsSelector;
type Slot = VNode | string | {
render: Function;
} | Function | Component;
type SlotDictionary = {
[key: string]: Slot;
type RawProps = VNodeProps & {
__v_isVNode?: never;
[Symbol.iterator]?: never;
} & Record<string, any>;
interface MountingOptions$1<Props, Data = {}> {
* Overrides component's default data. Must be a function.
* @see
data?: () => {} extends Data ? any : Data extends object ? Partial<Data> : any;
* Sets component props when mounted.
* @see
props?: (RawProps & Props) | ({} extends Props ? null : never);
* @deprecated use `props` instead.
propsData?: Props;
* Sets component attributes when mounted.
* @see
attrs?: Record<string, unknown>;
* Provide values for slots on a component.
* @see
slots?: SlotDictionary & {
default?: Slot;
* Provides global mounting options to the component.
global?: GlobalMountOptions$1;
* Specify where to mount the component.
* Can be a valid CSS selector, or an Element connected to the document.
* @see
attachTo?: HTMLElement | string;
* Automatically stub out all the child components.
* @default false
* @see
shallow?: boolean;
type Stub = boolean | Component | Directive;
type Stubs = Record<string, Stub> | Array<string>;
type GlobalMountOptions$1 = {
* Installs plugins on the component.
* @see
plugins?: (Plugin$1 | [Plugin$1, ...any[]])[];
* Customizes Vue application global configuration
* @see
config?: Partial<Omit<AppConfig, 'isNativeTag'>>;
* Applies a mixin for components under testing.
* @see
mixins?: ComponentOptions[];
* Mocks a global instance property.
* This is designed to mock variables injected by third party plugins, not
* Vue's native properties such as $root, $children, etc.
* @see
mocks?: Record<string, any>;
* Provides data to be received in a setup function via `inject`.
* @see
provide?: Record<any, any>;
* Registers components globally for components under testing.
* @see
components?: Record<string, Component | object>;
* Registers a directive globally for components under testing
* @see
directives?: Record<string, Directive>;
* Stubs a component for components under testing.
* @default "{ transition: true, 'transition-group': true }"
* @see
stubs?: Stubs;
* Allows rendering the default slot content, even when using
* `shallow` or `shallowMount`.
* @default false
* @see
renderStubDefaultSlot?: boolean;
type VueNode<T extends Node = Node> = T & {
__vue_app__?: any;
__vueParentComponent?: ComponentInternalInstance;
type DefinedComponent = new (...args: any[]) => any;
type DomEventName = keyof typeof domEvents;
declare const systemKeyModifiers: readonly ["ctrl", "shift", "alt", "meta"];
declare const mouseKeyModifiers: readonly ["left", "middle", "right"];
declare const keyCodesByKeyName: {
readonly backspace: 8;
readonly tab: 9;
readonly enter: 13;
readonly esc: 27;
readonly space: 32;
readonly pageup: 33;
readonly pagedown: 34;
readonly end: 35;
readonly home: 36;
readonly left: 37;
readonly up: 38;
readonly right: 39;
readonly down: 40;
readonly insert: 45;
readonly delete: 46;
type DomEventNameWithModifier = DomEventName | `${DomEventName}.${(typeof systemKeyModifiers)[number]}` | `click.${(typeof mouseKeyModifiers)[number]}` | `click.${(typeof systemKeyModifiers)[number]}.${(typeof mouseKeyModifiers)[number]}` | `${'keydown' | 'keyup'}.${keyof typeof keyCodesByKeyName}` | `${'keydown' | 'keyup'}.${(typeof systemKeyModifiers)[number]}.${keyof typeof keyCodesByKeyName}`;
declare const domEvents: {
readonly abort: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly afterprint: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly animationend: {
readonly eventInterface: "AnimationEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly animationiteration: {
readonly eventInterface: "AnimationEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly animationstart: {
readonly eventInterface: "AnimationEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly appinstalled: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
* @deprecated
readonly audioprocess: {
readonly eventInterface: "AudioProcessingEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly audioend: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly audiostart: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly beforeprint: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly beforeunload: {
readonly eventInterface: "BeforeUnloadEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly beginEvent: {
readonly eventInterface: "TimeEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly blur: {
readonly eventInterface: "FocusEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly boundary: {
readonly eventInterface: "SpeechSynthesisEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly cached: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly canplay: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly canplaythrough: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly change: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly chargingchange: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly chargingtimechange: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly checking: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly click: {
readonly eventInterface: "MouseEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly close: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly complete: {
readonly eventInterface: "OfflineAudioCompletionEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly compositionend: {
readonly eventInterface: "CompositionEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly compositionstart: {
readonly eventInterface: "CompositionEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly compositionupdate: {
readonly eventInterface: "CompositionEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly contextmenu: {
readonly eventInterface: "MouseEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly copy: {
readonly eventInterface: "ClipboardEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly cut: {
