RestSharp Allows "basic access authentication" for HTTP requests. Encoding can be specified depending on what your server expect (see UTF-8 is used by default but some servers might expect ISO-8859-1 encoding. JSON WEB TOKEN (JWT) Authenticator class. Set the new bearer token so the request gets the new header value The set of characters that are unreserved in RFC 2396 but are NOT unreserved in RFC 3986. Generates a random 16-byte lowercase alphanumeric string. Generates a timestamp based on the current elapsed seconds since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT" Generates a timestamp based on the elapsed seconds of a given time since '01/01/1970 0000 GMT" A specified point in time. URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec. Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters, upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs. The value to escape. The escaped value. The method is supposed to take on RFC 3986 behavior if certain elements are present in a .config file. Even if this actually worked (which in my experiments it doesn't), we can't rely on every host actually having this configuration element present. URL encodes a string based on section 5.1 of the OAuth spec. Namely, percent encoding with [RFC3986], avoiding unreserved characters, upper-casing hexadecimal characters, and UTF-8 encoding for text value pairs. Sorts a collection of key-value pairs by name, and then value if equal, concatenating them into a single string. This string should be encoded prior to, or after normalization is run. Sorts a by name, and then value if equal. A collection of parameters to sort A sorted parameter collection Creates a request URL suitable for making OAuth requests. Resulting URLs must exclude port 80 or port 443 when accompanied by HTTP and HTTPS, respectively. Resulting URLs must be lower case. The original request URL Creates a request elements concatenation value to send with a request. This is also known as the signature base. The request HTTP method type The request URL The request parameters A signature base string Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret. This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown. The hashing method The signature base The consumer key Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret. This method is used when the token secret is currently unknown. The hashing method The treatment to use on a signature value The signature base The consumer key Creates a signature value given a signature base and the consumer secret and a known token secret. The hashing method The treatment to use on a signature value The signature base The consumer secret The token secret A class to encapsulate OAuth authentication flow. Generates an OAuth signature to pass to an for the purpose of requesting an unauthorized request token. The HTTP method for the intended request Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request Generates an OAuth signature to pass to the for the purpose of exchanging a request token for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site. The HTTP method for the intended request Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request Generates an OAuth signature to pass to an for the purpose of exchanging user credentials for an access token authorized by the user at the Service Provider site. The HTTP method for the intended request Any existing, non-OAuth query parameters desired in the request RFC: The OAuth 1.0 Protocol The OAuth 2 authenticator using the authorization request header field. Based on Initializes a new instance of the class. The access token. Initializes a new instance of the class. The access token. The token type. The OAuth 2 authenticator using URI query parameter. Based on Initializes a new instance of the class. The access token. Builds the URI for the request Client instance Request instance Builds the URI for the request without query parameters. Client instance Request instance Gets the query string for the request. Client instance Request instance Types of parameters that can be added to requests A that will added to the QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD requests; and form for POST and PUT requests. See . A that will be added to part of the url by replacing a {placeholder} within the absolute path. See . A that will be added as a request header See . A that will be added to the request body See . A that will be added to the query string See . Data formats HTTP method to use when making requests Format strings for commonly-used date formats .NET format string for ISO 8601 date format .NET format string for roundtrip date format Status for responses (surprised?) Not Applicable, for when the Request has not yet been made for when the request is passes as a result of being true, or when the response is for when the request fails due as a result of being false except for the case when the response is for when the Operation is cancelled due to the request taking longer than the length of time prescribed by or due to the timing out. for when the Operation is cancelled, due to reasons other than Reflection extensions Retrieve an attribute from a member (property) Type of attribute to retrieve Member to retrieve attribute from Retrieve an attribute from a type Type of attribute to retrieve Type to retrieve attribute from Checks a type to see if it derives from a raw generic (e.g. List[[]]) Find a value from a System.Enum by trying several possible variants of the string value of the enum. Type of enum Value for which to search The culture used to calculate the name variants Extension method overload! Read a stream into a byte array Stream to read byte[] Uses Uri.EscapeDataString() based on recommendations on MSDN Client options that aren't used for configuring HttpClient Client-level serializers Default parameters to use on every request made with this client instance. Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed Request to be executed Cancellation token A specialized method to download files as streams. Pre-configured request instance. The downloaded stream. Base URL for all requests made with this client instance Custom configuration for the underlying Function to calculate the response status. By default, the status will be Completed if it was successful, or NotFound. Authenticator that will be used to populate request with necessary authentication data Passed to Credentials property Determine whether or not the "default credentials" (e.g. the user account under which the current process is running) will be sent along to the server. The default is false. Passed to UseDefaultCredentials property Set to true if you need the Content-Type not to have the charset Set the decompression method to use when making requests Set the maximum number of redirects to follow X509CertificateCollection to be sent with request Set the proxy to use when making requests. Default is null, which will use the default system proxy if one is set. Cache policy to be used for requests using Instruct the client to follow redirects. Default is true. Gets or sets a value that indicates if the header for an HTTP request contains Continue. Value of the User-Agent header to be sent with requests. Default is "RestSharp/{version}" Passed to property Callback function for handling the validation of remote certificates. Useful for certificate pinning and overriding certificate errors in the scope of a request. Sets the value of the Host header to be sent with requests. Custom cookie container to be used for requests. RestSharp will not assign the container to the message handler, but will fetch cookies from it and set them on the request. Maximum request duration in milliseconds. When the request timeout is specified using , the lowest value between the client timeout and request timeout will be used. Default encoding to use when no encoding is specified in the content type header. Set to true to throw an exception when a deserialization error occurs. Default is false. When set to true, the response status will be set to when a deserialization error occurs. Default is true. Set to true to throw an exception when throws an exception when making a request. Default is false. Set to true to allow multiple default parameters with the same name. Default is false. Custom function to encode a string for use in a URL. Custom function to encode a string for use in a URL query. Body parameter data type Custom content encoding Safely add a default parameter to the collection. Parameter to add Safely removes all the default parameters with the given name and type. Parameter name Parameter type Replace a default parameter with the same name and type. Parameter instance Container for files to be uploaded with requests Name of the parameter Name of the file to use when uploading MIME content type of file Provides raw data for file Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes. The parameter name to use in the request. The data to use as the file's contents. The filename to use in the request. The content type to use in the request. File parameter options The Creates a file parameter from an array of bytes. The parameter name to use in the request. Delegate that will be called with the request stream so you can write to it.. The filename to use in the request. Optional: parameter content type, default is "application/g-zip" File parameter options The using the default content type. Instantiates an HTTP parameter instance (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT) Name of the parameter Value of the parameter Encode the value or not, default true Instantiates a header parameter Parameter name Parameter value Parameter container for REST requests Parameter container for REST requests MIME content type of the parameter Return a human-readable representation of this parameter String Instantiates a new query parameter instance that will be added to the request URL as {name}={value} part of the query string. Parameter name Parameter value Optional: encode the value, default is true Instantiates a new query parameter instance that will be added to the request URL by replacing part of the absolute path. The request resource should have a placeholder {name} that will be replaced with the parameter value when the request is made. Parameter name Parameter value Optional: encode the value, default is true Gets parameters from the provided object The object from which to get the parameters Properties to include, or nothing to include everything. The array will be sorted. Gets parameters from the provided object The object from which to get the parameters Gets the name of the property this populator represents. This corresponds to the actual property name and not the name determined by Populates the provided parameters collection The object to get parameters from The parameters collection to populate Creates a new populator instance from the provided property A public instance property from the type Gets or sets the associated with the property this object represents Gets the associated with the property this object represents Gets the associated with the property this object represents Gets the return type of the property this object represents Creates a new request property representation of the provided property The property to turn into a request property Container for data used to make requests Default constructor Constructor for a rest request to a relative resource URL and optional method Resource to use Method to use (defaults to