Skvělá věc při kódování je vidět smazané či upravené řádky v reálném čase.
-The great thing about coding is seeing deleted or modified lines in real time.
+Gitsigns vyžaduje volání a setup ve vaší konfiguraci, aby to fungovalo. Vytvořme gitsigns.lua
soubor v našem jmenném adresáři:
-Gitsigns requires a call and setup in your configuration to make it work. Let's create a gitsigns.lua
file in our name directory:
+Pokud nezadáte žádné možnosti, plugin se spustí s výchozím nastavením.
- 12. Ještě lepší Neovim s Zellij terminálovým multiplexorem
-Co mi chybí na Neovim, je způsob, jak z něj zavolat terminál a otevřít terminál (druhé okno terminálu pod oknem s Neovim, viz obrázek) stejnou cestou, na kterém pracuji.
-Abych toho dosáhl, používám Zellij , což je terminálový multiplexor.
-Konfigurace Zellij
-Zellij vám umožňuje vytvářet vlastní rozvržení, která lze vyvolat při spuštění, abyste je lépe přizpůsobili práci, kterou budete dělat.
-Následuje konfigurace pro práci s textovým editorem Neovim. Tuto konfiguraci jsem uložil pod touto cestou ~/.config/zellij/layouts/nvim.kdl
+ 12. Even better Neovim with Zellij terminal multiplexer
+What I miss about Neovim is a way to call a terminal from it and open the terminal (the second terminal window below the Neovim window, see picture) the same way I'm working on.
+To achieve this, I use Zellij , which is a terminal multiplexer.
+The ## Zellij
+Zellij configuration
+allows you to create custom layouts that can be invoked at startup to better tailor them to the work you'll be doing.
+The following is the configuration for working with the Neovi text editor. I saved this configuration under this path ~/.config/zellij/layouts/nvim.kdl
layout {
- pane size=1 borderless=true {
- plugin location="zellij:tab-bar"
- }
- pane {
- command "nvim"
- args "."
- }
- pane split_direction="vertical" size="10%" {
+ panel size=1 borderless=true {
+ plugin location="zellij:tab-bar
+ " }
+ panel {
+ command "nvim
+ " args ".
+ " }
+ panel split_direction="vertical" size="10%" {
- }
- pane size=2 borderless=true {
- plugin location="zellij:status-bar"
- }
+ }
+ panel size=2 borderless=true {
+ plugin location="zellij:status-bar
+ " }
-Výsledkem je následující rozložení:
The result is the following layout:

-Nvim běžící v horním podokně s terminálovou konzolí v jiném podokně dole, ve stejné cestě jako projekt, se kterým pracuji!! a přesně tohoto cíle jsem chtěl dosáhnout.
-Konfigurace systému
-Nyní ke spuštění zellij s vlastním rozložením a instancí Nvim musíte spustit:
+Nvim running in the top pane with the terminal console in another pane at the bottom, in the same path as the project I'm working with!!! and this is exactly the goal I wanted to achieve.
+System Configuration
+Now to run zellij with a custom layout and Nvim instance you need to run:
zellij --layout ~/.config/zellij/layouts/nvim.kdl
-V míste (složce) v terminálu kde chcete spustit Neovim.
-Nyní pro zjednodušení tohoto příkazu jsem vytvořil alias znv
a uložil to do mého ~/.bashrc
-alias znv='zellij --layout $HOME/.config/zellij/layouts/nvim.kdl'
-S touto konfigurací pokaždé, když potřebuji vytvořit novou instanci Neovim, stačí zadat znv do adresáře, se kterým chci pracovat, a Zellij mi zavolá Neovim a automaticky otevře projekt.
+In the location (folder) in the terminal where you want to run Neovim.
+Now to simplify this command, I created an alias znv
and saved it in my ~/.bashrc
+alias znv='zellij --layout $HOME/.config/zellij/layouts/nvim.kdl'
+With this configuration, every time I need to create a new instance of Neovim, I just type znv in the directory I want to work with, and Zellij will call Neovim and automatically open the project.
- Copyright © 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim
+ Copyright © 2024 - 2025 🚀 ApolloNvim / Lukáš Kaňka
diff --git a/en/apollonvim/tutorials/13. Používání relativních čísel řádků/index.html b/en/apollonvim/tutorials/13. Používání relativních čísel řádků/index.html
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- 15. Jak na kopírování a vkládání
-Kopírování jednoho řádku
-Přejděte na řádek, který chcete kopírovat.
-Stiskněte yy (dva krát y). Tím kopírujete celý řádek.
-Kopírování více řádků
-Přejděte na první řádek, který chcete kopírovat.
-Stiskněte V pro vizuální režim řádků.
-Použijte šipky nebo j a k pro výběr řádků.
-Stiskněte y pro kopírování vybraných řádků.
-Vkládání textu
-Vložení textu
-Přejděte na místo, kam chcete text vložit.
-Stiskněte p pro vložení textu za kurzor nebo P pro vložení textu před kurzor.
-Další užitečné funkce
-Vymazání textu
-Přejděte na řádek, který chcete vymazat.
-Stiskněte dd pro vymazání celého řádku.
-Vymazání více řádků
-Přejděte na první řádek, který chcete vymazat.
-Stiskněte V pro vizuální režim řádků.
-Použijte šipky nebo j a k pro výběr řádků.
-Stiskněte d pro vymazání vybraných řádků.
-Přesunutí textu
-Vyberte text, který chcete přesunout (například pomocí V a j/k).
-Stiskněte d pro vymazání vybraného textu (což ho také kopíruje do schránky).
-Přejděte na místo, kam chcete text přesunout.
-Stiskněte p nebo P pro vložení textu.
-Použití systémové schránky
-Neovim podporuje integraci se systémovou schránkou, což umožňuje kopírování a vkládání textu mezi Neovimem a jinými aplikacemi.
-Kopírování do systémové schránky
-Vyberte text, který chcete kopírovat (například pomocí V a j/k).
-Stiskněte "+y pro kopírování vybraného textu do systémové schránky.
-Vložení z systémové schránky
-Přejděte na místo, kam chcete text vložit.
-Stiskněte "+p pro vložení textu ze systémové schránky za kurzor nebo "+P pro vložení textu před kurzor.
-Mimo Neovim použíjte zkratku CTRL+V.
-Pokud chcete kopírovat t do Neovim z jiné aplikace použíjte SHIFT+CTRL+V.
-Tyto příkazy a klávesové zkratky vám umožní efektivně pracovat s textem v Neovimu.
-POZNÁMKA: v linuxu pro správnou funkčmost jsem si musel pro kopírování z Neovim nainstalovat balíček xclib!
+ 15. How to copy and paste
+Copying a single line
+Navigate to the line you want to copy.
+Press yy (two times y). This copies the entire line.
+Copying multiple lines
+Go to the first line you want to copy.
+Press V for the visual mode of the lines.
+Use the arrow keys or j and k to select rows.
+Press y to copy the selected lines.
+Inserting text
+Inserting text
+Scroll to the location where you want to insert text.
+Press p to insert text after the cursor or P to insert text before the cursor.
+Other useful features
+Deleting text
+Scroll to the line you want to delete.
+Press dd to delete the entire line.
+Delete multiple lines
+Scroll to the first line you want to delete.
+Press V for visual mode of the lines.
+Use the arrow keys or j and k to select rows.
+Press d to delete the selected rows.
+Moving text
+Select the text you want to move (for example, use V and j/k).
+Press d to delete the selected text (which also copies it to the clipboard).
+Navigate to the location where you want to move the text.
+Press p or P to paste the text.
+Using the system clipboard
+Neovim supports integration with the system clipboard, allowing you to copy and paste text between Neovim and other applications.
+Copying to the system clipboard
+Select the text you want to copy (for example, using V and j/k).
+Press "+y to copy the selected text to the system clipboard.
+Paste from the system clipboard.
+Navigate to the location where you want to paste the text.
+Press "+p to paste text from the system clipboard after the cursor or "+P to paste text before the cursor.
+Outside of Neovim, use the shortcut CTRL+V.
+To copy t to Neovim from another application use SHIFT+CTRL+V.
+These commands and keyboard shortcuts allow you to work efficiently with text in Neovim.
+NOTE: in Linux, for proper functionality, I had to install the xclib package to copy from Neovim !
+These commands and keyboard shortcuts will allow you to work efficiently with text in Neovim.
- Copyright © 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim
+ Copyright © 2024 - 2025 🚀 ApolloNvim / Lukáš Kaňka
diff --git a/en/apollonvim/tutorials/16. Jak nainstalovat nejnovější verzi Neovim do linuxu/index.html b/en/apollonvim/tutorials/16. Jak nainstalovat nejnovější verzi Neovim do linuxu/index.html
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- 18. Konfigurace plaginu v Lua souboru
-Některé pluginy pro svůj chod potřebují na konfigurovat. Tyto konfigurace se provádějí v jazyce Lua. Většinou bývá pravidlem že konfiguraci najdete na GitHubu u jednotlivých pluginů, mi ji jen musíme zkopírovat či případně upravit dle svých preferencí a uložit do souborů kde máme Neovim.
-Máme dvě možnosti jak takovou konfiguraci uložit. Buď do souboru init.vim
nebo pro lepší přehlednost do souboru lua kde bude mít každý plugin svůj soubor.
-První způsob:
-Toto je jednoduší způsob konfigurace jejím přidání do 'init.vim'.
+ Configuring plagin in Lua file
+Some plugins need to be configured to work. These configurations are done in Lua. As a rule, you can find the configuration on GitHub for each plugin, we just need to copy it or modify it according to our preferences and save it in the files where we have Neovim.
+We have two options how to save such configuration. Either in the init.vim
file or for better clarity in a lua file where each plugin will have its own file.
+First way:
+This is the simpler way of configuring it by adding it to init.vim
-- V souboru 'init.vim' vytvoříme tyto dvě značky:
+- In the 'init.vim' file, create the following two tags:
-- A mezi ně vložíme samotný config, například takto:
+- And insert the config itself between them, for example as follows:
lua << EOF
-- nvim-lightbulb setup
@@ -218,40 +337,40 @@
-A dále pod sebe přidáváme jednotlivé značky 'lua << EOF' 'EOF' a do nich vklkádat konfigurace.
-Druhý způsob:
-Tento způsob je o trochu složitější, ale pomůže lépe organizovat konfigurační soubory a mít lepší přehled.
+Next, we add the individual 'lua << EOF' 'EOF' tags to the subwebs and inject the configurations into them.
+Second way:
+This way is a bit more complicated, but it will help to organize the configuration files and have a better overview.
-- do souboru 'init.vim' přidáme tento řádek:
+- add this line to the 'init.vim' file:
-Tím jsme si naimprtovali soubor do kterého budeme importovat jednotlivé konfigurace.
+With this, we've imprinted a file into which we will import each configuration.
Ve složce Neovim kde máme soubor 'init.vim' vytvoříme složku 'lua'.
+In the Neovim folder where we have the 'init.vim' file, we create the 'lua' folder.
Ve složce 'lua' vytvoříme složku s váším nickem nebo jak se vám zlíbí. V mém případě jsem zvolil 'kankys'.
+In the 'lua' folder, create a folder with your nickname or whatever you like. In my case I chose 'kankys'.
-Měli by jste teď mít tutu strukturu: '~/.config/nvim/lua/kankys/'
+You should now have this structure: '~/.config/nvim/lua/kankys/'
-- Ve složce 'kankys' vytvoříme soubor:
+- In the 'kankys' folder, create a file:
-Do něj budeme importovat jednotlivé konfigurace.
+We will import the individual configurations into it.
-- Vytvoříme se soubor s názvem pluginu s koncovkou lua kterého chceme konfigurovat.
+- We will create a file with the name of the plugin with the lua extension that we want to configure.
-Já budu chtít například konfigurovat plugin 'gitsings'.
+For example, I will want to configure the plugin 'gitsings'.
-- Vytvoříme ve složce 'kankys' soubor 'gitsings.lua'. Do něj vlažíme konfiguraci dle návodu z Githubu u pluginu.
+- We will create the file 'gitsings.lua' in the 'kankys' folder. Into it we put the configuration according to the Github instructions for the plugin.
-Soubor pak bude vypadat takto:
+The file will then look like this:
require('gitsigns').setup {
-- signs config
current_line_blame = true,
@@ -261,18 +380,18 @@
-A uložíme ho.
+And save it.
-- Poslení bod na importovat konfiguraci do 'init.lua'
+- Send the point to import the configuration into 'init.lua'
+We open the file 'init.lua' and paste into it:
-Otevřeme soubor 'init.lua' a do něj vložíme:
-A soubor uložíme.
-Takto budeme přidávat další importy do 'init.lua'.
+And save the file.
+This is how we will add more imports to 'init.lua'.
- Copyright © 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim
+ Copyright © 2024 - 2025 🚀 ApolloNvim / Lukáš Kaňka
diff --git a/en/apollonvim/tutorials/19. NERDTree konfigurace a tipy/index.html b/en/apollonvim/tutorials/19. NERDTree konfigurace a tipy/index.html
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-{"config":{"indexing":"full","lang":["en"],"min_search_length":3,"prebuild_index":false,"separator":"[\\s\\-]+"},"docs":[{"location":"","text":"\ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Verzion: 25.01 Web v \u010ce\u0161tin\u011b najde\u0161 po kliknut\u00ed na tento odkaz Project repository Programming is much more fun when you are efficient. Neovim can get you there eventually, but you have to be willing to try new things. New plugins, new remaps, etc. Tutorials: \ud83d\udc49 Neovim setup for Front-End development based on Plug.vim , Coc and Lua . \ud83d\udc49 The advantages of Neovim over a classic IDE are undeniable in the freedom of configuration, there are thousands of possibilities how your Neovim can look and work. For your inspiration and use this project was created \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim. \ud83d\udc49 This distribution doesn't just work by clicking a button and installing. It will lead you to a separate installation using this site. The goal is to understand how Neovim works so you can modify everything yourself, which even click-on distributions don't teach you. \ud83d\udc49 Two Editions \ud83d\ude80ApolloNvim Starter for scaled to work with text thanks to markdown support and FrontEnd Edition focused on web development. \ud83d\udc49 This setting is primarily for web development. I was inspired by the plugins I used in VSCode and Webstorm. \ud83d\udc49 In October 2024, PHP support was newly added as well as Automatic pugin installation. \ud83d\udc49 Great emphasis is placed on speed and lightness. \ud83d\udc49 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Distro is regularly updated and so is the whole project. \ud83d\udc49 For the best experience with \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Distro, I recommend using Zellij or Terminator , multiplexor, but it's not a requirement of course. Advantages: \ud83d\udc49 The main advantages of this setup are support for Codeium, a free alternative to Copilot, Prettier, AutoSave, HTML, CSS, JS dipping and shortcuts to comment and uncomment code (CTRL + k). There are also several plugins to make working in Neovi more enjoyable. \ud83d\udc49 With LSP in this installation I use Coc for its simplicity, stability and speed. \ud83d\udc49 The best themes for Neovim (so you don't have to search for them) is the default Dracula. \ud83d\udc49 To change the theme in Neovi, simply use the :colorscheme command in the command line and use the Tab button to switch between themes. Plan \ud83d\ude80ApolloNvim: \ud83d\udc49 You can expect these new features and more in the future: \ud83d\udc49 Installer \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim via link from Git. \ud83d\udc49 New custom welcome screen. \ud83d\udc49 New plugins. \ud83d\udc49 Tutorials on plugins, how to set them up and how to work with them. \ud83d\udc49 Instructions for working with Neovim. Questions and Answers: \ud83d\udc49 How much does ApolloNvim cost? -> Nothing \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim is free. \ud83d\udc49 How complicated is \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim? -> \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim may be more complicated than other editors, but once you learn how to use it, you'll see how great it is. Copyright \u00a9 Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka 2024 - 2025","title":"\ud83c\udfd8 Home"},{"location":"#apollonvim","text":"","title":"\ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim"},{"location":"#verzion-2501","text":"","title":"Verzion: 25.01"},{"location":"#web-v-cestine-najdes-po-kliknuti-na-tento-odkaz","text":"Project repository","title":"Web v \u010ce\u0161tin\u011b najde\u0161 po kliknut\u00ed na tento odkaz"},{"location":"#programming-is-much-more-fun-when-you-are-efficient-neovim-can-get-you-there-eventually-but-you-have-to-be-willing-to-try-new-things-new-plugins-new-remaps-etc","text":"","title":"Programming is much more fun when you are efficient. Neovim can get you there eventually, but you have to be willing to try new things. New plugins, new remaps, etc."},{"location":"#tutorials","text":"\ud83d\udc49 Neovim setup for Front-End development based on Plug.vim , Coc and Lua . \ud83d\udc49 The advantages of Neovim over a classic IDE are undeniable in the freedom of configuration, there are thousands of possibilities how your Neovim can look and work. For your inspiration and use this project was created \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim. \ud83d\udc49 This distribution doesn't just work by clicking a button and installing. It will lead you to a separate installation using this site. The goal is to understand how Neovim works so you can modify everything yourself, which even click-on distributions don't teach you. \ud83d\udc49 Two Editions \ud83d\ude80ApolloNvim Starter for scaled to work with text thanks to markdown support and FrontEnd Edition focused on web development. \ud83d\udc49 This setting is primarily for web development. I was inspired by the plugins I used in VSCode and Webstorm. \ud83d\udc49 In October 2024, PHP support was newly added as well as Automatic pugin installation. \ud83d\udc49 Great emphasis is placed on speed and lightness. \ud83d\udc49 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Distro is regularly updated and so is the whole project. \ud83d\udc49 For the best experience with \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Distro, I recommend using Zellij or Terminator , multiplexor, but it's not a requirement of course.","title":"Tutorials:"},{"location":"#advantages","text":"\ud83d\udc49 The main advantages of this setup are support for Codeium, a free alternative to Copilot, Prettier, AutoSave, HTML, CSS, JS dipping and shortcuts to comment and uncomment code (CTRL + k). There are also several plugins to make working in Neovi more enjoyable. \ud83d\udc49 With LSP in this installation I use Coc for its simplicity, stability and speed. \ud83d\udc49 The best themes for Neovim (so you don't have to search for them) is the default Dracula. \ud83d\udc49 To change the theme in Neovi, simply use the :colorscheme command in the command line and use the Tab button to switch between themes.","title":"Advantages:"},{"location":"#plan-apollonvim","text":"\ud83d\udc49 You can expect these new features and more in the future: \ud83d\udc49 Installer \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim via link from Git. \ud83d\udc49 New custom welcome screen. \ud83d\udc49 New plugins. \ud83d\udc49 Tutorials on plugins, how to set them up and how to work with them. \ud83d\udc49 Instructions for working with Neovim.","title":"Plan \ud83d\ude80ApolloNvim:"},{"location":"#questions-and-answers","text":"\ud83d\udc49 How much does ApolloNvim cost? -> Nothing \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim is free. \ud83d\udc49 How complicated is \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim? -> \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim may be more complicated than other editors, but once you learn how to use it, you'll see how great it is. Copyright \u00a9 Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka 2024 - 2025","title":"Questions and Answers:"},{"location":"contact/","text":"Contact: \ud83d\udc49 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Telegram \ud83d\udc49 Author's personal website \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Support: \ud83d\udc49 If in any way you want to support or contribute to the content and functionality of \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim, I'd be happy to hear from you. \ud83d\udc49 You can also support this project with a few Satoshi: More projects and links: \ud83d\udc49 ArchLinux CZ \ud83d\udc49 Vyhled\u00e1va\u010d SearXNG CZ \ud83d\udc49 EndeavourOS Linux Copyright \u00a9 Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka 2024 - 2025","title":"\ud83d\udcea Contact"},{"location":"contact/#contact","text":"\ud83d\udc49 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Telegram \ud83d\udc49 Author's personal website \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim","title":"Contact:"},{"location":"contact/#support","text":"\ud83d\udc49 If in any way you want to support or contribute to the content and functionality of \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim, I'd be happy to hear from you. \ud83d\udc49 You can also support this project with a few Satoshi:","title":"Support:"},{"location":"contact/#more-projects-and-links","text":"\ud83d\udc49 ArchLinux CZ \ud83d\udc49 Vyhled\u00e1va\u010d SearXNG CZ \ud83d\udc49 EndeavourOS Linux Copyright \u00a9 Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka 2024 - 2025","title":"More projects and links:"},{"location":"apollonvim/installation/","text":"\ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Before installing new plugins, always check the documentation for the plugins on Github. This will prevent potential problems! If you're not sure about the procedure or something is not clear, you'd better check the documentation,write to us or the forums to find the answer. Installation and setup Start Edition: \ud83d\udc49 If you don't have it yet, install Neovim .{target=\"_blank\"}. \ud83d\udc49 You will need to install plug.vim to install the extension. \ud83d\udc49 Go to this page under Installation find your operating system and copy the link under it into your terminal. But first back up your current Neovim settings!!! Configuration files can be found here: Linux & Mac: /home/user/.config/nvim/init.vim Windows: ~\\AppData\\Local\\nvim Neovim: \ud83d\udc49 The easiest way to install \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Distro for Linux and macOS is to download this repository with the command : git clone -b nvim ~/.config/nvim \ud83d\udc49 Note this command above will overwrite the existing nvim folder in ~/.config/nvim. Don't forget to back up the existing nvim folder before you overwrite it with a new one from this repository, for example by renaming the original nvim.bak. \ud83d\udc49 But if you want you can configure Nvim to your liking and just get inspired. \ud83d\udc49 You can run neovim in the terminal with the nvim command. \ud83d\udc49 Click on error messages. \ud83d\udc49 In Neovim, type PlugInstall in the command line , this will install all plugins. Restart Neovim. Command Line is invoked with the keyboard shortcut SHIFT + : . \ud83d\udc49 If you are missing a plugin, you can easily install or uninstall it using plug.vim. You can find more information on GitHub vim.plug or I'd be happy to advise you see about us. \ud83d\udc49 If you don't want to use a plugin, just comment it out in the init.vim file using double quotes \" . \ud83d\udc49 Enter the Coc command in the command line to install the remaining plugins: CocInstall coc-markdown-preview-enhanced coc-webview \ud83d\udc49 Reboot Neovim once more and you're all set. \ud83d\udc49 I use this configuration on both Linux and macOS. It is also tested on Windows 11. Installation and setup FrontEnd Edition: \ud83d\udc49 If you don't have it yet, install Neovim . \ud83d\udc49 You will need to install plug.vim to install the extension. \ud83d\udc49 Go to this page under Installation find your operating system and copy the link under it into your terminal. But first back up your current Neovim settings!!! Configuration files can be found here: Linux & Mac: /home/user/.config/nvim/init.vim Windows: ` ~\\AppData\\Local\\nvim ` Node.js: \ud83d\udc49 I recommend to have Node.js installed. \ud83d\udc49 Next, install the Live-server in Node.js with the command: npm i live-server \ud83d\udc49 In your project you will be able to run your index.html command: npx live-server \ud83d\udc49 For proper LSP functionality, install the following packages: If the terminal gives you an error when you use the npm command. You will need to install the package as sudo. vscode-html-language-server vscode-css-language-server typescript-language-server emmet-ls tailwindcss-language-server Neovim: \ud83d\udc49 The easiest way to install \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Distro for Linux and macOS is to download this repository with the command : git clone -b frontend ~/.config/nvim \ud83d\udc49 Note this command above will overwrite the existing nvim folder in ~/.config/nvim. Don't forget to back up the existing nvim folder before you overwrite it with a new one from this repository, for example by renaming the original nvim.bak . \ud83d\udc49 But if you want you can configure Nvim to your liking and just get inspired. \ud83d\udc49 You can run neovim in the terminal with the nvim command. \ud83d\udc49 Click on error messages. \ud83d\udc49 In Neovim, type PlugInstall in the command line , this will install all plugins. Restart Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 If you are missing a plugin, you can easily install or uninstall it using plug.vim. You can find more information on GitHub vim.plug or I'd be happy to advise you see about us. \ud83d\udc49 If you don't want to use a plugin, just comment it out in the init.vim file using double quotes \" . \ud83d\udc49 Enter the Coc command in the command line to install the remaining plugins: CocInstall coc-tailwindcss coc-json coc-html-css-support coc-html coc-emmet coc-xml coc-tsserver coc-lsp-wl coc-lit-html coc-htmldjango coc-css coc-markdown-preview-enhanced coc-webview coc-phpls coc-prettier coc-eslint \ud83d\udc49 Reboot Neovim once more and you're all set. \ud83d\udc49 I use this configuration on both Linux and macOS. It is also tested on Windows 11. Copyright \u00a9 Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka 2024 - 2025","title":"\ud83d\udee0 Installation"},{"location":"apollonvim/installation/#apollonvim","text":"","title":"\ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim"},{"location":"apollonvim/installation/#before-installing-new-plugins-always-check-the-documentation-for-the-plugins-on-github-this-will-prevent-potential-problems-if-youre-not-sure-about-the-procedure-or-something-is-not-clear-youd-better-check-the-documentationwrite-to-us-or-the-forums-to-find-the-answer","text":"","title":"Before installing new plugins, always check the documentation for the plugins on Github. This will prevent potential problems! If you're not sure about the procedure or something is not clear, you'd better check the documentation,write to us or the forums to find the answer."},{"location":"apollonvim/installation/#installation-and-setup-start-edition","text":"\ud83d\udc49 If you don't have it yet, install Neovim .