Lite πŸš€ ApolloNvim Distro 2024 - Front-End Power #### Verzion: 24.10 #### Link: [πŸš€ ApolloNvim]( ![ApolloNvim](./img/neovim.jpeg) # Programming is much more fun when you are efficient. Neovim can get you there eventually, but you have to be willing to try new things. New plugins, new remaps, etc. ## Introduction: * **Before installing new plugins, always check the documentation for the plugins on Github. This will prevent potential problems! If you're not sure about the process or something is not clear, you'd better check the documentation, write to us or find the answer on the forums. So always back up everything before you change it!** * πŸ‘‰ Neovim setup for front-end development based on [Coc]( a [Lua]( * πŸ‘‰ The advantages of Neovim over a classic IDE are undeniable in the freedom of configuration, there are thousands of possibilities how your Neovim can look and work. For your inspiration and use, this project was created πŸš€ ApolloNvim. * πŸ‘‰ This distribution doesn't just work by clicking a button and installing. It will lead you to a separate installation using this site. The goal is to understand how Neovim works so you can modify everything yourself, which even click-on distributions don't teach you. * πŸ‘‰ I made this setup for web development. I was inspired by the plugins I used in VSCode and Webstorm. * πŸ‘‰ New PHP support was added in October. * πŸ‘‰ Great emphasis is placed on speed and lightness. * πŸ‘‰ πŸš€ ApolloNvim Distro is regularly updated and so is the whole project. * πŸ‘‰ For the best experience with πŸš€ ApolloNvim Distro I recommend using multiplexor [Zellij](, but it's not a requirement, of course. ## Advantages: * πŸ‘‰ The main advantages of this setup are the support of Codeium alternative to Copilot for free, Prettier, AutoSave, HTML, CSS, JS and shortcuts to comment and uncomment code. There are also several plugins to make working in Neovi more enjoyable. * πŸ‘‰ With [LSP]( in this installation, I use [Coc]( for its simplicity without the need to intervene in the Coc configuration. LSP has been very useful in my [Helix]( modal editor to configure [Helixu]( * πŸ‘‰ The best themes for Neovim (so you don't have to search for them), is Dracula by default. * πŸ‘‰ To change the theme in Neovi, simply use the `colorscheme command` in the command line and the Tab button to switch between themes. ## Plugins πŸš€ ApolloNvim Distro 2024: ### Security and privacy are the most important things, which is why this list is here. In the list you will find all the plugins used in this configuration with a link to the source. Plugins you don't want to use can be commented out or deleted in init.vim. In the case of Coc plugin, omit the plugin-name when you run CocInstall. * πŸ‘‰ [Autoclosetag]( tool for closing all types of brackets and tags. * πŸ‘‰ [Coc]( manager for installing add-ons to Neovim. * πŸ‘‰ [Prettier](https://giΔ› code alignment plugin. * πŸ‘‰ [html5.vim]( plugin for HTML syntax highlighting. * πŸ‘‰ [NERDTree]( creates a tree sidebar for you. * πŸ‘‰ [Codeium]( alternative to GitHub Copilot, which you can also easily install. * πŸ‘‰ [Startify]( an alternative welcome screen with a different IT theme each time. May not work with some terminals or NERDTree set to start after boot. * πŸ‘‰ [NERD Commenter]( plugin for commenting and uncommenting code in **NORMAL mode**. Here we have it set to `Ctrl + k`. * πŸ‘‰ [Wakatime]( a service that is able to measure how much time you spent coding on your pc and also on which project. WakaTime can be found at [here]( * πŸ‘‰ [Auto-save]( plugin for automatic saving, after switching from INSERT to NORMAL mode. * πŸ‘‰ [Tree-sitter]( plugin for code highlighting. * πŸ‘‰ [Hlchunk]( propojΓ­ kΓ³d vertikΓ‘lnΓ­mi lajny.. * πŸ‘‰ [Vim-Fugitive]( plugin for git. * πŸ‘‰ [Colorizer]( plugin for color preview by code designation. * πŸ‘‰ [Vim - javascript]( plugin for support javascript. * πŸ‘‰ [NVIM-CMP]( toolkit for better control comfort nvim. Such as help, command completion and much more. - In this set you will find the following plugins: - Plug 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig' - Plug 'hrsh7th/nvim-cmp' - Plug 'hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp' - Plug 'hrsh7th/cmp-buffer' - Plug 'hrsh7th/cmp-path' - Plug 'hrsh7th/cmp-cmdline' - Plug 'hrsh7th/cmp-vsnip' - Plug 'hrsh7th/vim-vsnip' - Plug 'ray-x/lsp_signature.nvim' - Plug 'kosayoda/nvim-lightbulb' ### Coc extensions: * πŸ‘‰ [Coc]( manager for installing add-ons to Neovim. * πŸ‘‰ [Coc extensions]( under this link you