Method.Get> Constructor for a rest request to a specific resource Uri and optional method Resource Uri to use Method to use (defaults to Method.Get> Always send a multipart/form-data request - even when no Files are present. When set to true, parameter values in a multipart form data requests will be enclosed in quotation marks. Default is false. Enable it if the remote endpoint requires parameters to be in quotes (for example, FreshDesk API). When set to true, the form boundary part of the content type will be enclosed in quotation marks. Default is true. Overrides the default (random) form boundary Container of all HTTP parameters to be passed with the request. See AddParameter() for explanation of the types of parameters that can be passed Optional cookie container to use for the request. If not set, cookies are not passed. Request-level authenticator. It will be used if set, otherwise RestClient.Authenticator will be used. Container of all the files to be uploaded with the request. Determines what HTTP method to use for this request. Supported methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS Default is GET Custom request timeout The Resource URL to make the request against. Tokens are substituted with UrlSegment parameters and match by name. Should not include the scheme or domain. Do not include leading slash. Combined with RestClient.BaseUrl to assemble final URL: {BaseUrl}/{Resource} (BaseUrl is scheme + domain, e.g. // example for url token replacement request.Resource = "Products/{ProductId}"; request.AddParameter("ProductId", 123, ParameterType.UrlSegment); Serializer to use when writing request bodies. Used by the default deserializers to determine where to start deserializing from. Can be used to skip container or root elements that do not have corresponding deserialzation targets. When supplied, the function will be called before calling the deserializer When supplied, the function will be called before making a request When supplied, the function will be called after the request is complete How many attempts were made to send this Request This number is incremented each time the RestClient sends the request. Completion option for Cache policy to be used for requests using Set this to write response to Stream rather than reading into memory. Set this to handle the response stream yourself, based on the response details Adds a parameter object to the request parameters Parameter to add Removes a parameter object from the request parameters Parameter to remove Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT) Name of the parameter Value of the parameter Encode the value or not, default true This request Adds a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT) Request instance Name of the parameter Value of the parameter Encode the value or not, default true This request Adds or updates a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT) Request instance Name of the parameter Value of the parameter Encode the value or not, default true This request Adds or updates a HTTP parameter to the request (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT) Request instance Name of the parameter Value of the parameter Encode the value or not, default true This request Adds a URL segment parameter to the request. The resource URL must have a placeholder for the parameter for it to work. For example, if you add a URL segment parameter with the name "id", the resource URL should contain {id} in its path. Request instance Name of the parameter, must be matching a placeholder in the resource URL as {name} Value of the parameter Encode the value or not, default true Adds a URL segment parameter to the request. The resource URL must have a placeholder for the parameter for it to work. For example, if you add a URL segment parameter with the name "id", the resource URL should contain {id} in its path. Request instance Name of the parameter, must be matching a placeholder in the resource URL as {name} Value of the parameter Encode the value or not, default true Adds a query string parameter to the request. The request resource should not contain any placeholders for this parameter. The parameter will be added to the request URL as a query string using name=value format. Request instance Parameter name Parameter value Encode the value or not, default true Adds a query string parameter to the request. The request resource should not contain any placeholders for this parameter. The parameter will be added to the request URL as a query string using name=value format. Request instance Parameter name Parameter value Encode the value or not, default true Adds a header to the request. RestSharp will try to separate request and content headers when calling the resource. Request instance Header name Header value Adds a header to the request. RestSharp will try to separate request and content headers when calling the resource. Request instance Header name Header value Adds or updates the request header. RestSharp will try to separate request and content headers when calling the resource. Existing header with the same name will be replaced. Request instance Header name Header value Adds or updates the request header. RestSharp will try to separate request and content headers when calling the resource. Existing header with the same name will be replaced. Request instance Header name Header value Adds multiple headers to the request, using the key-value pairs provided. Request instance Collection of key-value pairs, where key will be used as header name, and value as header value Adds or updates multiple headers to the request, using the key-value pairs provided. Existing headers with the same name will be replaced. Request instance Collection of key-value pairs, where key will be used as