readonly eventInterface: "ClipboardEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly dblclick: {
readonly eventInterface: "MouseEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly devicechange: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly devicelight: {
readonly eventInterface: "DeviceLightEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly devicemotion: {
readonly eventInterface: "DeviceMotionEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly deviceorientation: {
readonly eventInterface: "DeviceOrientationEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly deviceproximity: {
readonly eventInterface: "DeviceProximityEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly dischargingtimechange: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly DOMActivate: {
readonly eventInterface: "UIEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly DOMAttributeNameChanged: {
readonly eventInterface: "MutationNameEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly DOMAttrModified: {
readonly eventInterface: "MutationEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly DOMCharacterDataModified: {
readonly eventInterface: "MutationEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly DOMContentLoaded: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly DOMElementNameChanged: {
readonly eventInterface: "MutationNameEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly DOMFocusIn: {
readonly eventInterface: "FocusEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly DOMFocusOut: {
readonly eventInterface: "FocusEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly DOMNodeInserted: {
readonly eventInterface: "MutationEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument: {
readonly eventInterface: "MutationEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly DOMNodeRemoved: {
readonly eventInterface: "MutationEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument: {
readonly eventInterface: "MutationEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
* @deprecated
readonly DOMSubtreeModified: {
readonly eventInterface: "MutationEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly downloading: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly drag: {
readonly eventInterface: "DragEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly dragend: {
readonly eventInterface: "DragEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly dragenter: {
readonly eventInterface: "DragEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly dragleave: {
readonly eventInterface: "DragEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly dragover: {
readonly eventInterface: "DragEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly dragstart: {
readonly eventInterface: "DragEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly drop: {
readonly eventInterface: "DragEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly durationchange: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly emptied: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly end: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly ended: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly endEvent: {
readonly eventInterface: "TimeEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly error: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly focus: {
readonly eventInterface: "FocusEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly focusin: {
readonly eventInterface: "FocusEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly focusout: {
readonly eventInterface: "FocusEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly fullscreenchange: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly fullscreenerror: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly gamepadconnected: {
readonly eventInterface: "GamepadEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly gamepaddisconnected: {
readonly eventInterface: "GamepadEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly gotpointercapture: {
readonly eventInterface: "PointerEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly hashchange: {
readonly eventInterface: "HashChangeEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly lostpointercapture: {
readonly eventInterface: "PointerEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly input: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly invalid: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly keydown: {
readonly eventInterface: "KeyboardEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly keypress: {
readonly eventInterface: "KeyboardEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly keyup: {
readonly eventInterface: "KeyboardEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly languagechange: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly levelchange: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly load: {
readonly eventInterface: "UIEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly loadeddata: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly loadedmetadata: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly loadend: {
readonly eventInterface: "ProgressEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly loadstart: {
readonly eventInterface: "ProgressEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly mark: {
readonly eventInterface: "SpeechSynthesisEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly message: {
readonly eventInterface: "MessageEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly messageerror: {
readonly eventInterface: "MessageEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly mousedown: {
readonly eventInterface: "MouseEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly mouseenter: {
readonly eventInterface: "MouseEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly mouseleave: {
readonly eventInterface: "MouseEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly mousemove: {
readonly eventInterface: "MouseEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly mouseout: {