can find all COC extensions for Neovim. * πŸ‘‰ coc-tailwindcss * πŸ‘‰ coc-json * πŸ‘‰ coc-html-css-support * πŸ‘‰ coc-html * πŸ‘‰ coc-emmet * πŸ‘‰ coc-xml * πŸ‘‰ coc-tsserver * πŸ‘‰ coc-lsp-wl * πŸ‘‰ coc-lit-html * πŸ‘‰ coc-htmldjango * πŸ‘‰ coc-css * πŸ‘‰ coc-markdown-preview-enhanced * πŸ‘‰ coc-webview * πŸ‘‰ coc-phpls * πŸ‘‰ coc-prettier ### Colorschemes v tomto projektu: * πŸ‘‰ [Dracula]( Dracula for Neovim. * πŸ‘‰ [Gruvbox]( theme Gruvbox for Neovim. * πŸ‘‰ [Catppuccin]( theme Catppuccin for Neovim. * πŸ‘‰ [Nord]( theme Nord for Neovim. * πŸ‘‰ [Tokyo Night]( theme Tokyo Night for Neovim. * πŸ‘‰ [Nightfox]( theme Nightfox for Neovim. * πŸ‘‰ [Sonokai]( theme Sonokai for Neovim. * πŸ‘‰ [NeoSolarized]( theme NeoSolarized for Neovim. * πŸ‘‰ [Moonfly]( theme Moonfly for Neovim. * πŸ‘‰ [Onedark]( theme OneDark for Neovim. * πŸ‘‰ [Edge]( theme Edge for Neovim. * πŸ‘‰ [Airline]( theme Airline for Neovim. * πŸ‘‰ [GitHub]( theme GitHub for Neovim. * πŸ‘‰ [Nightfly]( theme Nightfly for Neovim. * πŸ‘‰ [Miasma]( theme Miasma for Neovim. * πŸ‘‰ [Pink moon]( theme Pink moon for Neovim. * πŸ‘‰ [Anderson]( theme Anderson for Neovim. * πŸ‘‰ [Tender]( theme Tender for Neovim. * πŸ‘‰ [Nightfox]( theme Nightfox for Neovim. * πŸ‘‰ [Night owl]( theme Night owl for Neovim. ## Installation and setup: * πŸ‘‰ If you haven't already, install [Neovim]( * πŸ‘‰ You will need to install plug.vim to install the extension. * πŸ‘‰ Go to this page `` under Installation, find your operating system and copy the link below it into your terminal. * πŸ‘‰ But first, back up your current Neovim settings!!! Linux & Mac: ``` /home/user/.config/nvim/init.vim ``` Windows: ``` ~/AppData/Local/nvim/init.vim ``` ### Node.js: * πŸ‘‰ I also recommend having [Node.js]( installed. * πŸ‘‰ Next, install the [Live-server]( in Node.js using npm and `live-server`. * πŸ‘‰ In your project, you will be able to run your index.html using the `npx live-server` command. * πŸ‘‰ For proper LSP functionality, install the following packages: [vscode-html-language-server]( [vscode-css-language-server]( [typescript-language-server]( [emmet-ls]( [tailwindcss-language-server]( [marksman]( [markdoc-ls]( [eslint]( ### Neovim: * πŸ‘‰ To install πŸš€ ApolloNvim Distro, just download the init.vim file from this repository. * πŸ‘‰ Save it in the root directory `~/.. /nvim` according to your OS. **Don't forget to backup your existing files**. * πŸ‘‰ You can run neovim in the terminal with the `nvim` command. * πŸ‘‰ Click the error messages. * πŸ‘‰ In Neovim, type `PlugInstall` in the command line to install all plugins. Restart Neovim. * πŸ‘‰ If you are missing a plugin, you can easily install or uninstall it using `vim.plug`. For more information, please visit [vim.plug]( on GitHub or I'd be happy to advise you see about us. * πŸ‘‰ If you do not want to use a plugin, just comment it out in the `init.vim` file using double quotes `"`. * πŸ‘‰ Enter the Coc command in the command line to install the remaining plugins `CocInstall coc-tailwindcss coc-json coc-html-css-support coc-html coc-emmet coc-xml coc-tsserver coc-lsp-wl coc-lit-html coc-htmldjango coc-css coc-markdown-preview-enhanced coc-phpls`. Reboot Neovim once more and you're all set. * πŸ‘‰ If you don't want to install everything manually you can download this repository and install only vim.plug (see above for how to install vim.plug) and then just use the `:PlugInstall` command and everything will work right away. * πŸ‘‰ I use this configuration on both Linux and macOS. It is also tested on Windows 11. ### Plans πŸš€ApolloNvim: - πŸ‘‰ You can expect these new features and more in the future: - πŸ‘‰ New custom welcome screen. - πŸ‘‰ New plugins. - πŸ‘‰ Tutorials on plugins, how to set them up and how to work with them. - πŸ‘‰ Instructions for working with Neovi. ### Questions and Answers: * πŸ‘‰ How much does πŸš€ ApolloNvim cost? -> Nothing πŸš€ ApolloNvim is free. * πŸ‘‰ How complicated is πŸš€ ApolloNvim? -> πŸš€ ApolloNvim may be more complicated than other editors, but once you learn how to use it, you'll find out how great it is. ### Contact: * πŸ‘‰ [πŸš€ ApolloNvim in Telegram]( * πŸ‘‰ [Personal website autours πŸš€ ApolloNvim ]( ### Support: * πŸ‘‰ If in any way you want to support or contribute to the content and functionality of πŸš€ ApolloNvim, I'd be happy to hear from you. * πŸ‘‰ You can also support this project with a few Satoshi: ![SAT]( ### DalΕ‘Γ­ projekty a odkazy: * πŸ‘‰ [ArchLinux CZ]( * πŸ‘‰ [Search web SearXNG CZ]( * πŸ‘‰ [EndeavourOS Linux]( * πŸ‘‰ [i3 window manager](