"use strict"; const _ = require('lodash'); const os = require('os'); const path = require('path'); const chalk = require('chalk'); const debug = require('debug')('cypress:cli'); const { Listr } = require('listr2'); const Promise = require('bluebird'); const logSymbols = require('log-symbols'); const { stripIndent } = require('common-tags'); const fs = require('../fs'); const download = require('./download'); const util = require('../util'); const state = require('./state'); const unzip = require('./unzip'); const logger = require('../logger'); const { throwFormErrorText, errors } = require('../errors'); const verbose = require('../VerboseRenderer'); const { buildInfo, version } = require('../../package.json'); function _getBinaryUrlFromBuildInfo(arch, { commitSha, commitBranch }) { return `https://cdn.cypress.io/beta/binary/${version}/${os.platform()}-${arch}/${commitBranch}-${commitSha}/cypress.zip`; } const alreadyInstalledMsg = () => { if (!util.isPostInstall()) { logger.log(stripIndent` Skipping installation: Pass the ${chalk.yellow('--force')} option if you'd like to reinstall anyway. `); } }; const displayCompletionMsg = () => { // check here to see if we are globally installed if (util.isInstalledGlobally()) { // if we are display a warning logger.log(); logger.warn(stripIndent` ${logSymbols.warning} Warning: It looks like you\'ve installed Cypress globally. This will work, but it'\s not recommended. The recommended way to install Cypress is as a devDependency per project. You should probably run these commands: - ${chalk.cyan('npm uninstall -g cypress')} - ${chalk.cyan('npm install --save-dev cypress')} `); return; } logger.log(); logger.log('You can now open Cypress by running:', chalk.cyan(path.join('node_modules', '.bin', 'cypress'), 'open')); logger.log(); logger.log(chalk.grey('https://on.cypress.io/installing-cypress')); logger.log(); }; const downloadAndUnzip = ({ version, installDir, downloadDir }) => { const progress = { throttle: 100, onProgress: null }; const downloadDestination = path.join(downloadDir, `cypress-${process.pid}.zip`); const rendererOptions = getRendererOptions(); // let the user know what version of cypress we're downloading! logger.log(`Installing Cypress ${chalk.gray(`(version: ${version})`)}`); logger.log(); const tasks = new Listr([{ options: { title: util.titleize('Downloading Cypress') }, task: (ctx, task) => { // as our download progresses indicate the status progress.onProgress = progessify(task, 'Downloading Cypress'); return download.start({ version, downloadDestination, progress }).then(redirectVersion => { if (redirectVersion) version = redirectVersion; debug(`finished downloading file: ${downloadDestination}`); }).then(() => { // save the download destination for unzipping util.setTaskTitle(task, util.titleize(chalk.green('Downloaded Cypress')), rendererOptions.renderer); }); } }, unzipTask({ progress, zipFilePath: downloadDestination, installDir, rendererOptions }), { options: { title: util.titleize('Finishing Installation') }, task: (ctx, task) => { const cleanup = () => { debug('removing zip file %s', downloadDestination); return fs.removeAsync(downloadDestination); }; return cleanup().then(() => { debug('finished installation in', installDir); util.setTaskTitle(task, util.titleize(chalk.green('Finished Installation'), chalk.gray(installDir)), rendererOptions.renderer); }); } }], { rendererOptions }); // start the tasks! return Promise.resolve(tasks.run()); }; const validateOS = () => { return util.getPlatformInfo().then(platformInfo => { return platformInfo.match(/(win32-x64|linux-x64|linux-arm64|darwin-x64|darwin-arm64)/); }); }; /** * Returns the version to install - either a string like `1.2.3` to be fetched * from the download server or a file path or HTTP URL. */ function getVersionOverride({ arch, envVarVersion, buildInfo }) { // let this environment variable reset the binary version we need if (envVarVersion) { return envVarVersion; } if (buildInfo && !buildInfo.stable) { logger.log(chalk.yellow(stripIndent` ${logSymbols.warning} Warning: You are installing a pre-release build of Cypress. Bugs may be present which do not exist in production builds. This build was created from: * Commit SHA: ${buildInfo.commitSha} * Commit Branch: ${buildInfo.commitBranch} * Commit Timestamp: ${buildInfo.commitDate} `)); logger.log(); return _getBinaryUrlFromBuildInfo(arch, buildInfo); } } function getEnvVarVersion() { if (!util.getEnv('CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY')) return; // because passed file paths are often double quoted // and might have extra whitespace around, be robust and trim the string const trimAndRemoveDoubleQuotes = true; const envVarVersion = util.getEnv('CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY', trimAndRemoveDoubleQuotes); debug('using environment variable CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY "%s"', envVarVersion); return envVarVersion; } const start = async (options = {}) => { debug('installing with options %j', options); const envVarVersion = getEnvVarVersion(); if (envVarVersion === '0') { debug('environment variable CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY = 0, skipping install'); logger.log(stripIndent` ${chalk.yellow('Note:')} Skipping binary installation: Environment variable CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY = 0.