import * as C from './constant'; import en from './locale/en'; import U from './utils'; var L = 'en'; // global locale var Ls = {}; // global loaded locale Ls[L] = en; var isDayjs = function isDayjs(d) { return d instanceof Dayjs; }; // eslint-disable-line no-use-before-define var parseLocale = function parseLocale(preset, object, isLocal) { var l; if (!preset) return L; if (typeof preset === 'string') { var presetLower = preset.toLowerCase(); if (Ls[presetLower]) { l = presetLower; } if (object) { Ls[presetLower] = object; l = presetLower; } var presetSplit = preset.split('-'); if (!l && presetSplit.length > 1) { return parseLocale(presetSplit[0]); } } else { var name =; Ls[name] = preset; l = name; } if (!isLocal && l) L = l; return l || !isLocal && L; }; var dayjs = function dayjs(date, c) { if (isDayjs(date)) { return date.clone(); } // eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary var cfg = typeof c === 'object' ? c : {}; = date; cfg.args = arguments; // eslint-disable-line prefer-rest-params return new Dayjs(cfg); // eslint-disable-line no-use-before-define }; var wrapper = function wrapper(date, instance) { return dayjs(date, { locale: instance.$L, utc: instance.$u, x: instance.$x, $offset: instance.$offset // todo: refactor; do not use this.$offset in you code }); }; var Utils = U; // for plugin use Utils.l = parseLocale; Utils.i = isDayjs; Utils.w = wrapper; var parseDate = function parseDate(cfg) { var date =, utc = cfg.utc; if (date === null) return new Date(NaN); // null is invalid if (Utils.u(date)) return new Date(); // today if (date instanceof Date) return new Date(date); if (typeof date === 'string' && !/Z$/i.test(date)) { var d = date.match(C.REGEX_PARSE); if (d) { var m = d[2] - 1 || 0; var ms = (d[7] || '0').substring(0, 3); if (utc) { return new Date(Date.UTC(d[1], m, d[3] || 1, d[4] || 0, d[5] || 0, d[6] || 0, ms)); } return new Date(d[1], m, d[3] || 1, d[4] || 0, d[5] || 0, d[6] || 0, ms); } } return new Date(date); // everything else }; var Dayjs = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function Dayjs(cfg) { this.$L = parseLocale(cfg.locale, null, true); this.parse(cfg); // for plugin } var _proto = Dayjs.prototype; _proto.parse = function parse(cfg) { this.$d = parseDate(cfg); this.$x = cfg.x || {}; this.init(); }; _proto.init = function init() { var $d = this.$d; this.$y = $d.getFullYear(); this.$M = $d.getMonth(); this.$D = $d.getDate(); this.$W = $d.getDay(); this.$H = $d.getHours(); this.$m = $d.getMinutes(); this.$s = $d.getSeconds(); this.$ms = $d.getMilliseconds(); } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this ; _proto.$utils = function $utils() { return Utils; }; _proto.isValid = function isValid() { return !(this.$d.toString() === C.INVALID_DATE_STRING); }; _proto.isSame = function isSame(that, units) { var other = dayjs(that); return this.startOf(units) <= other && other <= this.endOf(units); }; _proto.isAfter = function isAfter(that, units) { return dayjs(that) < this.startOf(units); }; _proto.isBefore = function isBefore(that, units) { return this.endOf(units) < dayjs(that); }; _proto.$g = function $g(input, get, set) { if (Utils.u(input)) return this[get]; return this.set(set, input); }; _proto.unix = function unix() { return Math.floor(this.valueOf() / 1000); }; _proto.valueOf = function valueOf() { // timezone(hour) * 60 * 60 * 1000 => ms return this.$d.getTime(); }; _proto.startOf = function startOf(units, _startOf) { var _this = this; // startOf -> endOf var isStartOf = !Utils.u(_startOf) ? _startOf : true; var unit = Utils.p(units); var instanceFactory = function instanceFactory(d, m) { var ins = Utils.w(_this.$u ? Date.UTC(_this.$y, m, d) : new Date(_this.