export declare const ROOT_SELECTOR = "[data-cy-root]"; /** * Gets the root element used to mount the component. * @returns {HTMLElement} The root element * @throws {Error} If the root element is not found */ export declare const getContainerEl: () => HTMLElement; export declare function checkForRemovedStyleOptions(mountingOptions: Record): void; /** * Utility function to register CT side effects and run cleanup code during the "test:before:run" Cypress hook * @param optionalCallback Callback to be called before the next test runs */ export declare function setupHooks(optionalCallback?: Function): void; /** * Remove any style or extra link elements from the iframe placeholder * left from any previous test * * Removed as of Cypress 11.0.0 * @see https://on.cypress.io/migration-11-0-0-component-testing-updates */ export declare function cleanupStyles(): void; /** * Additional styles to inject into the document. * A component might need 3rd party libraries from CDN, * local CSS files and custom styles. * * Removed as of Cypress 11.0.0. * @see https://on.cypress.io/migration-11-0-0-component-testing-updates */ export declare type StyleOptions = unknown; /** * Injects custom style text or CSS file or 3rd party style resources * into the given document. * * Removed as of Cypress 11.0.0. * @see https://on.cypress.io/migration-11-0-0-component-testing-updates */ export declare const injectStylesBeforeElement: (options: Partial, document: Document, el: HTMLElement | null) => void;