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2023-08-15 16:35:50 +00:00
"use strict";
const _ = require('lodash');
const arch = require('arch');
const os = require('os');
const ospath = require('ospath');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const la = require('lazy-ass');
const is = require('check-more-types');
const tty = require('tty');
const path = require('path');
const isCi = require('is-ci');
const execa = require('execa');
const getos = require('getos');
const chalk = require('chalk');
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const cachedir = require('cachedir');
const logSymbols = require('log-symbols');
const executable = require('executable');
const {
} = require('common-tags');
const supportsColor = require('supports-color');
const isInstalledGlobally = require('is-installed-globally');
const logger = require('./logger');
const debug = require('debug')('cypress:cli');
const fs = require('./fs');
const semver = require('semver');
const pkg = require(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'package.json'));
const issuesUrl = '';
const getosAsync = Promise.promisify(getos);
* Returns SHA512 of a file
* Implementation lifted from
* but without bringing that dependency (since hasha is Node v8+)
const getFileChecksum = filename => {
la(is.unemptyString(filename), 'expected filename', filename);
const hashStream = () => {
const s = crypto.createHash('sha512');
return s;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const stream = fs.createReadStream(filename);
stream.on('error', reject).pipe(hashStream()).on('error', reject).on('finish', function () {
const getFileSize = filename => {
la(is.unemptyString(filename), 'expected filename', filename);
return fs.statAsync(filename).get('size');
const isBrokenGtkDisplayRe = /Gtk: cannot open display/;
const stringify = val => {
return _.isObject(val) ? JSON.stringify(val) : val;
function normalizeModuleOptions(options = {}) {
return _.mapValues(options, stringify);
* Returns true if the platform is Linux. We do a lot of different
* stuff on Linux (like Xvfb) and it helps to has readable code
const isLinux = () => {
return os.platform() === 'linux';
* If the DISPLAY variable is set incorrectly, when trying to spawn
* Cypress executable we get an error like this:
[1005:0509/] Gtk: cannot open display: 99
const isBrokenGtkDisplay = str => {
return isBrokenGtkDisplayRe.test(str);
const isPossibleLinuxWithIncorrectDisplay = () => {
return isLinux() && process.env.DISPLAY;
const logBrokenGtkDisplayWarning = () => {
debug('Cypress exited due to a broken gtk display because of a potential invalid DISPLAY env... retrying after starting Xvfb');
// if we get this error, we are on Linux and DISPLAY is set
${logSymbols.warning} Warning: Cypress failed to start.
This is likely due to a misconfigured DISPLAY environment variable.
DISPLAY was set to: "${process.env.DISPLAY}"
Cypress will attempt to fix the problem and rerun.
function stdoutLineMatches(expectedLine, stdout) {
const lines = stdout.split('\n').map(val => val.trim());
return lines.some(line => line === expectedLine);
* Confirms if given value is a valid CYPRESS_INTERNAL_ENV value. Undefined values
* are valid, because the system can set the default one.
* @param {string} value
* @example util.isValidCypressInternalEnvValue(process.env.CYPRESS_INTERNAL_ENV)
function isValidCypressInternalEnvValue(value) {
if (_.isUndefined(value)) {
// will get default value
return true;
// names of config environments, see "packages/server/config/app.json"
const names = ['development', 'test', 'staging', 'production'];
return _.includes(names, value);
* Confirms if given value is a non-production CYPRESS_INTERNAL_ENV value.
* Undefined values are valid, because the system can set the default one.
* @param {string} value
* @example util.isNonProductionCypressInternalEnvValue(process.env.CYPRESS_INTERNAL_ENV)
function isNonProductionCypressInternalEnvValue(value) {
return !_.isUndefined(value) && value !== 'production';
* Prints NODE_OPTIONS using debug() module, but only
* if DEBUG=cypress... is set
function printNodeOptions(log = debug) {
if (!log.enabled) {
if (process.env.NODE_OPTIONS) {
log('NODE_OPTIONS=%s', process.env.NODE_OPTIONS);
} else {
log('NODE_OPTIONS is not set');
* Removes double quote characters
* from the start and end of the given string IF they are both present
* @param {string} str Input string
* @returns {string} Trimmed string or the original string if there are no double quotes around it.