{target=\"_blank\"}. \ud83d\udc49 You will need to install plug.vim to install the extension. \ud83d\udc49 Go to this page under Installation find your operating system and copy the link under it into your terminal. But first back up your current Neovim settings!!! Configuration files can be found here: Linux & Mac: /home/user/.config/nvim/init.vim Windows: ~\\AppData\\Local\\nvim","title":"Installation and setup Start Edition:"},{"location":"apollonvim/installation/#neovim","text":"\ud83d\udc49 The easiest way to install \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Distro for Linux and macOS is to download this repository with the command : git clone -b nvim ~/.config/nvim \ud83d\udc49 Note this command above will overwrite the existing nvim folder in ~/.config/nvim. Don't forget to back up the existing nvim folder before you overwrite it with a new one from this repository, for example by renaming the original nvim.bak. \ud83d\udc49 But if you want you can configure Nvim to your liking and just get inspired. \ud83d\udc49 You can run neovim in the terminal with the nvim command. \ud83d\udc49 Click on error messages. \ud83d\udc49 In Neovim, type PlugInstall in the command line , this will install all plugins. Restart Neovim. Command Line is invoked with the keyboard shortcut SHIFT + : . \ud83d\udc49 If you are missing a plugin, you can easily install or uninstall it using plug.vim. You can find more information on GitHub vim.plug or I'd be happy to advise you see about us. \ud83d\udc49 If you don't want to use a plugin, just comment it out in the init.vim file using double quotes \" . \ud83d\udc49 Enter the Coc command in the command line to install the remaining plugins: CocInstall coc-markdown-preview-enhanced coc-webview \ud83d\udc49 Reboot Neovim once more and you're all set. \ud83d\udc49 I use this configuration on both Linux and macOS. It is also tested on Windows 11.","title":"Neovim:"},{"location":"apollonvim/installation/#installation-and-setup-frontend-edition","text":"\ud83d\udc49 If you don't have it yet, install Neovim . \ud83d\udc49 You will need to install plug.vim to install the extension. \ud83d\udc49 Go to this page under Installation find your operating system and copy the link under it into your terminal. But first back up your current Neovim settings!!! Configuration files can be found here: Linux & Mac: /home/user/.config/nvim/init.vim Windows: ` ~\\AppData\\Local\\nvim `","title":"Installation and setup FrontEnd Edition:"},{"location":"apollonvim/installation/#nodejs","text":"\ud83d\udc49 I recommend to have Node.js installed. \ud83d\udc49 Next, install the Live-server in Node.js with the command: npm i live-server \ud83d\udc49 In your project you will be able to run your index.html command: npx live-server \ud83d\udc49 For proper LSP functionality, install the following packages: If the terminal gives you an error when you use the npm command. You will need to install the package as sudo. vscode-html-language-server vscode-css-language-server typescript-language-server emmet-ls tailwindcss-language-server","title":"Node.js:"},{"location":"apollonvim/installation/#neovim_1","text":"\ud83d\udc49 The easiest way to install \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Distro for Linux and macOS is to download this repository with the command : git clone -b frontend ~/.config/nvim \ud83d\udc49 Note this command above will overwrite the existing nvim folder in ~/.config/nvim. Don't forget to back up the existing nvim folder before you overwrite it with a new one from this repository, for example by renaming the original nvim.bak . \ud83d\udc49 But if you want you can configure Nvim to your liking and just get inspired. \ud83d\udc49 You can run neovim in the terminal with the nvim command. \ud83d\udc49 Click on error messages. \ud83d\udc49 In Neovim, type PlugInstall in the command line , this will install all plugins. Restart Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 If you are missing a plugin, you can easily install or uninstall it using plug.vim. You can find more information on GitHub vim.plug or I'd be happy to advise you see about us. \ud83d\udc49 If you don't want to use a plugin, just comment it out in the init.vim file using double quotes \" . \ud83d\udc49 Enter the Coc command in the command line to install the remaining plugins: CocInstall coc-tailwindcss coc-json coc-html-css-support coc-html coc-emmet coc-xml coc-tsserver coc-lsp-wl coc-lit-html coc-htmldjango coc-css coc-markdown-preview-enhanced coc-webview coc-phpls coc-prettier coc-eslint \ud83d\udc49 Reboot Neovim once more and you're all set. \ud83d\udc49 I use this configuration on both Linux and macOS. It is also tested on Windows 11. Copyright \u00a9 Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka 2024 - 2025","title":"Neovim:"},{"location":"apollonvim/plugins/","text":"Plugins \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Distro Security and privacy are the most important things, which is why this list is here. In the list you will find all the plugins used in this configuration with a link to the source. Plugins you don't want to use can be commented out or deleted in init.vim. In the case of Coc plugin, omit the plugin-name when you run CocInstall. \ud83d\udc49 Autoclosetag tool for closing all types of brackets and tags. \ud83d\udc49 Coc package manager for installing add-ons to Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 NERDTree creates a tree sidebar for you. \ud83d\udc49 html5.vim plugin for highlighting HTML syntax. \ud83d\udc49 Codeium Introduction alternative to GitHub Copilot, which you can also easily (Commented active TabNine replacement) \ud83d\udc49 Tabnine alternative to GitHub Copilot, which you can also easily install. \ud83d\udc49 Startify an alternative welcome screen with a different IT theme each time. It doesn't have to work with some terminals or NERDTree set to start after boot. \ud83d\udc49 NERD Commenter Commenter plugin for commenting and uncommenting code. Here we have it set up to Ctrl + k. \ud83d\udc49 Wakatime a service that is able to measure how much time you spent coding on the computer and on which project. The service simply connects via API. You can find WakaTime here . \ud83d\udc49 Auto-save plugin to automatically save your files. \ud83d\udc49 Tree-sitter plugin for code highlighting. \ud83d\udc49 Hlchunk connects the code with vertical lines. \ud83d\udc49 Vim-Fugitive plugin for git. \ud83d\udc49 Colorizer plugin for color preview by code designation. \ud83d\udc49 Vim - javascript - javascript plugin for javascript support. \ud83d\udc49 Toggletherm Improved terminal. \ud83d\udc49 Vim-Gitgutter git help for a change in the code. \ud83d\udc49 Gitsigns shows changes in the code. \ud83d\udc49 Plenary Coc extensions \ud83d\udc49 Coc manager for installing add-ons to Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Coc extensions extensions under this link you can find all COC extensions for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 coc-tailwindcss \ud83d\udc49 coc-json \ud83d\udc49 coc-html-css-support \ud83d\udc49 coc-html \ud83d\udc49 coc-emmet \ud83d\udc49 coc-xml \ud83d\udc49 coc-tsserver \ud83d\udc49 coc-lsp-wl \ud83d\udc49 coc-lit-html \ud83d\udc49 coc-htmldjango \ud83d\udc49 coc-css \ud83d\udc49 coc-markdown-preview-enhanced \ud83d\udc49 coc-webview \ud83d\udc49 coc-phpls \ud83d\udc49 coc-prettier \ud83d\udc49 coc-eslint \ud83d\udc49 coc-highlighting Colorschemes \ud83d\udc49 Dracula color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Gruvbox color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Catppuccin color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Nord color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Tokyo Night color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Nightfox color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Sonokai color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 NeoSolarized color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Moonfly color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Onedark color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Edge color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Airline color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 GitHub color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Nightfly color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Miasma color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Pink moon color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Anderson color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Tender color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Night owl color theme for Neovim. Copyright \u00a9 Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka 2024 - 2025","title":"\ud83d\uddc4 Plugins"},{"location":"apollonvim/plugins/#plugins-apollonvim-distro","text":"","title":"Plugins \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Distro"},{"location":"apollonvim/plugins/#security-and-privacy-are-the-most-important-things-which-is-why-this-list-is-here-in-the-list-you-will-find-all-the-plugins-used-in-this-configuration-with-a-link-to-the-source-plugins-you-dont-want-to-use-can-be-commented-out-or-deleted-in-initvim-in-the-case-of-coc-plugin-omit-the-plugin-name-when-you-run-cocinstall","text":"\ud83d\udc49 Autoclosetag tool for closing all types of brackets and tags. \ud83d\udc49 Coc package manager for installing add-ons to Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 NERDTree creates a tree sidebar for you. \ud83d\udc49 html5.vim plugin for highlighting HTML syntax. \ud83d\udc49 Codeium Introduction alternative to GitHub Copilot, which you can also easily (Commented active TabNine replacement) \ud83d\udc49 Tabnine alternative to GitHub Copilot, which you can also easily install. \ud83d\udc49 Startify an alternative welcome screen with a different IT theme each time. It doesn't have to work with some terminals or NERDTree set to start after boot. \ud83d\udc49 NERD Commenter Commenter plugin for commenting and uncommenting code. Here we have it set up to Ctrl + k. \ud83d\udc49 Wakatime a service that is able to measure how much time you spent coding on the computer and on which project. The service simply connects via API. You can find WakaTime here . \ud83d\udc49 Auto-save plugin to automatically save your files. \ud83d\udc49 Tree-sitter plugin for code highlighting. \ud83d\udc49 Hlchunk connects the code with vertical lines. \ud83d\udc49 Vim-Fugitive plugin for git. \ud83d\udc49 Colorizer plugin for color preview by code designation. \ud83d\udc49 Vim - javascript - javascript plugin for javascript support. \ud83d\udc49 Toggletherm Improved terminal. \ud83d\udc49 Vim-Gitgutter git help for a change in the code. \ud83d\udc49 Gitsigns shows changes in the code. \ud83d\udc49 Plenary","title":"Security and privacy are the most important things, which is why this list is here. In the list you will find all the plugins used in this configuration with a link to the source. Plugins you don't want to use can be commented out or deleted in init.vim. In the case of Coc plugin, omit the plugin-name when you run CocInstall."},{"location":"apollonvim/plugins/#coc-extensions","text":"\ud83d\udc49 Coc manager for installing add-ons to Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Coc extensions extensions under this link you can find all COC extensions for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 coc-tailwindcss \ud83d\udc49 coc-json \ud83d\udc49 coc-html-css-support \ud83d\udc49 coc-html \ud83d\udc49 coc-emmet \ud83d\udc49 coc-xml \ud83d\udc49 coc-tsserver \ud83d\udc49 coc-lsp-wl \ud83d\udc49 coc-lit-html \ud83d\udc49 coc-htmldjango \ud83d\udc49 coc-css \ud83d\udc49 coc-markdown-preview-enhanced \ud83d\udc49 coc-webview \ud83d\udc49 coc-phpls \ud83d\udc49 coc-prettier \ud83d\udc49 coc-eslint \ud83d\udc49 coc-highlighting","title":"Coc extensions"},{"location":"apollonvim/plugins/#colorschemes","text":"\ud83d\udc49 Dracula color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Gruvbox color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Catppuccin color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Nord color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Tokyo Night color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Nightfox color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Sonokai color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 NeoSolarized color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Moonfly color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Onedark color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Edge color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Airline color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 GitHub color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Nightfly color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Miasma color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Pink moon color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Anderson color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Tender color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Night owl color theme for Neovim. Copyright \u00a9 Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka 2024 - 2025","title":"Colorschemes"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/","text":"","title":"Tutorials"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/01.%20vimplug/","text":"01. How to install vim.plug into Neovim But first, back up your current Neovim settings!!! Linux & Mac: ~/.config/nvim/init.vim Windows: ~\\AppData\\Local\\nvim\\init.vim Go to this page under Installation, find your operating system and copy the link under it into your terminal and use Enter to install vim.plug. On Linux and macOS it will be this command: sh - c 'curl -fLo \"${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}\"/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \\' On Windows it will be this command: iwr - useb https : // raw . githubusercontent . com / junegunn / vim - plug / master / plug . vim | ` ni \"$(@($env:XDG_DATA_HOME, $env:LOCALAPPDATA)[$null -eq $env:XDG_DATA_HOME])/nvim-data/site/autoload/plug.vim\" - Force Next, open the init.vim file and if you don't have it, create it here: Linux & Mac: ~.config/nvim/init.vim Windows: ~\\AppData\\Local\\nvim\\init.vim And into it we insert and then save this code: call plug # begin ( has ( 'nvim' ) ? stdpath ( 'data' ) . '/plugged' : '~/.vim/plugged' ) # Jsem bude \u0161 v budoucnu vkl \u00e1 dat pluginy . Za \u010d\u00ed naj \u00ed c \u00ed PLug a adresa ke sta \u017e en \u00ed call plug # end () And use the Nvim command in the terminal to start Neovim. If you get an error message just click it. Use Ctrl + : to get to the command line and type PlugInstall And restart Neovim. Use Ctrl + : to type q at the command prompt and restart Neovim. This way, every time you add plugins to init.vim, you use the PlugInstall command to install them and restart Neovim. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Kankys","title":"How to install vim.plug into Neovim"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/01.%20vimplug/#01-how-to-install-vimplug-into-neovim","text":"But first, back up your current Neovim settings!!! Linux & Mac: ~/.config/nvim/init.vim Windows: ~\\AppData\\Local\\nvim\\init.vim Go to this page under Installation, find your operating system and copy the link under it into your terminal and use Enter to install vim.plug. On Linux and macOS it will be this command: sh - c 'curl -fLo \"${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}\"/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \\' On Windows it will be this command: iwr - useb https : // raw . githubusercontent . com / junegunn / vim - plug / master / plug . vim | ` ni \"$(@($env:XDG_DATA_HOME, $env:LOCALAPPDATA)[$null -eq $env:XDG_DATA_HOME])/nvim-data/site/autoload/plug.vim\" - Force Next, open the init.vim file and if you don't have it, create it here: Linux & Mac: ~.config/nvim/init.vim Windows: ~\\AppData\\Local\\nvim\\init.vim And into it we insert and then save this code: call plug # begin ( has ( 'nvim' ) ? stdpath ( 'data' ) . '/plugged' : '~/.vim/plugged' ) # Jsem bude \u0161 v budoucnu vkl \u00e1 dat pluginy . Za \u010d\u00ed naj \u00ed c \u00ed PLug a adresa ke sta \u017e en \u00ed call plug # end () And use the Nvim command in the terminal to start Neovim. If you get an error message just click it. Use Ctrl + : to get to the command line and type PlugInstall And restart Neovim. Use Ctrl + : to type q at the command prompt and restart Neovim. This way, every time you add plugins to init.vim, you use the PlugInstall command to install them and restart Neovim. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Kankys","title":"01. How to install vim.plug into Neovim"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/02.%20keyshortcuts/","text":"02. Default keyboard shortcuts Neovim is a modern version of Vim, a text editor used on Unix systems. Here are some keyboard shortcuts for working with Neovim: Basic movement: h - Left movement j - Move down k - Move up l - Move right w - Move to the beginning of the next word b - Move to the beginning of the previous word gg - Move to the beginning of the document G - Move to the end of the document Visual mode: I switch to it in Normal mode by moving v where the cursor was to mark text. Normal mode - NORMAL: I move to normal mode from other modes using ESC . i - Switch to insert mode before the cursor I - Switch to insert mode at the beginning of the line a - Switch to insert mode after the cursor A - Switch to end-of-line insertion mode o - Insert a new line below the current line O - Insert new line above the current line dd - Delete a line dw - Deleting a word yy - Copying a line p - Paste the contents of the clipboard under the cursor P - Insert clipboard contents before cursor u - Undo the last action performed Ctrl + r - Step forward opposite u q - Closes the window . - Last command Ctrl + w - Switch windows Command mode: Command mode is invoked with Shift + : :e + filename - Creates a new file - :e index.html :w - Save changes :q - Exit the editor :wq - Save changes and exit :q! - Exit the editor without saving changes :vs - Vertical window layout :sp - Horizontal window layout :colorscheme - Changes the theme :term - Opens terminal Search and replace: /searched_text - Search text n - Skip to the next occurrence of the search text N - Skip to the previous occurrence of the search text :s/searched_text/replaced_text/g - Replacing the search text with the specified text throughout the document Misc: Ctrl + r - Re-execute a cancelled action :help - Display help Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Kankys","title":"Default keyboard shortcuts"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/02.%20keyshortcuts/#02-default-keyboard-shortcuts","text":"Neovim is a modern version of Vim, a text editor used on Unix systems. Here are some keyboard shortcuts for working with Neovim:","title":"02. Default keyboard shortcuts"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/02.%20keyshortcuts/#basic-movement","text":"h - Left movement j - Move down k - Move up l - Move right w - Move to the beginning of the next word b - Move to the beginning of the previous word gg - Move to the beginning of the document G - Move to the end of the document","title":"Basic movement:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/02.%20keyshortcuts/#visual-mode","text":"I switch to it in Normal mode by moving v where the cursor was to mark text.","title":"Visual mode:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/02.%20keyshortcuts/#normal-mode-normal","text":"I move to normal mode from other modes using ESC . i - Switch to insert mode before the cursor I - Switch to insert mode at the beginning of the line a - Switch to insert mode after the cursor A - Switch to end-of-line insertion mode o - Insert a new line below the current line O - Insert new line above the current line dd - Delete a line dw - Deleting a word yy - Copying a line p - Paste the contents of the clipboard under the cursor P - Insert clipboard contents before cursor u - Undo the last action performed Ctrl + r - Step forward opposite u q - Closes the window . - Last command Ctrl + w - Switch windows","title":"Normal mode - NORMAL:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/02.%20keyshortcuts/#command-mode","text":"Command mode is invoked with Shift + : :e + filename - Creates a new file - :e index.html :w - Save changes :q - Exit the editor :wq - Save changes and exit :q! - Exit the editor without saving changes :vs - Vertical window layout :sp - Horizontal window layout :colorscheme - Changes the theme :term - Opens terminal","title":"Command mode:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/02.%20keyshortcuts/#search-and-replace","text":"/searched_text - Search text n - Skip to the next occurrence of the search text N - Skip to the previous occurrence of the search text :s/searched_text/replaced_text/g - Replacing the search text with the specified text throughout the document","title":"Search and replace:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/02.%20keyshortcuts/#misc","text":"Ctrl + r - Re-execute a cancelled action :help - Display help Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Kankys","title":"Misc:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/03.%20Jak%20nainstalovat%20Codeium%20do%20Neovim/","text":"03. How to install Codeium on Neovim Codeium is an alternative to GitHub Copilot with the caveat that it is free for individuals. I rate Codeium very positively and Copilot is equal to it. Installation using plug.vim is easy, you just need to edit your init.vim . Paste in: \" Free AI codium Plug 'Exafunction/codeium.vim', { 'branch': 'main' } The resulting init.vim will look like this: call plug # begin ( has ( 'nvim' ) ? stdpath ( 'data' ) . '/plugged' : '~/.vim/plugged' ) \" Free AI codium Plug 'Exafunction/codeium.vim', { 'branch': 'main' } call plug#end() And we restart Neovim. Type q at the command prompt with Ctrl + : and restart Neovim. After rebooting, we do a PlugInstall and reboot Neovim once more. The last step will be to set the Codeium configuration, by typing CodeiumEnable into the command line. Codium will prompt you to connect the API to the Codium server. And everything should work for you. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"How to install Codeium on Neovim"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/03.%20Jak%20nainstalovat%20Codeium%20do%20Neovim/#03-how-to-install-codeium-on-neovim","text":"Codeium is an alternative to GitHub Copilot with the caveat that it is free for individuals. I rate Codeium very positively and Copilot is equal to it. Installation using plug.vim is easy, you just need to edit your init.vim . Paste in: \" Free AI codium Plug 'Exafunction/codeium.vim', { 'branch': 'main' } The resulting init.vim will look like this: call plug # begin ( has ( 'nvim' ) ? stdpath ( 'data' ) . '/plugged' : '~/.vim/plugged' ) \" Free AI codium Plug 'Exafunction/codeium.vim', { 'branch': 'main' } call plug#end() And we restart Neovim. Type q at the command prompt with Ctrl + : and restart Neovim. After rebooting, we do a PlugInstall and reboot Neovim once more. The last step will be to set the Codeium configuration, by typing CodeiumEnable into the command line. Codium will prompt you to connect the API to the Codium server. And everything should work for you. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"03. How to install Codeium on Neovim"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/04.%20Jak%20nainstalovat%20Telescope%20do%20editoru%20Neovim/","text":"04. Telescope Telescope is, created by one of the main members of the Neovim team - TJ Devries . Side note, TJ posts a lot of Neovim related content on his YouTube channel and on his Twitch streams. In particular, his channel YouTube has been a great resource. Check it out! Telescope is an essential plugin in my opinion. It's a fuzzy search engine built into Lua that can be configured in all sorts of ways. It adds a lot of functionality to your Neovim setup. I haven't realized its true potential yet, but it's awesome for file search and text search. I have tested this on both Linux and macOS, but it should work on Windows as well. Let's install it (we'll put all the commands in your terminal): Paste this code into your init file. call plug # begin ( has ( 'nvim' ) ? stdpath ( 'data' ) . '/plugged' : '~/.vim/plugged' )) \" Telescope install Neovim \" Planery\" Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' \" Telescope plugin Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim' \" Fuzzy Telescope fzf Plugin 'nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-native.nvim', { 'do': 'make' } call plug#end() Note that we are installing more than one plugin here. Telescope requires another plugin called Planery . And another plugin is Telescope Sorter , which supports fzf and Telescope syntax. To complete the installation, be sure to follow these three steps: Save init.vim :w Restore the source of init.vims :so % or restart Neovim Install the plugin using :PlugInstall . Next we need to configure Telescope. This is a common practice among Vim plugins. Telescope is a Lua based plugin. First we need to create a new lua folder in the directory: nvim ~/.config/nvim/lua . cd ~/.config/nvim mkdir lua Inside the lua directory, we will create a subdirectory for the namespace of our plugin configurations. To understand why this is necessary, we need to explain how Vim handles file lookups. In short, creating a namespace subdirectory inside the lua directory prevents unwanted file collisions . I decided to use my GitHub nick as the name of my subdirectory: cd ~/.config/nvim/lua mkdir kankys It doesn't matter what you name the directory. Once you create it, you'll want to move to it using cd: cd ~/.config/nvim/lua/your-directory-name Note: your-directory-name is used as a placeholder. Replace it with the name of your directory you want. In the namespace directory, create a plugin-name.lua file for each plugin you want/need to configure. You create Telescope like this (we are persistent in cd ~/.config/nvim/lua/your-directory-name ): nvim telescope.lua A useful Vim tip is that you can open files before they exist. If you close a file without saving it, it won't be created! In the example above, we open telescope.luav in Neovim. If we save the file, it will be created. Our configuration for Telescope will be: local telescope = require ( 'telescope' ) telescope . setup {} telescope . load_extension ( 'fzf' ) Paste this code into telescope.lua and save. Everything we need is in the telescope.lua file. The above example gives us a first taste of Lua. I've found that a lot of plugins need at least this setup in lua: require('PLUGIN_NAME').setup {} I won't dive deep into the Telescope configuration in this post. If you want to see some of the available setup options and additional customization, check out the documentation . Don't forget to save telescope.lua and exit Neovim with :wq . Next, we need to tell our init.vim that a lua file exists somewhere: In my case, I would state: lua require('kankys') by pasting it into ~/.config/nvim/init.vim A couple of notes: * Paste this command under the vim-plug function ( `` call plug#end() )! What does it do? At first it looks a bit magical and understanding it requires knowledge of Vim search, but basically this command will search for a lua file in your Vim runtime. in our case it is: ~/.config/nvim/lua/your-directory-name/telescope.lua Instead of requiring every configuration file in our init.vim, we can just require the namespace directory. For this to work, we'll need to add a new file to our namespace directory called init.lua: cd ~/.config/nvim/lua/your-directory-name touch init.lua The * init.lua file can be thought of as an index file. Inside init.lua we can load all our configuration files. In init-lua let's put the following code: require('your-directory-name/telescope') You can easily understand everything I've said above if you look at the nvim configuration files here on Git . From now on, all new lua configuration files will be in lua/your-directory-name . Telescope Telescope has a number of commands that can be used, :Telescope in NORMAL mode in Neovim. A quick way to see all the available commands is to type :Telescope followed by a space and then click
