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2023-08-15 18:35:50 +02:00
/// <reference types="cypress" />
import Vue, { ComponentOptions as ComponentOptions$1, FunctionalComponentOptions, Component } from 'vue';
type Prop<T> = { (): T } | { new(...args: never[]): T & object } | { new(...args: string[]): Function }
type PropType<T> = Prop<T> | Prop<T>[];
type PropValidator<T> = PropOptions<T> | PropType<T>;
interface PropOptions<T=any> {
type?: PropType<T>;
required?: boolean;
default?: T | null | undefined | (() => T | null | undefined);
validator?(value: T): boolean;
type RecordPropsDefinition<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: PropValidator<T[K]>
type ArrayPropsDefinition<T> = (keyof T)[];
type PropsDefinition<T> = ArrayPropsDefinition<T> | RecordPropsDefinition<T>;
type DefaultProps = Record<string, any>;
* Utility type to declare an extended Vue constructor
type VueClass<V extends Vue> = (new (...args: any[]) => V) & typeof Vue
* Utility type for a selector
type Selector = string | Component
* Utility type for ref options object that can be used as a Selector
type RefSelector = {
ref: string
* Utility type for name options object that can be used as a Selector
type NameSelector = {
name: string
* Base class of Wrapper and WrapperArray
* It has common methods on both Wrapper and WrapperArray
interface BaseWrapper {
contains (selector: Selector): boolean
exists (): boolean
isVisible (): boolean
attributes(): { [name: string]: string }
attributes(key: string): string | void
classes(): Array<string>
classes(className: string): boolean
props(): { [name: string]: any }
props(key: string): any | void
overview(): void
is (selector: Selector): boolean
isEmpty (): boolean
isVueInstance (): boolean
setData (data: object): Promise<void> | void
setMethods (data: object): void
setProps (props: object): Promise<void> | void
setValue (value: any): Promise<void> | void
setChecked (checked?: boolean): Promise<void> | void
setSelected (): Promise<void> | void
trigger (eventName: string, options?: object): Promise<void> | void
destroy (): void
selector: Selector | void
interface Wrapper<V extends Vue | null, el extends Element = Element> extends BaseWrapper {
readonly vm: V
readonly element: el
readonly options: WrapperOptions
get<R extends Vue> (selector: VueClass<R>): Wrapper<R>
get<R extends Vue> (selector: ComponentOptions$1<R>): Wrapper<R>
get<Props = DefaultProps, PropDefs = PropsDefinition<Props>>(selector: FunctionalComponentOptions<Props, PropDefs>): Wrapper<Vue>
get<el extends Element>(selector: string): Wrapper<Vue, el>
get (selector: RefSelector): Wrapper<Vue>
get (selector: NameSelector): Wrapper<Vue>
getComponent<R extends Vue> (selector: VueClass<R>): Wrapper<R>
getComponent<R extends Vue> (selector: ComponentOptions$1<R>): Wrapper<R>
getComponent<Props = DefaultProps, PropDefs = PropsDefinition<Props>>(selector: FunctionalComponentOptions<Props, PropDefs>): Wrapper<Vue>
getComponent (selector: RefSelector): Wrapper<Vue>
getComponent (selector: NameSelector): Wrapper<Vue>
find<R extends Vue> (selector: VueClass<R>): Wrapper<R>
find<R extends Vue> (selector: ComponentOptions$1<R>): Wrapper<R>
find<Props = DefaultProps, PropDefs = PropsDefinition<Props>>(selector: FunctionalComponentOptions<Props, PropDefs>): Wrapper<Vue>
find<el extends Element>(selector: string): Wrapper<Vue, el>
find (selector: RefSelector): Wrapper<Vue>
find (selector: NameSelector): Wrapper<Vue>
findAll<R extends Vue> (selector: VueClass<R>): WrapperArray<R>
findAll<R extends Vue> (selector: ComponentOptions$1<R>): WrapperArray<R>
findAll<Props = DefaultProps, PropDefs = PropsDefinition<Props>>(selector: FunctionalComponentOptions<Props, PropDefs>): WrapperArray<Vue>
findAll (selector: string): WrapperArray<Vue>
findAll (selector: RefSelector): WrapperArray<Vue>
findAll (selector: NameSelector): WrapperArray<Vue>
findComponent<R extends Vue> (selector: VueClass<R>): Wrapper<R>
findComponent<R extends Vue> (selector: ComponentOptions$1<R>): Wrapper<R>
findComponent<Props = DefaultProps, PropDefs = PropsDefinition<Props>>(selector: FunctionalComponentOptions<Props, PropDefs>): Wrapper<Vue>
findComponent (selector: RefSelector): Wrapper<Vue>
findComponent (selector: NameSelector): Wrapper<Vue>
findAllComponents<R extends Vue> (selector: VueClass<R>): WrapperArray<R>
findAllComponents<R extends Vue> (selector: ComponentOptions$1<R>): WrapperArray<R>
findAllComponents<Props = DefaultProps, PropDefs = PropsDefinition<Props>>(selector: FunctionalComponentOptions<Props, PropDefs>): WrapperArray<Vue>
findAllComponents(selector: RefSelector): WrapperArray<Vue>
findAllComponents(selector: NameSelector): WrapperArray<Vue>
html (): string
text (): string
name (): string
emitted (): { [name: string]: Array<Array<any>>|undefined }
emitted (event: string): Array<any>|undefined
emittedByOrder (): Array<{ name: string, args: Array<any> }>
interface WrapperArray<V extends Vue> extends BaseWrapper {
readonly length: number;
readonly wrappers: Array<Wrapper<V>>;
at(index: number): Wrapper<V>;
predicate: (
value: Wrapper<V>,
index: number,
array: Wrapper<V>[]
) => any
): WrapperArray<Vue>;
interface WrapperOptions {
attachedToDocument?: boolean
interface VueTestUtilsConfigOptions {
stubs: Record<string, Component | boolean | string>
mocks: Record<string, any>
methods: Record<string, Function>
provide?: Record<string, any>,
showDeprecationWarnings?: boolean
deprecationWarningHandler?: Function
* Type for component passed to "mount"
* @interface VueComponent
* @example
* import Hello from './Hello.vue'
* ^^^^^ this type
* mount(Hello)
declare type VueComponent = Vue.ComponentOptions<any> | Vue.VueConstructor;
* Options to pass to the component when creating it, like
* props.