header name, and value as header value Adds a parameter of a given type to the request. It will create a typed parameter instance based on the type argument. It is not recommended to use this overload unless you must, as it doesn't provide any restrictions, and if the name-value-type combination doesn't match, it will throw. Request instance Name of the parameter, must be matching a placeholder in the resource URL as {name} Value of the parameter Enum value specifying what kind of parameter is being added Encode the value or not, default true Adds or updates request parameter of a given type. It will create a typed parameter instance based on the type argument. Parameter will be added or updated based on its name. If the request has a parameter with the same name, it will be updated. It is not recommended to use this overload unless you must, as it doesn't provide any restrictions, and if the name-value-type combination doesn't match, it will throw. Request instance Name of the parameter, must be matching a placeholder in the resource URL as {name} Value of the parameter Enum value specifying what kind of parameter is being added Encode the value or not, default true Adds or updates request parameter, given the parameter instance, for example or . It will replace an existing parameter with the same name. Request instance Parameter instance Adds or updates multiple request parameters, given the parameter instance, for example or . Parameters with the same name will be replaced. Request instance Collection of parameter instances Adds a file parameter to the request body. The file will be read from disk as a stream. Request instance Parameter name Full path to the file Optional: content type File parameter header options Adds bytes to the request as file attachment Request instance Parameter name File content as bytes File name Optional: content type. Default is "application/octet-stream" File parameter header options Adds a file attachment to the request, where the file content will be retrieved from a given stream Request instance Parameter name Function that returns a stream with the file content File name Optional: content type. Default is "application/octet-stream" File parameter header options Adds a body parameter to the request Request instance Object to be used as the request body, or string for plain content Optional: content type Thrown if request body type cannot be resolved This method will try to figure out the right content type based on the request data format and the provided content type Adds a string body and figures out the content type from the data format specified. You can, for example, add a JSON string using this method as request body, using DataFormat.Json/> Request instance String body for the content Adds a string body to the request using the specified content type. Request instance String body Content type of the body Adds a JSON body parameter to the request from a string Request instance Force serialize the top-level string Optional: content type. Default is "application/json" JSON string to be used as a body Adds a JSON body parameter to the request Request instance Object that will be serialized to JSON Optional: content type. Default is "application/json" Adds an XML body parameter to the request Request instance Object that will be serialized to XML Optional: content type. Default is "application/xml" Optional: XML namespace Gets object properties and adds each property as a form data parameter Request instance Object to add as form data Properties to include, or nothing to include everything. The array will be sorted. Gets object properties and adds each property as a form data parameter This method gets public instance properties from the provided type rather than from itself, which allows for caching of properties and other optimizations. If you don't know the type at runtime, or wish to use properties not available from the provided type parameter, consider using Request instance Object to add as form data Properties to include, or nothing to include everything. The array will be sorted. Gets object properties and adds each property as a form data parameter This method gets public instance properties from the provided type rather than from itself, which allows for caching of properties and other optimizations. If you don't know the type at runtime, or wish to use properties not available from the provided type parameter, consider using Request instance Object to add as form data Adds cookie to the cookie container. RestRequest to add the cookies to Cookie name Cookie value Cookie path Cookie domain, must not be an empty string Used by the default deserializers to explicitly set which date format string to use when parsing dates. Used by XmlDeserializer. If not specified, XmlDeserializer will flatten response by removing namespaces from element names. Container for data sent back from API including deserialized data Type of data to deserialize to Deserialized entity data Container for data sent back from API Base class for common properties shared by RestResponse and RestResponse[[T]] Default constructor The RestRequest that was made to get this RestResponse Mainly for debugging if ResponseStatus is not OK MIME content type of response Length in bytes of the response content Encoding of the response content String representation of response content HTTP response status code Whether or not the HTTP response status code indicates success Whether or not the HTTP response status code indicates success and no other error occurred (deserialization, timeout, ...) Description of HTTP status returned Response content The URL that actually responded to the content (different from request if redirected) HttpWebResponse.Server Cookies returned by server with the