$y, m, d), _this); return isStartOf ? ins : ins.endOf(C.D); }; var instanceFactorySet = function instanceFactorySet(method, slice) { var argumentStart = [0, 0, 0, 0]; var argumentEnd = [23, 59, 59, 999]; return Utils.w(_this.toDate()[method].apply( // eslint-disable-line prefer-spread _this.toDate('s'), (isStartOf ? argumentStart : argumentEnd).slice(slice)), _this); }; var $W = this.$W, $M = this.$M, $D = this.$D; var utcPad = "set" + (this.$u ? 'UTC' : ''); switch (unit) { case C.Y: return isStartOf ? instanceFactory(1, 0) : instanceFactory(31, 11); case C.M: return isStartOf ? instanceFactory(1, $M) : instanceFactory(0, $M + 1); case C.W: { var weekStart = this.$locale().weekStart || 0; var gap = ($W < weekStart ? $W + 7 : $W) - weekStart; return instanceFactory(isStartOf ? $D - gap : $D + (6 - gap), $M); } case C.D: case C.DATE: return instanceFactorySet(utcPad + "Hours", 0); case C.H: return instanceFactorySet(utcPad + "Minutes", 1); case C.MIN: return instanceFactorySet(utcPad + "Seconds", 2); case C.S: return instanceFactorySet(utcPad + "Milliseconds", 3); default: return this.clone(); } }; _proto.endOf = function endOf(arg) { return this.startOf(arg, false); }; _proto.$set = function $set(units, _int) { var _C$D$C$DATE$C$M$C$Y$C; // private set var unit = Utils.p(units); var utcPad = "set" + (this.$u ? 'UTC' : ''); var name = (_C$D$C$DATE$C$M$C$Y$C = {}, _C$D$C$DATE$C$M$C$Y$C[C.D] = utcPad + "Date", _C$D$C$DATE$C$M$C$Y$C[C.DATE] = utcPad + "Date", _C$D$C$DATE$C$M$C$Y$C[C.M] = utcPad + "Month", _C$D$C$DATE$C$M$C$Y$C[C.Y] = utcPad + "FullYear", _C$D$C$DATE$C$M$C$Y$C[C.H] = utcPad + "Hours", _C$D$C$DATE$C$M$C$Y$C[C.MIN] = utcPad + "Minutes", _C$D$C$DATE$C$M$C$Y$C[C.S] = utcPad + "Seconds", _C$D$C$DATE$C$M$C$Y$C[C.MS] = utcPad + "Milliseconds", _C$D$C$DATE$C$M$C$Y$C)[unit]; var arg = unit === C.D ? this.$D + (_int - this.$W) : _int; if (unit === C.M || unit === C.Y) { // clone is for badMutable plugin var date = this.clone().set(C.DATE, 1); date.$d[name](arg); date.init(); this.$d = date.set(C.DATE, Math.min(this.$D, date.daysInMonth())).$d; } else if (name) this.$d[name](arg); this.init(); return this; }; _proto.set = function set(string, _int2) { return this.clone().$set(string, _int2); }; _proto.get = function get(unit) { return this[Utils.p(unit)](); }; _proto.add = function add(number, units) { var _this2 = this, _C$MIN$C$H$C$S$unit; number = Number(number); // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign var unit = Utils.p(units); var instanceFactorySet = function instanceFactorySet(n) { var d = dayjs(_this2); return Utils.w( + Math.round(n * number)), _this2); }; if (unit === C.M) { return this.set(C.M, this.$M + number); } if (unit === C.Y) { return this.set(C.Y, this.$y + number); } if (unit === C.D) { return instanceFactorySet(1); } if (unit === C.W) { return instanceFactorySet(7); } var step = (_C$MIN$C$H$C$S$unit = {}, _C$MIN$C$H$C$S$unit[C.MIN] = C.MILLISECONDS_A_MINUTE, _C$MIN$C$H$C$S$unit[C.H] = C.MILLISECONDS_A_HOUR, _C$MIN$C$H$C$S$unit[C.S] = C.MILLISECONDS_A_SECOND, _C$MIN$C$H$C$S$unit)[unit] || 1; // ms var nextTimeStamp = this.$d.getTime() + number * step; return Utils.w(nextTimeStamp, this); }; _proto.subtract = function subtract(number, string) { return this.add(number * -1, string); }; _proto.format = function format(formatStr) { var _this3 = this; var locale = this.$locale(); if (!this.isValid()) return locale.invalidDate || C.INVALID_DATE_STRING; var str = formatStr || C.FORMAT_DEFAULT; var zoneStr = Utils.z(this); var $H = this.$H, $m = this.$m, $M = this.