. The tab button opens a list of autocomplete, available commands in Telescope. You can navigate the list using and in the opposite direction. The Telescope command is shown below, for demonstration purposes: :Telescope find_files You can view the Telescope documentation in Neovim by: :h telescope Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"Telescope"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/04.%20Jak%20nainstalovat%20Telescope%20do%20editoru%20Neovim/#04-telescope","text":"Telescope is, created by one of the main members of the Neovim team - TJ Devries . Side note, TJ posts a lot of Neovim related content on his YouTube channel and on his Twitch streams. In particular, his channel YouTube has been a great resource. Check it out! Telescope is an essential plugin in my opinion. It's a fuzzy search engine built into Lua that can be configured in all sorts of ways. It adds a lot of functionality to your Neovim setup. I haven't realized its true potential yet, but it's awesome for file search and text search. I have tested this on both Linux and macOS, but it should work on Windows as well. Let's install it (we'll put all the commands in your terminal): Paste this code into your init file. call plug # begin ( has ( 'nvim' ) ? stdpath ( 'data' ) . '/plugged' : '~/.vim/plugged' )) \" Telescope install Neovim \" Planery\" Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' \" Telescope plugin Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim' \" Fuzzy Telescope fzf Plugin 'nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-native.nvim', { 'do': 'make' } call plug#end() Note that we are installing more than one plugin here. Telescope requires another plugin called Planery . And another plugin is Telescope Sorter , which supports fzf and Telescope syntax. To complete the installation, be sure to follow these three steps: Save init.vim :w Restore the source of init.vims :so % or restart Neovim Install the plugin using :PlugInstall . Next we need to configure Telescope. This is a common practice among Vim plugins. Telescope is a Lua based plugin. First we need to create a new lua folder in the directory: nvim ~/.config/nvim/lua . cd ~/.config/nvim mkdir lua Inside the lua directory, we will create a subdirectory for the namespace of our plugin configurations. To understand why this is necessary, we need to explain how Vim handles file lookups. In short, creating a namespace subdirectory inside the lua directory prevents unwanted file collisions . I decided to use my GitHub nick as the name of my subdirectory: cd ~/.config/nvim/lua mkdir kankys It doesn't matter what you name the directory. Once you create it, you'll want to move to it using cd: cd ~/.config/nvim/lua/your-directory-name Note: your-directory-name is used as a placeholder. Replace it with the name of your directory you want. In the namespace directory, create a plugin-name.lua file for each plugin you want/need to configure. You create Telescope like this (we are persistent in cd ~/.config/nvim/lua/your-directory-name ): nvim telescope.lua A useful Vim tip is that you can open files before they exist. If you close a file without saving it, it won't be created! In the example above, we open telescope.luav in Neovim. If we save the file, it will be created. Our configuration for Telescope will be: local telescope = require ( 'telescope' ) telescope . setup {} telescope . load_extension ( 'fzf' ) Paste this code into telescope.lua and save. Everything we need is in the telescope.lua file. The above example gives us a first taste of Lua. I've found that a lot of plugins need at least this setup in lua: require('PLUGIN_NAME').setup {} I won't dive deep into the Telescope configuration in this post. If you want to see some of the available setup options and additional customization, check out the documentation . Don't forget to save telescope.lua and exit Neovim with :wq . Next, we need to tell our init.vim that a lua file exists somewhere: In my case, I would state: lua require('kankys') by pasting it into ~/.config/nvim/init.vim A couple of notes: * Paste this command under the vim-plug function ( `` call plug#end() )! What does it do? At first it looks a bit magical and understanding it requires knowledge of Vim search, but basically this command will search for a lua file in your Vim runtime. in our case it is: ~/.config/nvim/lua/your-directory-name/telescope.lua Instead of requiring every configuration file in our init.vim, we can just require the namespace directory. For this to work, we'll need to add a new file to our namespace directory called init.lua: cd ~/.config/nvim/lua/your-directory-name touch init.lua The * init.lua file can be thought of as an index file. Inside init.lua we can load all our configuration files. In init-lua let's put the following code: require('your-directory-name/telescope') You can easily understand everything I've said above if you look at the nvim configuration files here on Git . From now on, all new lua configuration files will be in lua/your-directory-name .","title":"04. Telescope"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/04.%20Jak%20nainstalovat%20Telescope%20do%20editoru%20Neovim/#telescope","text":"Telescope has a number of commands that can be used, :Telescope in NORMAL mode in Neovim. A quick way to see all the available commands is to type :Telescope followed by a space and then click . The tab button opens a list of autocomplete, available commands in Telescope. You can navigate the list using and in the opposite direction. The Telescope command is shown below, for demonstration purposes: :Telescope find_files You can view the Telescope documentation in Neovim by: :h telescope Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"Telescope"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/05.%20Barevn%C3%A9%20sch%C3%A9ma/","text":"05. Barevn\u00e9 sch\u00e9ma V\u011bt\u0161inu barevn\u00fdch sch\u00e9mat v Neovimu lze nainstalovat jako plugin. Barevn\u00fdch sch\u00e9mat existuje spousta, opravdu. Zde je seznam n\u011bkter\u00fdch znich na GitHubu . Mezi m\u00e9 obl\u00edben\u00e9 pat\u0159\u00ed: Gruvbox Dracula Tokionight Sch\u00e9mata se instaluj\u00ed uvnit\u0159 plug#begin() a plug#end() , poj\u010fme deklarovat na\u0161e barevn\u00e9 sch\u00e9ma. Pro ilustraci pou\u017eiji Gruvbox: call plug # begin ( '~/.config/nvim/plugged' ) Plug 'gruvbox-community/gruvbox' call plug # end () V\u00fd\u0161e uveden\u00fd p\u0159\u00edklad ukazuje, jak deklarovat pluginy, se kter\u00fdmi chcete nainstalovat pluginy p\u0159es vim-plug . Plugin Gruvbox v\u00fd\u0161\u0161e je zkr\u00e1cen\u00fd z\u00e1pis pro: Plug '' Jakmile deklarujete sv\u016fj plugin init.vim, k instalaci je t\u0159eba prov\u00e9st n\u011bkolik dal\u0161\u00edch krok\u016f: Ulo\u017ete sv\u00e9 init.vim :w Na\u010d\u00edst source (zdroj) init.vims :so % nebo restart Neovim Instalovat barevn\u00e9 sch\u00e9mata :PlugInstall V\u00fd\u0161e uveden\u00e9 p\u0159\u00edkazy je t\u0159eba zadat NORMAL re\u017eimu. Po dokon\u010den\u00ed instalace pluginu m\u016f\u017eete zav\u0159\u00edt vim-plug (vyrovn\u00e1vac\u00ed pam\u011bti ) zad\u00e1n\u00edm :q! . Po instalaci va\u0161eho barevn\u00e9ho sch\u00e9matu budeme muset Neovimu \u0159\u00edct, aby jej pou\u017eil. Uvnit\u0159 tv\u00e9ho init.vim pod deklarace pluginu p\u0159idejte n\u00e1sleduj\u00edc\u00ed \u0159\u00e1dky k\u00f3du: call plug#begin('~/.config/nvim/plugged') Plug 'gruvbox-community/gruvbox' call plug#end() \" Vybere tv\u00e9 barevn\u00e9 sch\u00e9ma: colorscheme gruvbox \" Automaticky po startu Neovim na\u010dte tv\u00e9 sch\u00e9ma autocmd VimEnter * colorscheme gruvbox Ulo\u017ete a ukon\u010dete init.vim pomoc\u00ed :wq . A\u017e p\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u011b znovu otev\u0159ete Neovim, m\u011bli byste vid\u011bt nov\u00e9 barevn\u00e9 sch\u00e9ma! Barevn\u00e9 sch\u00e9ma m\u016f\u017eete zm\u011bnit i za b\u011bhu Neovim t\u00edmto zp\u016fsobem: :colorscheme -> klikni Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"05. Barevn\u00e9 sch\u00e9ma"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/05.%20Barevn%C3%A9%20sch%C3%A9ma/#05-barevne-schema","text":"V\u011bt\u0161inu barevn\u00fdch sch\u00e9mat v Neovimu lze nainstalovat jako plugin. Barevn\u00fdch sch\u00e9mat existuje spousta, opravdu. Zde je seznam n\u011bkter\u00fdch znich na GitHubu . Mezi m\u00e9 obl\u00edben\u00e9 pat\u0159\u00ed: Gruvbox Dracula Tokionight Sch\u00e9mata se instaluj\u00ed uvnit\u0159 plug#begin() a plug#end() , poj\u010fme deklarovat na\u0161e barevn\u00e9 sch\u00e9ma. Pro ilustraci pou\u017eiji Gruvbox: call plug # begin ( '~/.config/nvim/plugged' ) Plug 'gruvbox-community/gruvbox' call plug # end () V\u00fd\u0161e uveden\u00fd p\u0159\u00edklad ukazuje, jak deklarovat pluginy, se kter\u00fdmi chcete nainstalovat pluginy p\u0159es vim-plug . Plugin Gruvbox v\u00fd\u0161\u0161e je zkr\u00e1cen\u00fd z\u00e1pis pro: Plug '' Jakmile deklarujete sv\u016fj plugin init.vim, k instalaci je t\u0159eba prov\u00e9st n\u011bkolik dal\u0161\u00edch krok\u016f: Ulo\u017ete sv\u00e9 init.vim :w Na\u010d\u00edst source (zdroj) init.vims :so % nebo restart Neovim Instalovat barevn\u00e9 sch\u00e9mata :PlugInstall V\u00fd\u0161e uveden\u00e9 p\u0159\u00edkazy je t\u0159eba zadat NORMAL re\u017eimu. Po dokon\u010den\u00ed instalace pluginu m\u016f\u017eete zav\u0159\u00edt vim-plug (vyrovn\u00e1vac\u00ed pam\u011bti ) zad\u00e1n\u00edm :q! . Po instalaci va\u0161eho barevn\u00e9ho sch\u00e9matu budeme muset Neovimu \u0159\u00edct, aby jej pou\u017eil. Uvnit\u0159 tv\u00e9ho init.vim pod deklarace pluginu p\u0159idejte n\u00e1sleduj\u00edc\u00ed \u0159\u00e1dky k\u00f3du: call plug#begin('~/.config/nvim/plugged') Plug 'gruvbox-community/gruvbox' call plug#end() \" Vybere tv\u00e9 barevn\u00e9 sch\u00e9ma: colorscheme gruvbox \" Automaticky po startu Neovim na\u010dte tv\u00e9 sch\u00e9ma autocmd VimEnter * colorscheme gruvbox Ulo\u017ete a ukon\u010dete init.vim pomoc\u00ed :wq . A\u017e p\u0159\u00ed\u0161t\u011b znovu otev\u0159ete Neovim, m\u011bli byste vid\u011bt nov\u00e9 barevn\u00e9 sch\u00e9ma! Barevn\u00e9 sch\u00e9ma m\u016f\u017eete zm\u011bnit i za b\u011bhu Neovim t\u00edmto zp\u016fsobem: :colorscheme -> klikni Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"05. Barevn\u00e9 sch\u00e9ma"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/06.%20Autosave/","text":"06. Automatick\u00e9 \u00fakl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed Nainstalovat plugin auto-save.nvim p\u0159es plug.vim pomoc\u00ed n\u00e1sleduj\u00edc\u00edho p\u0159\u00edkazu: Plug 'Pocco81/auto-save.nvim' Pot\u00e9 nastavit prom\u011bnn\u00e9 g:auto_save_enabled a g:auto_save_delay v init.vim takto: let g:auto_save_enabled = 1 let g:auto_save_delay = 3000 Pozor: Autosave nefunguje v PowerShell! Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"06. Automatick\u00e9 \u00fakl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/06.%20Autosave/#06-automaticke-ukladani","text":"Nainstalovat plugin auto-save.nvim p\u0159es plug.vim pomoc\u00ed n\u00e1sleduj\u00edc\u00edho p\u0159\u00edkazu: Plug 'Pocco81/auto-save.nvim' Pot\u00e9 nastavit prom\u011bnn\u00e9 g:auto_save_enabled a g:auto_save_delay v init.vim takto: let g:auto_save_enabled = 1 let g:auto_save_delay = 3000 Pozor: Autosave nefunguje v PowerShell! Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"06. Automatick\u00e9 \u00fakl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/07.%20Kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20Vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20do%20a%20z%20%20Neovim%20z%20extern%C3%ADch%20zdroj%C5%AF/","text":"07. Kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed a Vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed do a z Neovim z extern\u00edch zdroj\u016f V Neovim (a tak\u00e9 v klasick\u00e9m Vim) m\u016f\u017eete kop\u00edrovat text z extern\u00edch zdroj\u016f do Neovim, nap\u0159\u00edklad z webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nky a naopak z Neovim ven. P\u0159\u00edm\u00e9 kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed z extern\u00ed aplikace do Neovim: Zkop\u00edrujte text: Otev\u0159ete webov\u00fd prohl\u00ed\u017ee\u010d a vyberte text, kter\u00fd chcete zkop\u00edrovat. Stiskn\u011bte Ctrl+C (nebo Cmd+C na macOS) pro kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed. P\u0159epnut\u00ed do re\u017eimu vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed v Neovimu (re\u017eim insert ): Otev\u0159ete neovim a na\u010dt\u011bte soubor. P\u0159epn\u011bte se do re\u017eimu vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed stisknut\u00edm kl\u00e1vesy i . Vlo\u017ete text: Stiskn\u011bte Ctrl+Shift+V (nebo Cmd+Shift+V na macOS) pro vlo\u017een\u00ed textu do Neovimu. Kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed z Neovim do Neovim \u010di mimo Neovim do jin\u00e9 aplikace: Ozna\u010d\u00edme text v Neovim: to m\u016f\u017eeme ud\u011blat bu\u010f pomoc\u00ed v re\u017eimu Normal: SHIFT + V --> ozna\u010d\u00edme cel\u00fd \u0159\u00e1dek nebo v re\u017eimu Normal pomoc\u00ed: v + \u0161ipka v pravo, vlevo, nahotu a dol\u016f --> ozna\u010d\u00edme vybran\u00fd text Kop\u00edrovat ozna\u010den\u00fd text: to ud\u011bl\u00e1me v Normal modu kl\u00e1vesou: y text pak kamkoliv vlo\u017e\u00edme pomoc\u00ed: CTRL+Shift+V nebo v Neovim v Normal m\u00f3du pompov\u00ed p . Vyjmout ozna\u010den\u00fd text: vyjmout ozna\u010den\u00fd text m\u016f\u017eeme v Normal modu pomoc\u00ed: x POZN\u00c1MKA: v linuxu pro spr\u00e1vnou funk\u010dmost jsem si musel pro kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed z Neovim nainstalovat bal\u00ed\u010dek xclib ! Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"07. Kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed a Vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed do a z Neovim z extern\u00edch zdroj\u016f"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/07.%20Kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20Vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20do%20a%20z%20%20Neovim%20z%20extern%C3%ADch%20zdroj%C5%AF/#07-kopirovani-a-vkladani-do-a-z-neovim-z-externich-zdroju","text":"V Neovim (a tak\u00e9 v klasick\u00e9m Vim) m\u016f\u017eete kop\u00edrovat text z extern\u00edch zdroj\u016f do Neovim, nap\u0159\u00edklad z webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nky a naopak z Neovim ven.","title":"07. Kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed a Vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed do a z Neovim z extern\u00edch zdroj\u016f"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/07.%20Kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20Vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20do%20a%20z%20%20Neovim%20z%20extern%C3%ADch%20zdroj%C5%AF/#prime-kopirovani-z-externi-aplikace-do-neovim","text":"Zkop\u00edrujte text: Otev\u0159ete webov\u00fd prohl\u00ed\u017ee\u010d a vyberte text, kter\u00fd chcete zkop\u00edrovat. Stiskn\u011bte Ctrl+C (nebo Cmd+C na macOS) pro kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed. P\u0159epnut\u00ed do re\u017eimu vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed v Neovimu (re\u017eim insert ): Otev\u0159ete neovim a na\u010dt\u011bte soubor. P\u0159epn\u011bte se do re\u017eimu vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed stisknut\u00edm kl\u00e1vesy i . Vlo\u017ete text: Stiskn\u011bte Ctrl+Shift+V (nebo Cmd+Shift+V na macOS) pro vlo\u017een\u00ed textu do Neovimu.","title":"P\u0159\u00edm\u00e9 kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed z extern\u00ed aplikace do Neovim:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/07.%20Kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20Vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20do%20a%20z%20%20Neovim%20z%20extern%C3%ADch%20zdroj%C5%AF/#kopirovani-z-neovim-do-neovim-ci-mimo-neovim-do-jine-aplikace","text":"Ozna\u010d\u00edme text v Neovim: to m\u016f\u017eeme ud\u011blat bu\u010f pomoc\u00ed v re\u017eimu Normal: SHIFT + V --> ozna\u010d\u00edme cel\u00fd \u0159\u00e1dek nebo v re\u017eimu Normal pomoc\u00ed: v + \u0161ipka v pravo, vlevo, nahotu a dol\u016f --> ozna\u010d\u00edme vybran\u00fd text Kop\u00edrovat ozna\u010den\u00fd text: to ud\u011bl\u00e1me v Normal modu kl\u00e1vesou: y text pak kamkoliv vlo\u017e\u00edme pomoc\u00ed: CTRL+Shift+V nebo v Neovim v Normal m\u00f3du pompov\u00ed p . Vyjmout ozna\u010den\u00fd text: vyjmout ozna\u010den\u00fd text m\u016f\u017eeme v Normal modu pomoc\u00ed: x POZN\u00c1MKA: v linuxu pro spr\u00e1vnou funk\u010dmost jsem si musel pro kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed z Neovim nainstalovat bal\u00ed\u010dek xclib ! Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"Kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed z Neovim do Neovim \u010di mimo Neovim do jin\u00e9 aplikace:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/08.%20Markdown_syntax/","text":"08. Markdown_syntax P\u0159i probl\u00e9mech se syntaxi markdown je pot\u0159eba: PlugVim: Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', {'do': ':TSUpdate'} Nainstalovat zad\u00e1n\u00edm do command line: :TSInstall markdown Pokud by jsi m\u011bl probl\u00e9my s t\u00edmto pluginem v zobrazen\u00ed syntaxe nebo by ti nevyhovoval tento plugin.Odinstaluje\u0161 ho tak \u017ee ho sma\u017ee\u0161 ru\u010dn\u011b ve slo\u017ece: usr/local/lib64/nevim/parser/ Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"08. Markdown_syntax"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/08.%20Markdown_syntax/#08-markdown_syntax","text":"P\u0159i probl\u00e9mech se syntaxi markdown je pot\u0159eba: PlugVim: Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', {'do': ':TSUpdate'} Nainstalovat zad\u00e1n\u00edm do command line: :TSInstall markdown Pokud by jsi m\u011bl probl\u00e9my s t\u00edmto pluginem v zobrazen\u00ed syntaxe nebo by ti nevyhovoval tento plugin.Odinstaluje\u0161 ho tak \u017ee ho sma\u017ee\u0161 ru\u010dn\u011b ve slo\u017ece: usr/local/lib64/nevim/parser/ Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"08. Markdown_syntax"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/09.%20init.vim%20z%C3%A1kladn%C3%AD%20nastaven%C3%AD/","text":"09. init.vim z\u00e1kladn\u00ed nastaven\u00ed Obecn\u00e9 nastaven\u00ed Pro z\u00e1kladn\u00ed nastaven\u00ed v init.vim m\u00e1m pro V\u00e1s p\u00e1r tip\u016f, poj\u010fme jej otev\u0159\u00edt: nvim init.vim P\u0159id\u00e1me z\u00e1kladn\u00ed nastaven\u00ed do init.vim: \" umo\u017e\u0148uje zv\u00fdrazn\u011bn\u00ed syntaxe syntax on \" Lep\u0161\u00ed barvy set termguicolors \" po\u010det pozic okolik se posuneme pomoc\u00ed set tabstop=4 set softtabstop=4 set expandtab \" povolen\u00ed odr\u00e1\u017eek set smartindent \" po\u010det mezer pou\u017eit\u00fdch pro automatick\u00e9 odr\u00e1\u017eky set shiftwidth=4 \" zobrazen\u00ed \u010d\u00edsla \u0159\u00e1dku set number \" sloupce pou\u017e\u00edvan\u00e9 pro \u010d\u00edslo \u0159\u00e1dku set numberwidth=4 \" zv\u00fdrazn\u00ed p\u0159i vyhled\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed shodn\u00e9ho textu. set incsearch set nohlsearch \" intuitivn\u011b otev\u0159\u00edt rozd\u011blen\u00ed nov\u00fdch oken set splitbelow set splitright \" proch\u00e1zen\u00ed vyrovn\u00e1vac\u00ed (oken) pam\u011bti bez ztr\u00e1ty neulo\u017een\u00e9 pr\u00e1ce set hidden \" za\u010d\u00edt posouvat str\u00e1nku, kdy\u017e je 8 \u0159\u00e1dk\u016f od horn\u00edho nebo doln\u00edho okraje set scrolloff=8 \" Ulo\u017een\u00ed historie set undofile \" Povolen\u00ed podpory my\u0161i set mouse=a \" vyhled\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed bez rozli\u0161en\u00ed velk\u00fdch a mal\u00fdch p\u00edsmen, pokud nejsou pou\u017eita velk\u00e1 p\u00edsmena set ignorecase set smartcase Pokud chcete v\u00edce informac\u00ed o ka\u017ed\u00e9m nastaven\u00ed, m\u016f\u017eete napsat :h uvnit\u0159 Neovimu, vyvol\u00e1te n\u00e1pov\u011bdu pro toto konkr\u00e9tn\u00ed nastaven\u00ed. Nap\u0159\u00edklad: :h number Zobraz\u00ed sekci n\u00e1pov\u011bdy pro number . Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"09. init.vim z\u00e1kladn\u00ed nastaven\u00ed"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/09.%20init.vim%20z%C3%A1kladn%C3%AD%20nastaven%C3%AD/#09-initvim-zakladni-nastaveni","text":"Obecn\u00e9 nastaven\u00ed Pro z\u00e1kladn\u00ed nastaven\u00ed v init.vim m\u00e1m pro V\u00e1s p\u00e1r tip\u016f, poj\u010fme jej otev\u0159\u00edt: nvim init.vim P\u0159id\u00e1me z\u00e1kladn\u00ed nastaven\u00ed do init.vim: \" umo\u017e\u0148uje zv\u00fdrazn\u011bn\u00ed syntaxe syntax on \" Lep\u0161\u00ed barvy set termguicolors \" po\u010det pozic okolik se posuneme pomoc\u00ed set tabstop=4 set softtabstop=4 set expandtab \" povolen\u00ed odr\u00e1\u017eek set smartindent \" po\u010det mezer pou\u017eit\u00fdch pro automatick\u00e9 odr\u00e1\u017eky set shiftwidth=4 \" zobrazen\u00ed \u010d\u00edsla \u0159\u00e1dku set number \" sloupce pou\u017e\u00edvan\u00e9 pro \u010d\u00edslo \u0159\u00e1dku set numberwidth=4 \" zv\u00fdrazn\u00ed p\u0159i vyhled\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed shodn\u00e9ho textu. set incsearch set nohlsearch \" intuitivn\u011b otev\u0159\u00edt rozd\u011blen\u00ed nov\u00fdch oken set splitbelow set splitright \" proch\u00e1zen\u00ed vyrovn\u00e1vac\u00ed (oken) pam\u011bti bez ztr\u00e1ty neulo\u017een\u00e9 pr\u00e1ce set hidden \" za\u010d\u00edt posouvat str\u00e1nku, kdy\u017e je 8 \u0159\u00e1dk\u016f od horn\u00edho nebo doln\u00edho okraje set scrolloff=8 \" Ulo\u017een\u00ed historie set undofile \" Povolen\u00ed podpory my\u0161i set mouse=a \" vyhled\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed bez rozli\u0161en\u00ed velk\u00fdch a mal\u00fdch p\u00edsmen, pokud nejsou pou\u017eita velk\u00e1 p\u00edsmena set ignorecase set smartcase Pokud chcete v\u00edce informac\u00ed o ka\u017ed\u00e9m nastaven\u00ed, m\u016f\u017eete napsat :h uvnit\u0159 Neovimu, vyvol\u00e1te n\u00e1pov\u011bdu pro toto konkr\u00e9tn\u00ed nastaven\u00ed. Nap\u0159\u00edklad: :h number Zobraz\u00ed sekci n\u00e1pov\u011bdy pro number . Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"09. init.vim z\u00e1kladn\u00ed nastaven\u00ed"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/10.%20vim-fugitive%20ovl%C3%A1dni%20Git%20v%20Neovim/","text":"10. vim-fugitive ovl\u00e1dni Git v Neovim Vim-fugitive je plugin pro textov\u00fd editor Vim a Neovim, kter\u00fd poskytuje sadu funkc\u00ed pro pr\u00e1ci se syst\u00e9mem spr\u00e1vy verz\u00ed Git p\u0159\u00edmo z editoru Vim. Tento plugin usnad\u0148uje \u00falohy, jako je proch\u00e1zen\u00ed historie commit\u016f, porovn\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed verz\u00ed soubor\u016f, p\u0159id\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed zm\u011bn do indexu, vytv\u00e1\u0159en\u00ed commit\u016f a \u0159e\u0161en\u00ed konflikt\u016f p\u0159i slu\u010dov\u00e1n\u00ed verz\u00ed. Vim-fugitive je popul\u00e1rn\u00ed mezi v\u00fdvoj\u00e1\u0159i, kte\u0159\u00ed preferuj\u00ed pr\u00e1ci p\u0159\u00edmo z p\u0159\u00edkazov\u00e9 \u0159\u00e1dky a cen\u00ed si efektivity a rychlosti. Poj\u010fme si ho nainstalovat. Nejprve si vim-fugitive p\u0159id\u00e1me do init.vim: call plug # begin ( '~/.config/nvim/plugged' ) \" vim-fugitive Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive' call plug#end() Pro tento plugin nen\u00ed nutn\u00e1 \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e1 konfigurace. Sta\u010d\u00ed ulo\u017eit zdroj, nainstalovat a m\u016f\u017ee\u0161 ho za\u010d\u00edt pou\u017e\u00edvat. Dovol, abych Ti dal n\u011bkolik u\u017eite\u010dn\u00fdch tip\u016f pro za\u010d\u00e1tek s vim-fugitive. :Git Jak jste mo\u017en\u00e1 poznali u t\u011bchto typ\u016f p\u0159\u00edkaz\u016f, m\u016f\u017eete je pou\u017e\u00edt automatick\u00e9 dopl\u0148ov\u00e1n\u00ed, abyste vid\u011bli, co je\u0161t\u011b um\u00ed: :Git A je toho hodn\u011b, co m\u016f\u017eete v vim-fugitive d\u011blat, ale pokud zn\u00e1te Git, vim-fugitive bude pro tebe hra\u010dka: \" zobraz\u00ed aktu\u00e1lni stav branch :Git status \" zobraz\u00ed dostupn\u00e9 branches :Git branch \" pr\u00e1ce s \u016flo\u017en\u00fdm prostorem :Git stash :Git add :Git commit :Git push Zad\u00e1n\u00ed :Git vyvol\u00e1 bez p\u0159\u00edkazu fugitive-summary okno . Vlastn\u011b se mi tato funkce hodn\u011b l\u00edb\u00ed. Zobraz\u00ed se seznam nesledovan\u00fdch, p\u0159ipraven\u00fdch a nep\u0159i\u0159azen\u00fdch soubor\u016f spolu s aktu\u00e1ln\u00edm n\u00e1zvem v\u011btve. Um\u00edst\u011bn\u00edm kurzoru na tyto soubory v\u00e1m umo\u017en\u00ed spou\u0161t\u011bt ur\u010dit\u00e9 \u201emapy\u201c, jako je p\u0159\u00edprava/odstaging, zahozen\u00ed zm\u011bn, p\u0159ep\u00edn\u00e1n\u00ed vlo\u017een\u00fdch rozd\u00edl\u016f atd. Pro v\u00edce informac\u00ed o tom, jak\u00e9 mapy jsou v r\u00e1mci fugitive-summary okno, zadejte: :h fugitive-maps Nebo se pod\u00edvejte na tento odkaz . vim-fugitive se zobrazuje i vespodn\u00ed li\u0161t\u011b. M\u00e1te informace o tom v j\u00e1k\u00e9 v\u011btvi jste \u010di kolik zm\u011bn jsi v k\u00f3du provedl. Pro v\u00edce informac\u00ed na vim-fugitive zadejte do Neovimu n\u00e1sleduj\u00edc\u00ed p\u0159\u00edkaz: :h fugitive Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"10. vim-fugitive ovl\u00e1dni Git v Neovim"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/10.%20vim-fugitive%20ovl%C3%A1dni%20Git%20v%20Neovim/#10-vim-fugitive-ovladni-git-v-neovim","text":"Vim-fugitive je plugin pro textov\u00fd editor Vim a Neovim, kter\u00fd poskytuje sadu funkc\u00ed pro pr\u00e1ci se syst\u00e9mem spr\u00e1vy verz\u00ed Git p\u0159\u00edmo z editoru Vim. Tento plugin usnad\u0148uje \u00falohy, jako je proch\u00e1zen\u00ed historie commit\u016f, porovn\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed verz\u00ed soubor\u016f, p\u0159id\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed zm\u011bn do indexu, vytv\u00e1\u0159en\u00ed commit\u016f a \u0159e\u0161en\u00ed konflikt\u016f p\u0159i slu\u010dov\u00e1n\u00ed verz\u00ed. Vim-fugitive je popul\u00e1rn\u00ed mezi v\u00fdvoj\u00e1\u0159i, kte\u0159\u00ed preferuj\u00ed pr\u00e1ci p\u0159\u00edmo z p\u0159\u00edkazov\u00e9 \u0159\u00e1dky a cen\u00ed si efektivity a rychlosti. Poj\u010fme si ho nainstalovat. Nejprve si vim-fugitive p\u0159id\u00e1me do init.vim: call plug # begin ( '~/.config/nvim/plugged' ) \" vim-fugitive Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive' call plug#end() Pro tento plugin nen\u00ed nutn\u00e1 \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e1 konfigurace. Sta\u010d\u00ed ulo\u017eit zdroj, nainstalovat a m\u016f\u017ee\u0161 ho za\u010d\u00edt pou\u017e\u00edvat. Dovol, abych Ti dal n\u011bkolik u\u017eite\u010dn\u00fdch tip\u016f pro za\u010d\u00e1tek s vim-fugitive. :Git Jak jste mo\u017en\u00e1 poznali u t\u011bchto typ\u016f p\u0159\u00edkaz\u016f, m\u016f\u017eete je pou\u017e\u00edt automatick\u00e9 dopl\u0148ov\u00e1n\u00ed, abyste vid\u011bli, co je\u0161t\u011b um\u00ed: :Git A je toho hodn\u011b, co m\u016f\u017eete v vim-fugitive d\u011blat, ale pokud zn\u00e1te Git, vim-fugitive bude pro tebe hra\u010dka: \" zobraz\u00ed aktu\u00e1lni stav branch :Git status \" zobraz\u00ed dostupn\u00e9 branches :Git branch \" pr\u00e1ce s \u016flo\u017en\u00fdm prostorem :Git stash :Git add :Git commit :Git push Zad\u00e1n\u00ed :Git vyvol\u00e1 bez p\u0159\u00edkazu fugitive-summary okno . Vlastn\u011b se mi tato funkce hodn\u011b l\u00edb\u00ed. Zobraz\u00ed se seznam nesledovan\u00fdch, p\u0159ipraven\u00fdch a nep\u0159i\u0159azen\u00fdch soubor\u016f spolu s aktu\u00e1ln\u00edm n\u00e1zvem v\u011btve. Um\u00edst\u011bn\u00edm kurzoru na tyto soubory v\u00e1m umo\u017en\u00ed spou\u0161t\u011bt ur\u010dit\u00e9 \u201emapy\u201c, jako je p\u0159\u00edprava/odstaging, zahozen\u00ed zm\u011bn, p\u0159ep\u00edn\u00e1n\u00ed vlo\u017een\u00fdch rozd\u00edl\u016f atd. Pro v\u00edce informac\u00ed o tom, jak\u00e9 mapy jsou v r\u00e1mci fugitive-summary okno, zadejte: :h fugitive-maps Nebo se pod\u00edvejte na tento odkaz . vim-fugitive se zobrazuje i vespodn\u00ed li\u0161t\u011b. M\u00e1te informace o tom v j\u00e1k\u00e9 v\u011btvi jste \u010di kolik zm\u011bn jsi v k\u00f3du provedl. Pro v\u00edce informac\u00ed na vim-fugitive zadejte do Neovimu n\u00e1sleduj\u00edc\u00ed p\u0159\u00edkaz: :h fugitive Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"10. vim-fugitive ovl\u00e1dni Git v Neovim"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/11.%20Gitsigns%20drobn%C3%A9%20vylep%C5%A1en%C3%AD%20git%20v%20Neovim/","text":"11. Gitsigns drobn\u00e9 vylep\u0161en\u00ed git v Neovim Skv\u011bl\u00e1 v\u011bc p\u0159i k\u00f3dov\u00e1n\u00ed je vid\u011bt smazan\u00e9 \u010di upraven\u00e9 \u0159\u00e1dky v re\u00e1ln\u00e9m \u010dase. Neovim toto standardn\u011b nepodporuje, tak\u017ee pou\u017eijeme gitsigns: V na\u0161em init.vim p\u0159id\u00e1me: call plug # begin ( '~/.config/nvim/plugged' ) \" gitsigns Plug 'lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim' call plug#end() Pozn\u00e1mka: gitsigns vy\u017eaduje nvim-lua/plenary.nvim . Proto\u017ee jsme ho nainstalovali pomoc\u00ed telescope ( 04. Jak nainstalovat Telescope do editoru Neovim , jsme pokryti. U\u017e v\u00edte, co m\u00e1te d\u011blat \u2013 Ulo\u017eit, zdroj a :PlugInstall . Gitsigns vy\u017eaduje vol\u00e1n\u00ed a setup ve va\u0161\u00ed konfiguraci, aby to fungovalo. Vytvo\u0159me gitsigns.lua soubor v na\u0161em jmenn\u00e9m adres\u00e1\u0159i: nvim ~/.config/nvim/lua/tv\u016fj-adres\u00e1\u0159/gitsigns.lua A uvnit\u0159 tohoto souboru za\u010dneme: require('gitsigns').setup {} Pokud nezad\u00e1te \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 mo\u017enosti, plugin se spust\u00ed s v\u00fdchoz\u00edm nastaven\u00edm. Nyn\u00ed p\u0159id\u00e1me gitsigns.luado na\u0161eho adres\u00e1\u0159e jmenn\u00e9ho prostoru init.lua soubor: require('tv\u016fj-adres\u00e1\u0159/telescope') require('tv\u016fj-adres\u00e1\u0159/lightline') require('tv\u016fj-adres\u00e1\u0159/gitsigns') M\u016fj vypad\u00e1 takto: require('kankys/telescope') require('kankys/lightline') require('kankys/gitsigns') Obnov\u00edme zdroj tohoto souboru pomoc\u00ed p\u0159\u00edkazu :source. Gitsigns m\u016f\u017eete vid\u011bt v akci, kdy\u017e p\u0159ejdete na projekt na va\u0161em po\u010d\u00edta\u010di, kter\u00fd je \u0159\u00edzen pomoc\u00ed git. Jak\u00fdkoli sledovan\u00fd soubor, kter\u00fd byl upraven, zobraz\u00ed tuto modifikaci . A\u010dkoli to je technicky to, co chceme, um\u00edst\u011bn\u00ed n\u00e1pisu je trochu mimo. Je to proto, \u017ee mus\u00edme \u0159\u00edct Vimovi, aby zobrazoval diagnostick\u00e9 znaky ve sloupci s \u010d\u00edslem, nikoli nalevo od \u010d\u00edsla. Otev\u0159ete sv\u016fj init.vim soubor a p\u0159idejte nov\u00fd nastaven\u00ed: \" ... general settings set signcolumn=number Ulo\u017e a obnov zdrouj :source init.vim souboru. Nyn\u00ed by se va\u0161e znaky m\u011bly zobrazovat ve sloupci \u010d\u00edsel, nikoli vlevo. Chcete-li se dozv\u011bd\u011bt v\u00edce o signcolumn spus\u0165te v Neovimu n\u00e1sleduj\u00edc\u00ed p\u0159\u00edkaz: :h signcolumn V VSCode je funkce, kterou v Neovim zoufale postr\u00e1d\u00e1m. Kdy\u017e jste v projektu, kter\u00fd pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1 Git, ponech\u00e1te kurzor na \u0159\u00e1dku po ur\u010ditou dobu zp\u016fsob\u00ed, \u017ee se n\u011bjak\u00fd virtu\u00e1ln\u00ed text zobraz\u00ed v matn\u00e9 barv\u011b. Text bude \u010d\u00edst jm\u00e9no v\u00fdvoj\u00e1\u0159e, kter\u00fd naposledy upravil \u0159\u00e1dek, datum modifikace a zpr\u00e1vu odevzd\u00e1n\u00ed. Tuto funkci miluji. vim-fugitive m\u00e1 p\u0159\u00edkaz :Git blame p\u0159\u00edkaz, kter\u00fd \u0159e\u0161\u00ed stejn\u00fd p\u0159\u00edpad pou\u017eit\u00ed, ale preferuji virtu\u00e1ln\u00ed text. Chcete-li to povolit, jednodu\u0161e p\u0159idejte do konfigurace zna\u010dek Git n\u00e1sleduj\u00edc\u00ed: require('gitsigns').setup { -- signs config current_line_blame = true, current_line_blame_opts = { virt_text_pos = 'right_align' } } A to je v\u0161e! Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"11. Gitsigns drobn\u00e9 vylep\u0161en\u00ed git v Neovim"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/11.