response Response headers returned by server with the response Content headers returned by server with the response Status of the request. Will return Error for transport errors. HTTP errors will still return ResponseStatus.Completed, check StatusCode instead Transport or other non-HTTP error generated while attempting request The exception thrown during the request, if any HTTP protocol version of the request Root element of the serialized response content, only works if deserializer supports it Assists with debugging responses by displaying in the debugger output Client to translate RestRequests into Http requests and process response result Content types that will be sent in the Accept header. The list is populated from the known serializers. If you need to send something else by default, set this property to a different value. > > Creates an instance of RestClient using the provided Client options Delegate to add default headers to the wrapped HttpClient instance Delegate to configure serialization Set to true if you wish to reuse the instance Creates an instance of RestClient using the default Delegate to configure the client options Delegate to add default headers to the wrapped HttpClient instance Delegate to configure serialization Set to true if you wish to reuse the instance Creates an instance of RestClient using a specific BaseUrl for requests made by this client instance Base URI for the new client Delegate to configure the client options Delegate to add default headers to the wrapped HttpClient instance Delegate to configure serialization Set to true if you wish to reuse the instance Creates an instance of RestClient using a specific BaseUrl for requests made by this client instance Base URI for this new client as a string Delegate to configure the client options Delegate to add default headers to the wrapped HttpClient instance Delegate to configure serialization Creates an instance of RestClient using a shared HttpClient and specific RestClientOptions and does not allocate one internally. HttpClient to use RestClient options to use True to dispose of the client, false to assume the caller does (defaults to false) Delegate to configure serialization Creates an instance of RestClient using a shared HttpClient and does not allocate one internally. HttpClient to use True to dispose of the client, false to assume the caller does (defaults to false) Delegate to configure the client options Delegate to configure serialization Creates a new instance of RestSharp using the message handler provided. By default, HttpClient disposes the provided handler when the client itself is disposed. If you want to keep the handler not disposed, set disposeHandler argument to false. Message handler instance to use for HttpClient Dispose the handler when disposing RestClient, true by default Delegate to configure the client options Delegate to configure serialization Executes a GET-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed. The response content then gets deserialized to T. Target deserialization type Request to be executed Cancellation token Deserialized response content Executes a GET-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed Request to be executed Cancellation token Executes a POST-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed. The response content then gets deserialized to T. Target deserialization type Request to be executed The cancellation token Deserialized response content Executes a POST-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed Request to be executed Cancellation token Executes a PUT-style request asynchronously, authenticating if needed. The response content then gets deserialized to T. Target deserialization type Request to be executed The cancellation token Deserialized response content Executes a PUP-style asynchronously, authenticating if needed Request to be executed Cancellation token Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed Target deserialization type Request to be executed Cancellation token Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed Request to be executed Override the request method Cancellation token Executes the request asynchronously, authenticating if needed Target deserialization type Request to be executed Override the request method Cancellation token Execute the request using GET HTTP method. Exception will be thrown if the request does not succeed. The response data is deserialized to the Data property of the returned response object. RestClient instance The request Cancellation token Expected result type Execute the request using POST HTTP method. Exception will be thrown if the request does not succeed. The response data is deserialized to the Data property of the returned response object. RestClient instance The request Cancellation token Expected result type Execute the request using PUT HTTP method. Exception will be thrown if the request does not succeed. The response data is deserialized to the Data property of the returned response object. RestClient instance The request Cancellation token Expected result type Execute the request using HEAD HTTP method. Exception will be thrown if the request does not succeed. The response data is deserialized to the Data property of the returned response object. RestClient instance The request Cancellation token Expected result type Execute the request using OPTIONS HTTP method. Exception will be thrown if the request does not succeed. The response data is deserialized to the Data property of the returned response object. RestClient instance The request Cancellation token Expected result type Execute the request using PATCH HTTP method. Exception will be thrown if the request does not succeed. The response data is deserialized to the Data property of