`); logger.log(); return; } _.defaults(options, { force: false, buildInfo }); if (util.getEnv('CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER')) { const envCache = util.getEnv('CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER'); logger.log(stripIndent` ${chalk.yellow('Note:')} Overriding Cypress cache directory to: ${chalk.cyan(envCache)} Previous installs of Cypress may not be found. `); logger.log(); } const pkgVersion = util.pkgVersion(); const arch = await util.getRealArch(); const versionOverride = getVersionOverride({ arch, envVarVersion, buildInfo: options.buildInfo }); const versionToInstall = versionOverride || pkgVersion; debug('version in package.json is %s, version to install is %s', pkgVersion, versionToInstall); const installDir = state.getVersionDir(pkgVersion, options.buildInfo); const cacheDir = state.getCacheDir(); const binaryDir = state.getBinaryDir(pkgVersion); if (!(await validateOS())) { return throwFormErrorText(errors.invalidOS)(); } await fs.ensureDirAsync(cacheDir).catch({ code: 'EACCES' }, err => { return throwFormErrorText(errors.invalidCacheDirectory)(stripIndent` Failed to access ${chalk.cyan(cacheDir)}: ${err.message} `); }); const binaryPkg = await state.getBinaryPkgAsync(binaryDir); const binaryVersion = await state.getBinaryPkgVersion(binaryPkg); const shouldInstall = () => { if (!binaryVersion) { debug('no binary installed under cli version'); return true; } logger.log(); logger.log(stripIndent` Cypress ${chalk.green(binaryVersion)} is installed in ${chalk.cyan(installDir)} `); logger.log(); if (options.force) { debug('performing force install over existing binary'); return true; } if (binaryVersion === versionToInstall || !util.isSemver(versionToInstall)) { // our version matches, tell the user this is a noop alreadyInstalledMsg(); return false; } return true; }; // noop if we've been told not to download if (!shouldInstall()) { return debug('Not downloading or installing binary'); } if (envVarVersion) { logger.log(chalk.yellow(stripIndent` ${logSymbols.warning} Warning: Forcing a binary version different than the default. The CLI expected to install version: ${chalk.green(pkgVersion)} Instead we will install version: ${chalk.green(versionToInstall)} These versions may not work properly together. `)); logger.log(); } const getLocalFilePath = async () => { // see if version supplied is a path to a binary if (await fs.pathExistsAsync(versionToInstall)) { return path.extname(versionToInstall) === '.zip' ? versionToInstall : false; } const possibleFile = util.formAbsolutePath(versionToInstall); debug('checking local file', possibleFile, 'cwd', process.cwd()); // if this exists return the path to it // else false if ((await fs.pathExistsAsync(possibleFile)) && path.extname(possibleFile) === '.zip') { return possibleFile; } return false; }; const pathToLocalFile = await getLocalFilePath(); if (pathToLocalFile) { const absolutePath = path.resolve(versionToInstall); debug('found local file at', absolutePath); debug('skipping download'); const rendererOptions = getRendererOptions(); return new Listr([unzipTask({ progress: { throttle: 100, onProgress: null }, zipFilePath: absolutePath, installDir, rendererOptions })], { rendererOptions }).run(); } if (options.force) { debug('Cypress already installed at', installDir); debug('but the installation was forced'); } debug('preparing to download and unzip version ', versionToInstall, 'to path', installDir); const downloadDir = os.tmpdir(); await downloadAndUnzip({ version: versionToInstall, installDir, downloadDir }); // delay 1 sec for UX, unless we are testing await Promise.delay(1000); displayCompletionMsg(); }; module.exports = { start, _getBinaryUrlFromBuildInfo }; const unzipTask = ({ zipFilePath, installDir, progress, rendererOptions }) => { return { options: { title: util.titleize('Unzipping Cypress') }, task: (ctx, task) => { // as our unzip progresses indicate the status progress.onProgress = progessify(task, 'Unzipping Cypress'); return unzip.start({ zipFilePath, installDir, progress }).then(() => { util.setTaskTitle(task, util.titleize(chalk.green('Unzipped Cypress')), rendererOptions.renderer); }); } }; }; const progessify = (task, title) => { // return higher order function return (percentComplete, remaining) => { percentComplete = chalk.white(` ${percentComplete}%`); // pluralize seconds remaining remaining = chalk.gray(`${remaining}s`); util.setTaskTitle(task, util.titleize(title, percentComplete, remaining), getRendererOptions().renderer); }; }; // if we are running in CI then use // the verbose renderer else use // the default const getRendererOptions = () => { let renderer = util.isCi() ? verbose : 'default'; if (logger.logLevel() === 'silent') { renderer = 'silent'; } return { renderer }; };