%20Gitsigns%20drobn%C3%A9%20vylep%C5%A1en%C3%AD%20git%20v%20Neovim/#11-gitsigns-drobne-vylepseni-git-v-neovim","text":"Skv\u011bl\u00e1 v\u011bc p\u0159i k\u00f3dov\u00e1n\u00ed je vid\u011bt smazan\u00e9 \u010di upraven\u00e9 \u0159\u00e1dky v re\u00e1ln\u00e9m \u010dase. Neovim toto standardn\u011b nepodporuje, tak\u017ee pou\u017eijeme gitsigns: V na\u0161em init.vim p\u0159id\u00e1me: call plug # begin ( '~/.config/nvim/plugged' ) \" gitsigns Plug 'lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim' call plug#end() Pozn\u00e1mka: gitsigns vy\u017eaduje nvim-lua/plenary.nvim . Proto\u017ee jsme ho nainstalovali pomoc\u00ed telescope ( 04. Jak nainstalovat Telescope do editoru Neovim , jsme pokryti. U\u017e v\u00edte, co m\u00e1te d\u011blat \u2013 Ulo\u017eit, zdroj a :PlugInstall . Gitsigns vy\u017eaduje vol\u00e1n\u00ed a setup ve va\u0161\u00ed konfiguraci, aby to fungovalo. Vytvo\u0159me gitsigns.lua soubor v na\u0161em jmenn\u00e9m adres\u00e1\u0159i: nvim ~/.config/nvim/lua/tv\u016fj-adres\u00e1\u0159/gitsigns.lua A uvnit\u0159 tohoto souboru za\u010dneme: require('gitsigns').setup {} Pokud nezad\u00e1te \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 mo\u017enosti, plugin se spust\u00ed s v\u00fdchoz\u00edm nastaven\u00edm. Nyn\u00ed p\u0159id\u00e1me gitsigns.luado na\u0161eho adres\u00e1\u0159e jmenn\u00e9ho prostoru init.lua soubor: require('tv\u016fj-adres\u00e1\u0159/telescope') require('tv\u016fj-adres\u00e1\u0159/lightline') require('tv\u016fj-adres\u00e1\u0159/gitsigns') M\u016fj vypad\u00e1 takto: require('kankys/telescope') require('kankys/lightline') require('kankys/gitsigns') Obnov\u00edme zdroj tohoto souboru pomoc\u00ed p\u0159\u00edkazu :source. Gitsigns m\u016f\u017eete vid\u011bt v akci, kdy\u017e p\u0159ejdete na projekt na va\u0161em po\u010d\u00edta\u010di, kter\u00fd je \u0159\u00edzen pomoc\u00ed git. Jak\u00fdkoli sledovan\u00fd soubor, kter\u00fd byl upraven, zobraz\u00ed tuto modifikaci . A\u010dkoli to je technicky to, co chceme, um\u00edst\u011bn\u00ed n\u00e1pisu je trochu mimo. Je to proto, \u017ee mus\u00edme \u0159\u00edct Vimovi, aby zobrazoval diagnostick\u00e9 znaky ve sloupci s \u010d\u00edslem, nikoli nalevo od \u010d\u00edsla. Otev\u0159ete sv\u016fj init.vim soubor a p\u0159idejte nov\u00fd nastaven\u00ed: \" ... general settings set signcolumn=number Ulo\u017e a obnov zdrouj :source init.vim souboru. Nyn\u00ed by se va\u0161e znaky m\u011bly zobrazovat ve sloupci \u010d\u00edsel, nikoli vlevo. Chcete-li se dozv\u011bd\u011bt v\u00edce o signcolumn spus\u0165te v Neovimu n\u00e1sleduj\u00edc\u00ed p\u0159\u00edkaz: :h signcolumn V VSCode je funkce, kterou v Neovim zoufale postr\u00e1d\u00e1m. Kdy\u017e jste v projektu, kter\u00fd pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1 Git, ponech\u00e1te kurzor na \u0159\u00e1dku po ur\u010ditou dobu zp\u016fsob\u00ed, \u017ee se n\u011bjak\u00fd virtu\u00e1ln\u00ed text zobraz\u00ed v matn\u00e9 barv\u011b. Text bude \u010d\u00edst jm\u00e9no v\u00fdvoj\u00e1\u0159e, kter\u00fd naposledy upravil \u0159\u00e1dek, datum modifikace a zpr\u00e1vu odevzd\u00e1n\u00ed. Tuto funkci miluji. vim-fugitive m\u00e1 p\u0159\u00edkaz :Git blame p\u0159\u00edkaz, kter\u00fd \u0159e\u0161\u00ed stejn\u00fd p\u0159\u00edpad pou\u017eit\u00ed, ale preferuji virtu\u00e1ln\u00ed text. Chcete-li to povolit, jednodu\u0161e p\u0159idejte do konfigurace zna\u010dek Git n\u00e1sleduj\u00edc\u00ed: require('gitsigns').setup { -- signs config current_line_blame = true, current_line_blame_opts = { virt_text_pos = 'right_align' } } A to je v\u0161e! Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"11. Gitsigns drobn\u00e9 vylep\u0161en\u00ed git v Neovim"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/12.%20Je%C5%A1t%C4%9B%20lep%C5%A1%C3%AD%20Neovim%20s%20Zellij%20termin%C3%A1lov%C3%BDm%20multiplexorem/","text":"12. Je\u0161t\u011b lep\u0161\u00ed Neovim s Zellij termin\u00e1lov\u00fdm multiplexorem Co mi chyb\u00ed na Neovim, je zp\u016fsob, jak z n\u011bj zavolat termin\u00e1l a otev\u0159\u00edt termin\u00e1l (druh\u00e9 okno termin\u00e1lu pod oknem s Neovim, viz obr\u00e1zek) stejnou cestou, na kter\u00e9m pracuji. Abych toho dos\u00e1hl, pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1m Zellij , co\u017e je termin\u00e1lov\u00fd multiplexor. Konfigurace Zellij Zellij v\u00e1m umo\u017e\u0148uje vytv\u00e1\u0159et vlastn\u00ed rozvr\u017een\u00ed, kter\u00e1 lze vyvolat p\u0159i spu\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed, abyste je l\u00e9pe p\u0159izp\u016fsobili pr\u00e1ci, kterou budete d\u011blat. N\u00e1sleduje konfigurace pro pr\u00e1ci s textov\u00fdm editorem Neovim. Tuto konfiguraci jsem ulo\u017eil pod touto cestou ~/.config/zellij/layouts/nvim.kdl : layout { pane size=1 borderless=true { plugin location=\"zellij:tab-bar\" } pane { command \"nvim\" args \".\" } pane split_direction=\"vertical\" size=\"10%\" { } pane size=2 borderless=true { plugin location=\"zellij:status-bar\" } } V\u00fdsledkem je n\u00e1sleduj\u00edc\u00ed rozlo\u017een\u00ed: Nvim b\u011b\u017e\u00edc\u00ed v horn\u00edm podokn\u011b s termin\u00e1lovou konzol\u00ed v jin\u00e9m podokn\u011b dole, ve stejn\u00e9 cest\u011b jako projekt, se kter\u00fdm pracuji!! a p\u0159esn\u011b tohoto c\u00edle jsem cht\u011bl dos\u00e1hnout. Konfigurace syst\u00e9mu Nyn\u00ed ke spu\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed zellij s vlastn\u00edm rozlo\u017een\u00edm a instanc\u00ed Nvim mus\u00edte spustit: zellij --layout ~/.config/zellij/layouts/nvim.kdl V m\u00edste (slo\u017ece) v termin\u00e1lu kde chcete spustit Neovim. Nyn\u00ed pro zjednodu\u0161en\u00ed tohoto p\u0159\u00edkazu jsem vytvo\u0159il alias znv a ulo\u017eil to do m\u00e9ho ~/.bashrc soubor. alias znv='zellij --layout $HOME/.config/zellij/layouts/nvim.kdl' S touto konfigurac\u00ed poka\u017ed\u00e9, kdy\u017e pot\u0159ebuji vytvo\u0159it novou instanci Neovim, sta\u010d\u00ed zadat znv do adres\u00e1\u0159e, se kter\u00fdm chci pracovat, a Zellij mi zavol\u00e1 Neovim a automaticky otev\u0159e projekt. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"12. Je\u0161t\u011b lep\u0161\u00ed Neovim s Zellij termin\u00e1lov\u00fdm multiplexorem"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/12.%20Je%C5%A1t%C4%9B%20lep%C5%A1%C3%AD%20Neovim%20s%20Zellij%20termin%C3%A1lov%C3%BDm%20multiplexorem/#12-jeste-lepsi-neovim-s-zellij-terminalovym-multiplexorem","text":"Co mi chyb\u00ed na Neovim, je zp\u016fsob, jak z n\u011bj zavolat termin\u00e1l a otev\u0159\u00edt termin\u00e1l (druh\u00e9 okno termin\u00e1lu pod oknem s Neovim, viz obr\u00e1zek) stejnou cestou, na kter\u00e9m pracuji. Abych toho dos\u00e1hl, pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1m Zellij , co\u017e je termin\u00e1lov\u00fd multiplexor.","title":"12. Je\u0161t\u011b lep\u0161\u00ed Neovim s Zellij termin\u00e1lov\u00fdm multiplexorem"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/12.%20Je%C5%A1t%C4%9B%20lep%C5%A1%C3%AD%20Neovim%20s%20Zellij%20termin%C3%A1lov%C3%BDm%20multiplexorem/#konfigurace-zellij","text":"Zellij v\u00e1m umo\u017e\u0148uje vytv\u00e1\u0159et vlastn\u00ed rozvr\u017een\u00ed, kter\u00e1 lze vyvolat p\u0159i spu\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed, abyste je l\u00e9pe p\u0159izp\u016fsobili pr\u00e1ci, kterou budete d\u011blat. N\u00e1sleduje konfigurace pro pr\u00e1ci s textov\u00fdm editorem Neovim. Tuto konfiguraci jsem ulo\u017eil pod touto cestou ~/.config/zellij/layouts/nvim.kdl : layout { pane size=1 borderless=true { plugin location=\"zellij:tab-bar\" } pane { command \"nvim\" args \".\" } pane split_direction=\"vertical\" size=\"10%\" { } pane size=2 borderless=true { plugin location=\"zellij:status-bar\" } } V\u00fdsledkem je n\u00e1sleduj\u00edc\u00ed rozlo\u017een\u00ed: Nvim b\u011b\u017e\u00edc\u00ed v horn\u00edm podokn\u011b s termin\u00e1lovou konzol\u00ed v jin\u00e9m podokn\u011b dole, ve stejn\u00e9 cest\u011b jako projekt, se kter\u00fdm pracuji!! a p\u0159esn\u011b tohoto c\u00edle jsem cht\u011bl dos\u00e1hnout.","title":"Konfigurace Zellij"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/12.%20Je%C5%A1t%C4%9B%20lep%C5%A1%C3%AD%20Neovim%20s%20Zellij%20termin%C3%A1lov%C3%BDm%20multiplexorem/#konfigurace-systemu","text":"Nyn\u00ed ke spu\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed zellij s vlastn\u00edm rozlo\u017een\u00edm a instanc\u00ed Nvim mus\u00edte spustit: zellij --layout ~/.config/zellij/layouts/nvim.kdl V m\u00edste (slo\u017ece) v termin\u00e1lu kde chcete spustit Neovim. Nyn\u00ed pro zjednodu\u0161en\u00ed tohoto p\u0159\u00edkazu jsem vytvo\u0159il alias znv a ulo\u017eil to do m\u00e9ho ~/.bashrc soubor. alias znv='zellij --layout $HOME/.config/zellij/layouts/nvim.kdl' S touto konfigurac\u00ed poka\u017ed\u00e9, kdy\u017e pot\u0159ebuji vytvo\u0159it novou instanci Neovim, sta\u010d\u00ed zadat znv do adres\u00e1\u0159e, se kter\u00fdm chci pracovat, a Zellij mi zavol\u00e1 Neovim a automaticky otev\u0159e projekt. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"Konfigurace syst\u00e9mu"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/13.%20Pou%C5%BE%C3%ADv%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20relativn%C3%ADch%20%C4%8D%C3%ADsel%20%C5%99%C3%A1dk%C5%AF/","text":"13. Pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1n\u00ed relativn\u00edch \u010d\u00edsel \u0159\u00e1dk\u016f V\u00e1\u0161 termin\u00e1l Neovim podporuje \u010d\u00edsla linek s n\u00e1sleduj\u00edc\u00edm nastaven\u00edm: set number A\u017e budete v Neoim pokro\u010dilej\u0161\u00ed, budete hledat zp\u016fsoby, jak se vertik\u00e1ln\u011b pohybovat rychleji. Jedn\u00edm ze zp\u016fsob\u016f, jak toho dos\u00e1hnout, je explicitn\u011b zadat \u010d\u00edslo \u0159\u00e1dku, na kter\u00fd chcete p\u0159ej\u00edt. To je jednodu\u0161\u0161\u00ed s relativn\u00edmi \u010d\u00edsly \u0159\u00e1dk\u016f: set number set relativenumber Jak to funguje? \u0158\u00e1dek, na kter\u00e9m je aktu\u00e1ln\u011b kurzor, bude ozna\u010den jako \u201e\u0159\u00e1dek 0\u201c. Zbytek \u0159\u00e1dk\u016f nad a pod bude o\u010d\u00edslov\u00e1n ve vztahu k jejich vzd\u00e1lenosti od \u0159\u00e1dku 0. Nap\u0159\u00edklad \u0159\u00e1dek p\u0159\u00edmo pod kurzorem bude \u0159\u00e1dek 1. Stejn\u011b tak \u0159\u00e1dek p\u0159\u00edmo nad n\u00edm. Chcete-li p\u0159ej\u00edt na \u0159\u00e1dek 1 n\u00ed\u017ee, zadejte \u010d\u00edslo 1 + j . Chcete-li p\u0159ej\u00edt na \u0159\u00e1dek 1 v\u00fd\u0161e, zadejte \u010d\u00edslo 1 + k . Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"13. Pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1n\u00ed relativn\u00edch \u010d\u00edsel \u0159\u00e1dk\u016f"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/13.%20Pou%C5%BE%C3%ADv%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20relativn%C3%ADch%20%C4%8D%C3%ADsel%20%C5%99%C3%A1dk%C5%AF/#13-pouzivani-relativnich-cisel-radku","text":"V\u00e1\u0161 termin\u00e1l Neovim podporuje \u010d\u00edsla linek s n\u00e1sleduj\u00edc\u00edm nastaven\u00edm: set number A\u017e budete v Neoim pokro\u010dilej\u0161\u00ed, budete hledat zp\u016fsoby, jak se vertik\u00e1ln\u011b pohybovat rychleji. Jedn\u00edm ze zp\u016fsob\u016f, jak toho dos\u00e1hnout, je explicitn\u011b zadat \u010d\u00edslo \u0159\u00e1dku, na kter\u00fd chcete p\u0159ej\u00edt. To je jednodu\u0161\u0161\u00ed s relativn\u00edmi \u010d\u00edsly \u0159\u00e1dk\u016f: set number set relativenumber Jak to funguje? \u0158\u00e1dek, na kter\u00e9m je aktu\u00e1ln\u011b kurzor, bude ozna\u010den jako \u201e\u0159\u00e1dek 0\u201c. Zbytek \u0159\u00e1dk\u016f nad a pod bude o\u010d\u00edslov\u00e1n ve vztahu k jejich vzd\u00e1lenosti od \u0159\u00e1dku 0. Nap\u0159\u00edklad \u0159\u00e1dek p\u0159\u00edmo pod kurzorem bude \u0159\u00e1dek 1. Stejn\u011b tak \u0159\u00e1dek p\u0159\u00edmo nad n\u00edm. Chcete-li p\u0159ej\u00edt na \u0159\u00e1dek 1 n\u00ed\u017ee, zadejte \u010d\u00edslo 1 + j . Chcete-li p\u0159ej\u00edt na \u0159\u00e1dek 1 v\u00fd\u0161e, zadejte \u010d\u00edslo 1 + k . Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"13. Pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1n\u00ed relativn\u00edch \u010d\u00edsel \u0159\u00e1dk\u016f"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/14.%20Inline%20Paramaters%20alernative%20%20Neovim/","text":"OMLOUV\u00c1ME SE STR\u00c1NKA SE P\u0158ED\u011aL\u00c1V\u00c1","title":"OMLOUV\u00c1ME SE STR\u00c1NKA SE P\u0158ED\u011aL\u00c1V\u00c1"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/14.%20Inline%20Paramaters%20alernative%20%20Neovim/#omlouvame-se-stranka-se-predelava","text":"","title":"OMLOUV\u00c1ME SE STR\u00c1NKA SE P\u0158ED\u011aL\u00c1V\u00c1"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/15.%20Jak%20na%20kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD/","text":"15. Jak na kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed a vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed Kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed jednoho \u0159\u00e1dku P\u0159ejd\u011bte na \u0159\u00e1dek, kter\u00fd chcete kop\u00edrovat. Stiskn\u011bte yy (dva kr\u00e1t y). T\u00edm kop\u00edrujete cel\u00fd \u0159\u00e1dek. Kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed v\u00edce \u0159\u00e1dk\u016f P\u0159ejd\u011bte na prvn\u00ed \u0159\u00e1dek, kter\u00fd chcete kop\u00edrovat. Stiskn\u011bte V pro vizu\u00e1ln\u00ed re\u017eim \u0159\u00e1dk\u016f. Pou\u017eijte \u0161ipky nebo j a k pro v\u00fdb\u011br \u0159\u00e1dk\u016f. Stiskn\u011bte y pro kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed vybran\u00fdch \u0159\u00e1dk\u016f. Vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed textu Vlo\u017een\u00ed textu P\u0159ejd\u011bte na m\u00edsto, kam chcete text vlo\u017eit. Stiskn\u011bte p pro vlo\u017een\u00ed textu za kurzor nebo P pro vlo\u017een\u00ed textu p\u0159ed kurzor. Dal\u0161\u00ed u\u017eite\u010dn\u00e9 funkce Vymaz\u00e1n\u00ed textu P\u0159ejd\u011bte na \u0159\u00e1dek, kter\u00fd chcete vymazat. Stiskn\u011bte dd pro vymaz\u00e1n\u00ed cel\u00e9ho \u0159\u00e1dku. Vymaz\u00e1n\u00ed v\u00edce \u0159\u00e1dk\u016f P\u0159ejd\u011bte na prvn\u00ed \u0159\u00e1dek, kter\u00fd chcete vymazat. Stiskn\u011bte V pro vizu\u00e1ln\u00ed re\u017eim \u0159\u00e1dk\u016f. Pou\u017eijte \u0161ipky nebo j a k pro v\u00fdb\u011br \u0159\u00e1dk\u016f. Stiskn\u011bte d pro vymaz\u00e1n\u00ed vybran\u00fdch \u0159\u00e1dk\u016f. P\u0159esunut\u00ed textu Vyberte text, kter\u00fd chcete p\u0159esunout (nap\u0159\u00edklad pomoc\u00ed V a j/k). Stiskn\u011bte d pro vymaz\u00e1n\u00ed vybran\u00e9ho textu (co\u017e ho tak\u00e9 kop\u00edruje do schr\u00e1nky). P\u0159ejd\u011bte na m\u00edsto, kam chcete text p\u0159esunout. Stiskn\u011bte p nebo P pro vlo\u017een\u00ed textu. Pou\u017eit\u00ed syst\u00e9mov\u00e9 schr\u00e1nky Neovim podporuje integraci se syst\u00e9movou schr\u00e1nkou, co\u017e umo\u017e\u0148uje kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed a vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed textu mezi Neovimem a jin\u00fdmi aplikacemi. Kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed do syst\u00e9mov\u00e9 schr\u00e1nky Vyberte text, kter\u00fd chcete kop\u00edrovat (nap\u0159\u00edklad pomoc\u00ed V a j/k). Stiskn\u011bte \"+y pro kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed vybran\u00e9ho textu do syst\u00e9mov\u00e9 schr\u00e1nky. Vlo\u017een\u00ed z syst\u00e9mov\u00e9 schr\u00e1nky P\u0159ejd\u011bte na m\u00edsto, kam chcete text vlo\u017eit. Stiskn\u011bte \"+p pro vlo\u017een\u00ed textu ze syst\u00e9mov\u00e9 schr\u00e1nky za kurzor nebo \"+P pro vlo\u017een\u00ed textu p\u0159ed kurzor. Mimo Neovim pou\u017e\u00edjte zkratku CTRL+V . Pokud chcete kop\u00edrovat t do Neovim z jin\u00e9 aplikace pou\u017e\u00edjte SHIFT+CTRL+V . Tyto p\u0159\u00edkazy a kl\u00e1vesov\u00e9 zkratky v\u00e1m umo\u017en\u00ed efektivn\u011b pracovat s textem v Neovimu. POZN\u00c1MKA: v linuxu pro spr\u00e1vnou funk\u010dmost jsem si musel pro kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed z Neovim nainstalovat bal\u00ed\u010dek xclib ! Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"15. Jak na kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed a vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/15.%20Jak%20na%20kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD/#15-jak-na-kopirovani-a-vkladani","text":"","title":"15. Jak na kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed a vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/15.%20Jak%20na%20kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD/#kopirovani-jednoho-radku","text":"P\u0159ejd\u011bte na \u0159\u00e1dek, kter\u00fd chcete kop\u00edrovat. Stiskn\u011bte yy (dva kr\u00e1t y). T\u00edm kop\u00edrujete cel\u00fd \u0159\u00e1dek.","title":"Kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed jednoho \u0159\u00e1dku"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/15.%20Jak%20na%20kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD/#kopirovani-vice-radku","text":"P\u0159ejd\u011bte na prvn\u00ed \u0159\u00e1dek, kter\u00fd chcete kop\u00edrovat. Stiskn\u011bte V pro vizu\u00e1ln\u00ed re\u017eim \u0159\u00e1dk\u016f. Pou\u017eijte \u0161ipky nebo j a k pro v\u00fdb\u011br \u0159\u00e1dk\u016f. Stiskn\u011bte y pro kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed vybran\u00fdch \u0159\u00e1dk\u016f.","title":"Kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed v\u00edce \u0159\u00e1dk\u016f"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/15.%20Jak%20na%20kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD/#vkladani-textu","text":"","title":"Vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed textu"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/15.%20Jak%20na%20kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD/#vlozeni-textu","text":"P\u0159ejd\u011bte na m\u00edsto, kam chcete text vlo\u017eit. Stiskn\u011bte p pro vlo\u017een\u00ed textu za kurzor nebo P pro vlo\u017een\u00ed textu p\u0159ed kurzor.","title":"Vlo\u017een\u00ed textu"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/15.%20Jak%20na%20kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD/#dalsi-uzitecne-funkce","text":"","title":"Dal\u0161\u00ed u\u017eite\u010dn\u00e9 funkce"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/15.%20Jak%20na%20kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD/#vymazani-textu","text":"P\u0159ejd\u011bte na \u0159\u00e1dek, kter\u00fd chcete vymazat. Stiskn\u011bte dd pro vymaz\u00e1n\u00ed cel\u00e9ho \u0159\u00e1dku.","title":"Vymaz\u00e1n\u00ed textu"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/15.%20Jak%20na%20kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD/#vymazani-vice-radku","text":"P\u0159ejd\u011bte na prvn\u00ed \u0159\u00e1dek, kter\u00fd chcete vymazat. Stiskn\u011bte V pro vizu\u00e1ln\u00ed re\u017eim \u0159\u00e1dk\u016f. Pou\u017eijte \u0161ipky nebo j a k pro v\u00fdb\u011br \u0159\u00e1dk\u016f. Stiskn\u011bte d pro vymaz\u00e1n\u00ed vybran\u00fdch \u0159\u00e1dk\u016f.","title":"Vymaz\u00e1n\u00ed v\u00edce \u0159\u00e1dk\u016f"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/15.%20Jak%20na%20kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD/#presunuti-textu","text":"Vyberte text, kter\u00fd chcete p\u0159esunout (nap\u0159\u00edklad pomoc\u00ed V a j/k). Stiskn\u011bte d pro vymaz\u00e1n\u00ed vybran\u00e9ho textu (co\u017e ho tak\u00e9 kop\u00edruje do schr\u00e1nky). P\u0159ejd\u011bte na m\u00edsto, kam chcete text p\u0159esunout. Stiskn\u011bte p nebo P pro vlo\u017een\u00ed textu.","title":"P\u0159esunut\u00ed textu"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/15.%20Jak%20na%20kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD/#pouziti-systemove-schranky","text":"Neovim podporuje integraci se syst\u00e9movou schr\u00e1nkou, co\u017e umo\u017e\u0148uje kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed a vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed textu mezi Neovimem a jin\u00fdmi aplikacemi. Kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed do syst\u00e9mov\u00e9 schr\u00e1nky Vyberte text, kter\u00fd chcete kop\u00edrovat (nap\u0159\u00edklad pomoc\u00ed V a j/k). Stiskn\u011bte \"+y pro kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed vybran\u00e9ho textu do syst\u00e9mov\u00e9 schr\u00e1nky. Vlo\u017een\u00ed z syst\u00e9mov\u00e9 schr\u00e1nky P\u0159ejd\u011bte na m\u00edsto, kam chcete text vlo\u017eit. Stiskn\u011bte \"+p pro vlo\u017een\u00ed textu ze syst\u00e9mov\u00e9 schr\u00e1nky za kurzor nebo \"+P pro vlo\u017een\u00ed textu p\u0159ed kurzor. Mimo Neovim pou\u017e\u00edjte zkratku CTRL+V . Pokud chcete kop\u00edrovat t do Neovim z jin\u00e9 aplikace pou\u017e\u00edjte SHIFT+CTRL+V . Tyto p\u0159\u00edkazy a kl\u00e1vesov\u00e9 zkratky v\u00e1m umo\u017en\u00ed efektivn\u011b pracovat s textem v Neovimu. POZN\u00c1MKA: v linuxu pro spr\u00e1vnou funk\u010dmost jsem si musel pro kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed z Neovim nainstalovat bal\u00ed\u010dek xclib ! Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"Pou\u017eit\u00ed syst\u00e9mov\u00e9 schr\u00e1nky"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/16.%20Jak%20nainstalovat%20nejnov%C4%9Bj%C5%A1%C3%AD%20verzi%20Neovim%20do%20linuxu/","text":"N\u00e9 ka\u017eda Linuxov\u00e1 distribuce nab\u00edz\u00ed nejnov\u011bj\u0161\u00ed verzi Neovim, kterou vy\u017eaduj\u00ed n\u011bkter\u00e9 roz\u0161\u00ed\u0159en\u00ed Neovim. Velmi jednodu\u0161e nainstalujeme nejnov\u011bj\u0161\u00ed verzi Neovim kompilac\u00ed z zdrojov\u00e9ho k\u00f3du. Mi si instalaci p\u0159edvedeme na distribuci zalo\u017een\u00e9 na RHEL. Na ostatn\u00edch distribuc\u00edch se bude pouze li\u0161it krok 1, dle toho jestli pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1te apt, yay a atd. Kompilace ze zdrojov\u00e9ho k\u00f3du Instalace pot\u0159ebn\u00fdch n\u00e1stroj\u016f a knihoven: sudo dnf groupinstall \"Development Tools\" sudo dnf install cmake gcc gcc-c++ make ninja-build unzip Sta\u017een\u00ed zdrojov\u00e9ho k\u00f3du Neovim: git clone cd neovim Kompilace Neovim: make CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release Instalace Neovim: sudo make install Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"16. Jak nainstalovat nejnov\u011bj\u0161\u00ed verzi Neovim do linuxu"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/16.%20Jak%20nainstalovat%20nejnov%C4%9Bj%C5%A1%C3%AD%20verzi%20Neovim%20do%20linuxu/#kompilace-ze-zdrojoveho-kodu","text":"Instalace pot\u0159ebn\u00fdch n\u00e1stroj\u016f a knihoven: sudo dnf groupinstall \"Development Tools\" sudo dnf install cmake gcc gcc-c++ make ninja-build unzip Sta\u017een\u00ed zdrojov\u00e9ho k\u00f3du Neovim: git clone cd neovim Kompilace Neovim: make CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release Instalace Neovim: sudo make install Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"Kompilace ze zdrojov\u00e9ho k\u00f3du"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/17.%20Jak%20opravit%20nefunk%C4%8Dn%C3%AD%20Prettier/","text":"17. Jak opravit nefunk\u010dn\u00ed Prettier Pokud se V\u00e1m stane \u017ee Prettier nebude fungovat a bude vypisovat chybu, nejsp\u00ed\u0161 ho nem\u00e1te naistalovan\u00fd v syst\u00e9mu. Oprava je jednoduch\u00e1: V termin\u00e1lu zad\u00e1te tento p\u0159\u00edkaz a t\u00edm doinstalujete pot\u0159ebn\u00e9 v\u011bci do syst\u00e9mu pro spr\u00e1vnou funk\u010dnost Prettier: npm install -g prettier Tento p\u0159\u00edkaz by v\u00e1m m\u011bl pomoci s nefunk\u010d\u00edm Prettierem v Neovim. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"17. Jak opravit nefunk\u010dn\u00ed Prettier"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/17.%20Jak%20opravit%20nefunk%C4%8Dn%C3%AD%20Prettier/#17-jak-opravit-nefunkcni-prettier","text":"Pokud se V\u00e1m stane \u017ee Prettier nebude fungovat a bude vypisovat chybu, nejsp\u00ed\u0161 ho nem\u00e1te naistalovan\u00fd v syst\u00e9mu. Oprava je jednoduch\u00e1: V termin\u00e1lu zad\u00e1te tento p\u0159\u00edkaz a t\u00edm doinstalujete pot\u0159ebn\u00e9 v\u011bci do syst\u00e9mu pro spr\u00e1vnou funk\u010dnost Prettier: npm install -g prettier Tento p\u0159\u00edkaz by v\u00e1m m\u011bl pomoci s nefunk\u010d\u00edm Prettierem v Neovim. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"17. Jak opravit nefunk\u010dn\u00ed Prettier"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/18.%20Konfigurace%20Lua/","text":"18. Konfigurace plaginu v Lua souboru N\u011bkter\u00e9 pluginy pro sv\u016fj chod pot\u0159ebuj\u00ed na konfigurovat. Tyto konfigurace se prov\u00e1d\u011bj\u00ed v jazyce Lua . V\u011bt\u0161inou b\u00fdv\u00e1 pravidlem \u017ee konfiguraci najdete na GitHubu u jednotliv\u00fdch plugin\u016f, mi ji jen mus\u00edme zkop\u00edrovat \u010di p\u0159\u00edpadn\u011b upravit dle sv\u00fdch preferenc\u00ed a ulo\u017eit do soubor\u016f kde m\u00e1me Neovim. M\u00e1me dv\u011b mo\u017enosti jak takovou konfiguraci ulo\u017eit. Bu\u010f do souboru init.vim nebo pro lep\u0161\u00ed p\u0159ehlednost do souboru lua kde bude m\u00edt ka\u017ed\u00fd plugin sv\u016fj soubor. Prvn\u00ed zp\u016fsob: Toto je jednodu\u0161\u00ed zp\u016fsob konfigurace jej\u00edm p\u0159id\u00e1n\u00ed do 'init.vim'. V souboru 'init.vim' vytvo\u0159\u00edme tyto dv\u011b zna\u010dky: lua << EOF EOF A mezi n\u011b vlo\u017e\u00edme samotn\u00fd config, nap\u0159\u00edklad takto: lua << EOF -- nvim-lightbulb setup require ( 'nvim-lightbulb' ). setup ({ autocmd = { enabled = true }, }) EOF A d\u00e1le pod sebe p\u0159id\u00e1v\u00e1me jednotliv\u00e9 zna\u010dky 'lua << EOF' 'EOF' a do nich vklk\u00e1dat konfigurace. Druh\u00fd zp\u016fsob: Tento zp\u016fsob je o trochu slo\u017eit\u011bj\u0161\u00ed, ale pom\u016f\u017ee l\u00e9pe organizovat konfigura\u010dn\u00ed soubory a m\u00edt lep\u0161\u00ed p\u0159ehled. do souboru 'init.vim' p\u0159id\u00e1me tento \u0159\u00e1dek: lua require ( 'kankys' ) T\u00edm jsme si naimprtovali soubor do kter\u00e9ho budeme importovat jednotliv\u00e9 konfigurace. Ve slo\u017ece Neovim kde m\u00e1me soubor 'init.vim' vytvo\u0159\u00edme slo\u017eku 'lua'. Ve slo\u017ece 'lua' vytvo\u0159\u00edme slo\u017eku s v\u00e1\u0161\u00edm nickem nebo jak se v\u00e1m zl\u00edb\u00ed. V m\u00e9m p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b jsem zvolil 'kankys'. M\u011bli by jste te\u010f m\u00edt tutu strukturu: '~/.config/nvim/lua/kankys/' Ve slo\u017ece 'kankys' vytvo\u0159\u00edme soubor: init.lua Do n\u011bj budeme importovat jednotliv\u00e9 konfigurace. Vytvo\u0159\u00edme se soubor s n\u00e1zvem pluginu s koncovkou lua kter\u00e9ho chceme konfigurovat. J\u00e1 budu cht\u00edt nap\u0159\u00edklad konfigurovat plugin 'gitsings'. Vytvo\u0159\u00edme ve slo\u017ece 'kankys' soubor 'gitsings.lua'. Do n\u011bj vla\u017e\u00edme konfiguraci dle n\u00e1vodu z Githubu u pluginu. Soubor pak bude vypadat takto: require ( 'gitsigns' ). setup { -- signs config current_line_blame = true , current_line_blame_opts = { virt_text_pos = 'right_align' } } A ulo\u017e\u00edme ho. Poslen\u00ed bod na importovat konfiguraci do 'init.lua' Otev\u0159eme soubor 'init.lua' a do n\u011bj vlo\u017e\u00edme: require('kankys/gitsigns') A soubor ulo\u017e\u00edme. Takto budeme p\u0159id\u00e1vat dal\u0161\u00ed importy do 'init.lua'. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"18. Konfigurace plaginu v Lua souboru"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/18.%20Konfigurace%20Lua/#18-konfigurace-plaginu-v-lua-souboru","text":"N\u011bkter\u00e9 pluginy pro sv\u016fj chod pot\u0159ebuj\u00ed na konfigurovat. Tyto konfigurace se prov\u00e1d\u011bj\u00ed v jazyce Lua . V\u011bt\u0161inou b\u00fdv\u00e1 pravidlem \u017ee konfiguraci najdete na GitHubu u jednotliv\u00fdch plugin\u016f, mi ji jen mus\u00edme zkop\u00edrovat \u010di p\u0159\u00edpadn\u011b upravit dle sv\u00fdch preferenc\u00ed a ulo\u017eit do soubor\u016f kde m\u00e1me Neovim. M\u00e1me dv\u011b mo\u017enosti jak takovou konfiguraci ulo\u017eit. Bu\u010f do souboru init.vim nebo pro lep\u0161\u00ed p\u0159ehlednost do souboru lua kde bude m\u00edt ka\u017ed\u00fd plugin sv\u016fj soubor.","title":"18. Konfigurace plaginu v Lua souboru"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/18.%20Konfigurace%20Lua/#prvni-zpusob","text":"Toto je jednodu\u0161\u00ed zp\u016fsob konfigurace jej\u00edm p\u0159id\u00e1n\u00ed do 'init.vim'. V souboru 'init.vim' vytvo\u0159\u00edme tyto dv\u011b zna\u010dky: lua << EOF EOF A mezi n\u011b vlo\u017e\u00edme samotn\u00fd config, nap\u0159\u00edklad takto: lua << EOF -- nvim-lightbulb setup require ( 'nvim-lightbulb' ). setup ({ autocmd = { enabled = true }, }) EOF A d\u00e1le pod sebe p\u0159id\u00e1v\u00e1me jednotliv\u00e9 zna\u010dky 'lua << EOF' 'EOF' a do nich vklk\u00e1dat konfigurace.","title":"Prvn\u00ed zp\u016fsob:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/18.