the returned response object. RestClient instance The request Cancellation token Expected result type Execute the request using DELETE HTTP method. Exception will be thrown if the request does not succeed. The response data is deserialized to the Data property of the returned response object. RestClient instance The request Cancellation token Expected result type A specialized method to download files. RestClient instance Pre-configured request instance. The downloaded file. Reads a stream returned by the specified endpoint, deserializes each line to JSON and returns each object asynchronously. It is required for each JSON object to be returned in a single line. Calls the URL specified in the resource parameter, expecting a JSON response back. Deserializes and returns the response. RestClient instance Resource URL Cancellation token Response object type Calls the URL specified in the resource parameter, expecting a JSON response back. Deserializes and returns the response. RestClient instance Resource URL Parameters to pass to the request Cancellation token Response object type Deserialized response object Serializes the request object to JSON and makes a POST call to the resource specified in the resource parameter. Expects a JSON response back, deserializes it to TResponse type and returns it. RestClient instance Resource URL Request object, must be serializable to JSON Cancellation token Request object type Response object type Deserialized response object Serializes the request object to JSON and makes a POST call to the resource specified in the resource parameter. Expects no response back, just the status code. RestClient instance Resource URL Request object, must be serializable to JSON Cancellation token Request object type Response status code Serializes the request object to JSON and makes a PUT call to the resource specified in the resource parameter. Expects a JSON response back, deserializes it to TResponse type and returns it. RestClient instance Resource URL Request object, must be serializable to JSON Cancellation token Request object type Response object type Deserialized response object Serializes the request object to JSON and makes a PUT call to the resource specified in the resource parameter. Expects no response back, just the status code. RestClient instance Resource URL Request object, must be serializable to JSON Cancellation token Request object type Response status code Add a parameter to use on every request made with this client instance instance to add Adds a default HTTP parameter (QueryString for GET, DELETE, OPTIONS and HEAD; Encoded form for POST and PUT) Used on every request made by this client instance instance Name of the parameter Value of the parameter This request Adds a default parameter to the client options. There are four types of parameters: - GetOrPost: Either a QueryString value or encoded form value based on method - HttpHeader: Adds the name/value pair to the HTTP request's Headers collection - UrlSegment: Inserted into URL if there is a matching url token e.g. {AccountId} - RequestBody: Used by AddBody() (not recommended to use directly) Used on every request made by this client instance instance Name of the parameter Value of the parameter The type of parameter to add This request Adds a default header to the RestClient. Used on every request made by this client instance. instance Name of the header to add Value of the header to add Adds default headers to the RestClient. Used on every request made by this client instance. instance Dictionary containing the Names and Values of the headers to add Adds a default URL segment parameter to the RestClient. Used on every request made by this client instance. instance Name of the segment to add Value of the segment to add Adds a default URL query parameter to the RestClient. Used on every request made by this client instance. instance Name of the query parameter to add Value of the query parameter to add Executes the request synchronously, authenticating if needed Request to be executed The cancellation token A specialized method to download files as streams. Pre-configured request instance. The cancellation token The downloaded stream. Calls the URL specified in the resource parameter, expecting a JSON response back. Deserializes and returns the response. RestClient instance Resource URL Response object type Deserialized response object Calls the URL specified in the resource parameter, expecting a JSON response back. Deserializes and returns the response. RestClient instance Resource URL Parameters to pass to the request Response object type Deserialized response object Serializes the request object to JSON and makes a POST call to the resource specified in the resource parameter. Expects a JSON response back, deserializes it to TResponse type and returns it. RestClient instance Resource URL Request object, must be serializable to JSON Request object type Response object type Deserialized response object Serializes the request object to JSON and makes a POST call to the resource specified in the resource parameter. Expects no response back, just the status code. RestClient instance Resource URL Request object, must be serializable to JSON Request object type Response status code Serializes the request object to JSON and makes a PUT call to the resource specified in the resource parameter. Expects a JSON response back, deserializes it to TResponse type and returns it. RestClient instance Resource URL Request object, must be serializable to JSON Request object type Response object type Deserialized response object Serializes the request object to JSON and makes a PUT call to the resource specified in the resource parameter. Expects no response back, just the status code. RestClient instance Resource