readonly eventInterface: "MouseEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly mouseover: {
readonly eventInterface: "MouseEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly mouseup: {
readonly eventInterface: "MouseEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly nomatch: {
readonly eventInterface: "SpeechRecognitionEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly notificationclick: {
readonly eventInterface: "NotificationEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly noupdate: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly obsolete: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly offline: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly online: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly open: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly orientationchange: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly pagehide: {
readonly eventInterface: "PageTransitionEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly pageshow: {
readonly eventInterface: "PageTransitionEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly paste: {
readonly eventInterface: "ClipboardEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly pause: {
readonly eventInterface: "SpeechSynthesisEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly pointercancel: {
readonly eventInterface: "PointerEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly pointerdown: {
readonly eventInterface: "PointerEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly pointerenter: {
readonly eventInterface: "PointerEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly pointerleave: {
readonly eventInterface: "PointerEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly pointerlockchange: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly pointerlockerror: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly pointermove: {
readonly eventInterface: "PointerEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly pointerout: {
readonly eventInterface: "PointerEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly pointerover: {
readonly eventInterface: "PointerEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly pointerup: {
readonly eventInterface: "PointerEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly play: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly playing: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly popstate: {
readonly eventInterface: "PopStateEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly progress: {
readonly eventInterface: "ProgressEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly push: {
readonly eventInterface: "PushEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly pushsubscriptionchange: {
readonly eventInterface: "PushEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly ratechange: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly readystatechange: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly repeatEvent: {
readonly eventInterface: "TimeEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly reset: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly resize: {
readonly eventInterface: "UIEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly resourcetimingbufferfull: {
readonly eventInterface: "Performance";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly result: {
readonly eventInterface: "SpeechRecognitionEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly resume: {
readonly eventInterface: "SpeechSynthesisEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly scroll: {
readonly eventInterface: "UIEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly seeked: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly seeking: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly select: {
readonly eventInterface: "UIEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly selectstart: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly selectionchange: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly show: {
readonly eventInterface: "MouseEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly slotchange: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly soundend: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly soundstart: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly speechend: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly speechstart: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly stalled: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly start: {
readonly eventInterface: "SpeechSynthesisEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly storage: {
readonly eventInterface: "StorageEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly submit: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly success: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly suspend: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly SVGAbort: {
readonly eventInterface: "SVGEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly SVGError: {
readonly eventInterface: "SVGEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly SVGLoad: {
readonly eventInterface: "SVGEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly SVGResize: {
readonly eventInterface: "SVGEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly SVGScroll: {
readonly eventInterface: "SVGEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly SVGUnload: {
readonly eventInterface: "SVGEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly SVGZoom: {
readonly eventInterface: "SVGZoomEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly timeout: {
readonly eventInterface: "ProgressEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly timeupdate: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly touchcancel: {
readonly eventInterface: "TouchEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly touchend: {
readonly eventInterface: "TouchEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly touchmove: {