* @example
// returns string 'foo'
// returns string 'foo'
const dequote = str => {
la(is.string(str), 'expected a string to remove double quotes', str);
if (str.length > 1 && str[0] === '"' && str[str.length - 1] === '"') {
return str.substr(1, str.length - 2);
return str;
const parseOpts = opts => {
opts = _.pick(opts, 'autoCancelAfterFailures', 'browser', 'cachePath', 'cacheList', 'cacheClear', 'cachePrune', 'ciBuildId', 'ct', 'component', 'config', 'configFile', 'cypressVersion', 'destination', 'detached', 'dev', 'e2e', 'exit', 'env', 'force', 'global', 'group', 'headed', 'headless', 'inspect', 'inspectBrk', 'key', 'path', 'parallel', 'port', 'project', 'quiet', 'reporter', 'reporterOptions', 'record', 'runProject', 'spec', 'tag');
if (opts.exit) {
opts = _.omit(opts, 'exit');
// some options might be quoted - which leads to unexpected results
// remove double quotes from certain options
const cleanOpts = {
const toDequote = ['group', 'ciBuildId'];
for (const prop of toDequote) {
if (_.has(opts, prop)) {
cleanOpts[prop] = dequote(opts[prop]);
debug('parsed cli options %o', cleanOpts);
return cleanOpts;
* Copy of packages/server/lib/browsers/utils.ts
* because we need same functionality in CLI to show the path :(
const getApplicationDataFolder = (...paths) => {
const {
} = process;
// allow overriding the app_data folder
let folder = env.CYPRESS_CONFIG_ENV || env.CYPRESS_INTERNAL_ENV || 'development';
const PRODUCT_NAME = pkg.productName ||;
const OS_DATA_PATH =;
folder = `${folder}-e2e-test`;
const p = path.join(ELECTRON_APP_DATA_PATH, 'cy', folder, ...paths);
return p;
const util = {
isCi() {
return isCi;
getEnvOverrides(options = {}) {
return _.chain({}).extend(util.getEnvColors()).extend(util.getForceTty()).omitBy(_.isUndefined) // remove undefined values
.mapValues(value => {
// stringify to 1 or 0
return value ? '1' : '0';
getOriginalNodeOptions() {
const opts = {};
if (process.env.NODE_OPTIONS) {
// Node 17+ ships with OpenSSL 3 by default, so we may need the option
// --openssl-legacy-provider so that webpack@4 can use the legacy MD4 hash
// function. This option doesn't exist on Node <17 or when it is built
// against OpenSSL 1, so we have to detect Node's major version and check
// which version of OpenSSL it was built against before spawning the plugins
// process.
// To be removed when the Cypress binary pulls in the @cypress/webpack-batteries-included-preprocessor
// version that has been updated to webpack >= 5.61, which no longer relies on
// Node's builtin crypto.hash function.
if (process.versions && semver.satisfies(process.versions.node, '>=17.0.0') && semver.satisfies(process.versions.openssl, '>=3', {
includePrerelease: true
})) {
opts.ORIGINAL_NODE_OPTIONS = `${opts.ORIGINAL_NODE_OPTIONS || ''} --openssl-legacy-provider`;
return opts;
getForceTty() {
return {
FORCE_STDIN_TTY: util.isTty(process.stdin.fd),
FORCE_STDOUT_TTY: util.isTty(process.stdout.fd),
FORCE_STDERR_TTY: util.isTty(process.stderr.fd)
getEnvColors() {
const sc = util.supportsColor();
return {
MOCHA_COLORS: sc ? true : undefined
isTty(fd) {
return tty.isatty(fd);
supportsColor() {
// if we've been explictly told not to support
// color then turn this off
if (process.env.NO_COLOR) {
return false;
// always return true in CI providers
if (process.env.CI) {
return true;
// ensure that both stdout and stderr support color
return Boolean(supportsColor.stdout) && Boolean(supportsColor.stderr);
cwd() {
return process.cwd();
pkgBuildInfo() {
return pkg.buildInfo;
pkgVersion() {
return pkg.version;
exit(code) {
logErrorExit1(err) {
titleize(...args) {
// prepend first arg with space
// and pad so that all messages line up
args[0] = _.padEnd(` ${args[0]}`, 24);
// get rid of any falsy values
args = _.compact(args);
calculateEta(percent, elapsed) {
// returns the number of seconds remaining
// if we're at 100% already just return 0
if (percent === 100) {
return 0;
// take the percentage and divide by one
// and multiple that against elapsed
// subtracting what's already elapsed
return elapsed * (1 / (percent / 100)) - elapsed;
convertPercentToPercentage(num) {
// convert a percent with values between 0 and 1
// with decimals, so that it is between 0 and 100
// and has no decimal places
