"use strict"; const _ = require('lodash'); const la = require('lazy-ass'); const is = require('check-more-types'); const cp = require('child_process'); const os = require('os'); const yauzl = require('yauzl'); const debug = require('debug')('cypress:cli:unzip'); const extract = require('extract-zip'); const Promise = require('bluebird'); const readline = require('readline'); const { throwFormErrorText, errors } = require('../errors'); const fs = require('../fs'); const util = require('../util'); const unzipTools = { extract }; // expose this function for simple testing const unzip = ({ zipFilePath, installDir, progress }) => { debug('unzipping from %s', zipFilePath); debug('into', installDir); if (!zipFilePath) { throw new Error('Missing zip filename'); } const startTime = Date.now(); let yauzlDoneTime = 0; return fs.ensureDirAsync(installDir).then(() => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { return yauzl.open(zipFilePath, (err, zipFile) => { yauzlDoneTime = Date.now(); if (err) { debug('error using yauzl %s', err.message); return reject(err); } const total = zipFile.entryCount; debug('zipFile entries count', total); const started = new Date(); let percent = 0; let count = 0; const notify = percent => { const elapsed = +new Date() - +started; const eta = util.calculateEta(percent, elapsed); progress.onProgress(percent, util.secsRemaining(eta)); }; const tick = () => { count += 1; percent = count / total * 100; const displayPercent = percent.toFixed(0); return notify(displayPercent); }; const unzipWithNode = () => { debug('unzipping with node.js (slow)'); const opts = { dir: installDir, onEntry: tick }; debug('calling Node extract tool %s %o', zipFilePath, opts); return unzipTools.extract(zipFilePath, opts).then(() => { debug('node unzip finished'); return resolve(); }).catch(err => { if (err) { debug('error %s', err.message); return reject(err); } }); }; const unzipFallback = _.once(unzipWithNode); const unzipWithUnzipTool = () => { debug('unzipping via `unzip`'); const inflatingRe = /inflating:/; const sp = cp.spawn('unzip', ['-o', zipFilePath, '-d', installDir]); sp.on('error', err => { debug('unzip tool error: %s', err.message); unzipFallback(); }); sp.on('close', code => { debug('unzip tool close with code %d', code); if (code === 0) { percent = 100; notify(percent); return resolve(); } debug('`unzip` failed %o', { code }); return unzipFallback(); }); sp.stdout.on('data', data => { if (inflatingRe.test(data)) { return tick(); } }); sp.stderr.on('data', data => { debug('`unzip` stderr %s', data); }); }; // we attempt to first unzip with the native osx // ditto because its less likely to have problems // with corruption, symlinks, or icons causing failures // and can handle resource forks // http://automatica.com.au/2011/02/unzip-mac-os-x-zip-in-terminal/ const unzipWithOsx = () => { debug('unzipping via `ditto`'); const copyingFileRe = /^copying file/; const sp = cp.spawn('ditto', ['-xkV', zipFilePath, installDir]); // f-it just unzip with node sp.on('error', err => { debug(err.message); unzipFallback(); }); sp.on('close', code => { if (code === 0) { // make sure we get to 100% on the progress bar // because reading in lines is not really accurate percent = 100; notify(percent); return resolve(); } debug('`ditto` failed %o', { code }); return unzipFallback(); }); return readline.createInterface({ input: sp.stderr }).on('line', line => { if (copyingFileRe.test(line)) { return tick(); } }); }; switch (os.platform()) { case 'darwin': return unzipWithOsx(); case 'linux': return unzipWithUnzipTool(); case 'win32': return unzipWithNode(); default: return; } }); }).tap(() => { debug('unzip completed %o', { yauzlMs: yauzlDoneTime - startTime, unzipMs: Date.now() - yauzlDoneTime }); }); }); }; function isMaybeWindowsMaxPathLengthError(err) { return os.platform() === 'win32' && err.code === 'ENOENT' && err.syscall === 'realpath'; } const start = async ({ zipFilePath, installDir, progress }) => { la(is.unemptyString(installDir), 'missing installDir'); if (!progress) { progress = { onProgress: () => { return {}; } }; } try { const installDirExists = await fs.pathExists(installDir); if (installDirExists) { debug('removing existing unzipped binary', installDir); await fs.removeAsync(installDir); } await unzip({ zipFilePath, installDir, progress }); } catch (err) { const errorTemplate = isMaybeWindowsMaxPathLengthError(err) ? errors.failedUnzipWindowsMaxPathLength : errors.failedUnzip; await throwFormErrorText(errorTemplate)(err); } }; module.exports = { start, utils: { unzip, unzipTools } };