/// import { Type } from '@angular/core'; import { TestModuleMetadata, ComponentFixture, TestComponentRenderer } from '@angular/core/testing'; /** * Additional module configurations needed while mounting the component, like * providers, declarations, imports and even component @Inputs() * * * @interface MountConfig * @see https://angular.io/api/core/testing/TestModuleMetadata */ interface MountConfig extends TestModuleMetadata { /** * @memberof MountConfig * @description flag to automatically create a cy.spy() for every component @Output() property * @example * export class ButtonComponent { * @Output clicked = new EventEmitter() * } * * cy.mount(ButtonComponent, { autoSpyOutputs: true }) * cy.get('@clickedSpy).should('have.been.called') */ autoSpyOutputs?: boolean; /** * @memberof MountConfig * @description flag defaulted to true to automatically detect changes in your components */ autoDetectChanges?: boolean; /** * @memberof MountConfig * @example * import { ButtonComponent } from 'button/button.component' * it('renders a button with Save text', () => { * cy.mount(ButtonComponent, { componentProperties: { text: 'Save' }}) * cy.get('button').contains('Save') * }) * * it('renders a button with a cy.spy() replacing EventEmitter', () => { * cy.mount(ButtonComponent, { * componentProperties: { * clicked: cy.spy().as('mySpy) * } * }) * cy.get('button').click() * cy.get('@mySpy').should('have.been.called') * }) */ componentProperties?: Partial<{ [P in keyof T]: T[P]; }>; } /** * Type that the `mount` function returns * @type MountResponse */ declare type MountResponse = { /** * Fixture for debugging and testing a component. * * @memberof MountResponse * @see https://angular.io/api/core/testing/ComponentFixture */ fixture: ComponentFixture; /** * The instance of the root component class * * @memberof MountResponse * @see https://angular.io/api/core/testing/ComponentFixture#componentInstance */ component: T; }; declare class CypressTestComponentRenderer extends TestComponentRenderer { insertRootElement(rootElId: string): void; removeAllRootElements(): void; } /** * Mounts an Angular component inside Cypress browser * * @param component Angular component being mounted or its template * @param config configuration used to configure the TestBed * @example * import { mount } from '@cypress/angular' * import { StepperComponent } from './stepper.component' * import { MyService } from 'services/my.service' * import { SharedModule } from 'shared/shared.module'; * it('mounts', () => { * mount(StepperComponent, { * providers: [MyService], * imports: [SharedModule] * }) * cy.get('[data-cy=increment]').click() * cy.get('[data-cy=counter]').should('have.text', '1') * }) * * // or * * it('mounts with template', () => { * mount('', { * declarations: [StepperComponent], * }) * }) * * @see {@link https://on.cypress.io/mounting-angular} for more details. * * @returns A component and component fixture */ declare function mount(component: Type | string, config?: MountConfig): Cypress.Chainable>; /** * Creates a new Event Emitter and then spies on it's `emit` method * * @param {string} alias name you want to use for your cy.spy() alias * @returns EventEmitter * @example * import { StepperComponent } from './stepper.component' * import { mount, createOutputSpy } from '@cypress/angular' * * it('Has spy', () => { * mount(StepperComponent, { componentProperties: { change: createOutputSpy('changeSpy') } }) * cy.get('[data-cy=increment]').click() * cy.get('@changeSpy').should('have.been.called') * }) */ declare const createOutputSpy: (alias: string) => any; export { CypressTestComponentRenderer, MountConfig, MountResponse, createOutputSpy, mount };