readonly eventInterface: "TouchEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly touchstart: {
readonly eventInterface: "TouchEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly transitionend: {
readonly eventInterface: "TransitionEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
readonly unload: {
readonly eventInterface: "UIEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly updateready: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly userproximity: {
readonly eventInterface: "UserProximityEvent";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly voiceschanged: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly visibilitychange: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly volumechange: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly waiting: {
readonly eventInterface: "Event";
readonly bubbles: false;
readonly cancelable: false;
readonly wheel: {
readonly eventInterface: "WheelEvent";
readonly bubbles: true;
readonly cancelable: true;
interface TriggerOptions {
code?: String;
key?: String;
keyCode?: Number;
[custom: string]: any;
declare class DOMWrapper<NodeType extends Node> extends BaseWrapper<NodeType> {
constructor(element: NodeType | null | undefined);
getRootNodes(): VueNode<NodeType>[];
getCurrentComponent(): vue.ComponentInternalInstance | undefined;
find<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selector: K): DOMWrapper<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>;
find<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>(selector: K): DOMWrapper<SVGElementTagNameMap[K]>;
find<T extends Element = Element>(selector: string): DOMWrapper<T>;
find<T extends Node = Node>(selector: string | RefSelector): DOMWrapper<T>;
findAll<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selector: K): DOMWrapper<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>[];
findAll<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>(selector: K): DOMWrapper<SVGElementTagNameMap[K]>[];
findAll<T extends Element>(selector: string): DOMWrapper<T>[];
findAllComponents(selector: any): any;
private setChecked;
setValue(value?: any): Promise<void>;
private setSelected;
interface WrapperLike {
readonly element: Node;
find<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selector: K): DOMWrapper<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>;
find<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>(selector: K): DOMWrapper<SVGElementTagNameMap[K]>;
find<T extends Element = Element>(selector: string): DOMWrapper<T>;
find<T extends Node = Node>(selector: string | RefSelector): DOMWrapper<T>;
findAll<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selector: K): DOMWrapper<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>[];
findAll<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>(selector: K): DOMWrapper<SVGElementTagNameMap[K]>[];
findAll<T extends Element>(selector: string): DOMWrapper<T>[];
findAll(selector: string): DOMWrapper<Element>[];
findComponent<T extends never>(selector: string): WrapperLike;
findComponent<T extends DefinedComponent>(selector: T | Exclude<FindComponentSelector, FunctionalComponent>): VueWrapper<InstanceType<T>>;
findComponent<T extends FunctionalComponent>(selector: T | string): DOMWrapper<Element>;
findComponent<T extends never>(selector: NameSelector | RefSelector): VueWrapper;
findComponent<T extends ComponentPublicInstance>(selector: T | FindComponentSelector): VueWrapper<T>;
findComponent(selector: FindComponentSelector): WrapperLike;
findAllComponents<T extends never>(selector: string): WrapperLike[];
findAllComponents<T extends DefinedComponent>(selector: T | Exclude<FindAllComponentsSelector, FunctionalComponent>): VueWrapper<InstanceType<T>>[];
findAllComponents<T extends FunctionalComponent>(selector: string): DOMWrapper<Element>[];
findAllComponents<T extends FunctionalComponent>(selector: T): DOMWrapper<Node>[];
findAllComponents<T extends never>(selector: NameSelector): VueWrapper[];
findAllComponents<T extends ComponentPublicInstance>(selector: T | FindAllComponentsSelector): VueWrapper<T>[];
findAllComponents(selector: FindAllComponentsSelector): WrapperLike[];
get<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selector: K): Omit<DOMWrapper<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>, 'exists'>;
get<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>(selector: K): Omit<DOMWrapper<SVGElementTagNameMap[K]>, 'exists'>;
get<T extends Element = Element>(selector: string): Omit<DOMWrapper<T>, 'exists'>;
get<T extends Node = Node>(selector: string | RefSelector): Omit<DOMWrapper<T>, 'exists'>;
getComponent<T extends never>(selector: string): Omit<WrapperLike, 'exists'>;
getComponent<T extends DefinedComponent>(selector: T | Exclude<FindComponentSelector, FunctionalComponent>): Omit<VueWrapper<InstanceType<T>>, 'exists'>;
getComponent<T extends FunctionalComponent>(selector: T | string): Omit<DOMWrapper<Element>, 'exists'>;
getComponent<T extends ComponentPublicInstance>(selector: T | FindComponentSelector): Omit<VueWrapper<T>, 'exists'>;
getComponent<T extends never>(selector: FindComponentSelector): Omit<WrapperLike, 'exists'>;
html(): string;
classes(): string[];
classes(className: string): boolean;
classes(className?: string): string[] | boolean;
attributes(): {
[key: string]: string;
attributes(key: string): string | undefined;
attributes(key?: string): {
[key: string]: string;
} | string | undefined;
text(): string;
exists(): boolean;
setValue(value: any): Promise<void>;
isVisible(): boolean;
trigger(eventString: DomEventNameWithModifier, options?: TriggerOptions): Promise<void>;
trigger(eventString: string, options?: TriggerOptions): Promise<void>;
declare abstract class BaseWrapper<ElementType extends Node> implements WrapperLike {
protected readonly wrapperElement: VueNode<ElementType>;
protected abstract getRootNodes(): VueNode[];
get element(): VueNode<ElementType>;
protected constructor(element: ElementType);
protected findAllDOMElements(selector: string): Element[];