return Math.round(_.isFinite(num) ? num * 100 : 0);
secsRemaining(eta) {
// calculate the seconds reminaing with no decimal places
return (_.isFinite(eta) ? eta / 1000 : 0).toFixed(0);
setTaskTitle(task, title, renderer) {
// only update the renderer title when not running in CI
if (renderer === 'default' && task.title !== title) {
task.title = title;
isInstalledGlobally() {
return isInstalledGlobally;
isSemver(str) {
return /^(\d+\.)?(\d+\.)?(\*|\d+)$/.test(str);
isExecutableAsync(filePath) {
return Promise.resolve(executable(filePath));
getOsVersionAsync() {
return Promise.try(() => {
if (isLinux()) {
return getosAsync().then(osInfo => {
return [osInfo.dist, osInfo.release].join(' - ');
}).catch(() => {
return os.release();
return os.release();
async getPlatformInfo() {
const [version, osArch] = await Promise.all([util.getOsVersionAsync(), this.getRealArch()]);
return stripIndent`
Platform: ${os.platform()}-${osArch} (${version})
Cypress Version: ${util.pkgVersion()}
_cachedArch: undefined,
* Attempt to return the real system arch (not process.arch, which is only the Node binary's arch)
async getRealArch() {
if (this._cachedArch) return this._cachedArch;
async function _getRealArch() {
const osPlatform = os.platform();
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
const osArch = os.arch();
debug('detecting arch %o', {
if (osArch === 'arm64') return 'arm64';
if (osPlatform === 'darwin') {
// could possibly be x64 node on arm64 darwin, check if we are being translated by Rosetta
const {
} = await execa('sysctl', ['-n', 'sysctl.proc_translated']).catch(() => '');
debug('rosetta check result: %o', {
if (stdout === '1') return 'arm64';
if (osPlatform === 'linux') {
// could possibly be x64 node on arm64 linux, check the "machine hardware name"
// list of names for reference:
const {
} = await execa('uname', ['-m']).catch(() => '');
debug('arm uname -m result: %o ', {
if (['aarch64_be', 'aarch64', 'armv8b', 'armv8l'].includes(stdout)) return 'arm64';
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
const pkgArch = arch();
if (pkgArch === 'x86') return 'ia32';
return pkgArch;
return this._cachedArch = await _getRealArch();
// attention:
// when passing relative path to NPM post install hook, the current working
// directory is set to the `node_modules/cypress` folder
// the user is probably passing relative path with respect to root package folder
formAbsolutePath(filename) {
if (path.isAbsolute(filename)) {
return filename;
return path.join(process.cwd(), '..', '..', filename);
getEnv(varName, trim) {
la(is.unemptyString(varName), 'expected environment variable name, not', varName);
const configVarName = `npm_config_${varName}`;
const configVarNameLower = configVarName.toLowerCase();
const packageConfigVarName = `npm_package_config_${varName}`;
let result;
if (process.env.hasOwnProperty(varName)) {
debug(`Using ${varName} from environment variable`);
result = process.env[varName];
} else if (process.env.hasOwnProperty(configVarName)) {
debug(`Using ${varName} from npm config`);
result = process.env[configVarName];
} else if (process.env.hasOwnProperty(configVarNameLower)) {
debug(`Using ${varName.toLowerCase()} from npm config`);
result = process.env[configVarNameLower];
} else if (process.env.hasOwnProperty(packageConfigVarName)) {
debug(`Using ${varName} from package.json config`);
result = process.env[packageConfigVarName];
// environment variables are often set double quotes to escape characters
// and on Windows it can lead to weird things: for example
// set FOO="C:\foo.txt" && node -e "console.log('>>>%s<<<', process.env.FOO)"
// will print
// >>>"C:\foo.txt" <<<
// see
// so for sanity sake we should first trim whitespace characters and remove
// double quotes around environment strings if the caller is expected to
// use this environment string as a file path
return trim ? dequote(_.trim(result)) : result;
getCacheDir() {
return cachedir('Cypress');
isPostInstall() {
return process.env.npm_lifecycle_event === 'postinstall';
exec: execa,
getGitHubIssueUrl(number) {
la(is.positive(number), 'github issue should be a positive number', number);
la(_.isInteger(number), 'github issue should be an integer', number);
return `${issuesUrl}/${number}`;
module.exports = util;