import argparse from mastodon import Mastodon import os import sqlite3 import tomllib ACCOUNT_FETCH_LIMIT = 100000 def check_db_exists(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor) -> bool: res = cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='welcome_log'") if res.fetchone()[0] == 0: cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE welcome_log (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, username TEXT, userdb_id INTEGER, welcomed INTEGER DEFAULT 0)") return False return True def user_exists(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, userid: int) -> bool: res = cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM welcome_log WHERE userdb_id = ?", (userid,)) return res.fetchone()[0] > 0 def user_welcomed(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, userid: int) -> bool: res = cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM welcome_log WHERE userdb_id = ? AND welcomed = 1", (userid,)) return res.fetchone()[0] > 0 def set_user_welcomed(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, userid: int): cursor.execute("UPDATE welcome_log SET welcomed = 1 WHERE userdb_id = ?", (userid, )) def create_user(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, userid: int, username: str): cursor.execute("INSERT INTO welcome_log (userdb_id, username) VALUES(?, ?)", (userid, username)) if __name__ == '__main__': arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description = "Welcomes users to the Mastodon instance", epilog = "Note: the user this bot logs in as must have admin:read:accounts access" ) arg_parser.add_argument('--email', required=False, help="Only required for first execution") arg_parser.add_argument('--password', required=False, help="Only required for first execution") arg_parser.add_argument('--config', default="config.toml") args = arg_parser.parse_args() config = None # not strictly required, but I like explicit scope with open(args.config, "rb") as toml_file: config = tomllib.load(toml_file) mastodon = None if not os.path.exists(config['mastodon']['credential_storage']): if not ( and args.password): print("Initial login has not yet occured - this is required to generate the credential file. Please supply login credentials (--email, --password)") exit(-1) else: print("Registering app") Mastodon.create_app( client_name = "Welcome Bot", scopes = ["write:statuses", "admin:read:accounts"], to_file = config['mastodon']['secret_storage'], api_base_url = config['mastodon']['base_url'] ) print("Initializing client") mastodon = Mastodon( client_id = config['mastodon']['secret_storage'], api_base_url = config['mastodon']['base_url'] ) print("Performing login") mastodon.log_in( username =, password = args.password, to_file = config['mastodon']['credential_storage'], scopes = ["write:statuses", "admin:read:accounts"] ) else: mastodon = Mastodon( access_token = config['mastodon']['credential_storage'], api_base_url = config['mastodon']['base_url'] ) assert mastodon is not None, "Mastodon client not initialized" connection = sqlite3.connect(config['database']['sqlite_path']) cursor = connection.cursor() # are our tables defined? fresh_database = not check_db_exists(cursor) if fresh_database: print("Database was freshly created - we'll set all pre-existing users as of now to 'welcomed' to avoid spamming everyone on the server.") all_accounts = mastodon.admin_accounts(remote=False, status='active', limit=ACCOUNT_FETCH_LIMIT) for account in all_accounts: # despite status='active', we still get zombie users from the API if not (account.confirmed and account.approved) or account.disabled or account.suspended or account.silenced: continue # does our welcome bot know about this user? if not user_exists(cursor, create_user(cursor,, account.username) connection.commit() # have we welcomed them yet? if fresh_database: set_user_welcomed(cursor, connection.commit() elif not user_welcomed(cursor, result_id = None for message in config['messages']: content_warning = message['content_warning'] if 'content_warning' in message else None result = mastodon.status_post(status=f"@{account.username}, {message['content']}", visibility='public', spoiler_text=content_warning) result_id = set_user_welcomed(cursor, connection.commit()