find<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selector: K): DOMWrapper<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>;
find<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>(selector: K): DOMWrapper<SVGElementTagNameMap[K]>;
find<T extends Element = Element>(selector: string): DOMWrapper<T>;
find<T extends Node = Node>(selector: string | RefSelector): DOMWrapper<T>;
abstract findAll<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selector: K): DOMWrapper<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>[];
abstract findAll<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>(selector: K): DOMWrapper<SVGElementTagNameMap[K]>[];
abstract findAll<T extends Element>(selector: string): DOMWrapper<T>[];
abstract findAll(selector: string): DOMWrapper<Element>[];
findComponent<T extends never>(selector: string): WrapperLike;
findComponent<Props, RawBindings = any, D = any, C extends ComputedOptions = ComputedOptions, M extends MethodOptions = MethodOptions>(selector: ComponentOptions<Props, RawBindings, D, C, M>): VueWrapper<CreateComponentPublicInstance<Props, RawBindings, D, C, M>>;
findComponent<T extends ComponentOptions>(selector: string): VueWrapper<T extends ComponentOptions<infer Props, infer RawBindings, infer D, infer C, infer M> ? CreateComponentPublicInstance<Props, RawBindings, D, C, M> : VueWrapper<CreateComponentPublicInstance>>;
findComponent<T extends DefinedComponent>(selector: T | Exclude<FindComponentSelector, FunctionalComponent>): VueWrapper<InstanceType<T>>;
findComponent<T extends FunctionalComponent>(selector: T): DOMWrapper<Node>;
findComponent<T extends FunctionalComponent>(selector: string): DOMWrapper<Element>;
findComponent<T extends never>(selector: NameSelector | RefSelector): VueWrapper;
findComponent<T extends ComponentPublicInstance>(selector: T | FindComponentSelector): VueWrapper<T>;
findComponent<T extends never>(selector: FindComponentSelector): WrapperLike;
findAllComponents<T extends never>(selector: string): WrapperLike[];
findAllComponents<T extends DefinedComponent>(selector: T | Exclude<FindAllComponentsSelector, FunctionalComponent>): VueWrapper<InstanceType<T>>[];
findAllComponents<T extends FunctionalComponent>(selector: T): DOMWrapper<Node>[];
findAllComponents<T extends FunctionalComponent>(selector: string): DOMWrapper<Element>[];
findAllComponents<T extends never>(selector: NameSelector): VueWrapper[];
findAllComponents<T extends ComponentPublicInstance>(selector: T | FindAllComponentsSelector): VueWrapper<T>[];
findAllComponents<T extends never>(selector: FindAllComponentsSelector): WrapperLike[];
abstract setValue(value?: any): Promise<void>;
html(options?: {
raw?: boolean;
}): string;
classes(): string[];
classes(className: string): boolean;
attributes(): {
[key: string]: string;
attributes(key: string): string | undefined;
text(): string;
exists(): boolean;
get<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selector: K): Omit<DOMWrapper<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>, 'exists'>;
get<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>(selector: K): Omit<DOMWrapper<SVGElementTagNameMap[K]>, 'exists'>;
get<T extends Element = Element>(selector: string): Omit<DOMWrapper<T>, 'exists'>;
get<T extends Node = Node>(selector: string | RefSelector): Omit<DOMWrapper<T>, 'exists'>;
getComponent<T extends never>(selector: string): Omit<WrapperLike, 'exists'>;
getComponent<T extends DefinedComponent>(selector: T | Exclude<FindComponentSelector, FunctionalComponent>): Omit<VueWrapper<InstanceType<T>>, 'exists'>;
getComponent<T extends FunctionalComponent>(selector: T | string): Omit<DOMWrapper<Element>, 'exists'>;
getComponent<T extends never>(selector: NameSelector | RefSelector): Omit<VueWrapper, 'exists'>;
getComponent<T extends ComponentPublicInstance>(selector: T | FindComponentSelector): Omit<VueWrapper<T>, 'exists'>;
getComponent<T extends never>(selector: FindComponentSelector): Omit<WrapperLike, 'exists'>;
protected isDisabled: () => boolean;
isVisible(): boolean;
protected abstract getCurrentComponent(): ComponentInternalInstance | void;
trigger(eventString: DomEventNameWithModifier, options?: TriggerOptions): Promise<void>;
trigger(eventString: string, options?: TriggerOptions): Promise<void>;
declare class VueWrapper<T extends Omit<ComponentPublicInstance, '$emit' | keyof ComponentCustomProperties> & {
$emit: (event: any, ...args: any[]) => void;
} & ComponentCustomProperties = ComponentPublicInstance> extends BaseWrapper<Node> {
private readonly componentVM;
private readonly rootVM;
private readonly __app;
private readonly __setProps;
private cleanUpCallbacks;
constructor(app: App | null, vm: T, setProps?: (props: Record<string, unknown>) => void);
private get hasMultipleRoots();
protected getRootNodes(): VueNode[];
private get parentElement();
getCurrentComponent(): vue.ComponentInternalInstance;
exists(): boolean;
findAll<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selector: K): DOMWrapper<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>[];
findAll<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>(selector: K): DOMWrapper<SVGElementTagNameMap[K]>[];
findAll<T extends Element>(selector: string): DOMWrapper<T>[];
private attachNativeEventListener;
get element(): Element;
get vm(): T;
props(): {
[key: string]: any;
props(selector: string): any;
emitted<T = unknown>(): Record<string, T[]>;
emitted<T = unknown[]>(eventName: string): undefined | T[];
isVisible(): boolean;
setData(data: Record<string, unknown>): Promise<void>;
setProps(props: Record<string, unknown>): Promise<void>;
setValue(value: unknown, prop?: string): Promise<void>;
unmount(): void;
type CustomCreateStub = (params: {
name: string;
component: ConcreteComponent;
}) => ConcreteComponent;
interface GlobalConfigOptions {
global: Required<Omit<GlobalMountOptions$1, 'stubs'>> & {
stubs: Record<string, Stub>;
plugins: {
VueWrapper: Pluggable<VueWrapper>;
DOMWrapper: Pluggable<DOMWrapper<Node>>;
createStubs?: CustomCreateStub;
* @deprecated use global.