* @interface ComponentOptions
declare type ComponentOptions = Record<string, unknown>;
declare type VueLocalComponents = Record<string, VueComponent>;
declare type VueFilters = {
[key: string]: (value: string) => string;
declare type VueDirectives = {
[key: string]: Function | Object;
declare type VueMixin = unknown;
declare type VueMixins = VueMixin | VueMixin[];
declare type VuePluginOptions = unknown;
declare type VuePlugin = unknown | [unknown, VuePluginOptions];
* A single Vue plugin or a list of plugins to register
declare type VuePlugins = VuePlugin[];
* Additional Vue services to register while mounting the component, like
* local components, plugins, etc.
* @interface MountOptionsExtensions
* @see https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/tree/develop/npm/vue#examples
interface MountOptionsExtensions {
* Extra local components
* @memberof MountOptionsExtensions
* @see https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/tree/develop/npm/vue#examples
* @example
* import Hello from './Hello.vue'
* // imagine Hello needs AppComponent
* // that it uses in its template like <app-component ... />
* // during testing we can replace it with a mock component
* const appComponent = ...
* const components = {
* 'app-component': appComponent
* },
* mount(Hello, { extensions: { components }})
components?: VueLocalComponents;
* Optional Vue filters to install while mounting the component
* @memberof MountOptionsExtensions
* @see https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/tree/develop/npm/vue#examples
* @example
* const filters = {
* reverse: (s) => s.split('').reverse().join(''),
* }
* mount(Hello, { extensions: { filters }})
filters?: VueFilters;
* Optional Vue mixin(s) to install when mounting the component
* @memberof MountOptionsExtensions
* @alias mixins
* @see https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/tree/develop/npm/vue#examples
mixin?: VueMixins;
* Optional Vue mixin(s) to install when mounting the component
* @memberof MountOptionsExtensions
* @alias mixin
* @see https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/tree/develop/npm/vue#examples
mixins?: VueMixins;
* A single plugin or multiple plugins.
* @see https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/tree/develop/npm/vue#examples
* @alias plugins
* @memberof MountOptionsExtensions
use?: VuePlugins;
* A single plugin or multiple plugins.
* @see https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/tree/develop/npm/vue#examples
* @alias use
* @memberof MountOptionsExtensions
plugins?: VuePlugins;
* Optional Vue directives to install while mounting the component
* @memberof MountOptionsExtensions
* @see https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/tree/develop/npm/vue#examples
* @example
* const directives = {
* custom: {
* name: 'custom',
* bind (el, binding) {
* el.dataset['custom'] = binding.value
* },
* unbind (el) {
* el.removeAttribute('data-custom')
* },
* },
* }
* mount(Hello, { extensions: { directives }})
directives?: VueDirectives;
* Options controlling how the component is going to be mounted,
* including global Vue plugins and extensions.
* @interface MountOptions
interface MountOptions {
* Vue instance to use.
* @deprecated
* @memberof MountOptions
vue: unknown;
* Extra Vue plugins, mixins, local components to register while
* mounting this component
* @memberof MountOptions
* @see https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/tree/develop/npm/vue#examples
extensions: MountOptionsExtensions;
* Utility type for union of options passed to "mount(..., options)"
declare type MountOptionsArgument = Partial<ComponentOptions & MountOptions & VueTestUtilsConfigOptions>;
declare global {
namespace Cypress {
interface Cypress {
* Mounted Vue instance is available under Cypress.vue
* @memberof Cypress
* @example
* mount(Greeting)
* .then(() => {
* Cypress.vue.message = 'Hello There'
* })
* // new message is displayed
* cy.contains('Hello There').should('be.visible')
vue: Vue;
vueWrapper: Wrapper<Vue>;
* Mounts a Vue component inside Cypress browser.
* @param {VueComponent} component imported from Vue file
* @param {MountOptionsArgument} optionsOrProps used to pass options to component being mounted
* @returns {Cypress.Chainable<{wrapper: Wrapper<T>, component: T}
* @example
* import { mount } from '@cypress/vue'
* import { Stepper } from './Stepper.vue'
* it('mounts', () => {
* cy.mount(Stepper)
* cy.get('[data-cy=increment]').click()
* cy.get('[data-cy=counter]').should('have.text', '1')
* })
* @see {@link https://on.cypress.io/mounting-vue} for more details.
declare const mount: (component: VueComponent, optionsOrProps?: MountOptionsArgument) => Cypress.Chainable<{
wrapper: Wrapper<Vue, Element>;
component: Wrapper<Vue, Element>['vm'];
* Helper function for mounting a component quickly in test hooks.
* @example
* import {mountCallback} from '@cypress/vue2'
* beforeEach(mountVue(component, options))
* Removed as of Cypress 11.0.0.
* @see https://on.cypress.io/migration-11-0-0-component-testing-updates
declare const mountCallback: (component: VueComponent, options?: MountOptionsArgument) => () => void;
export { mount, mountCallback };