2024-09-01 20:42:48 +02:00
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< li > < h2 > Váš bezpečný cloud< / h2 > < p > Oscloud je váš bezpečný cloud. Naším cílem je ukázat lidem výhody bezpečného internetu a Open Source technologií.< / p > < / li >
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< h2 class = "h2-about" > About Us< / h2 >
< p class = "about-text-p" > Leigh McAdam is a Calgary-based writer, photographer and social media
enthusiast with over
followers. Her blog: HikeBikeTravel is frequently cited as one of the top travel and outdoor
adventure blogs in Canada, and consistently receives over 135,000 monthly page views. She
her enthusiasm for the outdoors as a brand ambassador for Sporting Life, and has worked on
campaigns for Travel Alberta, Expedia and Flight Hub. Leigh is the author of Discover
100 Inspiring Outdoor Adventures. Currently, she is co-authoring: 125 Nature Hot Spots in
Alberta (spring 2018). A true adventurer, Leigh will try anything once, except perhaps
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2024-09-02 23:34:49 +02:00
< h2 class = "h2-what-we" > O oScloud< / h2 >
< p class = "what-text-p" > OsCloud využívá technologii NextCloud pro Vaše data a další aplikace pro Vás. MAM TO TU NEJAK VIC ROZVEST?< / p >
< p class = "what-text-p" > < / p >
2024-09-01 20:42:48 +02:00
< p class = "what-text-p" > Pro více informácí o oScloud < a class = "link" href = "oscloud.html" > klikni zde< / a > .< / p >
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< div class = "text-trips images-item" id = "trips" > Our Trips< / div >
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< h2 class = "desktop" > Where do you < br > want to go?< / h2 >
< h2 class = "mobile" > Where do you want to go?< / h2 >
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< p >
You’ ll find 21 detailed adventure guides, over a hundred practical travel tips, book reviews
anything outdoors related, packing lists on a range of outdoor activities including
backpacking and camping as well as honest hotel and B& B reviews.
< / p >
< p class = "contact-text" > Contact us and we will help you!< / p >
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< a href = "#" class = "contact-button-text" > CONTACT US< / a >
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<!-- Reviews section -->
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< h2 class = "h2-reviews" > Reviews< / h2 >
< div class = "reviews-text" >
< p > Our amazing clients are the reason we exist, and their reactions to our
customized travel experiences
and personalized service keep us smiling all day long. Here is just a sampling of what they’ ve said:
< / p >
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< img src = "images/kalen-emsley-kGSapVfg8Kw-unsplash.jpg" alt = "#" >
< div class = "reviews-card-text" >
She has booked two major European trips for us in the past year and every aspect has met, and
most cases exceeded, our expectations. Best prices, best hotels, best itineraries, and best
cruises, she does it all. But the most important thing is she remembers the little things
we would do if we were making the plans ourselves.
< div class = "reviews-name" >
Bertie Norton
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< div class = "reviews-card-1" >
< img src = "images/jeffrey-keenan-pUhxoSapPFA-unsplash.jpg" alt = "#" >
< div class = "reviews-card-text" >
Leigh McAdam has been making my travel arrangements for about 20 years and there is no one
else I would trust to arrange my trips and tours. I've also had great fun on a few of the
group trips she has arranged - Peru & Machu Picchu and a 10-day cruise out of Venice and
diving. It's always an eclectic group of well traveled, interesting people.
< div class = "reviews-name" >
Frank Kinney
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