%20Konfigurace%20Lua/#druhy-zpusob","text":"Tento zp\u016fsob je o trochu slo\u017eit\u011bj\u0161\u00ed, ale pom\u016f\u017ee l\u00e9pe organizovat konfigura\u010dn\u00ed soubory a m\u00edt lep\u0161\u00ed p\u0159ehled. do souboru 'init.vim' p\u0159id\u00e1me tento \u0159\u00e1dek: lua require ( 'kankys' ) T\u00edm jsme si naimprtovali soubor do kter\u00e9ho budeme importovat jednotliv\u00e9 konfigurace. Ve slo\u017ece Neovim kde m\u00e1me soubor 'init.vim' vytvo\u0159\u00edme slo\u017eku 'lua'. Ve slo\u017ece 'lua' vytvo\u0159\u00edme slo\u017eku s v\u00e1\u0161\u00edm nickem nebo jak se v\u00e1m zl\u00edb\u00ed. V m\u00e9m p\u0159\u00edpad\u011b jsem zvolil 'kankys'. M\u011bli by jste te\u010f m\u00edt tutu strukturu: '~/.config/nvim/lua/kankys/' Ve slo\u017ece 'kankys' vytvo\u0159\u00edme soubor: init.lua Do n\u011bj budeme importovat jednotliv\u00e9 konfigurace. Vytvo\u0159\u00edme se soubor s n\u00e1zvem pluginu s koncovkou lua kter\u00e9ho chceme konfigurovat. J\u00e1 budu cht\u00edt nap\u0159\u00edklad konfigurovat plugin 'gitsings'. Vytvo\u0159\u00edme ve slo\u017ece 'kankys' soubor 'gitsings.lua'. Do n\u011bj vla\u017e\u00edme konfiguraci dle n\u00e1vodu z Githubu u pluginu. Soubor pak bude vypadat takto: require ( 'gitsigns' ). setup { -- signs config current_line_blame = true , current_line_blame_opts = { virt_text_pos = 'right_align' } } A ulo\u017e\u00edme ho. Poslen\u00ed bod na importovat konfiguraci do 'init.lua' Otev\u0159eme soubor 'init.lua' a do n\u011bj vlo\u017e\u00edme: require('kankys/gitsigns') A soubor ulo\u017e\u00edme. Takto budeme p\u0159id\u00e1vat dal\u0161\u00ed importy do 'init.lua'. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"Druh\u00fd zp\u016fsob:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/19.%20NERDTree%20konfigurace%20a%20tipy/","text":"","title":"19. NERDTree konfigurace a tipy"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/20.%20N%C3%A1hledy%20markdown%20v%20nvim/","text":"20. Jak zobrazit n\u00e1hled v markdown v prohl\u00ed\u017ee\u010di pomoc\u00ed coc-webview Budeme si muset nainstalovat Coc bal\u00ed\u010dkovac\u00ed manager pro instalov\u00e1n\u00ed dopl\u0148k\u016f do Neovim. pomoc\u00ed vim.plug Pak nainstalujeme coc-webview p\u0159\u00edkazem v neovim (SHIFT + : ): CocInstall coc-webview A p\u0159\u00edkazem: CocCommand coc-markdown-preview-enhanced.openPreview Zobraz\u00edme ve webov\u00e9m prohl\u00ed\u017ee\u010di n\u00e1hled va\u0161eho Markdown v re\u00e1ln\u00e9m \u010dase. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"20. Jak zobrazit n\u00e1hled v markdown v prohl\u00ed\u017ee\u010di pomoc\u00ed coc-webview"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/20.%20N%C3%A1hledy%20markdown%20v%20nvim/#20-jak-zobrazit-nahled-v-markdown-v-prohlizeci-pomoci-coc-webview","text":"Budeme si muset nainstalovat Coc bal\u00ed\u010dkovac\u00ed manager pro instalov\u00e1n\u00ed dopl\u0148k\u016f do Neovim. pomoc\u00ed vim.plug Pak nainstalujeme coc-webview p\u0159\u00edkazem v neovim (SHIFT + : ): CocInstall coc-webview A p\u0159\u00edkazem: CocCommand coc-markdown-preview-enhanced.openPreview Zobraz\u00edme ve webov\u00e9m prohl\u00ed\u017ee\u010di n\u00e1hled va\u0161eho Markdown v re\u00e1ln\u00e9m \u010dase. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"20. Jak zobrazit n\u00e1hled v markdown v prohl\u00ed\u017ee\u010di pomoc\u00ed coc-webview"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/Hint/","text":"P\u0159i probl\u00e9mech se syntaxi markdown je pot\u0159eba: PlugVim: Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', {'do': ':TSUpdate'} Nainstalovat: :TSInstall markdown AutoSave Nainstalovat plugin auto-save.nvim p\u0159es plug.vim pomoc\u00ed n\u00e1sleduj\u00edc\u00edho p\u0159\u00edkazu: Plug 'Pocco81/auto-save.nvim' Pot\u00e9 nastavit prom\u011bnn\u00e9 g:auto_save_enabled a g:auto_save_delay v init.vim takto: let g:auto_save_enabled = 1 let g:auto_save_delay = 3000 Autosave nefunguje v PowerShell Colorscheme automatick\u00e9 spou\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed Takto nastav\u00edm vybran\u00e9 colorscheme \u017ee se automaticky spust\u00ed p\u0159i startu: Nastaven\u00ed do init.vim : colorscheme dracula autocmd VimEnter * colorscheme dracula Kde najdu init vim a data Neovim? Linux a MacOS /home/user/.config/nvim/init.vim Windows /home/kankys/.local/share/nvim/ (data) /home/kankys/.local/state/nvim/ (data) Vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed z extern\u00edch zdroj\u016f V Neovim (a tak\u00e9 v klasick\u00e9m Vim) m\u016f\u017eete kop\u00edrovat text z extern\u00edch zdroj\u016f, nap\u0159\u00edklad z webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nky, pomoc\u00ed n\u011bkolika r\u016fzn\u00fdch metod. Zde jsou dv\u011b mo\u017enosti: P\u0159\u00edm\u00e9 kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed z extern\u00ed aplikace: Zkop\u00edrujte text: Otev\u0159ete webov\u00fd prohl\u00ed\u017ee\u010d a vyberte text, kter\u00fd chcete zkop\u00edrovat. Stiskn\u011bte Ctrl+C (nebo Cmd+C na macOS) pro kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed. P\u0159epnut\u00ed do re\u017eimu vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed v Neovimu (re\u017eim insert ): Otev\u0159ete neovim a na\u010dt\u011bte soubor. P\u0159epn\u011bte se do re\u017eimu vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed stisknut\u00edm kl\u00e1vesy i . Vlo\u017ete text: Stiskn\u011bte Ctrl+Shift+V (nebo Cmd+Shift+V na macOS) pro vlo\u017een\u00ed textu do Neovimu. Default kl\u00e1vesov\u00e9 zkratky Neovim je modern\u00ed verze Vim, textov\u00e9ho editoru pou\u017e\u00edvan\u00e9ho v unixov\u00fdch syst\u00e9mech. Zde jsou n\u011bkter\u00e9 kl\u00e1vesov\u00e9 zkratky pro pr\u00e1ci s Neovim: Z\u00e1kladn\u00ed pohyb: h - Pohyb vlevo j - Pohyb dol\u016f k - Pohyb nahoru l - Pohyb vpravo w - P\u0159esun na za\u010d\u00e1tek dal\u0161\u00edho slova b - P\u0159esun na za\u010d\u00e1tek p\u0159edchoz\u00edho slova gg - P\u0159esun na za\u010d\u00e1tek dokumentu G - P\u0159esun na konec dokumentu Visu\u00e1ln\u00ed m\u00f3d: Do n\u011bj se p\u0159epnu v Normal m\u00f3du pomoc\u00ed v pohybem kde byl kurzor mohu ozna\u010dovat text. Norm\u00e1ln\u00ed m\u00f3d - NORMAL: Do norm\u00e1l m\u00f3du se z jin\u00fdch p\u0159esunu pomoc\u00ed ESC - i - P\u0159epnut\u00ed do re\u017eimu vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed p\u0159ed kurzor - I - P\u0159epnut\u00ed do re\u017eimu vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed na za\u010d\u00e1tek \u0159\u00e1dku - a - P\u0159epnut\u00ed do re\u017eimu vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed za kurzor - A - P\u0159epnut\u00ed do re\u017eimu vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed na konec \u0159\u00e1dku - o - Vlo\u017een\u00ed nov\u00e9ho \u0159\u00e1dku pod aktu\u00e1ln\u00edm \u0159\u00e1dkem - O - Vlo\u017een\u00ed nov\u00e9ho \u0159\u00e1dku nad aktu\u00e1ln\u00edm \u0159\u00e1dkem - dd - Smaz\u00e1n\u00ed \u0159\u00e1dku - dw - Smaz\u00e1n\u00ed slova - yy - Kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed \u0159\u00e1dku - p - Vlo\u017een\u00ed obsahu schr\u00e1nky pod kurzor - P - Vlo\u017een\u00ed obsahu schr\u00e1nky p\u0159ed kurzor - u - Vr\u00e1cen\u00ed posledn\u00ed proveden\u00e9 akce - Ctrl + r - Krok do p\u0159edu opak u - q - Zav\u0159e okno - . - Posledn\u00ed p\u0159\u00edkaz - Ctrl + w - P\u0159ep\u00edn\u00e1n\u00ed oken Command m\u00f3d: Command m\u00f3d vyvol\u00e1me pomoc\u00ed Shift + : - :e + jm\u00e9no souboru - Vytvo\u0159\u00ed nov\u00fd soubor - :e index.html - :w - Ulo\u017een\u00ed zm\u011bn - :q - Opu\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed editoru - :wq - Ulo\u017een\u00ed zm\u011bn a opu\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed - :q! - Opu\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed editoru bez ukl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed zm\u011bn - :vs - Vertik\u00e1ln\u00ed rozlo\u017een\u00ed oken - :sp - Horizont\u00e1ln\u00ed rozlo\u017een\u00ed oken - :colorscheme - Zm\u011bn\u00ed theme - :term - Otev\u0159e termin\u00e1l Vyhled\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed a nahrazov\u00e1n\u00ed: /hledany_text - Vyhled\u00e1n\u00ed textu n - P\u0159esko\u010den\u00ed na dal\u0161\u00ed v\u00fdskyt hledan\u00e9ho textu N - P\u0159esko\u010den\u00ed na p\u0159edchoz\u00ed v\u00fdskyt hledan\u00e9ho textu :s/hledany_text/nahrazeny_text/g - Nahrazen\u00ed hledan\u00e9ho textu za zadan\u00fd text v cel\u00e9m dokumentu R\u016fzn\u00e9: Ctrl + r - Op\u011btovn\u00e9 proveden\u00ed zru\u0161en\u00e9 akce :help - Zobrazen\u00ed n\u00e1pov\u011bdy","title":"Hint"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/Hint/#pri-problemech-se-syntaxi-markdown-je-potreba","text":"PlugVim: Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', {'do': ':TSUpdate'} Nainstalovat: :TSInstall markdown","title":"P\u0159i probl\u00e9mech se syntaxi markdown je pot\u0159eba:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/Hint/#autosave","text":"Nainstalovat plugin auto-save.nvim p\u0159es plug.vim pomoc\u00ed n\u00e1sleduj\u00edc\u00edho p\u0159\u00edkazu: Plug 'Pocco81/auto-save.nvim' Pot\u00e9 nastavit prom\u011bnn\u00e9 g:auto_save_enabled a g:auto_save_delay v init.vim takto: let g:auto_save_enabled = 1 let g:auto_save_delay = 3000 Autosave nefunguje v PowerShell","title":"AutoSave"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/Hint/#colorscheme-automaticke-spousteni","text":"Takto nastav\u00edm vybran\u00e9 colorscheme \u017ee se automaticky spust\u00ed p\u0159i startu: Nastaven\u00ed do init.vim : colorscheme dracula autocmd VimEnter * colorscheme dracula","title":"Colorscheme automatick\u00e9 spou\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/Hint/#kde-najdu-init-vim-a-data-neovim","text":"Linux a MacOS /home/user/.config/nvim/init.vim Windows /home/kankys/.local/share/nvim/ (data) /home/kankys/.local/state/nvim/ (data)","title":"Kde najdu init vim a data Neovim?"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/Hint/#vkladani-z-externich-zdroju","text":"V Neovim (a tak\u00e9 v klasick\u00e9m Vim) m\u016f\u017eete kop\u00edrovat text z extern\u00edch zdroj\u016f, nap\u0159\u00edklad z webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nky, pomoc\u00ed n\u011bkolika r\u016fzn\u00fdch metod. Zde jsou dv\u011b mo\u017enosti:","title":"Vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed z extern\u00edch zdroj\u016f"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/Hint/#prime-kopirovani-z-externi-aplikace","text":"Zkop\u00edrujte text: Otev\u0159ete webov\u00fd prohl\u00ed\u017ee\u010d a vyberte text, kter\u00fd chcete zkop\u00edrovat. Stiskn\u011bte Ctrl+C (nebo Cmd+C na macOS) pro kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed. P\u0159epnut\u00ed do re\u017eimu vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed v Neovimu (re\u017eim insert ): Otev\u0159ete neovim a na\u010dt\u011bte soubor. P\u0159epn\u011bte se do re\u017eimu vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed stisknut\u00edm kl\u00e1vesy i . Vlo\u017ete text: Stiskn\u011bte Ctrl+Shift+V (nebo Cmd+Shift+V na macOS) pro vlo\u017een\u00ed textu do Neovimu.","title":"P\u0159\u00edm\u00e9 kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed z extern\u00ed aplikace:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/Hint/#default-klavesove-zkratky","text":"Neovim je modern\u00ed verze Vim, textov\u00e9ho editoru pou\u017e\u00edvan\u00e9ho v unixov\u00fdch syst\u00e9mech. Zde jsou n\u011bkter\u00e9 kl\u00e1vesov\u00e9 zkratky pro pr\u00e1ci s Neovim:","title":"Default kl\u00e1vesov\u00e9 zkratky"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/Hint/#zakladni-pohyb","text":"h - Pohyb vlevo j - Pohyb dol\u016f k - Pohyb nahoru l - Pohyb vpravo w - P\u0159esun na za\u010d\u00e1tek dal\u0161\u00edho slova b - P\u0159esun na za\u010d\u00e1tek p\u0159edchoz\u00edho slova gg - P\u0159esun na za\u010d\u00e1tek dokumentu G - P\u0159esun na konec dokumentu","title":"Z\u00e1kladn\u00ed pohyb:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/Hint/#visualni-mod","text":"Do n\u011bj se p\u0159epnu v Normal m\u00f3du pomoc\u00ed v pohybem kde byl kurzor mohu ozna\u010dovat text.","title":"Visu\u00e1ln\u00ed m\u00f3d:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/Hint/#normalni-mod-normal","text":"Do norm\u00e1l m\u00f3du se z jin\u00fdch p\u0159esunu pomoc\u00ed ESC - i - P\u0159epnut\u00ed do re\u017eimu vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed p\u0159ed kurzor - I - P\u0159epnut\u00ed do re\u017eimu vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed na za\u010d\u00e1tek \u0159\u00e1dku - a - P\u0159epnut\u00ed do re\u017eimu vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed za kurzor - A - P\u0159epnut\u00ed do re\u017eimu vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed na konec \u0159\u00e1dku - o - Vlo\u017een\u00ed nov\u00e9ho \u0159\u00e1dku pod aktu\u00e1ln\u00edm \u0159\u00e1dkem - O - Vlo\u017een\u00ed nov\u00e9ho \u0159\u00e1dku nad aktu\u00e1ln\u00edm \u0159\u00e1dkem - dd - Smaz\u00e1n\u00ed \u0159\u00e1dku - dw - Smaz\u00e1n\u00ed slova - yy - Kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed \u0159\u00e1dku - p - Vlo\u017een\u00ed obsahu schr\u00e1nky pod kurzor - P - Vlo\u017een\u00ed obsahu schr\u00e1nky p\u0159ed kurzor - u - Vr\u00e1cen\u00ed posledn\u00ed proveden\u00e9 akce - Ctrl + r - Krok do p\u0159edu opak u - q - Zav\u0159e okno - . - Posledn\u00ed p\u0159\u00edkaz - Ctrl + w - P\u0159ep\u00edn\u00e1n\u00ed oken","title":"Norm\u00e1ln\u00ed m\u00f3d - NORMAL:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/Hint/#command-mod","text":"Command m\u00f3d vyvol\u00e1me pomoc\u00ed Shift + : - :e + jm\u00e9no souboru - Vytvo\u0159\u00ed nov\u00fd soubor - :e index.html - :w - Ulo\u017een\u00ed zm\u011bn - :q - Opu\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed editoru - :wq - Ulo\u017een\u00ed zm\u011bn a opu\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed - :q! - Opu\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed editoru bez ukl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed zm\u011bn - :vs - Vertik\u00e1ln\u00ed rozlo\u017een\u00ed oken - :sp - Horizont\u00e1ln\u00ed rozlo\u017een\u00ed oken - :colorscheme - Zm\u011bn\u00ed theme - :term - Otev\u0159e termin\u00e1l","title":"Command m\u00f3d:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/Hint/#vyhledavani-a-nahrazovani","text":"/hledany_text - Vyhled\u00e1n\u00ed textu n - P\u0159esko\u010den\u00ed na dal\u0161\u00ed v\u00fdskyt hledan\u00e9ho textu N - P\u0159esko\u010den\u00ed na p\u0159edchoz\u00ed v\u00fdskyt hledan\u00e9ho textu :s/hledany_text/nahrazeny_text/g - Nahrazen\u00ed hledan\u00e9ho textu za zadan\u00fd text v cel\u00e9m dokumentu","title":"Vyhled\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed a nahrazov\u00e1n\u00ed:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/Hint/#ruzne","text":"Ctrl + r - Op\u011btovn\u00e9 proveden\u00ed zru\u0161en\u00e9 akce :help - Zobrazen\u00ed n\u00e1pov\u011bdy","title":"R\u016fzn\u00e9:"}]}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"config":{"indexing":"full","lang":["en"],"min_search_length":3,"prebuild_index":false,"separator":"[\\s\\-]+"},"docs":[{"location":"","text":"\ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Verzion: 25.01 Web v \u010ce\u0161tin\u011b najde\u0161 po kliknut\u00ed na tento odkaz Project repository Programming is much more fun when you are efficient. Neovim can get you there eventually, but you have to be willing to try new things. New plugins, new remaps, etc. Tutorials: \ud83d\udc49 Neovim setup for Front-End development based on Plug.vim , Coc and Lua . \ud83d\udc49 The advantages of Neovim over a classic IDE are undeniable in the freedom of configuration, there are thousands of possibilities how your Neovim can look and work. For your inspiration and use this project was created \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim. \ud83d\udc49 This distribution doesn't just work by clicking a button and installing. It will lead you to a separate installation using this site. The goal is to understand how Neovim works so you can modify everything yourself, which even click-on distributions don't teach you. \ud83d\udc49 Two Editions \ud83d\ude80ApolloNvim Starter for scaled to work with text thanks to markdown support and FrontEnd Edition focused on web development. \ud83d\udc49 This setting is primarily for web development. I was inspired by the plugins I used in VSCode and Webstorm. \ud83d\udc49 In October 2024, PHP support was newly added as well as Automatic pugin installation. \ud83d\udc49 Great emphasis is placed on speed and lightness. \ud83d\udc49 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Distro is regularly updated and so is the whole project. \ud83d\udc49 For the best experience with \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Distro, I recommend using Zellij or Terminator , multiplexor, but it's not a requirement of course. Advantages: \ud83d\udc49 The main advantages of this setup are support for Codeium, a free alternative to Copilot, Prettier, AutoSave, HTML, CSS, JS dipping and shortcuts to comment and uncomment code (CTRL + k). There are also several plugins to make working in Neovi more enjoyable. \ud83d\udc49 With LSP in this installation I use Coc for its simplicity, stability and speed. \ud83d\udc49 The best themes for Neovim (so you don't have to search for them) is the default Dracula. \ud83d\udc49 To change the theme in Neovi, simply use the :colorscheme command in the command line and use the Tab button to switch between themes. Plan \ud83d\ude80ApolloNvim: \ud83d\udc49 You can expect these new features and more in the future: \ud83d\udc49 Installer \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim via link from Git. \ud83d\udc49 New custom welcome screen. \ud83d\udc49 New plugins. \ud83d\udc49 Tutorials on plugins, how to set them up and how to work with them. \ud83d\udc49 Instructions for working with Neovim. Questions and Answers: \ud83d\udc49 How much does ApolloNvim cost? -> Nothing \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim is free. \ud83d\udc49 How complicated is \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim? -> \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim may be more complicated than other editors, but once you learn how to use it, you'll see how great it is. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"\ud83c\udfd8 Home"},{"location":"#apollonvim","text":"","title":"\ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim"},{"location":"#verzion-2501","text":"","title":"Verzion: 25.01"},{"location":"#web-v-cestine-najdes-po-kliknuti-na-tento-odkaz","text":"Project repository","title":"Web v \u010ce\u0161tin\u011b najde\u0161 po kliknut\u00ed na tento odkaz"},{"location":"#programming-is-much-more-fun-when-you-are-efficient-neovim-can-get-you-there-eventually-but-you-have-to-be-willing-to-try-new-things-new-plugins-new-remaps-etc","text":"","title":"Programming is much more fun when you are efficient. Neovim can get you there eventually, but you have to be willing to try new things. New plugins, new remaps, etc."},{"location":"#tutorials","text":"\ud83d\udc49 Neovim setup for Front-End development based on Plug.vim , Coc and Lua . \ud83d\udc49 The advantages of Neovim over a classic IDE are undeniable in the freedom of configuration, there are thousands of possibilities how your Neovim can look and work. For your inspiration and use this project was created \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim. \ud83d\udc49 This distribution doesn't just work by clicking a button and installing. It will lead you to a separate installation using this site. The goal is to understand how Neovim works so you can modify everything yourself, which even click-on distributions don't teach you. \ud83d\udc49 Two Editions \ud83d\ude80ApolloNvim Starter for scaled to work with text thanks to markdown support and FrontEnd Edition focused on web development. \ud83d\udc49 This setting is primarily for web development. I was inspired by the plugins I used in VSCode and Webstorm. \ud83d\udc49 In October 2024, PHP support was newly added as well as Automatic pugin installation. \ud83d\udc49 Great emphasis is placed on speed and lightness. \ud83d\udc49 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Distro is regularly updated and so is the whole project. \ud83d\udc49 For the best experience with \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Distro, I recommend using Zellij or Terminator , multiplexor, but it's not a requirement of course.","title":"Tutorials:"},{"location":"#advantages","text":"\ud83d\udc49 The main advantages of this setup are support for Codeium, a free alternative to Copilot, Prettier, AutoSave, HTML, CSS, JS dipping and shortcuts to comment and uncomment code (CTRL + k). There are also several plugins to make working in Neovi more enjoyable. \ud83d\udc49 With LSP in this installation I use Coc for its simplicity, stability and speed. \ud83d\udc49 The best themes for Neovim (so you don't have to search for them) is the default Dracula. \ud83d\udc49 To change the theme in Neovi, simply use the :colorscheme command in the command line and use the Tab button to switch between themes.","title":"Advantages:"},{"location":"#plan-apollonvim","text":"\ud83d\udc49 You can expect these new features and more in the future: \ud83d\udc49 Installer \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim via link from Git. \ud83d\udc49 New custom welcome screen. \ud83d\udc49 New plugins. \ud83d\udc49 Tutorials on plugins, how to set them up and how to work with them. \ud83d\udc49 Instructions for working with Neovim.","title":"Plan \ud83d\ude80ApolloNvim:"},{"location":"#questions-and-answers","text":"\ud83d\udc49 How much does ApolloNvim cost? -> Nothing \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim is free. \ud83d\udc49 How complicated is \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim? -> \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim may be more complicated than other editors, but once you learn how to use it, you'll see how great it is. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"Questions and Answers:"},{"location":"contact/","text":"Contact: \ud83d\udc49 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Telegram \ud83d\udc49 Author's personal website \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Support: \ud83d\udc49 If in any way you want to support or contribute to the content and functionality of \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim, I'd be happy to hear from you. \ud83d\udc49 You can also support this project with a few Satoshi: More projects and links: \ud83d\udc49 ArchLinux CZ \ud83d\udc49 Vyhled\u00e1va\u010d SearXNG CZ \ud83d\udc49 EndeavourOS Linux Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"\ud83d\udcea Contact"},{"location":"contact/#contact","text":"\ud83d\udc49 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Telegram \ud83d\udc49 Author's personal website \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim","title":"Contact:"},{"location":"contact/#support","text":"\ud83d\udc49 If in any way you want to support or contribute to the content and functionality of \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim, I'd be happy to hear from you. \ud83d\udc49 You can also support this project with a few Satoshi:","title":"Support:"},{"location":"contact/#more-projects-and-links","text":"\ud83d\udc49 ArchLinux CZ \ud83d\udc49 Vyhled\u00e1va\u010d SearXNG CZ \ud83d\udc49 EndeavourOS Linux Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"More projects and links:"},{"location":"apollonvim/installation/","text":"\ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Before installing new plugins, always check the documentation for the plugins on Github. This will prevent potential problems! If you're not sure about the procedure or something is not clear, you'd better check the documentation,write to us or the forums to find the answer. This installation is for Linux and Mac. Always update and use the latest version of Neovim and all packages. Installation and setup Start Edition: \ud83d\udc49 If you don't have it yet, install Neovim .{target=\"_blank\"}. \ud83d\udc49 You will need to install plug.vim to install the extension. \ud83d\udc49 Go to this page under Installation find your operating system and copy the link under it into your terminal. But first back up your current Neovim settings!!! Configuration files can be found here: Linux & Mac: /home/user/.config/nvim/init.vim Windows: ~\\AppData\\Local\\nvim Neovim: \ud83d\udc49 The easiest way to install \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Distro for Linux and macOS is to download this repository with the command : git clone -b nvim ~/.config/nvim \ud83d\udc49 Note this command above will overwrite the existing nvim folder in ~/.config/nvim. Don't forget to back up the existing nvim folder before you overwrite it with a new one from this repository, for example by renaming the original nvim.bak. \ud83d\udc49 But if you want you can configure Nvim to your liking and just get inspired. \ud83d\udc49 You can run neovim in the terminal with the nvim command. \ud83d\udc49 Click on error messages. \ud83d\udc49 In Neovim, type PlugInstall in the command line , this will install all plugins. Restart Neovim. Command Line is invoked with the keyboard shortcut SHIFT + : . \ud83d\udc49 If you are missing a plugin, you can easily install or uninstall it using plug.vim. You can find more information on GitHub vim.plug or I'd be happy to advise you see about us. \ud83d\udc49 If you don't want to use a plugin, just comment it out in the init.vim file using double quotes \" . \ud83d\udc49 Enter the Coc command in the command line to install the remaining plugins: CocInstall coc-markdown-preview-enhanced coc-webview \ud83d\udc49 Reboot Neovim once more and you're all set. Installation and setup FrontEnd Edition: \ud83d\udc49 If you don't have it yet, install Neovim . \ud83d\udc49 You will need to install plug.vim to install the extension. \ud83d\udc49 Go to this page under Installation find your operating system and copy the link under it into your terminal. But first back up your current Neovim settings!!! Configuration files can be found here: Linux & Mac: /home/user/.config/nvim/init.vim Windows: ~\\AppData\\Local\\nvim Node.js: \ud83d\udc49 I recommend to have Node.js installed. \ud83d\udc49 Next, install the Live-server in Node.js with the command: npm i live-server \ud83d\udc49 In your project you will be able to run your index.html command: npx live-server \ud83d\udc49 For proper LSP functionality, install the following packages: If the terminal gives you an error when you use the npm command. You will need to install the package as sudo. vscode-html-language-server vscode-css-language-server typescript-language-server emmet-ls tailwindcss-language-server Neovim: \ud83d\udc49 The easiest way to install \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Distro for Linux and macOS is to download this repository with the command : git clone -b frontend ~/.config/nvim \ud83d\udc49 Note this command above will overwrite the existing nvim folder in ~/.config/nvim. Don't forget to back up the existing nvim folder before you overwrite it with a new one from this repository, for example by renaming the original nvim.bak . \ud83d\udc49 But if you want you can configure Nvim to your liking and just get inspired. \ud83d\udc49 You can run neovim in the terminal with the nvim command. \ud83d\udc49 Click on error messages. \ud83d\udc49 In Neovim, type PlugInstall in the command line , this will install all plugins. Restart Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 If you are missing a plugin, you can easily install or uninstall it using plug.vim. You can find more information on GitHub vim.plug or I'd be happy to advise you see about us. \ud83d\udc49 If you don't want to use a plugin, just comment it out in the init.vim file using double quotes \" . \ud83d\udc49 Enter the Coc command in the command line to install the remaining plugins: CocInstall coc-tailwindcss coc-json coc-html-css-support coc-html coc-emmet coc-xml coc-tsserver coc-lsp-wl coc-lit-html coc-htmldjango coc-css coc-markdown-preview-enhanced coc-webview coc-phpls coc-prettier coc-eslint \ud83d\udc49 Reboot Neovim once more and you're all set. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"\ud83d\udee0 Installation"},{"location":"apollonvim/installation/#apollonvim","text":"","title":"\ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim"},{"location":"apollonvim/installation/#before-installing-new-plugins-always-check-the-documentation-for-the-plugins-on-github-this-will-prevent-potential-problems-if-youre-not-sure-about-the-procedure-or-something-is-not-clear-youd-better-check-the-documentationwrite-to-us-or-the-forums-to-find-the-answer","text":"","title":"Before installing new plugins, always check the documentation for the plugins on Github. This will prevent potential problems! If you're not sure about the procedure or something is not clear, you'd better check the documentation,write to us or the forums to find the answer."},{"location":"apollonvim/installation/#this-installation-is-for-linux-and-mac","text":"","title":"This installation is for Linux and Mac."},{"location":"apollonvim/installation/#always-update-and-use-the-latest-version-of-neovim-and-all-packages","text":"","title":"Always update and use the latest version of Neovim and all packages."},{"location":"apollonvim/installation/#installation-and-setup-start-edition","text":"\ud83d\udc49 If you don't have it yet, install Neovim .