renderStubDefaultSlot?: boolean;
interface Plugin<Instance, O> {
handler(instance: Instance): Record<string, any>;
handler(instance: Instance, options: O): Record<string, any>;
options: O;
declare class Pluggable<Instance = DOMWrapper<Node>> {
installedPlugins: Plugin<Instance, any>[];
install<O>(handler: (instance: Instance) => Record<string, any>): void;
install<O>(handler: (instance: Instance, options: O) => Record<string, any>, options: O): void;
extend(instance: Instance): void;
/** For testing */
reset(): void;
type PublicProps$1 = VNodeProps & AllowedComponentProps & ComponentCustomProps;
type ComponentMountingOptions$1<T> = T extends DefineComponent<infer PropsOrPropOptions, any, infer D, any, any> ? MountingOptions$1<Partial<ExtractDefaultPropTypes<PropsOrPropOptions>> & Omit<Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<PropsOrPropOptions>> & PublicProps$1, keyof ExtractDefaultPropTypes<PropsOrPropOptions>>, D> & Record<string, any> : MountingOptions$1<any>;
declare function renderToString<V extends {}>(originalComponent: {
new (...args: any[]): V;
__vccOpts: any;
}, options?: MountingOptions$1<any> & Record<string, any>): Promise<string>;
declare function renderToString<V extends {}, P>(originalComponent: {
new (...args: any[]): V;
__vccOpts: any;
defaultProps?: Record<string, Prop<any>> | string[];
}, options?: MountingOptions$1<P & PublicProps$1> & Record<string, any>): Promise<string>;
declare function renderToString<V extends {}>(originalComponent: {
new (...args: any[]): V;
registerHooks(keys: string[]): void;
}, options?: MountingOptions$1<any> & Record<string, any>): Promise<string>;
declare function renderToString<V extends {}, P>(originalComponent: {
new (...args: any[]): V;
props(Props: P): any;
registerHooks(keys: string[]): void;
}, options?: MountingOptions$1<P & PublicProps$1> & Record<string, any>): Promise<string>;
declare function renderToString<Props extends {}, E extends EmitsOptions = {}>(originalComponent: FunctionalComponent<Props, E>, options?: MountingOptions$1<Props & PublicProps$1> & Record<string, any>): Promise<string>;
declare function renderToString<PropsOrPropOptions = {}, RawBindings = {}, D = {}, C extends ComputedOptions = ComputedOptions, M extends MethodOptions = MethodOptions, Mixin extends ComponentOptionsMixin = ComponentOptionsMixin, Extends extends ComponentOptionsMixin = ComponentOptionsMixin, E extends EmitsOptions = Record<string, any>, EE extends string = string, PP = PublicProps$1, Props = Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<PropsOrPropOptions>>, Defaults extends {} = ExtractDefaultPropTypes<PropsOrPropOptions>>(component: DefineComponent<PropsOrPropOptions, RawBindings, D, C, M, Mixin, Extends, E, EE, PP, Props, Defaults>, options?: MountingOptions$1<Partial<Defaults> & Omit<Props & PublicProps$1, keyof Defaults>, D> & Record<string, any>): Promise<string>;
declare function renderToString<T extends DefineComponent<any, any, any, any, any>>(component: T, options?: ComponentMountingOptions$1<T>): Promise<string>;
declare function renderToString<Props = {}, RawBindings = {}, D extends {} = {}, C extends ComputedOptions = {}, M extends Record<string, Function> = {}, E extends EmitsOptions = Record<string, any>, Mixin extends ComponentOptionsMixin = ComponentOptionsMixin, Extends extends ComponentOptionsMixin = ComponentOptionsMixin, EE extends string = string>(componentOptions: ComponentOptionsWithoutProps<Props, RawBindings, D, C, M, E, Mixin, Extends, EE>, options?: MountingOptions$1<Props & PublicProps$1, D>): Promise<string>;
declare function renderToString<PropNames extends string, RawBindings, D extends {}, C extends ComputedOptions = {}, M extends Record<string, Function> = {}, E extends EmitsOptions = Record<string, any>, Mixin extends ComponentOptionsMixin = ComponentOptionsMixin, Extends extends ComponentOptionsMixin = ComponentOptionsMixin, EE extends string = string, Props extends Readonly<{
[key in PropNames]?: any;
}> = Readonly<{
[key in PropNames]?: any;
}>>(componentOptions: ComponentOptionsWithArrayProps<PropNames, RawBindings, D, C, M, E, Mixin, Extends, EE, Props>, options?: MountingOptions$1<Props & PublicProps$1, D>): Promise<string>;