$M; var weekdays = locale.weekdays, months = locale.months, meridiem = locale.meridiem; var getShort = function getShort(arr, index, full, length) { return arr && (arr[index] || arr(_this3, str)) || full[index].slice(0, length); }; var get$H = function get$H(num) { return Utils.s($H % 12 || 12, num, '0'); }; var meridiemFunc = meridiem || function (hour, minute, isLowercase) { var m = hour < 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM'; return isLowercase ? m.toLowerCase() : m; }; var matches = { YY: String(this.$y).slice(-2), YYYY: Utils.s(this.$y, 4, '0'), M: $M + 1, MM: Utils.s($M + 1, 2, '0'), MMM: getShort(locale.monthsShort, $M, months, 3), MMMM: getShort(months, $M), D: this.$D, DD: Utils.s(this.$D, 2, '0'), d: String(this.$W), dd: getShort(locale.weekdaysMin, this.$W, weekdays, 2), ddd: getShort(locale.weekdaysShort, this.$W, weekdays, 3), dddd: weekdays[this.$W], H: String($H), HH: Utils.s($H, 2, '0'), h: get$H(1), hh: get$H(2), a: meridiemFunc($H, $m, true), A: meridiemFunc($H, $m, false), m: String($m), mm: Utils.s($m, 2, '0'), s: String(this.$s), ss: Utils.s(this.$s, 2, '0'), SSS: Utils.s(this.$ms, 3, '0'), Z: zoneStr // 'ZZ' logic below }; return str.replace(C.REGEX_FORMAT, function (match, $1) { return $1 || matches[match] || zoneStr.replace(':', ''); }); // 'ZZ' }; _proto.utcOffset = function utcOffset() { // Because a bug at FF24, we're rounding the timezone offset around 15 minutes // return -Math.round(this.$d.getTimezoneOffset() / 15) * 15; }; _proto.diff = function diff(input, units, _float) { var _C$Y$C$M$C$Q$C$W$C$D$; var unit = Utils.p(units); var that = dayjs(input); var zoneDelta = (that.utcOffset() - this.utcOffset()) * C.MILLISECONDS_A_MINUTE; var diff = this - that; var result = Utils.m(this, that); result = (_C$Y$C$M$C$Q$C$W$C$D$ = {}, _C$Y$C$M$C$Q$C$W$C$D$[C.Y] = result / 12, _C$Y$C$M$C$Q$C$W$C$D$[C.M] = result, _C$Y$C$M$C$Q$C$W$C$D$[C.Q] = result / 3, _C$Y$C$M$C$Q$C$W$C$D$[C.W] = (diff - zoneDelta) / C.MILLISECONDS_A_WEEK, _C$Y$C$M$C$Q$C$W$C$D$[C.D] = (diff - zoneDelta) / C.MILLISECONDS_A_DAY, _C$Y$C$M$C$Q$C$W$C$D$[C.H] = diff / C.MILLISECONDS_A_HOUR, _C$Y$C$M$C$Q$C$W$C$D$[C.MIN] = diff / C.MILLISECONDS_A_MINUTE, _C$Y$C$M$C$Q$C$W$C$D$[C.S] = diff / C.MILLISECONDS_A_SECOND, _C$Y$C$M$C$Q$C$W$C$D$)[unit] || diff; // milliseconds return _float ? result : Utils.a(result); }; _proto.daysInMonth = function daysInMonth() { return this.endOf(C.M).$D; }; _proto.$locale = function $locale() { // get locale object return Ls[this.$L]; }; _proto.locale = function locale(preset, object) { if (!preset) return this.$L; var that = this.clone(); var nextLocaleName = parseLocale(preset, object, true); if (nextLocaleName) that.$L = nextLocaleName; return that; }; _proto.clone = function clone() { return Utils.w(this.$d, this); }; _proto.toDate = function toDate() { return new Date(this.valueOf()); }; _proto.toJSON = function toJSON() { return this.isValid() ? this.toISOString() : null; }; _proto.toISOString = function toISOString() { // ie 8 return // new Dayjs(this.valueOf() + this.$d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000) // .format('YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]') return this.$d.toISOString(); }; _proto.toString = function toString() { return this.$d.toUTCString(); }; return Dayjs; }(); var proto = Dayjs.prototype; dayjs.prototype = proto; [['$ms', C.MS], ['$s', C.S], ['$m', C.MIN], ['$H', C.H], ['$W', C.D], ['$M', C.M], ['$y', C.Y], ['$D', C.DATE]].forEach(function (g) { proto[g[1]] = function (input) { return this.$g(input, g[0], g[1]); }; }); dayjs.extend = function (plugin, option) { if (!plugin.$i) { // install plugin only once plugin(option, Dayjs, dayjs); plugin.$i = true; } return dayjs; }; dayjs.locale = parseLocale; dayjs.isDayjs = isDayjs; dayjs.unix = function (timestamp) { return dayjs(timestamp * 1e3); }; dayjs.en = Ls[L]; dayjs.Ls = Ls; dayjs.p = {}; export default dayjs;