{target=\"_blank\"}. \ud83d\udc49 You will need to install plug.vim to install the extension. \ud83d\udc49 Go to this page under Installation find your operating system and copy the link under it into your terminal. But first back up your current Neovim settings!!! Configuration files can be found here: Linux & Mac: /home/user/.config/nvim/init.vim Windows: ~\\AppData\\Local\\nvim","title":"Installation and setup Start Edition:"},{"location":"apollonvim/installation/#neovim","text":"\ud83d\udc49 The easiest way to install \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Distro for Linux and macOS is to download this repository with the command : git clone -b nvim ~/.config/nvim \ud83d\udc49 Note this command above will overwrite the existing nvim folder in ~/.config/nvim. Don't forget to back up the existing nvim folder before you overwrite it with a new one from this repository, for example by renaming the original nvim.bak. \ud83d\udc49 But if you want you can configure Nvim to your liking and just get inspired. \ud83d\udc49 You can run neovim in the terminal with the nvim command. \ud83d\udc49 Click on error messages. \ud83d\udc49 In Neovim, type PlugInstall in the command line , this will install all plugins. Restart Neovim. Command Line is invoked with the keyboard shortcut SHIFT + : . \ud83d\udc49 If you are missing a plugin, you can easily install or uninstall it using plug.vim. You can find more information on GitHub vim.plug or I'd be happy to advise you see about us. \ud83d\udc49 If you don't want to use a plugin, just comment it out in the init.vim file using double quotes \" . \ud83d\udc49 Enter the Coc command in the command line to install the remaining plugins: CocInstall coc-markdown-preview-enhanced coc-webview \ud83d\udc49 Reboot Neovim once more and you're all set.","title":"Neovim:"},{"location":"apollonvim/installation/#installation-and-setup-frontend-edition","text":"\ud83d\udc49 If you don't have it yet, install Neovim . \ud83d\udc49 You will need to install plug.vim to install the extension. \ud83d\udc49 Go to this page under Installation find your operating system and copy the link under it into your terminal. But first back up your current Neovim settings!!! Configuration files can be found here: Linux & Mac: /home/user/.config/nvim/init.vim Windows: ~\\AppData\\Local\\nvim","title":"Installation and setup FrontEnd Edition:"},{"location":"apollonvim/installation/#nodejs","text":"\ud83d\udc49 I recommend to have Node.js installed. \ud83d\udc49 Next, install the Live-server in Node.js with the command: npm i live-server \ud83d\udc49 In your project you will be able to run your index.html command: npx live-server \ud83d\udc49 For proper LSP functionality, install the following packages: If the terminal gives you an error when you use the npm command. You will need to install the package as sudo. vscode-html-language-server vscode-css-language-server typescript-language-server emmet-ls tailwindcss-language-server","title":"Node.js:"},{"location":"apollonvim/installation/#neovim_1","text":"\ud83d\udc49 The easiest way to install \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Distro for Linux and macOS is to download this repository with the command : git clone -b frontend ~/.config/nvim \ud83d\udc49 Note this command above will overwrite the existing nvim folder in ~/.config/nvim. Don't forget to back up the existing nvim folder before you overwrite it with a new one from this repository, for example by renaming the original nvim.bak . \ud83d\udc49 But if you want you can configure Nvim to your liking and just get inspired. \ud83d\udc49 You can run neovim in the terminal with the nvim command. \ud83d\udc49 Click on error messages. \ud83d\udc49 In Neovim, type PlugInstall in the command line , this will install all plugins. Restart Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 If you are missing a plugin, you can easily install or uninstall it using plug.vim. You can find more information on GitHub vim.plug or I'd be happy to advise you see about us. \ud83d\udc49 If you don't want to use a plugin, just comment it out in the init.vim file using double quotes \" . \ud83d\udc49 Enter the Coc command in the command line to install the remaining plugins: CocInstall coc-tailwindcss coc-json coc-html-css-support coc-html coc-emmet coc-xml coc-tsserver coc-lsp-wl coc-lit-html coc-htmldjango coc-css coc-markdown-preview-enhanced coc-webview coc-phpls coc-prettier coc-eslint \ud83d\udc49 Reboot Neovim once more and you're all set. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"Neovim:"},{"location":"apollonvim/plugins/","text":"Plugins \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Distro Security and privacy are the most important things, which is why this list is here. In the list you will find all the plugins used in this configuration with a link to the source. Plugins you don't want to use can be commented out or deleted in init.vim. In the case of Coc plugin, omit the plugin-name when you run CocInstall. \ud83d\udc49 Autoclosetag tool for closing all types of brackets and tags. \ud83d\udc49 Coc package manager for installing add-ons to Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 NERDTree creates a tree sidebar for you. \ud83d\udc49 html5.vim plugin for highlighting HTML syntax. \ud83d\udc49 Codeium Introduction alternative to GitHub Copilot, which you can also easily (Commented active TabNine replacement) \ud83d\udc49 Tabnine alternative to GitHub Copilot, which you can also easily install. \ud83d\udc49 Startify an alternative welcome screen with a different IT theme each time. It doesn't have to work with some terminals or NERDTree set to start after boot. \ud83d\udc49 NERD Commenter Commenter plugin for commenting and uncommenting code. Here we have it set up to Ctrl + k. \ud83d\udc49 Wakatime a service that is able to measure how much time you spent coding on the computer and on which project. The service simply connects via API. You can find WakaTime here . \ud83d\udc49 Auto-save plugin to automatically save your files. \ud83d\udc49 Tree-sitter plugin for code highlighting. \ud83d\udc49 Hlchunk connects the code with vertical lines. \ud83d\udc49 Vim-Fugitive plugin for git. \ud83d\udc49 Colorizer plugin for color preview by code designation. \ud83d\udc49 Vim - javascript - javascript plugin for javascript support. \ud83d\udc49 Toggletherm Improved terminal. \ud83d\udc49 Vim-Gitgutter git help for a change in the code. \ud83d\udc49 Gitsigns shows changes in the code. \ud83d\udc49 Plenary Coc extensions \ud83d\udc49 Coc manager for installing add-ons to Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Coc extensions extensions under this link you can find all COC extensions for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 coc-tailwindcss \ud83d\udc49 coc-json \ud83d\udc49 coc-html-css-support \ud83d\udc49 coc-html \ud83d\udc49 coc-emmet \ud83d\udc49 coc-xml \ud83d\udc49 coc-tsserver \ud83d\udc49 coc-lsp-wl \ud83d\udc49 coc-lit-html \ud83d\udc49 coc-htmldjango \ud83d\udc49 coc-css \ud83d\udc49 coc-markdown-preview-enhanced \ud83d\udc49 coc-webview \ud83d\udc49 coc-phpls \ud83d\udc49 coc-prettier \ud83d\udc49 coc-eslint \ud83d\udc49 coc-highlighting Colorschemes \ud83d\udc49 Dracula color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Gruvbox color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Catppuccin color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Nord color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Tokyo Night color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Nightfox color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Sonokai color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 NeoSolarized color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Moonfly color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Onedark color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Edge color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Airline color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 GitHub color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Nightfly color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Miasma color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Pink moon color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Anderson color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Tender color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Night owl color theme for Neovim. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"\ud83d\uddc4 Plugins"},{"location":"apollonvim/plugins/#plugins-apollonvim-distro","text":"","title":"Plugins \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim Distro"},{"location":"apollonvim/plugins/#security-and-privacy-are-the-most-important-things-which-is-why-this-list-is-here-in-the-list-you-will-find-all-the-plugins-used-in-this-configuration-with-a-link-to-the-source-plugins-you-dont-want-to-use-can-be-commented-out-or-deleted-in-initvim-in-the-case-of-coc-plugin-omit-the-plugin-name-when-you-run-cocinstall","text":"\ud83d\udc49 Autoclosetag tool for closing all types of brackets and tags. \ud83d\udc49 Coc package manager for installing add-ons to Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 NERDTree creates a tree sidebar for you. \ud83d\udc49 html5.vim plugin for highlighting HTML syntax. \ud83d\udc49 Codeium Introduction alternative to GitHub Copilot, which you can also easily (Commented active TabNine replacement) \ud83d\udc49 Tabnine alternative to GitHub Copilot, which you can also easily install. \ud83d\udc49 Startify an alternative welcome screen with a different IT theme each time. It doesn't have to work with some terminals or NERDTree set to start after boot. \ud83d\udc49 NERD Commenter Commenter plugin for commenting and uncommenting code. Here we have it set up to Ctrl + k. \ud83d\udc49 Wakatime a service that is able to measure how much time you spent coding on the computer and on which project. The service simply connects via API. You can find WakaTime here . \ud83d\udc49 Auto-save plugin to automatically save your files. \ud83d\udc49 Tree-sitter plugin for code highlighting. \ud83d\udc49 Hlchunk connects the code with vertical lines. \ud83d\udc49 Vim-Fugitive plugin for git. \ud83d\udc49 Colorizer plugin for color preview by code designation. \ud83d\udc49 Vim - javascript - javascript plugin for javascript support. \ud83d\udc49 Toggletherm Improved terminal. \ud83d\udc49 Vim-Gitgutter git help for a change in the code. \ud83d\udc49 Gitsigns shows changes in the code. \ud83d\udc49 Plenary","title":"Security and privacy are the most important things, which is why this list is here. In the list you will find all the plugins used in this configuration with a link to the source. Plugins you don't want to use can be commented out or deleted in init.vim. In the case of Coc plugin, omit the plugin-name when you run CocInstall."},{"location":"apollonvim/plugins/#coc-extensions","text":"\ud83d\udc49 Coc manager for installing add-ons to Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Coc extensions extensions under this link you can find all COC extensions for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 coc-tailwindcss \ud83d\udc49 coc-json \ud83d\udc49 coc-html-css-support \ud83d\udc49 coc-html \ud83d\udc49 coc-emmet \ud83d\udc49 coc-xml \ud83d\udc49 coc-tsserver \ud83d\udc49 coc-lsp-wl \ud83d\udc49 coc-lit-html \ud83d\udc49 coc-htmldjango \ud83d\udc49 coc-css \ud83d\udc49 coc-markdown-preview-enhanced \ud83d\udc49 coc-webview \ud83d\udc49 coc-phpls \ud83d\udc49 coc-prettier \ud83d\udc49 coc-eslint \ud83d\udc49 coc-highlighting","title":"Coc extensions"},{"location":"apollonvim/plugins/#colorschemes","text":"\ud83d\udc49 Dracula color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Gruvbox color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Catppuccin color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Nord color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Tokyo Night color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Nightfox color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Sonokai color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 NeoSolarized color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Moonfly color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Onedark color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Edge color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Airline color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 GitHub color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Nightfly color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Miasma color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Pink moon color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Anderson color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Tender color theme for Neovim. \ud83d\udc49 Night owl color theme for Neovim. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"Colorschemes"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/","text":"","title":"Tutorials"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/01.%20vimplug/","text":"01. How to install vim.plug into Neovim But first, back up your current Neovim settings!!! Linux & Mac: ~/.config/nvim/init.vim Windows: ~\\AppData\\Local\\nvim\\init.vim Go to this page under Installation, find your operating system and copy the link under it into your terminal and use Enter to install vim.plug. On Linux and macOS it will be this command: sh - c 'curl -fLo \"${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}\"/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \\' On Windows it will be this command: iwr - useb https : // raw . githubusercontent . com / junegunn / vim - plug / master / plug . vim | ` ni \"$(@($env:XDG_DATA_HOME, $env:LOCALAPPDATA)[$null -eq $env:XDG_DATA_HOME])/nvim-data/site/autoload/plug.vim\" - Force Next, open the init.vim file and if you don't have it, create it here: Linux & Mac: ~.config/nvim/init.vim Windows: ~\\AppData\\Local\\nvim\\init.vim And into it we insert and then save this code: call plug # begin ( has ( 'nvim' ) ? stdpath ( 'data' ) . '/plugged' : '~/.vim/plugged' ) # Jsem bude \u0161 v budoucnu vkl \u00e1 dat pluginy . Za \u010d\u00ed naj \u00ed c \u00ed PLug a adresa ke sta \u017e en \u00ed call plug # end () And use the Nvim command in the terminal to start Neovim. If you get an error message just click it. Use Ctrl + : to get to the command line and type PlugInstall And restart Neovim. Use Ctrl + : to type q at the command prompt and restart Neovim. This way, every time you add plugins to init.vim, you use the PlugInstall command to install them and restart Neovim. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"How to install vim.plug into Neovim"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/01.%20vimplug/#01-how-to-install-vimplug-into-neovim","text":"But first, back up your current Neovim settings!!! Linux & Mac: ~/.config/nvim/init.vim Windows: ~\\AppData\\Local\\nvim\\init.vim Go to this page under Installation, find your operating system and copy the link under it into your terminal and use Enter to install vim.plug. On Linux and macOS it will be this command: sh - c 'curl -fLo \"${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}\"/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \\' On Windows it will be this command: iwr - useb https : // raw . githubusercontent . com / junegunn / vim - plug / master / plug . vim | ` ni \"$(@($env:XDG_DATA_HOME, $env:LOCALAPPDATA)[$null -eq $env:XDG_DATA_HOME])/nvim-data/site/autoload/plug.vim\" - Force Next, open the init.vim file and if you don't have it, create it here: Linux & Mac: ~.config/nvim/init.vim Windows: ~\\AppData\\Local\\nvim\\init.vim And into it we insert and then save this code: call plug # begin ( has ( 'nvim' ) ? stdpath ( 'data' ) . '/plugged' : '~/.vim/plugged' ) # Jsem bude \u0161 v budoucnu vkl \u00e1 dat pluginy . Za \u010d\u00ed naj \u00ed c \u00ed PLug a adresa ke sta \u017e en \u00ed call plug # end () And use the Nvim command in the terminal to start Neovim. If you get an error message just click it. Use Ctrl + : to get to the command line and type PlugInstall And restart Neovim. Use Ctrl + : to type q at the command prompt and restart Neovim. This way, every time you add plugins to init.vim, you use the PlugInstall command to install them and restart Neovim. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"01. How to install vim.plug into Neovim"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/02.%20keyshortcuts/","text":"02. Default keyboard shortcuts Neovim is a modern version of Vim, a text editor used on Unix systems. Here are some keyboard shortcuts for working with Neovim: Basic movement: h - Left movement j - Move down k - Move up l - Move right w - Move to the beginning of the next word b - Move to the beginning of the previous word gg - Move to the beginning of the document G - Move to the end of the document Visual mode: I switch to it in Normal mode by moving v where the cursor was to mark text. Normal mode - NORMAL: I move to normal mode from other modes using ESC . i - Switch to insert mode before the cursor I - Switch to insert mode at the beginning of the line a - Switch to insert mode after the cursor A - Switch to end-of-line insertion mode o - Insert a new line below the current line O - Insert new line above the current line dd - Delete a line dw - Deleting a word yy - Copying a line p - Paste the contents of the clipboard under the cursor P - Insert clipboard contents before cursor u - Undo the last action performed Ctrl + r - Step forward opposite u q - Closes the window . - Last command Ctrl + w - Switch windows Command mode: Command mode is invoked with Shift + : :e + filename - Creates a new file - :e index.html :w - Save changes :q - Exit the editor :wq - Save changes and exit :q! - Exit the editor without saving changes :vs - Vertical window layout :sp - Horizontal window layout :colorscheme - Changes the theme :term - Opens terminal Search and replace: /searched_text - Search text n - Skip to the next occurrence of the search text N - Skip to the previous occurrence of the search text :s/searched_text/replaced_text/g - Replacing the search text with the specified text throughout the document Misc: Ctrl + r - Re-execute a cancelled action :help - Display help Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"Default keyboard shortcuts"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/02.%20keyshortcuts/#02-default-keyboard-shortcuts","text":"Neovim is a modern version of Vim, a text editor used on Unix systems. Here are some keyboard shortcuts for working with Neovim:","title":"02. Default keyboard shortcuts"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/02.%20keyshortcuts/#basic-movement","text":"h - Left movement j - Move down k - Move up l - Move right w - Move to the beginning of the next word b - Move to the beginning of the previous word gg - Move to the beginning of the document G - Move to the end of the document","title":"Basic movement:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/02.%20keyshortcuts/#visual-mode","text":"I switch to it in Normal mode by moving v where the cursor was to mark text.","title":"Visual mode:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/02.%20keyshortcuts/#normal-mode-normal","text":"I move to normal mode from other modes using ESC . i - Switch to insert mode before the cursor I - Switch to insert mode at the beginning of the line a - Switch to insert mode after the cursor A - Switch to end-of-line insertion mode o - Insert a new line below the current line O - Insert new line above the current line dd - Delete a line dw - Deleting a word yy - Copying a line p - Paste the contents of the clipboard under the cursor P - Insert clipboard contents before cursor u - Undo the last action performed Ctrl + r - Step forward opposite u q - Closes the window . - Last command Ctrl + w - Switch windows","title":"Normal mode - NORMAL:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/02.%20keyshortcuts/#command-mode","text":"Command mode is invoked with Shift + : :e + filename - Creates a new file - :e index.html :w - Save changes :q - Exit the editor :wq - Save changes and exit :q! - Exit the editor without saving changes :vs - Vertical window layout :sp - Horizontal window layout :colorscheme - Changes the theme :term - Opens terminal","title":"Command mode:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/02.%20keyshortcuts/#search-and-replace","text":"/searched_text - Search text n - Skip to the next occurrence of the search text N - Skip to the previous occurrence of the search text :s/searched_text/replaced_text/g - Replacing the search text with the specified text throughout the document","title":"Search and replace:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/02.%20keyshortcuts/#misc","text":"Ctrl + r - Re-execute a cancelled action :help - Display help Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"Misc:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/03.%20Jak%20nainstalovat%20Codeium%20do%20Neovim/","text":"03. How to install Codeium on Neovim Codeium is an alternative to GitHub Copilot with the caveat that it is free for individuals. I rate Codeium very positively and Copilot is equal to it. Installation using plug.vim is easy, you just need to edit your init.vim . Paste in: \" Free AI codium Plug 'Exafunction/codeium.vim', { 'branch': 'main' } The resulting init.vim will look like this: call plug # begin ( has ( 'nvim' ) ? stdpath ( 'data' ) . '/plugged' : '~/.vim/plugged' ) \" Free AI codium Plug 'Exafunction/codeium.vim', { 'branch': 'main' } call plug#end() And we restart Neovim. Type q at the command prompt with Ctrl + : and restart Neovim. After rebooting, we do a PlugInstall and reboot Neovim once more. The last step will be to set the Codeium configuration, by typing CodeiumEnable into the command line. Codium will prompt you to connect the API to the Codium server. And everything should work for you. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"How to install Codeium on Neovim"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/03.%20Jak%20nainstalovat%20Codeium%20do%20Neovim/#03-how-to-install-codeium-on-neovim","text":"Codeium is an alternative to GitHub Copilot with the caveat that it is free for individuals. I rate Codeium very positively and Copilot is equal to it. Installation using plug.vim is easy, you just need to edit your init.vim . Paste in: \" Free AI codium Plug 'Exafunction/codeium.vim', { 'branch': 'main' } The resulting init.vim will look like this: call plug # begin ( has ( 'nvim' ) ? stdpath ( 'data' ) . '/plugged' : '~/.vim/plugged' ) \" Free AI codium Plug 'Exafunction/codeium.vim', { 'branch': 'main' } call plug#end() And we restart Neovim. Type q at the command prompt with Ctrl + : and restart Neovim. After rebooting, we do a PlugInstall and reboot Neovim once more. The last step will be to set the Codeium configuration, by typing CodeiumEnable into the command line. Codium will prompt you to connect the API to the Codium server. And everything should work for you. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 ApolloNvim","title":"03. How to install Codeium on Neovim"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/04.%20Jak%20nainstalovat%20Telescope%20do%20editoru%20Neovim/","text":"04. Telescope Telescope is, created by one of the main members of the Neovim team - TJ Devries . Side note, TJ posts a lot of Neovim related content on his YouTube channel and on his Twitch streams. In particular, his channel YouTube has been a great resource. Check it out! Telescope is an essential plugin in my opinion. It's a fuzzy search engine built into Lua that can be configured in all sorts of ways. It adds a lot of functionality to your Neovim setup. I haven't realized its true potential yet, but it's awesome for file search and text search. I have tested this on both Linux and macOS, but it should work on Windows as well. Let's install it (we'll put all the commands in your terminal): Paste this code into your init file. call plug # begin ( has ( 'nvim' ) ? stdpath ( 'data' ) . '/plugged' : '~/.vim/plugged' )) \" Telescope install Neovim \" Planery\" Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' \" Telescope plugin Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim' \" Fuzzy Telescope fzf Plugin 'nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-native.nvim', { 'do': 'make' } call plug#end() Note that we are installing more than one plugin here. Telescope requires another plugin called Planery . And another plugin is Telescope Sorter , which supports fzf and Telescope syntax. To complete the installation, be sure to follow these three steps: Save init.vim :w Restore the source of init.vims :so % or restart Neovim Install the plugin using :PlugInstall . Next we need to configure Telescope. This is a common practice among Vim plugins. Telescope is a Lua based plugin. First we need to create a new lua folder in the directory: nvim ~/.config/nvim/lua . cd ~/.config/nvim mkdir lua Inside the lua directory, we will create a subdirectory for the namespace of our plugin configurations. To understand why this is necessary, we need to explain how Vim handles file lookups. In short, creating a namespace subdirectory inside the lua directory prevents unwanted file collisions . I decided to use my GitHub nick as the name of my subdirectory: cd ~/.config/nvim/lua mkdir kankys It doesn't matter what you name the directory. Once you create it, you'll want to move to it using cd: cd ~/.config/nvim/lua/your-directory-name Note: your-directory-name is used as a placeholder. Replace it with the name of your directory you want. In the namespace directory, create a plugin-name.lua file for each plugin you want/need to configure. You create Telescope like this (we are persistent in cd ~/.config/nvim/lua/your-directory-name ): nvim telescope.lua A useful Vim tip is that you can open files before they exist. If you close a file without saving it, it won't be created! In the example above, we open telescope.luav in Neovim. If we save the file, it will be created. Our configuration for Telescope will be: local telescope = require ( 'telescope' ) telescope . setup {} telescope . load_extension ( 'fzf' ) Paste this code into telescope.lua and save. Everything we need is in the telescope.lua file. The above example gives us a first taste of Lua. I've found that a lot of plugins need at least this setup in lua: require('PLUGIN_NAME').setup {} I won't dive deep into the Telescope configuration in this post. If you want to see some of the available setup options and additional customization, check out the documentation . Don't forget to save telescope.lua and exit Neovim with :wq . Next, we need to tell our init.vim that a lua file exists somewhere: In my case, I would state: lua require('kankys') by pasting it into ~/.config/nvim/init.vim A couple of notes: * Paste this command under the vim-plug function ( `` call plug#end() )! What does it do? At first it looks a bit magical and understanding it requires knowledge of Vim search, but basically this command will search for a lua file in your Vim runtime. in our case it is: ~/.config/nvim/lua/your-directory-name/telescope.lua Instead of requiring every configuration file in our init.vim, we can just require the namespace directory. For this to work, we'll need to add a new file to our namespace directory called init.lua: cd ~/.config/nvim/lua/your-directory-name touch init.lua The * init.lua file can be thought of as an index file. Inside init.lua we can load all our configuration files. In init-lua let's put the following code: require('your-directory-name/telescope') You can easily understand everything I've said above if you look at the nvim configuration files here on Git . From now on, all new lua configuration files will be in lua/your-directory-name . Telescope Telescope has a number of commands that can be used, :Telescope in NORMAL mode in Neovim. A quick way to see all the available commands is to type :Telescope followed by a space and then click . The tab button opens a list of autocomplete, available commands in Telescope. You can navigate the list using and in the opposite direction. The Telescope command is shown below, for demonstration purposes: :Telescope find_files You can view the Telescope documentation in Neovim by: :h telescope Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"Telescope"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/04.