declare function renderToString<PropsOptions extends Readonly<ComponentPropsOptions>, RawBindings, D extends {}, C extends ComputedOptions = {}, M extends Record<string, Function> = {}, E extends EmitsOptions = Record<string, any>, Mixin extends ComponentOptionsMixin = ComponentOptionsMixin, Extends extends ComponentOptionsMixin = ComponentOptionsMixin, EE extends string = string>(componentOptions: ComponentOptionsWithObjectProps<PropsOptions, RawBindings, D, C, M, E, Mixin, Extends, EE>, options?: MountingOptions$1<ExtractPropTypes<PropsOptions> & PublicProps$1, D>): Promise<string>;
declare function createWrapperError<T extends object>(wrapperType: 'DOMWrapper' | 'VueWrapper'): T;
declare function flushPromises(): Promise<unknown>;
declare function disableAutoUnmount(): void;
declare function enableAutoUnmount(hook: (callback: () => void) => void): void;
declare const VueTestUtils: {
renderToString: typeof renderToString;
enableAutoUnmount: typeof enableAutoUnmount;
disableAutoUnmount: typeof disableAutoUnmount;
RouterLinkStub: DefineComponent<{
to: {
type: (ObjectConstructor | StringConstructor)[];
required: true;
custom: {
type: BooleanConstructor;
default: boolean;
}, unknown, unknown, {}, {}, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, {}, string, VNodeProps & AllowedComponentProps & ComponentCustomProps, Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<{
to: {
type: (ObjectConstructor | StringConstructor)[];
required: true;
custom: {
type: BooleanConstructor;
default: boolean;
}>>, {
custom: boolean;
VueWrapper: typeof VueWrapper;
DOMWrapper: typeof DOMWrapper;
BaseWrapper: typeof BaseWrapper;
config: GlobalConfigOptions;
flushPromises: typeof flushPromises;
createWrapperError: typeof createWrapperError;
declare type GlobalMountOptions = Required<MountingOptions$1<any>>['global'];
declare global {
namespace Cypress {
interface Cypress {
vueWrapper: VueWrapper<ComponentPublicInstance>;
vue: ComponentPublicInstance;
declare type MountingOptions<Props, Data = {}> = Omit<MountingOptions$1<Props, Data>, 'attachTo'> & {
log?: boolean;
* @deprecated use vue-test-utils `global` instead
extensions?: GlobalMountOptions & {
use?: GlobalMountOptions['plugins'];
mixin?: GlobalMountOptions['mixins'];
declare type CyMountOptions<Props, Data = {}> = MountingOptions<Props, Data>;
* The types for mount have been copied directly from the VTU mount
* There isn't a good way to make them generic enough that we can extend them.
* In addition, we modify the types slightly.
* `MountOptions` are modifying, including some Cypress specific options like `styles`.
* The return type is different. Instead of VueWrapper, it's Cypress.Chainable<VueWrapper<...>>.
declare type PublicProps = VNodeProps & AllowedComponentProps & ComponentCustomProps;
declare type ComponentMountingOptions<T> = T extends DefineComponent<infer PropsOrPropOptions, any, infer D, any, any> ? MountingOptions<Partial<ExtractDefaultPropTypes<PropsOrPropOptions>> & Omit<Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<PropsOrPropOptions>> & PublicProps, keyof ExtractDefaultPropTypes<PropsOrPropOptions>>, D> & Record<string, any> : MountingOptions<any>;
declare function mount<V extends {}>(originalComponent: {
new (...args: any[]): V;
__vccOpts: any;
}, options?: MountingOptions<any> & Record<string, any>): Cypress.Chainable<{
wrapper: VueWrapper<ComponentPublicInstance<V>>;
component: VueWrapper<ComponentPublicInstance<V>>['vm'];
declare function mount<V extends {}, P>(originalComponent: {
new (...args: any[]): V;
__vccOpts: any;
defaultProps?: Record<string, Prop<any>> | string[];
}, options?: MountingOptions<P & PublicProps> & Record<string, any>): Cypress.Chainable<{
wrapper: VueWrapper<ComponentPublicInstance<V>>;
component: VueWrapper<ComponentPublicInstance<V>>['vm'];
declare function mount<V extends {}>(originalComponent: {
new (...args: any[]): V;
registerHooks(keys: string[]): void;
}, options?: MountingOptions<any> & Record<string, any>): Cypress.Chainable<{
wrapper: VueWrapper<ComponentPublicInstance<V>>;
component: VueWrapper<ComponentPublicInstance<V>>['vm'];
declare function mount<V extends {}, P>(originalComponent: {
new (...args: any[]): V;
props(Props: P): any;
registerHooks(keys: string[]): void;
}, options?: MountingOptions<P & PublicProps> & Record<string, any>): Cypress.Chainable<{
wrapper: VueWrapper<ComponentPublicInstance<V>>;
component: VueWrapper<ComponentPublicInstance<V>>['vm'];