URL Request object, must be serializable to JSON Request object type Response status code Use System.Text.Json serializer with default settings Use System.Text.Json serializer with custom settings System.Text.Json serializer options Create the new serializer that uses System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer with default settings Create the new serializer that uses System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer with custom settings Json serializer settings Deserialize the response content into the specified type Response instance Deserialized model type Replace the default serializer with a custom one Function that returns the serializer instance Replace the default serializer with a custom one The type that implements Sets the to only use JSON Configuration instance to work with Reference to the client instance Sets the to only use XML Configuration instance to work with Reference to the client instance Sets the to only use the passed in custom serializer Configuration instance to work with Function that returns the serializer instance Reference to the client instance Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer. Encoding for serialized content Name of the root element to use when serializing XML namespace to use when serializing Wrapper for System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer. Default constructor, does not specify namespace Specify the namespaced to be used when serializing XML namespace Encoding for serialized content Serialize the object as XML Object to serialize XML as string Name of the root element to use when serializing XML namespace to use when serializing Content type for serialized content Executes a task synchronously on the calling thread by installing a temporary synchronization context that queues continuations Callback for asynchronous task to run Executes a task synchronously on the calling thread by installing a temporary synchronization context that queues continuations Callback for asynchronous task to run Return type for the task Return value from the task Synchronization context that can be "pumped" in order to have it execute continuations posted back to it Constructor for the custom context Task to execute When overridden in a derived class, dispatches an asynchronous message to a synchronization context. Callback function Callback state Enqueues the function to be executed and executes all resulting continuations until it is completely done When overridden in a derived class, dispatches a synchronous message to a synchronization context. Callback function Callback state When overridden in a derived class, creates a copy of the synchronization context. Not needed, so just return ourselves. Copy of the context Executes a GET-style request synchronously, authenticating if needed. The response content then gets deserialized to T. Target deserialization type Request to be executed Deserialized response content Executes a GET-style synchronously, authenticating if needed Request to be executed Executes a POST-style request synchronously, authenticating if needed. The response content then gets deserialized to T. Target deserialization type Request to be executed Deserialized response content Executes a POST-style synchronously, authenticating if needed Request to be executed Executes a PUT-style request synchronously, authenticating if needed. The response content then gets deserialized to T. Target deserialization type Request to be executed Deserialized response content Executes a PUP-style synchronously, authenticating if needed Request to be executed Executes the request synchronously, authenticating if needed Target deserialization type Request to be executed Executes the request synchronously, authenticating if needed Request to be executed Override the request method Executes the request synchronously, authenticating if needed Target deserialization type Request to be executed Override the request method Execute the request using GET HTTP method. Exception will be thrown if the request does not succeed. The response data is deserialized to the Data property of the returned response object. RestClient instance The request Expected result type Execute the request using POST HTTP method. Exception will be thrown if the request does not succeed. The response data is deserialized to the Data property of the returned response object. RestClient instance The request Expected result type Execute the request using PUT HTTP method. Exception will be thrown if the request does not succeed. The response data is deserialized to the Data property of the returned response object. RestClient instance The request Expected result type Execute the request using HEAD HTTP method. Exception will be thrown if the request does not succeed. The response data is deserialized to the Data property of the returned response object. RestClient instance The request Expected result type Execute the request using OPTIONS HTTP method. Exception will be thrown if the request does not succeed. The response data is deserialized to the Data property of the returned response object. RestClient instance The request Expected result type Execute the request using PATCH HTTP method. Exception will be thrown if the request does not succeed. The response data is deserialized to the Data property of the returned response object. RestClient instance The request Expected result type Execute the request using DELETE HTTP method. Exception will be thrown if the request does not succeed. The response data is deserialized to the Data property of the returned response object. RestClient instance The request Expected result type A specialized method to download files. RestClient instance Pre-configured request instance. The downloaded file.