%20Jak%20nainstalovat%20Telescope%20do%20editoru%20Neovim/#04-telescope","text":"Telescope is, created by one of the main members of the Neovim team - TJ Devries . Side note, TJ posts a lot of Neovim related content on his YouTube channel and on his Twitch streams. In particular, his channel YouTube has been a great resource. Check it out! Telescope is an essential plugin in my opinion. It's a fuzzy search engine built into Lua that can be configured in all sorts of ways. It adds a lot of functionality to your Neovim setup. I haven't realized its true potential yet, but it's awesome for file search and text search. I have tested this on both Linux and macOS, but it should work on Windows as well. Let's install it (we'll put all the commands in your terminal): Paste this code into your init file. call plug # begin ( has ( 'nvim' ) ? stdpath ( 'data' ) . '/plugged' : '~/.vim/plugged' )) \" Telescope install Neovim \" Planery\" Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' \" Telescope plugin Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim' \" Fuzzy Telescope fzf Plugin 'nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-native.nvim', { 'do': 'make' } call plug#end() Note that we are installing more than one plugin here. Telescope requires another plugin called Planery . And another plugin is Telescope Sorter , which supports fzf and Telescope syntax. To complete the installation, be sure to follow these three steps: Save init.vim :w Restore the source of init.vims :so % or restart Neovim Install the plugin using :PlugInstall . Next we need to configure Telescope. This is a common practice among Vim plugins. Telescope is a Lua based plugin. First we need to create a new lua folder in the directory: nvim ~/.config/nvim/lua . cd ~/.config/nvim mkdir lua Inside the lua directory, we will create a subdirectory for the namespace of our plugin configurations. To understand why this is necessary, we need to explain how Vim handles file lookups. In short, creating a namespace subdirectory inside the lua directory prevents unwanted file collisions . I decided to use my GitHub nick as the name of my subdirectory: cd ~/.config/nvim/lua mkdir kankys It doesn't matter what you name the directory. Once you create it, you'll want to move to it using cd: cd ~/.config/nvim/lua/your-directory-name Note: your-directory-name is used as a placeholder. Replace it with the name of your directory you want. In the namespace directory, create a plugin-name.lua file for each plugin you want/need to configure. You create Telescope like this (we are persistent in cd ~/.config/nvim/lua/your-directory-name ): nvim telescope.lua A useful Vim tip is that you can open files before they exist. If you close a file without saving it, it won't be created! In the example above, we open telescope.luav in Neovim. If we save the file, it will be created. Our configuration for Telescope will be: local telescope = require ( 'telescope' ) telescope . setup {} telescope . load_extension ( 'fzf' ) Paste this code into telescope.lua and save. Everything we need is in the telescope.lua file. The above example gives us a first taste of Lua. I've found that a lot of plugins need at least this setup in lua: require('PLUGIN_NAME').setup {} I won't dive deep into the Telescope configuration in this post. If you want to see some of the available setup options and additional customization, check out the documentation . Don't forget to save telescope.lua and exit Neovim with :wq . Next, we need to tell our init.vim that a lua file exists somewhere: In my case, I would state: lua require('kankys') by pasting it into ~/.config/nvim/init.vim A couple of notes: * Paste this command under the vim-plug function ( `` call plug#end() )! What does it do? At first it looks a bit magical and understanding it requires knowledge of Vim search, but basically this command will search for a lua file in your Vim runtime. in our case it is: ~/.config/nvim/lua/your-directory-name/telescope.lua Instead of requiring every configuration file in our init.vim, we can just require the namespace directory. For this to work, we'll need to add a new file to our namespace directory called init.lua: cd ~/.config/nvim/lua/your-directory-name touch init.lua The * init.lua file can be thought of as an index file. Inside init.lua we can load all our configuration files. In init-lua let's put the following code: require('your-directory-name/telescope') You can easily understand everything I've said above if you look at the nvim configuration files here on Git . From now on, all new lua configuration files will be in lua/your-directory-name .","title":"04. Telescope"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/04.%20Jak%20nainstalovat%20Telescope%20do%20editoru%20Neovim/#telescope","text":"Telescope has a number of commands that can be used, :Telescope in NORMAL mode in Neovim. A quick way to see all the available commands is to type :Telescope followed by a space and then click . The tab button opens a list of autocomplete, available commands in Telescope. You can navigate the list using and in the opposite direction. The Telescope command is shown below, for demonstration purposes: :Telescope find_files You can view the Telescope documentation in Neovim by: :h telescope Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"Telescope"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/05.%20Barevn%C3%A9%20sch%C3%A9ma/","text":"05. Color scheme Most color schemes in Neovim can be installed as a plugin. There are a lot of color schemes. Here is a list of some of them on GitHub . Some of my favorites include: Gruvbox Dracula Tokionight Schemes are installed inside plug#begin() and plug#end() , let's declare our color scheme. To illustrate, I'll use Gruvbox: call plug # begin ( '~/.config/nvim/plugged' ) Plug 'gruvbox-community/gruvbox' call plug # end () The example above shows how to declare the plugins you want to install via vim-plug . The Gruvbox plugin above is a shorthand notation for: Plug '' Once you declare your init.vim plugin, you need to perform a few more steps to install it: Save your init.vim :w Load source init.vims :so % or restart Neovim Install color schemes :PlugInstall The above commands need to be entered in NORMAL mode. After the plug-in installation is complete, you can close vim-plug (buffer ) by typing :q! . After installing your color scheme, we will need to tell Neovi to use it. Inside your init.vim, under plugin declarations, add the following lines of code: call plug #begin('~/.config/nvim/plugged') Plug 'gruvbox-community/gruvbox' call plug #end() \" Selects your color scheme: colorscheme gruvbox \" Automatically loads your scheme when Neovim starts autocmd VimEnter * colorscheme gruvbox Save and exit init.vim with :wq . Next time you reopen Neovim, you should see the new color scheme! You can change the color scheme while Neovim is running in this way: :colorscheme -> click Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"Color scheme"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/05.%20Barevn%C3%A9%20sch%C3%A9ma/#05-color-scheme","text":"Most color schemes in Neovim can be installed as a plugin. There are a lot of color schemes. Here is a list of some of them on GitHub . Some of my favorites include: Gruvbox Dracula Tokionight Schemes are installed inside plug#begin() and plug#end() , let's declare our color scheme. To illustrate, I'll use Gruvbox: call plug # begin ( '~/.config/nvim/plugged' ) Plug 'gruvbox-community/gruvbox' call plug # end () The example above shows how to declare the plugins you want to install via vim-plug . The Gruvbox plugin above is a shorthand notation for: Plug '' Once you declare your init.vim plugin, you need to perform a few more steps to install it: Save your init.vim :w Load source init.vims :so % or restart Neovim Install color schemes :PlugInstall The above commands need to be entered in NORMAL mode. After the plug-in installation is complete, you can close vim-plug (buffer ) by typing :q! . After installing your color scheme, we will need to tell Neovi to use it. Inside your init.vim, under plugin declarations, add the following lines of code: call plug #begin('~/.config/nvim/plugged') Plug 'gruvbox-community/gruvbox' call plug #end() \" Selects your color scheme: colorscheme gruvbox \" Automatically loads your scheme when Neovim starts autocmd VimEnter * colorscheme gruvbox Save and exit init.vim with :wq . Next time you reopen Neovim, you should see the new color scheme! You can change the color scheme while Neovim is running in this way: :colorscheme -> click Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"05. Color scheme"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/06.%20Autosave/","text":"06. Automatic saving. Install the plugin auto-save.nvim via plug.vim using the following command: Plug 'Pocco81/auto-save.nvim' Then set the variables g:auto_save_enabled and g:auto_save_delay in init.vim as follows. let g:auto_save_enabled = 1 let g:auto_save_delay = 3000 Attention Autosave does not work in PowerShell Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"Automatic saving"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/06.%20Autosave/#06-automatic-saving","text":"Install the plugin auto-save.nvim via plug.vim using the following command: Plug 'Pocco81/auto-save.nvim' Then set the variables g:auto_save_enabled and g:auto_save_delay in init.vim as follows. let g:auto_save_enabled = 1 let g:auto_save_delay = 3000 Attention Autosave does not work in PowerShell Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"06. Automatic saving."},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/07.%20Kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20Vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20do%20a%20z%20Neovim%20z%20extern%C3%ADch%20zdroj%C5%AF/","text":"07. Copying and Pasting to and from Neovim from external sources In Neovim (and also in classic Vim) you can copy text from external sources into Neovim, for example from a web page, and vice versa from Neovim out. Direct copying from an external application to Neovim: Copy text: Open a web browser and select the text you want to copy Press Ctrl+C (or Cmd+C on macOS) to copy. Switch to insert mode in Neovim (insert mode ): Open neovim and load the file - Switch to insert mode by pressing i . Insert text: Press Ctrl+Shift+V (or Cmd+Shift+V on macOS) to insert text into Neovim. Copying from Neovim to Neovim or outside Neovim to another application: 1: SHIFT + V --> select the whole line - or in Normal mode using: v + right, left, up and down arrow --> select the selected text Copy the selected text: do this in Normal mode with the key: y then paste the text anywhere with CTRL+Shift+V or in Neovi in Normal mode with the p key. Remove marked text: you can remove marked text in Normal mode with: x NOTE: in Linux for proper functionality I had to install the xclib package for copying from Neovim! Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"Copying and Pasting to and from Neovim from external sources"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/07.%20Kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20Vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20do%20a%20z%20Neovim%20z%20extern%C3%ADch%20zdroj%C5%AF/#07-copying-and-pasting-to-and-from-neovim-from-external-sources","text":"In Neovim (and also in classic Vim) you can copy text from external sources into Neovim, for example from a web page, and vice versa from Neovim out.","title":"07. Copying and Pasting to and from Neovim from external sources"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/07.%20Kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20Vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20do%20a%20z%20Neovim%20z%20extern%C3%ADch%20zdroj%C5%AF/#direct-copying-from-an-external-application-to-neovim","text":"Copy text: Open a web browser and select the text you want to copy Press Ctrl+C (or Cmd+C on macOS) to copy. Switch to insert mode in Neovim (insert mode ): Open neovim and load the file - Switch to insert mode by pressing i . Insert text: Press Ctrl+Shift+V (or Cmd+Shift+V on macOS) to insert text into Neovim.","title":"Direct copying from an external application to Neovim:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/07.%20Kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20Vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20do%20a%20z%20Neovim%20z%20extern%C3%ADch%20zdroj%C5%AF/#copying-from-neovim-to-neovim-or-outside-neovim-to-another-application","text":"1: SHIFT + V --> select the whole line - or in Normal mode using: v + right, left, up and down arrow --> select the selected text Copy the selected text: do this in Normal mode with the key: y then paste the text anywhere with CTRL+Shift+V or in Neovi in Normal mode with the p key. Remove marked text: you can remove marked text in Normal mode with: x NOTE: in Linux for proper functionality I had to install the xclib package for copying from Neovim! Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"Copying from Neovim to Neovim or outside Neovim to another application:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/08.%20Markdown_syntax/","text":"08. Markdown_syntax For problems with markdown syntax, you need: PlugVim: Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', {'do': ':TSUpdate'} Install by typing in the command line: :TSInstall markdown If you have problems with this plugin displaying the syntax or if you are not comfortable with this plugin, uninstall it by manually deleting it in the folder: usr/local/lib64/nevim/parser/ Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"Markdown_syntax"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/08.%20Markdown_syntax/#08-markdown_syntax","text":"For problems with markdown syntax, you need: PlugVim: Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', {'do': ':TSUpdate'} Install by typing in the command line: :TSInstall markdown If you have problems with this plugin displaying the syntax or if you are not comfortable with this plugin, uninstall it by manually deleting it in the folder: usr/local/lib64/nevim/parser/ Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"08. Markdown_syntax"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/09.%20init.vim%20z%C3%A1kladn%C3%AD%20nastaven%C3%AD/","text":"09. init.vim basic settings General settings For basic settings in init.vim I have some tips for you, let's open it: nvim init.vim Add basic settings to init. vim: `` \" enable syntax highlighting syntax on \" better colors set termguicolors \" number of positions of the peripherals to be shifted using set tabstop=4 set softtabstop=4 set expandtab \" enable bullets set smartindent \" number of spaces used for automatic bullets set shiftwidth=4 \" display line number set number \" columns used for line number set numberwidth=4 \" highlight when searching for matching text. set incsearch set nohlsearch \" intuitively open split new windows set splitbelow set splitright \" browse buffer (windows) memory without losing unsaved work set hidden \" start scrolling page, when 8 lines from top or bottom edge set scrolloff=8 \" Save history set undofile \" Enable mouse support set mouse=a \" case-insensitive search unless uppercase is used set ignorecase set smartcase If you want more information about each setting , you can type ` : h < setting name > ` inside Neovim , to bring up help for that particular setting . For example : `` : h number Displays the help section for number . Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"init.vim basic settings"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/09.%20init.vim%20z%C3%A1kladn%C3%AD%20nastaven%C3%AD/#09-initvim-basic-settings","text":"General settings For basic settings in init.vim I have some tips for you, let's open it: nvim init.vim Add basic settings to init. vim: `` \" enable syntax highlighting syntax on \" better colors set termguicolors \" number of positions of the peripherals to be shifted using set tabstop=4 set softtabstop=4 set expandtab \" enable bullets set smartindent \" number of spaces used for automatic bullets set shiftwidth=4 \" display line number set number \" columns used for line number set numberwidth=4 \" highlight when searching for matching text. set incsearch set nohlsearch \" intuitively open split new windows set splitbelow set splitright \" browse buffer (windows) memory without losing unsaved work set hidden \" start scrolling page, when 8 lines from top or bottom edge set scrolloff=8 \" Save history set undofile \" Enable mouse support set mouse=a \" case-insensitive search unless uppercase is used set ignorecase set smartcase If you want more information about each setting , you can type ` : h < setting name > ` inside Neovim , to bring up help for that particular setting . For example : `` : h number Displays the help section for number . Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"09. init.vim basic settings"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/10.%20vim-fugitive%20ovl%C3%A1dni%20Git%20v%20Neovim/","text":"10. vim-fugitive Vim-fugitive is a plugin for the Vim and Neovim text editor that provides a set of features for working with the Git version control system directly from the Vim editor. This plugin facilitates tasks such as browsing commit history, comparing file versions, adding changes to the index, creating commits, and resolving version merge conflicts. Vim-fugitive is popular among developers who prefer to work directly from the command line and value efficiency and speed. Let's install it. First, add vim-fugitive to init.vim: call plug # begin ( '~/.config/nvim/plugged' ) \" vim-fugitive Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive' call plug#end() No configuration is required for this plugin. Just save the source, install it and you can start using it. Let me give you some useful tips for getting started with vim-fugitive. :Git As you may have seen with these types of commands, you can use autocomplete to see what else it can do: :Git And there's a lot you can do in vim-fugitive , but if you know Git, vim-fugitive will be a breeze for you: \" show current branch status :Git status \" show available branches :Git branch \" work with storage :Git stash :Git add :Git commit :Git push Typing :Git will bring up without the fugitive-summary window . I actually like this feature a lot. It displays a list of untracked, staging, and unassigned files along with the current branch name. Placing the cursor on these files allows you to run certain \u2018maps\u2019 such as preparing/unstaging, discarding changes, toggling embedded diffs, etc. For more information on what maps are within the fugitive-summary window, type: :h fugitive-maps Or see this link . vim-fugitive is also displayed in the footer. You have information about what branch you're in or how many changes you've made to the code. For more information on vim-fugitive enter the following command in Neovim: `` :h fugitive ``` Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"vim-fugitive"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/10.%20vim-fugitive%20ovl%C3%A1dni%20Git%20v%20Neovim/#10-vim-fugitive","text":"Vim-fugitive is a plugin for the Vim and Neovim text editor that provides a set of features for working with the Git version control system directly from the Vim editor. This plugin facilitates tasks such as browsing commit history, comparing file versions, adding changes to the index, creating commits, and resolving version merge conflicts. Vim-fugitive is popular among developers who prefer to work directly from the command line and value efficiency and speed. Let's install it. First, add vim-fugitive to init.vim: call plug # begin ( '~/.config/nvim/plugged' ) \" vim-fugitive Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive' call plug#end() No configuration is required for this plugin. Just save the source, install it and you can start using it. Let me give you some useful tips for getting started with vim-fugitive. :Git As you may have seen with these types of commands, you can use autocomplete to see what else it can do: :Git And there's a lot you can do in vim-fugitive , but if you know Git, vim-fugitive will be a breeze for you: \" show current branch status :Git status \" show available branches :Git branch \" work with storage :Git stash :Git add :Git commit :Git push Typing :Git will bring up without the fugitive-summary window . I actually like this feature a lot. It displays a list of untracked, staging, and unassigned files along with the current branch name. Placing the cursor on these files allows you to run certain \u2018maps\u2019 such as preparing/unstaging, discarding changes, toggling embedded diffs, etc. For more information on what maps are within the fugitive-summary window, type: :h fugitive-maps Or see this link . vim-fugitive is also displayed in the footer. You have information about what branch you're in or how many changes you've made to the code. For more information on vim-fugitive enter the following command in Neovim: `` :h fugitive ``` Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"10. vim-fugitive"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/11.%20Gitsigns%20drobn%C3%A9%20vylep%C5%A1en%C3%AD%20git%20v%20Neovim/","text":"11. Gitsigns minor improvements to git in Neovim The great thing about coding is seeing deleted or modified lines in real time. Neovim doesn't support this by default, so we use gitsigns: in our init.vim we add: call plug # begin ( '~/.config/nvim/plugged' ) \" gitsigns Plug 'lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim' call plug#end() Note: gitsigns requires nvim-lua/plenary.nvim . Since we installed it using telescope 04. How to install Telescope in the Neovim editor , we are covered. You already know what to do - Save, source and :PlugInstall . Gitsigns requires a call and setup in your configuration to make it work. Let's create a gitsigns.lua file in our name directory: nvim ~/.config/nvim/lua/your-directory/gitsigns.lua And inside this file we start: require('gitsigns').setup {} If you don't specify any options, the plugin will start with the default settings. Now we'll add gitsigns.luado our namespace directory init.lua file: require('your-directory/telescope') require('your-directory/lightline') require('your-directory/gitsigns') Mine looks like this: require('kankys/telescope') require('kankys/lightline') require ('kankys/gitsigns') Restore the source of this file using the :source command. You can see Gitsigns in action when you navigate to a project on your machine that is managed by git. Any watched file that has been modified will show this modification . While this is technically what we want, the placement of the sign is a bit off. This is because we need to tell Vim to display the diagnostic characters in the number column, not to the left of the number. Open your init.vim file and add a new setting: \" ... general settings set signcolumn=number Save and restore the :source init.vim file. Now your characters should appear in the number column, not on the left. To learn more about signcolumn run the following command in Neovim: :h signcolumn There is a feature in VSCode that is sorely missed in Neovim. When you are in a project that uses Git, leaving the cursor on a line for a certain amount of time will cause some virtual text to appear in a dull color. The text will read the name of the developer who last modified the line, the modification date, and the commit message. I love this feature. The vim-fugitive has a :Git blame command that handles the same use case, but I prefer the virtual text. To enable this, simply add the following to your Git signage configuration: require('gitsigns').setup { -- signs config current_line_blame = true, current_line_blame_opts = { virt_text_pos = 'right_align ' } } And that's it! Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"Gitsigns minor improvements to git in Neovim"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/11.%20Gitsigns%20drobn%C3%A9%20vylep%C5%A1en%C3%AD%20git%20v%20Neovim/#11-gitsigns-minor-improvements-to-git-in-neovim","text":"The great thing about coding is seeing deleted or modified lines in real time. Neovim doesn't support this by default, so we use gitsigns: in our init.vim we add: call plug # begin ( '~/.config/nvim/plugged' ) \" gitsigns Plug 'lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim' call plug#end() Note: gitsigns requires nvim-lua/plenary.nvim . Since we installed it using telescope 04. How to install Telescope in the Neovim editor , we are covered. You already know what to do - Save, source and :PlugInstall . Gitsigns requires a call and setup in your configuration to make it work. Let's create a gitsigns.lua file in our name directory: nvim ~/.config/nvim/lua/your-directory/gitsigns.lua And inside this file we start: require('gitsigns').setup {} If you don't specify any options, the plugin will start with the default settings. Now we'll add gitsigns.luado our namespace directory init.lua file: require('your-directory/telescope') require('your-directory/lightline') require('your-directory/gitsigns') Mine looks like this: require('kankys/telescope') require('kankys/lightline') require ('kankys/gitsigns') Restore the source of this file using the :source command. You can see Gitsigns in action when you navigate to a project on your machine that is managed by git. Any watched file that has been modified will show this modification . While this is technically what we want, the placement of the sign is a bit off. This is because we need to tell Vim to display the diagnostic characters in the number column, not to the left of the number. Open your init.vim file and add a new setting: \" ... general settings set signcolumn=number Save and restore the :source init.vim file. Now your characters should appear in the number column, not on the left. To learn more about signcolumn run the following command in Neovim: :h signcolumn There is a feature in VSCode that is sorely missed in Neovim. When you are in a project that uses Git, leaving the cursor on a line for a certain amount of time will cause some virtual text to appear in a dull color. The text will read the name of the developer who last modified the line, the modification date, and the commit message. I love this feature. The vim-fugitive has a :Git blame command that handles the same use case, but I prefer the virtual text. To enable this, simply add the following to your Git signage configuration: require('gitsigns').setup { -- signs config current_line_blame = true, current_line_blame_opts = { virt_text_pos = 'right_align ' } } And that's it! Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"11. Gitsigns minor improvements to git in Neovim"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/12.%20Je%C5%A1t%C4%9B%20lep%C5%A1%C3%AD%20Neovim%20s%20Zellij%20termin%C3%A1lov%C3%BDm%20multiplexorem/","text":"12. Even better Neovim with Zellij terminal multiplexer What I miss about Neovim is a way to call a terminal from it and open the terminal (the second terminal window below the Neovim window, see picture) the same way I'm working on. To achieve this, I use Zellij , which is a terminal multiplexer. The ## Zellij Zellij configuration allows you to create custom layouts that can be invoked at startup to better tailor them to the work you'll be doing. The following is the configuration for working with the Neovi text editor. I saved this configuration under this path ~/.config/zellij/layouts/nvim.kdl : layout { panel size=1 borderless=true { plugin location=\"zellij:tab-bar \" } panel { command \"nvim \" args \". \" } panel split_direction=\"vertical\" size=\"10%\" { } panel size=2 borderless=true { plugin location=\"zellij:status-bar \" } } The result is the following layout: Nvim running in the top pane with the terminal console in another pane at the bottom, in the same path as the project I'm working with!!! and this is exactly the goal I wanted to achieve. System Configuration Now to run zellij with a custom layout and Nvim instance you need to run: zellij --layout ~/.config/zellij/layouts/nvim.kdl In the location (folder) in the terminal where you want to run Neovim. Now to simplify this command, I created an alias znv and saved it in my ~/.bashrc file. alias znv='zellij --layout $HOME/.config/zellij/layouts/nvim.kdl' With this configuration, every time I need to create a new instance of Neovim, I just type znv in the directory I want to work with, and Zellij will call Neovim and automatically open the project. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"Even better Neovim with Zellij terminal multiplexer"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/12.%20Je%C5%A1t%C4%9B%20lep%C5%A1%C3%AD%20Neovim%20s%20Zellij%20termin%C3%A1lov%C3%BDm%20multiplexorem/#12-even-better-neovim-with-zellij-terminal-multiplexer","text":"What I miss about Neovim is a way to call a terminal from it and open the terminal (the second terminal window below the Neovim window, see picture) the same way I'm working on. To achieve this, I use Zellij , which is a terminal multiplexer. The ## Zellij Zellij configuration allows you to create custom layouts that can be invoked at startup to better tailor them to the work you'll be doing. The following is the configuration for working with the Neovi text editor. I saved this configuration under this path ~/.config/zellij/layouts/nvim.kdl : layout { panel size=1 borderless=true { plugin location=\"zellij:tab-bar \" } panel { command \"nvim \" args \". \" } panel split_direction=\"vertical\" size=\"10%\" { } panel size=2 borderless=true { plugin location=\"zellij:status-bar \" } } The result is the following layout: Nvim running in the top pane with the terminal console in another pane at the bottom, in the same path as the project I'm working with!!! and this is exactly the goal I wanted to achieve.","title":"12. Even better Neovim with Zellij terminal multiplexer"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/12.%20Je%C5%A1t%C4%9B%20lep%C5%A1%C3%AD%20Neovim%20s%20Zellij%20termin%C3%A1lov%C3%BDm%20multiplexorem/#system-configuration","text":"Now to run zellij with a custom layout and Nvim instance you need to run: zellij --layout ~/.config/zellij/layouts/nvim.kdl In the location (folder) in the terminal where you want to run Neovim. Now to simplify this command, I created an alias znv and saved it in my ~/.bashrc file. alias znv='zellij --layout $HOME/.config/zellij/layouts/nvim.kdl' With this configuration, every time I need to create a new instance of Neovim, I just type znv in the directory I want to work with, and Zellij will call Neovim and automatically open the project. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"System Configuration"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/13.%20Pou%C5%BE%C3%ADv%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20relativn%C3%ADch%20%C4%8D%C3%ADsel%20%C5%99%C3%A1dk%C5%AF/","text":"13. Using relative line numbers Your Neovim terminal supports line numbers with the following settings: set number As you get more advanced in Neoim, you will look for ways to move vertically faster. One way to do this is to explicitly specify the line number you want to move to. This is easier with relative line numbers: set number set relativenumber How does this work? The row the cursor is currently on will be marked as \u2018row 0\u2019. The rest of the rows above and below will be numbered relative to their distance from row 0. For example, the row directly below the cursor will be row 1. So will the row directly above it. To go to row 1 below, enter the number 1 + j . To go to row 1 above, enter the number 1 + k . Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"Using relative line numbers"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/13.%20Pou%C5%BE%C3%ADv%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20relativn%C3%ADch%20%C4%8D%C3%ADsel%20%C5%99%C3%A1dk%C5%AF/#13-using-relative-line-numbers","text":"Your Neovim terminal supports line numbers with the following settings: set number As you get more advanced in Neoim, you will look for ways to move vertically faster. One way to do this is to explicitly specify the line number you want to move to. This is easier with relative line numbers: set number set relativenumber How does this work? The row the cursor is currently on will be marked as \u2018row 0\u2019. The rest of the rows above and below will be numbered relative to their distance from row 0. For example, the row directly below the cursor will be row 1. So will the row directly above it. To go to row 1 below, enter the number 1 + j . To go to row 1 above, enter the number 1 + k . Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"13. Using relative line numbers"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/14.%20Inline%20Paramaters%20alernative%20%20Neovim/","text":"","title":"14. Inline Paramaters alernative Neovim"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/15.%20Jak%20na%20kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD/","text":"15. How to copy and paste Copying a single line Navigate to the line you want to copy. Press yy (two times y). This copies the entire line. Copying multiple lines Go to the first line you want to copy. Press V for the visual mode of the lines. Use the arrow keys or j and k to select rows. Press y to copy the selected lines. Inserting text Inserting text Scroll to the location where you want to insert text. Press p to insert text after the cursor or P to insert text before the cursor. Other useful features Deleting text Scroll to the line you want to delete. Press dd to delete the entire line. Delete multiple lines Scroll to the first line you want to delete. Press V for visual mode of the lines. Use the arrow keys or j and k to select rows. Press d to delete the selected rows. Moving text Select the text you want to move (for example, use V and j/k). Press d to delete the selected text (which also copies it to the clipboard). Navigate to the location where you want to move the text. Press p or P to paste the text. Using the system clipboard Neovim supports integration with the system clipboard, allowing you to copy and paste text between Neovim and other applications. Copying to the system clipboard Select the text you want to copy (for example, using V and j/k). Press \"+y to copy the selected text to the system clipboard. Paste from the system clipboard. Navigate to the location where you want to paste the text. Press \"+p to paste text from the system clipboard after the cursor or \"+P to paste text before the cursor. Outside of Neovim, use the shortcut CTRL+V . To copy t to Neovim from another application use SHIFT+CTRL+V . These commands and keyboard shortcuts allow you to work efficiently with text in Neovim. NOTE: in Linux, for proper functionality, I had to install the xclib package to copy from Neovim ! These commands and keyboard shortcuts will allow you to work efficiently with text in Neovim. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"How to copy and paste"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/15.%20Jak%20na%20kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD/#15-how-to-copy-and-paste","text":"","title":"15. How to copy and paste"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/15.%20Jak%20na%20kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD/#copying-a-single-line","text":"Navigate to the line you want to copy. Press yy (two times y). This copies the entire line.","title":"Copying a single line"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/15.%20Jak%20na%20kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD/#copying-multiple-lines","text":"Go to the first line you want to copy. Press V for the visual mode of the lines. Use the arrow keys or j and k to select rows. Press y to copy the selected lines.","title":"Copying multiple lines"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/15.%20Jak%20na%20kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD/#inserting-text","text":"","title":"Inserting text"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/15.%20Jak%20na%20kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD/#inserting-text_1","text":"Scroll to the location where you want to insert text. Press p to insert text after the cursor or P to insert text before the cursor.","title":"Inserting text"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/15.%20Jak%20na%20kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD/#other-useful-features","text":"","title":"Other useful features"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/15.%20Jak%20na%20kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD/#deleting-text","text":"Scroll to the line you want to delete. Press dd to delete the entire line.","title":"Deleting text"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/15.%20Jak%20na%20kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD/#delete-multiple-lines","text":"Scroll to the first line you want to delete. Press V for visual mode of the lines. Use the arrow keys or j and k to select rows. Press d to delete the selected rows.","title":"Delete multiple lines"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/15.%20Jak%20na%20kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD/#moving-text","text":"Select the text you want to move (for example, use V and j/k). Press d to delete the selected text (which also copies it to the clipboard). Navigate to the location where you want to move the text. Press p or P to paste the text.","title":"Moving text"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/15.%20Jak%20na%20kop%C3%ADrov%C3%A1n%C3%AD%20a%20vkl%C3%A1d%C3%A1n%C3%AD/#using-the-system-clipboard","text":"Neovim supports integration with the system clipboard, allowing you to copy and paste text between Neovim and other applications. Copying to the system clipboard Select the text you want to copy (for example, using V and j/k). Press \"+y to copy the selected text to the system clipboard. Paste from the system clipboard. Navigate to the location where you want to paste the text. Press \"+p to paste text from the system clipboard after the cursor or \"+P to paste text before the cursor. Outside of Neovim, use the shortcut CTRL+V . To copy t to Neovim from another application use SHIFT+CTRL+V . These commands and keyboard shortcuts allow you to work efficiently with text in Neovim. NOTE: in Linux, for proper functionality, I had to install the xclib package to copy from Neovim ! These commands and keyboard shortcuts will allow you to work efficiently with text in Neovim. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"Using the system clipboard"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/16.%20Jak%20nainstalovat%20nejnov%C4%9Bj%C5%A1%C3%AD%20verzi%20Neovim%20do%20linuxu/","text":"16. How to install the latest version of Neovim on Linux Not every Linux distribution offers the latest version of Neovim, which is required by some Neovim extensions. It is very easy to install the latest version of Neovim by compiling it from the source code. We will demonstrate the installation on a RHEL based distribution. On other distributions, step 1 will only be different, depending on whether you use apt, yay, etc. Compiling from source Install the necessary tools and libraries: sudo dnf groupinstall \"Development Tools\" sudo dnf install cmake gcc gcc-c++ make ninja-build unzip Download the Neovim source code: git clone cd neovim Compile Neovim: make CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release Installing Neovim: sudo make install Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"16. How to install the latest version of Neovim on Linux"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/16.%20Jak%20nainstalovat%20nejnov%C4%9Bj%C5%A1%C3%AD%20verzi%20Neovim%20do%20linuxu/#16-how-to-install-the-latest-version-of-neovim-on-linux","text":"Not every Linux distribution offers the latest version of Neovim, which is required by some Neovim extensions. It is very easy to install the latest version of Neovim by compiling it from the source code. We will demonstrate the installation on a RHEL based distribution. On other distributions, step 1 will only be different, depending on whether you use apt, yay, etc.","title":"16. How to install the latest version of Neovim on Linux"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/16.%20Jak%20nainstalovat%20nejnov%C4%9Bj%C5%A1%C3%AD%20verzi%20Neovim%20do%20linuxu/#compiling-from-source","text":"Install the necessary tools and libraries: sudo dnf groupinstall \"Development Tools\" sudo dnf install cmake gcc gcc-c++ make ninja-build unzip Download the Neovim source code: git clone cd neovim Compile Neovim: make CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release Installing Neovim: sudo make install Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"Compiling from source"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/17.%20Jak%20opravit%20nefunk%C4%8Dn%C3%AD%20Prettier/","text":"17. How to fix a broken Prettier If Prettier fails to work and gives you an error, you probably don't have it installed on your system. The fix is simple: Enter this command in the terminal to install the necessary things on the system to make Prettier work properly: npm install -g prettier This command should help you with a non-functioning Prettier in Neovi. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"How to fix a broken Prettier"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/17.%20Jak%20opravit%20nefunk%C4%8Dn%C3%AD%20Prettier/#17-how-to-fix-a-broken-prettier","text":"If Prettier fails to work and gives you an error, you probably don't have it installed on your system. The fix is simple: Enter this command in the terminal to install the necessary things on the system to make Prettier work properly: npm install -g prettier This command should help you with a non-functioning Prettier in Neovi. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"17. How to fix a broken Prettier"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/18.%20Konfigurace%20Lua/","text":"Configuring plagin in Lua file Some plugins need to be configured to work. These configurations are done in Lua . As a rule, you can find the configuration on GitHub for each plugin, we just need to copy it or modify it according to our preferences and save it in the files where we have Neovim. We have two options how to save such configuration. Either in the init.vim file or for better clarity in a lua file where each plugin will have its own file. First way: This is the simpler way of configuring it by adding it to init.vim . In the 'init.vim' file, create the following two tags: lua << EOF EOF And insert the config itself between them, for example as follows: lua << EOF -- nvim-lightbulb setup require ( 'nvim-lightbulb' ). setup ({ autocmd = { enabled = true }, }) EOF Next, we add the individual 'lua << EOF' 'EOF' tags to the subwebs and inject the configurations into them. Second way: This way is a bit more complicated, but it will help to organize the configuration files and have a better overview. add this line to the 'init.vim' file: lua require ( 'kankys' ) With this, we've imprinted a file into which we will import each configuration. In the Neovim folder where we have the 'init.vim' file, we create the 'lua' folder. In the 'lua' folder, create a folder with your nickname or whatever you like. In my case I chose 'kankys'. You should now have this structure: '~/.config/nvim/lua/kankys/' In the 'kankys' folder, create a file: init.lua We will import the individual configurations into it. We will create a file with the name of the plugin with the lua extension that we want to configure. For example, I will want to configure the plugin 'gitsings'. We will create the file 'gitsings.lua' in the 'kankys' folder. Into it we put the configuration according to the Github instructions for the plugin. The file will then look like this: require ( 'gitsigns' ). setup { -- signs config current_line_blame = true , current_line_blame_opts = { virt_text_pos = 'right_align' } } And save it. Send the point to import the configuration into 'init.lua' We open the file 'init.lua' and paste into it: require('kankys/gitsigns') And save the file. This is how we will add more imports to 'init.lua'. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"Configuring plagin in Lua file"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/18.%20Konfigurace%20Lua/#configuring-plagin-in-lua-file","text":"Some plugins need to be configured to work. These configurations are done in Lua . As a rule, you can find the configuration on GitHub for each plugin, we just need to copy it or modify it according to our preferences and save it in the files where we have Neovim. We have two options how to save such configuration. Either in the init.vim file or for better clarity in a lua file where each plugin will have its own file.","title":"Configuring plagin in Lua file"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/18.%20Konfigurace%20Lua/#first-way","text":"This is the simpler way of configuring it by adding it to init.vim . In the 'init.vim' file, create the following two tags: lua << EOF EOF And insert the config itself between them, for example as follows: lua << EOF -- nvim-lightbulb setup require ( 'nvim-lightbulb' ). setup ({ autocmd = { enabled = true }, }) EOF Next, we add the individual 'lua << EOF' 'EOF' tags to the subwebs and inject the configurations into them.","title":"First way:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/18.%20Konfigurace%20Lua/#second-way","text":"This way is a bit more complicated, but it will help to organize the configuration files and have a better overview. add this line to the 'init.vim' file: lua require ( 'kankys' ) With this, we've imprinted a file into which we will import each configuration. In the Neovim folder where we have the 'init.vim' file, we create the 'lua' folder. In the 'lua' folder, create a folder with your nickname or whatever you like. In my case I chose 'kankys'. You should now have this structure: '~/.config/nvim/lua/kankys/' In the 'kankys' folder, create a file: init.lua We will import the individual configurations into it. We will create a file with the name of the plugin with the lua extension that we want to configure. For example, I will want to configure the plugin 'gitsings'. We will create the file 'gitsings.lua' in the 'kankys' folder. Into it we put the configuration according to the Github instructions for the plugin. The file will then look like this: require ( 'gitsigns' ). setup { -- signs config current_line_blame = true , current_line_blame_opts = { virt_text_pos = 'right_align' } } And save it. Send the point to import the configuration into 'init.lua' We open the file 'init.lua' and paste into it: require('kankys/gitsigns') And save the file. This is how we will add more imports to 'init.lua'. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"Second way:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/19.%20NERDTree%20konfigurace%20a%20tipy/","text":"","title":"19. NERDTree konfigurace a tipy"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/20.%20N%C3%A1hledy%20markdown%20v%20nvim/","text":"20. How to show markdown preview in browser using coc-webview We will need to install Coc package manager to install add-ons to Neovim. using vim.plug Then we install coc-webview using the command in neovim (SHIFT + : ): cocInstall coc-webview And with the command: CocCommand coc-markdown-preview-enhanced.openPreview Display a real-time preview of your Markdown in a web browser. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"How to show markdown preview in browser using coc-webview"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/20.%20N%C3%A1hledy%20markdown%20v%20nvim/#20-how-to-show-markdown-preview-in-browser-using-coc-webview","text":"We will need to install Coc package manager to install add-ons to Neovim. using vim.plug Then we install coc-webview using the command in neovim (SHIFT + : ): cocInstall coc-webview And with the command: CocCommand coc-markdown-preview-enhanced.openPreview Display a real-time preview of your Markdown in a web browser. Copyright \u00a9 2024 - 2025 \ud83d\ude80 ApolloNvim / Luk\u00e1\u0161 Ka\u0148ka","title":"20. How to show markdown preview in browser using coc-webview"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/Hint/","text":"P\u0159i probl\u00e9mech se syntaxi markdown je pot\u0159eba: PlugVim: Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', {'do': ':TSUpdate'} Nainstalovat: :TSInstall markdown AutoSave Nainstalovat plugin auto-save.nvim p\u0159es plug.vim pomoc\u00ed n\u00e1sleduj\u00edc\u00edho p\u0159\u00edkazu: Plug 'Pocco81/auto-save.nvim' Pot\u00e9 nastavit prom\u011bnn\u00e9 g:auto_save_enabled a g:auto_save_delay v init.vim takto: let g:auto_save_enabled = 1 let g:auto_save_delay = 3000 Autosave nefunguje v PowerShell Colorscheme automatick\u00e9 spou\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed Takto nastav\u00edm vybran\u00e9 colorscheme \u017ee se automaticky spust\u00ed p\u0159i startu: Nastaven\u00ed do init.vim : colorscheme dracula autocmd VimEnter * colorscheme dracula Kde najdu init vim a data Neovim? Linux a MacOS /home/user/.config/nvim/init.vim Windows /home/kankys/.local/share/nvim/ (data) /home/kankys/.local/state/nvim/ (data) Vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed z extern\u00edch zdroj\u016f V Neovim (a tak\u00e9 v klasick\u00e9m Vim) m\u016f\u017eete kop\u00edrovat text z extern\u00edch zdroj\u016f, nap\u0159\u00edklad z webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nky, pomoc\u00ed n\u011bkolika r\u016fzn\u00fdch metod. Zde jsou dv\u011b mo\u017enosti: P\u0159\u00edm\u00e9 kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed z extern\u00ed aplikace: Zkop\u00edrujte text: Otev\u0159ete webov\u00fd prohl\u00ed\u017ee\u010d a vyberte text, kter\u00fd chcete zkop\u00edrovat. Stiskn\u011bte Ctrl+C (nebo Cmd+C na macOS) pro kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed. P\u0159epnut\u00ed do re\u017eimu vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed v Neovimu (re\u017eim insert ): Otev\u0159ete neovim a na\u010dt\u011bte soubor. P\u0159epn\u011bte se do re\u017eimu vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed stisknut\u00edm kl\u00e1vesy i . Vlo\u017ete text: Stiskn\u011bte Ctrl+Shift+V (nebo Cmd+Shift+V na macOS) pro vlo\u017een\u00ed textu do Neovimu. Default kl\u00e1vesov\u00e9 zkratky Neovim je modern\u00ed verze Vim, textov\u00e9ho editoru pou\u017e\u00edvan\u00e9ho v unixov\u00fdch syst\u00e9mech. Zde jsou n\u011bkter\u00e9 kl\u00e1vesov\u00e9 zkratky pro pr\u00e1ci s Neovim: Z\u00e1kladn\u00ed pohyb: h - Pohyb vlevo j - Pohyb dol\u016f k - Pohyb nahoru l - Pohyb vpravo w - P\u0159esun na za\u010d\u00e1tek dal\u0161\u00edho slova b - P\u0159esun na za\u010d\u00e1tek p\u0159edchoz\u00edho slova gg - P\u0159esun na za\u010d\u00e1tek dokumentu G - P\u0159esun na konec dokumentu Visu\u00e1ln\u00ed m\u00f3d: Do n\u011bj se p\u0159epnu v Normal m\u00f3du pomoc\u00ed v pohybem kde byl kurzor mohu ozna\u010dovat text. Norm\u00e1ln\u00ed m\u00f3d - NORMAL: Do norm\u00e1l m\u00f3du se z jin\u00fdch p\u0159esunu pomoc\u00ed ESC - i - P\u0159epnut\u00ed do re\u017eimu vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed p\u0159ed kurzor - I - P\u0159epnut\u00ed do re\u017eimu vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed na za\u010d\u00e1tek \u0159\u00e1dku - a - P\u0159epnut\u00ed do re\u017eimu vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed za kurzor - A - P\u0159epnut\u00ed do re\u017eimu vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed na konec \u0159\u00e1dku - o - Vlo\u017een\u00ed nov\u00e9ho \u0159\u00e1dku pod aktu\u00e1ln\u00edm \u0159\u00e1dkem - O - Vlo\u017een\u00ed nov\u00e9ho \u0159\u00e1dku nad aktu\u00e1ln\u00edm \u0159\u00e1dkem - dd - Smaz\u00e1n\u00ed \u0159\u00e1dku - dw - Smaz\u00e1n\u00ed slova - yy - Kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed \u0159\u00e1dku - p - Vlo\u017een\u00ed obsahu schr\u00e1nky pod kurzor - P - Vlo\u017een\u00ed obsahu schr\u00e1nky p\u0159ed kurzor - u - Vr\u00e1cen\u00ed posledn\u00ed proveden\u00e9 akce - Ctrl + r - Krok do p\u0159edu opak u - q - Zav\u0159e okno - . - Posledn\u00ed p\u0159\u00edkaz - Ctrl + w - P\u0159ep\u00edn\u00e1n\u00ed oken Command m\u00f3d: Command m\u00f3d vyvol\u00e1me pomoc\u00ed Shift + : - :e + jm\u00e9no souboru - Vytvo\u0159\u00ed nov\u00fd soubor - :e index.html - :w - Ulo\u017een\u00ed zm\u011bn - :q - Opu\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed editoru - :wq - Ulo\u017een\u00ed zm\u011bn a opu\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed - :q! - Opu\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed editoru bez ukl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed zm\u011bn - :vs - Vertik\u00e1ln\u00ed rozlo\u017een\u00ed oken - :sp - Horizont\u00e1ln\u00ed rozlo\u017een\u00ed oken - :colorscheme - Zm\u011bn\u00ed theme - :term - Otev\u0159e termin\u00e1l Vyhled\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed a nahrazov\u00e1n\u00ed: /hledany_text - Vyhled\u00e1n\u00ed textu n - P\u0159esko\u010den\u00ed na dal\u0161\u00ed v\u00fdskyt hledan\u00e9ho textu N - P\u0159esko\u010den\u00ed na p\u0159edchoz\u00ed v\u00fdskyt hledan\u00e9ho textu :s/hledany_text/nahrazeny_text/g - Nahrazen\u00ed hledan\u00e9ho textu za zadan\u00fd text v cel\u00e9m dokumentu R\u016fzn\u00e9: Ctrl + r - Op\u011btovn\u00e9 proveden\u00ed zru\u0161en\u00e9 akce :help - Zobrazen\u00ed n\u00e1pov\u011bdy","title":"Hint"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/Hint/#pri-problemech-se-syntaxi-markdown-je-potreba","text":"PlugVim: Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', {'do': ':TSUpdate'} Nainstalovat: :TSInstall markdown","title":"P\u0159i probl\u00e9mech se syntaxi markdown je pot\u0159eba:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/Hint/#autosave","text":"Nainstalovat plugin auto-save.nvim p\u0159es plug.vim pomoc\u00ed n\u00e1sleduj\u00edc\u00edho p\u0159\u00edkazu: Plug 'Pocco81/auto-save.nvim' Pot\u00e9 nastavit prom\u011bnn\u00e9 g:auto_save_enabled a g:auto_save_delay v init.vim takto: let g:auto_save_enabled = 1 let g:auto_save_delay = 3000 Autosave nefunguje v PowerShell","title":"AutoSave"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/Hint/#colorscheme-automaticke-spousteni","text":"Takto nastav\u00edm vybran\u00e9 colorscheme \u017ee se automaticky spust\u00ed p\u0159i startu: Nastaven\u00ed do init.vim : colorscheme dracula autocmd VimEnter * colorscheme dracula","title":"Colorscheme automatick\u00e9 spou\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/Hint/#kde-najdu-init-vim-a-data-neovim","text":"Linux a MacOS /home/user/.config/nvim/init.vim Windows /home/kankys/.local/share/nvim/ (data) /home/kankys/.local/state/nvim/ (data)","title":"Kde najdu init vim a data Neovim?"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/Hint/#vkladani-z-externich-zdroju","text":"V Neovim (a tak\u00e9 v klasick\u00e9m Vim) m\u016f\u017eete kop\u00edrovat text z extern\u00edch zdroj\u016f, nap\u0159\u00edklad z webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nky, pomoc\u00ed n\u011bkolika r\u016fzn\u00fdch metod. Zde jsou dv\u011b mo\u017enosti:","title":"Vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed z extern\u00edch zdroj\u016f"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/Hint/#prime-kopirovani-z-externi-aplikace","text":"Zkop\u00edrujte text: Otev\u0159ete webov\u00fd prohl\u00ed\u017ee\u010d a vyberte text, kter\u00fd chcete zkop\u00edrovat. Stiskn\u011bte Ctrl+C (nebo Cmd+C na macOS) pro kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed. P\u0159epnut\u00ed do re\u017eimu vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed v Neovimu (re\u017eim insert ): Otev\u0159ete neovim a na\u010dt\u011bte soubor. P\u0159epn\u011bte se do re\u017eimu vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed stisknut\u00edm kl\u00e1vesy i . Vlo\u017ete text: Stiskn\u011bte Ctrl+Shift+V (nebo Cmd+Shift+V na macOS) pro vlo\u017een\u00ed textu do Neovimu.","title":"P\u0159\u00edm\u00e9 kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed z extern\u00ed aplikace:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/Hint/#default-klavesove-zkratky","text":"Neovim je modern\u00ed verze Vim, textov\u00e9ho editoru pou\u017e\u00edvan\u00e9ho v unixov\u00fdch syst\u00e9mech. Zde jsou n\u011bkter\u00e9 kl\u00e1vesov\u00e9 zkratky pro pr\u00e1ci s Neovim:","title":"Default kl\u00e1vesov\u00e9 zkratky"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/Hint/#zakladni-pohyb","text":"h - Pohyb vlevo j - Pohyb dol\u016f k - Pohyb nahoru l - Pohyb vpravo w - P\u0159esun na za\u010d\u00e1tek dal\u0161\u00edho slova b - P\u0159esun na za\u010d\u00e1tek p\u0159edchoz\u00edho slova gg - P\u0159esun na za\u010d\u00e1tek dokumentu G - P\u0159esun na konec dokumentu","title":"Z\u00e1kladn\u00ed pohyb:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/Hint/#visualni-mod","text":"Do n\u011bj se p\u0159epnu v Normal m\u00f3du pomoc\u00ed v pohybem kde byl kurzor mohu ozna\u010dovat text.","title":"Visu\u00e1ln\u00ed m\u00f3d:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/Hint/#normalni-mod-normal","text":"Do norm\u00e1l m\u00f3du se z jin\u00fdch p\u0159esunu pomoc\u00ed ESC - i - P\u0159epnut\u00ed do re\u017eimu vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed p\u0159ed kurzor - I - P\u0159epnut\u00ed do re\u017eimu vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed na za\u010d\u00e1tek \u0159\u00e1dku - a - P\u0159epnut\u00ed do re\u017eimu vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed za kurzor - A - P\u0159epnut\u00ed do re\u017eimu vkl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed na konec \u0159\u00e1dku - o - Vlo\u017een\u00ed nov\u00e9ho \u0159\u00e1dku pod aktu\u00e1ln\u00edm \u0159\u00e1dkem - O - Vlo\u017een\u00ed nov\u00e9ho \u0159\u00e1dku nad aktu\u00e1ln\u00edm \u0159\u00e1dkem - dd - Smaz\u00e1n\u00ed \u0159\u00e1dku - dw - Smaz\u00e1n\u00ed slova - yy - Kop\u00edrov\u00e1n\u00ed \u0159\u00e1dku - p - Vlo\u017een\u00ed obsahu schr\u00e1nky pod kurzor - P - Vlo\u017een\u00ed obsahu schr\u00e1nky p\u0159ed kurzor - u - Vr\u00e1cen\u00ed posledn\u00ed proveden\u00e9 akce - Ctrl + r - Krok do p\u0159edu opak u - q - Zav\u0159e okno - . - Posledn\u00ed p\u0159\u00edkaz - Ctrl + w - P\u0159ep\u00edn\u00e1n\u00ed oken","title":"Norm\u00e1ln\u00ed m\u00f3d - NORMAL:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/Hint/#command-mod","text":"Command m\u00f3d vyvol\u00e1me pomoc\u00ed Shift + : - :e + jm\u00e9no souboru - Vytvo\u0159\u00ed nov\u00fd soubor - :e index.html - :w - Ulo\u017een\u00ed zm\u011bn - :q - Opu\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed editoru - :wq - Ulo\u017een\u00ed zm\u011bn a opu\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed - :q! - Opu\u0161t\u011bn\u00ed editoru bez ukl\u00e1d\u00e1n\u00ed zm\u011bn - :vs - Vertik\u00e1ln\u00ed rozlo\u017een\u00ed oken - :sp - Horizont\u00e1ln\u00ed rozlo\u017een\u00ed oken - :colorscheme - Zm\u011bn\u00ed theme - :term - Otev\u0159e termin\u00e1l","title":"Command m\u00f3d:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/Hint/#vyhledavani-a-nahrazovani","text":"/hledany_text - Vyhled\u00e1n\u00ed textu n - P\u0159esko\u010den\u00ed na dal\u0161\u00ed v\u00fdskyt hledan\u00e9ho textu N - P\u0159esko\u010den\u00ed na p\u0159edchoz\u00ed v\u00fdskyt hledan\u00e9ho textu :s/hledany_text/nahrazeny_text/g - Nahrazen\u00ed hledan\u00e9ho textu za zadan\u00fd text v cel\u00e9m dokumentu","title":"Vyhled\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed a nahrazov\u00e1n\u00ed:"},{"location":"apollonvim/tutorials/Hint/#ruzne","text":"Ctrl + r - Op\u011btovn\u00e9 proveden\u00ed zru\u0161en\u00e9 akce :help - Zobrazen\u00ed n\u00e1pov\u011bdy","title":"R\u016fzn\u00e9:"}]}
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