declare function mount<Props extends {}, E extends EmitsOptions = {}>(originalComponent: FunctionalComponent<Props, E>, options?: MountingOptions<Props & PublicProps> & Record<string, any>): Cypress.Chainable<{
wrapper: VueWrapper<ComponentPublicInstance<Props>>;
component: VueWrapper<ComponentPublicInstance<Props>>['vm'];
declare function mount<PropsOrPropOptions = {}, RawBindings = {}, D = {}, C extends ComputedOptions = ComputedOptions, M extends MethodOptions = MethodOptions, Mixin extends ComponentOptionsMixin = ComponentOptionsMixin, Extends extends ComponentOptionsMixin = ComponentOptionsMixin, E extends EmitsOptions = Record<string, any>, EE extends string = string, PP = PublicProps, Props = Readonly<ExtractPropTypes<PropsOrPropOptions>>, Defaults extends {} = ExtractDefaultPropTypes<PropsOrPropOptions>>(component: DefineComponent<PropsOrPropOptions, RawBindings, D, C, M, Mixin, Extends, E, EE, PP, Props, Defaults>, options?: MountingOptions<Partial<Defaults> & Omit<Props & PublicProps, keyof Defaults>, D> & Record<string, any>): Cypress.Chainable<{
wrapper: VueWrapper<InstanceType<DefineComponent<PropsOrPropOptions, RawBindings, D, C, M, Mixin, Extends, EmitsOptions, EE, PP, Props, Defaults>>>;
component: VueWrapper<InstanceType<DefineComponent<PropsOrPropOptions, RawBindings, D, C, M, Mixin, Extends, EmitsOptions, EE, PP, Props, Defaults>>>['vm'];
declare function mount<T extends DefineComponent<any, any, any, any, any>>(component: T, options?: ComponentMountingOptions<T>): Cypress.Chainable<{
wrapper: VueWrapper<InstanceType<T>>;
component: VueWrapper<InstanceType<T>>['vm'];
declare function mount<Props = {}, RawBindings = {}, D extends {} = {}, C extends ComputedOptions = {}, M extends Record<string, Function> = {}, E extends EmitsOptions = Record<string, any>, Mixin extends ComponentOptionsMixin = ComponentOptionsMixin, Extends extends ComponentOptionsMixin = ComponentOptionsMixin, EE extends string = string>(componentOptions: ComponentOptionsWithoutProps<Props, RawBindings, D, C, M, E, Mixin, Extends, EE>, options?: MountingOptions<Props & PublicProps, D>): Cypress.Chainable<{
wrapper: VueWrapper<ComponentPublicInstance<Props, RawBindings, D, C, M, E, VNodeProps & Props>> & Record<string, any>;
component: VueWrapper<ComponentPublicInstance<Props, RawBindings, D, C, M, E, VNodeProps & Props>> & Record<string, any>['vm'];
declare function mount<PropNames extends string, RawBindings, D extends {}, C extends ComputedOptions = {}, M extends Record<string, Function> = {}, E extends EmitsOptions = Record<string, any>, Mixin extends ComponentOptionsMixin = ComponentOptionsMixin, Extends extends ComponentOptionsMixin = ComponentOptionsMixin, EE extends string = string, Props extends Readonly<{
[key in PropNames]?: any;
}> = Readonly<{
[key in PropNames]?: any;
}>>(componentOptions: ComponentOptionsWithArrayProps<PropNames, RawBindings, D, C, M, E, Mixin, Extends, EE, Props>, options?: MountingOptions<Props & PublicProps, D>): Cypress.Chainable<{
wrapper: VueWrapper<ComponentPublicInstance<Props, RawBindings, D, C, M, E>>;
component: VueWrapper<ComponentPublicInstance<Props, RawBindings, D, C, M, E>>['vm'];
declare function mount<PropsOptions extends Readonly<ComponentPropsOptions>, RawBindings, D extends {}, C extends ComputedOptions = {}, M extends Record<string, Function> = {}, E extends EmitsOptions = Record<string, any>, Mixin extends ComponentOptionsMixin = ComponentOptionsMixin, Extends extends ComponentOptionsMixin = ComponentOptionsMixin, EE extends string = string>(componentOptions: ComponentOptionsWithObjectProps<PropsOptions, RawBindings, D, C, M, E, Mixin, Extends, EE>, options?: MountingOptions<ExtractPropTypes<PropsOptions> & PublicProps, D>): Cypress.Chainable<{
wrapper: VueWrapper<ComponentPublicInstance<ExtractPropTypes<PropsOptions>, RawBindings, D, C, M, E, VNodeProps & ExtractPropTypes<PropsOptions>>>;
component: VueWrapper<ComponentPublicInstance<ExtractPropTypes<PropsOptions>, RawBindings, D, C, M, E, VNodeProps & ExtractPropTypes<PropsOptions>>>['vm'];
* Helper function for mounting a component quickly in test hooks.
* @example
* import {mountCallback} from '@cypress/vue'
* beforeEach(mountVue(component, options))
* Removed as of Cypress 11.0.0.
* @see
declare function mountCallback(component: any, options?: any): () => void;
export { CyMountOptions, VueTestUtils, mount, mountCallback };